
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day -- Civil War Sesquicentennial

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" ~ John 15:13

On this Memorial Day may we remember the military men and women who have laid down their life for us, so that we may live free.

May we also remember all who serve today, and those who have come home wounded and maimed.

We owe them a great debt and our greatest respect.

Remembering their great sacrifice.

All of the photos above were taken at the Korean War Memorial at Brighton Park (where Park Place meets the Boardwalk) in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Two brothers, one Union (left) , one Confederate (right), mortally wounded at the same battle at Petersburg, Virginia, and laid to rest side by side in Green-Wood Cemetery. New Federal issue gravestones were erected through the Green-Wood Civil War Project to augment the original gravestones, which are now illegible from weather damage. This year marks the sesquicentennial of the American Civil War, and there will be special remembrances, countrywide, to honor the men lost in that war.

Green-Wood Cemetery -- Memorial Day 2007

Memorial Day begun as a ritual of remembrance and reconciliation after the Civil War. One hundred and fifty years ago, on April 12, 1861, at 4:30 a.m., secessionist batteries surrounding Fort Sumter began their artillery bombardment of Union forces, and the Civil War had begun.
If you are in the vicinity of Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York, this weekend you should make an effort to attend at least one of the two day memorial services that will take place to honor the more than 4,500 identified Civil War Veterans, both Union and Confederate, that are buried there. Volunteers have marked the graves of all the veterans with American flags and luminaries.  On Sunday evening there will be a Calvary horse procession, led by Civil War re-enactors, past the candle lit graves as musicians and singers perform Civil War songs. On Monday there will be a march to the major Civil War Soldiers Lot and descendants of Civil War soldiers buried in Green-Wood Cemetery will read the names of their ancestors. Ceremonies include artillery rifle salutes and musical tributes.

Both events will be very memorable!

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  1. Have a great Memorial Day weekend Pat! xo,

  2. The first statue is a very powerful image Pat! Happy Memorial Day Weekend:@)

  3. Thanks for posting this excellent memorial.


  4. Powerful statues Pat! It is amazing to think how many brave men have fought so that our countries can be free.
    Blessings on you and yours on Memorial weekend.

  5. We have our Remembrance Day on 11/11.

    Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

  6. Have a peaceful and beautiful memorial weekend Pat! Take care

  7. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!! A very nice and informative post

  8. Have a good memorial day, Pat. Thanks for this interesting post and the wonderful photos. I wonder how many school children actually know any details about the Korean war or the Civil War or eve WWI or WWII. It's amazing what they're NOT being taught in schools. It's sad, too. I guess it's up to parents and grandparents to remind the kids of what came before them.

    At any rate:
    Big birthday bash coming up for Julianna on Monday! Her first!

    Well, it was actually on the 23rd. But she's like the queen of England, she has two birthdays: one 'real' and one 'official'. Ha!

  9. Thanks for that good explanation about your Memorial Day.

  10. Your tribute is beautiful and fittting for this weekend, Pat. Have a wonderful holiday. La

  11. A very good time to remember with such an anniversary this year. You and Vinny must have been honored to place so many flags on Civil War graves today. It is a good work you do.

    I was just able to learn this week that my grandmother's, my Canadian grandmother's, great-grandfather served in the Civil War with the 32 Massachusetts Infantry Division. It represented a breakthrough in research and was a result of the Sesquicentennial as more information is available and is being released for free.

  12. Beautiful post, Pat... YES---let's never ever forget!!!!

    Have a great Memorial Day weekend.

  13. What a wonderful tribute to all our fallen and serving military. Have a wonderful Memorial Day as we all stop to honor the men and women who protect us.

  14. Spent the afternoon with a friend who lives in Windsor Terrace and she and her husband are planning to go over to Greenwood on Monday and I am hoping to join them. It would be fun -- if possible -- to meet up. Your post is great!

  15. Poignant post - so many brave lives. So much sacrifice. Yes. Important to remember.

  16. A fantastic tribute, Pat, very well done.

  17. Thanks for explaining your Memorial Day. The statues are excellent. I find it difficult to comprehend war, There must be a better way to solve problems. So many young lives lost or ruined.

  18. Oh Pat, thank you for sharing this poignant post in honor of those who made the ultimate scarifice for our country.

    I wish I were there to attend the memorial services in honor of our Civil War veterans. One of my 2nd great-grandfathers was captured at Gettysburg and the other came home missing a leg. They both survived and are buried in South Georgia, I sit graveside each year when I visit.

    I may have told you this before, but there is a town in South Georgia, Fitzgerald, that was founded in the late 1800s as a place for veterans from both sides to live together in harmony. The streets are all named for leaders from both sides and the cemetery has graves of Union and Confederate soldiers. My daddy was born there and one of my great-grandfathers is buried there. Fascinating history and a beautiful, quaint town.

    Now I've gone on and on, but I just wanted to share their memories on this special weekend. Wish I were there to honor others who have served, but I will be there and with all our veterans in spirit.

    Thank you again for sharing all of this information in their honor.

  19. Beautiful photos, Pat. Thanks for showing us this Memorial. I hope you are enjoying a happy Memorial Day.

  20. My great grandmother, Mary Randolph, was living in Petersburg...during all the battles that surrounded that city. Eerie to think about her being there when these two men died. And sad! Thank you for your emotion packed photos...and your words! Have a safe weekend.

  21. Pat, it would be special to attend one of these events.
    Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend. ~ sarah

  22. Pat, what a beautiful post. Your images are amazing, I can't wait to share this with my husband, a government professor and historian - who's NEVER been to NYC!!! (We will be there for a Fordham soccer game this Fall!)

    We were fortunate enough to visit Virginia two years ago and tour the battlefields, it was an amazing experience, one that I highly recommend. As a matter of fact, the cannon on my side bar was from the Plank Rd, and if you'll notice the tree line in the background it is maintained to stay authentic.

    Thank you for the Picasa info alos! Enjoy your weekend!


  23. What a perfect and patriotic reminder.

    Thank you.

  24. Remember when it was called "Decoration Day"... ? Wonderful post.

  25. Pat - Thanks for letting people know Memorial Day is about more than barbecues and beer. God bless our service men and women.

  26. What a wonderful post! It's always so moving to me when I see a reminder of how brother fought against brother during the Civil War. Have a great Memorial Day!

  27. The detail in that touching statue is incredible.

    The two brothers... what incredible sadness for that family!

  28. Hope you had a great weekend.

  29. Thanks for giving us a little glimpse into the real meaning behind the holiday. The years fly by...and soon the significance of these events are all but lost. We have our 'Memorial Day' in November (called Remembrance Day).

    May we never forget those who serve their country...both today and long ago.

  30. Oh I do wish I could attend those events! The music alone would make the trip worthwhile.

    My mom's mother's grandfather served in the Civil War. My great great grandmother's was left a widow with four children when her chaplain husband died in that war. Bernie's great great uncle served as well, and died in the miserable Andersonville prison war camp.

  31. Hi Pat, Hope you are enjoying this beautiful weekend, and hope that your eye is finally getting better! This was such an interesting post. I learn so much every time I come by to visit.

  32. What a lovely tribute to Memorial Day Pat. We lived in Vicksburg, Mississippi for many years and Vicksburg fell on the 4th of July. Every year they have a reenactment of Grant taking the city. The Civil War pitted brother against brother. My great grandfather was a veteran of the Civil War.

    It's interesting to remember that freedom is not free. Thanks to all of the brave men and women who keep our country safe and to their families for their sacrifices.

  33. Yes, this is a wonderful share. My husband can tell you anything about the Civil War. Such great sadness ... & how the brother fought against brother. We've seen some very sad gravestones in our Civil War travels like this you shared.

    Beautifully written, loved the pictures. TY for sharing ...

    Have a fabulous week ~
    TTFN ~

  34. The pictures you've shared are very special. I visited my husband's uncle yesterday. He's an ex Marine (4th Division) and at the age of 94 is the oldest Marine in the engineering division. He has received a phone call congratulating him on his last two birthdays. He served in Korea as well. Enjoy your summer Pat - I'll be in touch again in July. Ciao, Ciao!

  35. This is my absolute favorite Memorial Day post, Pat! What an awesome job!!!!

  36. Hope your weekend was fantastic...this post sure was!!

    Someday I will have to investigate whether or not any of my ancesters fought in the Civil War...

  37. I am in the midst. There is sadness as I listened to Memorial Day progeamming - of a Memorial to the new wars currently going on - of devising new parades. And I hugely believe in honoring our very brave soldiers who keep our world comfortably and free. And also wish desperately for peace.

  38. Pat you are a remarkable lady. I hop someday to meet you. Your photos are brilliant and they lure you into the setting. Thank you for your creative heart! Anne

  39. Pat you are a remarkable lady. I hop someday to meet you. Your photos are brilliant and they lure you into the setting. Thank you for your creative heart! Anne

  40. Wow what a hard time for the family to be divided in such a way in the civil war. We had similar things happen in the English civil war too.

    Amazing statues.


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