
Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Third Birthday to Pink Saturday

This Saturday will be the third birthday of Beverly's "Pink Saturday" event on her blog How Sweet the Sound!  Congratulations, Beverly, on hosting such a fun, long lasting event and filling so many blogs with the color pink each week! 
I know that the photo above has caused many young women looking for pink bridesmaids dresses to visit my blog through Google images, ever since my first contribution to Pink Saturday, as it is my most popular post according to Blogger stats.
My daughter is the tallest bridesmaid in this photo that I took at her friend's wedding in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY, four years ago.

Pink Saturday has encouraged me to be on the lookout for the color pink in my daily life, both in New York City and my travels.  More than once, I've excitedly spotted something unexpectedly in the color pink and snapped a photo thinking that: "This will be perfect for this week's Pink Saturday post!"

I was also thrilled to be part of the special Pink Saturday feature done in Artful Blogging Magazine where my Pink chandelier photo was one of the photos chosen to be published!

Through the years of Pink Saturday I've made quite a few pink flower collages so I'd like to share a few special ones again. The pink cherry blossom photos above were taken in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.

This assortment of pink roses were also found in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

A beautiful assortment of pink flowers in Wagner Park along the Battery Park esplanade in Manhattan.

Pink orchids at the Orchid Show at the New York Botanical Garden located in the Bronx.

Thank you, Beverly, for bringing pink into my world!

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  1. I have never heard about this action-you inspired me to look for pink all around me

  2. GLORY so much PINK! I'm not usually a pink dress person although our daughters recent graduation dress was a gorgeous pink....but those bridesmaids dresses are an amazing picture. Hope your holiday weekend is wonderful Pat!

  3. Pink is definitely one of the colors I really notice since I blogged and blue for Blue loved the pinks you shared today. Very pretty.

  4. Happy Birthday to Beverly's 'Pink Saturday'! She was really onto something when she started her blog feature.

    You have had some fabulous pink Saturday posts over the years! The girls looked so pretty in pink.

  5. Gorgeous pics Pat, the wedding shot is absolutely beautiful:@)

  6. Beautiful pinks, Pat! I remember quite a few, the pink bike and the limo! Your daughter looks beautiful in her pink dress, definitely pretty in pink :)

  7. Pat i have to vote you my #1 PINK blogger :D those dresses are gorgeous...and your flower pics are make PINK Proud :D

  8. I need to start looking for pink! I think it's the lovliest of colors! And your bridesmaid photo about as pretty as can be! Have a good weekend!

  9. It's always fun to visit the bloggers I know who participate in this weekly event. I don't go any further than that...I'd be glued to the computer.

    You do an amazing job looking for and finding pink. And I'm so glad that you've taken to mosaics like a duck to water. You can share so many more delights with us that way.

  10. Awww happy Pink Saturday!! Yay for lovely Beverly to start such a pink-themed Day!! fantastic!!

    And yay for your wonderful and fun and always beautiful shots of pinkness around NYC, Pat!!! You do take amazing and gorgeous pics and your montages are just lovely!

    Your daughter is gorgeous! Take care

  11. I totally want, and would live in at any minute, that pink rowhouse. I love it. And it should keep certain relatives out. YES!

  12. Pat, beautiful pinks. It's fun to look back at these. Those bridesmaid dresses are gorgeous, especially in the park setting. Next year that bridesmaid will be the bride. ;-)
    Enjoy your weekend. ~ Sarah

  13. So pretty. I love pink. I was just catching up with your blog. Those previous pics are stunning!!!

  14. Pink Saturday is a new one on me! I happen to really like pink. When I was single, my apartment was pretty much done in Laura Ashley pink . . . and I still love pink!

    Love the wedding photo, and your daughter is stunning! Oh, to have some height!

    I love how you put together you collages. My special effects photography needs much work, and I just love looking at the way you combine your images.

    Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog!

  15. I remember the briesmaids, and some of the others. Very pretty! Congrats on the pic being published! Bev shoud have changed it to R W And Blue since it is Memorial Day. :)
    Have a good weekend, God Bless America!
    I love your pink hair, LOL!

  16. Lovely.
    Pink is inspirational, invigorating and serene all at the same time.

  17. Kathleen, Memorial Day begins Monday, so Beverly can still celebrate a Pink Saturday! I will have my Memorial Day post up tomorrow evening :)

  18. Wow, you have really pulled out all the stops here! I think my faves are the bridesmaids and the botanical garden, just a gorgeous post!

  19. Pat, I wish I could take photography lessons from you. I think your daughter looks a little like the actress Hilary Swank! I don't know if I have my act together enough for this Pink Saturday, sometimes keeping up with all these things can be a challenge for me, but I always enjoy visiting all those who participate. xo,

  20. Fantastic!Love these pictures!
    greetings from Holland,

  21. What a lovely wedding photograph. How perfect to wish Beverly a Happy Pink Birthday. All of your photographs are beautiful. I also look for pink when making photos now, always think I will use them for Pink Saturday.
    Hope your Holiday weekend is great......

    The French Hutch

  22. Such wonderful pictures to celebrate Pink Saturday - the bridal party is gorgeous and I love the layout in Artful Blogging. Congratulations for being a part of that!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  23. HI Pat. How wonderful you remembered that we met through pink Saturday. I am so happy I found so many friends through the WWW and my blog and all yours. I Also know that I learned so much about many things in the world that I had never heard of before. And a person is never too old to learn, right? Your pink post today is beautiful , love all your pink collages.I remember many of them. And like you I am always on the lookout for pink to post on my blog on Saturdays.
    Happy pink Saturday.

  24. A breathtaking display of pinks. Very nicely done.

  25. Great pinks!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  26. Great pinks!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  27. Glory Hallelujah to the Pink!! What a lovely post and I think everyone looks pretty in pink! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  28. I have always enjoyed these posts and today when I saw yours...I got so excited that I joined in! Thanks for the inspiration! ♥

  29. I have always enjoyed your Pink Saturday posts and this post reminds me why! Gorgeousness! You have inspired me to start looking for pink myself:)

  30. Oh I have also been thinking, this would be a wonderful contribution to a pink saturday post. Love your flower collages. Happy PS.

  31. I love pink!....but then, when I was small, my sister (11 months younger) and I were often dressed in identical dresses - she in blue and I in pink!

  32. Oh my gosh, your pinks are SO beautiful and inspiring!!! Happy Pink Saturday--and thank you for this breathtaking post!

  33. Happy Birthday to Pink Saturday.....

    Your PINK photos are awesome, Pat...I love them all....

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  34. Happy Pink Saturday Pat Sweetie...
    Oh what a beautiful share today. I love all your pinks. That wedding photo of your daughter in the bridal party is so fun. What a beautiful background to be in a park. I love it.

    Love it that you actually have a photo that made it into the book. How exciting was that? What a wonderful experience from Pink Saturday.

    Have a glorious weekend sweet friend. I love coming to see your pinks. They never disappoint me. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  35. wow...these are the prettiest pinks in Blogland. I think you will win the PINK TROPHY. ;)))
    xoxo bj

  36. Love this pink post! It was such a loonnngggg winter in our neck of the woods and pink reminds me there is sunshine on the horizon. FINALLY! :-)

  37. Wow so much pink!
    It is a colour which comes to me each Spring with the cherry blossoms against the blue sky then I find I am liking it all over again after making things in the rich colours of Christmas. I think I am fickle with the seasons! LOL

  38. Hi Pat! Sorry for the absence, but the season has been too busy here in Lisbon...

    Wow! They look gorgeous in pink... And everything alse also... ;)

    Blogtrotter Two is gone to Corsica... Enjoy and have a superb weekend!!

  39. What a gorgeous post, and I do love the bridesmaids photograph. Although everything that you photograph is beautiful. I love how you organized all of your collections. Pink Saturday has painted our town pink for three years and has introduced us to so many wonderful friends.

    Have a Happy Pink Saturday and a lovely weekend.


  40. Like all the pink photos. Those pink bridemaids dresses are beautiful. People say most bridesmaids dresses are not flattering but I think these dresses are really pretty on the girls.

  41. Happy Pink Saturday!!!

    It is hard to believe we've been searching for PINK for three years, now!!! The amount of pinkness in this world just seems to grow and grow!

    Hope you have a great holiday weekend, Pat. I have loved knowing and blogging with you over the past three years...I hope we have many, many more together!


    PS Your daughter is a knockout.

  42. Awesome PINK shares, Pat!The wedding party gowns are gorgeous, as are the ladies. What beautiful pink shares ...

    Have a lovely & safe holiday weekend.
    TTFN ~

  43. Your photography is always wonderful and that wedding picture is beautiful. Your daughter looks like a model.

    I posted a picture of some Alabaster fruit AKA Italian stone fruit that I bought when we lived in Italy and for some reason people are searching for that too. I think that's my post and picture that have gotten the most hits and I have no idea why. I was told people collect it, so I take better care of it now. Unfortunately, I let the kids play with it when they were little.

  44. Hi Pat - I hate to say it but the bridesmaid dresses outshine the brides! They're so pretty. You always have such lovely pinks and the cherry blossoms are gorgeous. Have a wonderful weekend. xoxo Nancy

  45. Happy PS 3rd Birthday. There's a lot to celebrate! Your blog is awesome. It's easy to see why one of your photos was published in a magazine. Congratulations!

  46. Your pinks are terrific! Your daughter and all the bridal party look beautiful with that gorgeous park setting background. I am always looking for pinks! I saw two different beautiful displays in Hobby Lobby today! No camera! Drat! I'll go back Monday or Tuesday and snap a few photos. LOL!
    Lovely tribute Pat! Hugs and many pink days for you! HPS! Anne

  47. I love reading everyone's "pink" posts - such a bright way to begin a weekend. It's such a positive color! The bridesmaid photo is glorious as is that tall bridesmaid - but of course - they are all beautiful - pretty in pink and in the happiness of the day.

  48. The bridesmaids in pink, and your daughter!, are so lovely. What a great photo. And, the flowers....

    Happy Pink Saturday! I'm still visiting around. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  49. Happy Pink Saturday, dear Pat. We've been pinking together for a long time now. We all benefit from the pink in your world because you always share it graciously and informatively.

    I can't imagine Pink Saturday without you.♥

  50. Your collection of pink flower photos are just beautiful!!! And your daughter too. All the gals look so lovely in their pink gowns!

  51. kids are even on the lookout for great Pink Saturday inspiration!

    HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!

  52. Congratulations.A real celebration of pink :)

  53. I do love pink ..especially the way you do up those lovely mosaics. I could just drink in the color. It just says summer to me.

  54. Pat, Your photos are gorgeous-gorgeous-gorgeous!!!!
    Stunning! I love this Pink Saturday post. I will be in NYC very soon. Can't wait! :-)
    Blessings, Beth


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