
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Baked Gnocchi with Two Cheeses and Walnuts and a Give Away!

If there is one food my husband loves it is gnocchi -- a small dense Italian pasta dumpling traditionally made with either potato, ricotta, or semolina. Gnocchi have been a traditional Italian pasta of probably Middle Eastern origin since early Roman times, although the use of potato is a relatively recent innovation, occurring after the introduction of the potato to Europe in the 16th century.

When Bertolli asked me if I'd like to try one of their special sauces to prepare their recipe of baked Gnocchi with Two Cheese and Walnuts I was more than happy to oblige! They sent me a kit which included a cavatelli maker, and gnocchi board, a coupon for their Olive Oil and Garlic Sauce and a La Creuset Au Gratin dish, and this recipe. No other compensation was provided and my opinion about this recipe is my own.  As you can see from my photo of the completed dish, the results were fantastic!


Serves 4
prep time: 10 minute(s)
cook time: 20 minute(s)


1 jar Bertolli Olive Oil and Garlic Sauce
1 lb. fresh or frozen gnocchi, prepared according to package directions
1-1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese (about 6 oz.)
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
3 Tbsp. thinly sliced fresh basil leaves
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
2 Tbsp. Italian seasoned dry bread crumbs

•Preheat oven to 425°.
•Combine Sauce, cooked gnocchi, 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese, 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese and 1 tablespoon basil in 2-quart casserole. Top with remaining cheeses, walnuts and bread crumbs.
•Bake uncovered 12 minutes or until bubbling. Sprinkle with remaining basil.

I made fresh potato gnocchi using this recipe:

6 cups flour
2 tablespoons shortening or oil
3 boiled potatoes
1 egg (optional)

In a bowl mash boiled potatoes or rice with a potato ricer. Add melted shortening or oil and egg.
On a board or mat sift the flour.  Make a well in the middle of the flour and add the mashed potato mixture.  Slowly mix the potato mixture and flour with your hands until well blended and it forms a ball.  Flour the surface and begin to knead until the dough begins to become soft and smooth. Cut dough in half and allow to "rest" under a damp towel for about 10 minutes.

If using a cavatelli machine roll out each half of the dough to a thickness of about 3/8 inches and cut into strips about 1/2 to 3/4 inches wide. Flour each strip and insert one end into wooden rollers of the catavelli maker and turn the handle.

Gnocchi are traditionally made by hand by rolling the dough into ropes which are then cut into "pillows" and then each pillow is rolled onto board to make ridges. You can see how I do this by clicking here to see my Spinach Ricotta Gnocchi recipe

As you can see from the photo above this recipe makes a large amount of cavatelli -- enough for three servings!  I was able to freeze two servings for another time by spreading the cavatelli on a baking sheet and freezing them until hard and then placing the frozen cavatelli in freezer bags.

The baked gnocchi were absolutely delicious! The sauce was flavorful and had just enough garlic to blend well with the two cheeses and fresh basil to make this dish very aromatic. I never thought to incorporate walnuts in a baked pasta dish, and I found them to add a wonderful crunch, along with the bread crumb topping.  My husband gave this two thumbs up and we were very happy to eat the leftovers the next day!

Bertolli recommends that this dish is accompanied by a rich Barbera wine, as you can see in the film clip above from their special event about pasta and wine pairing.

Now for the give away!  Bertolli has graciously offered to give the same set that they sent to me to a USA resident, to be shipped from their offices. The set will include a coupon for a free sauce product, a cavatelli maker, a cheese grater, and gnocchi board and a La Crueset Gratin Dish. All you have to do leave a comment and make sure you leave a way to contact you if you do not have a blog. Sorry, but this is for USA residents only.  If you would like to become a follower of my blog (not required) I would be thrilled to have your interest and friendship!  If you are a facebook user, please check out the Bertolli  Tastes of Italy map and add a tip, story recipe or photo from your favorite region of Italy, and join in all the fun!  The winner of the give away will be chosen by me through the use of on Monday, September 5th, 2011.  Good luck!

I'm linking to Foodie Friday on the Designs by Gollum blog and Mosaic Monday on the Little Red House blog. Thank you to both wonderful blog hosts--please visit them and see all the wonderful entries!

Edited 8/28/12:  Thankfully my house and neighborhood survived Hurricane Irene!  Thank you for you concern, and prayers.  I am thinking and praying for all those who were affected by this severe storm.

edited 9/5/11 9PM EST:  Comments now closed --winner chosen, and to be announced soon!  Thank you to all who entered the give away.  I enjoyed reading all your comments!

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  1. Pat, the dish you prepared is beautiful and very delicious-looking, and you are an expert handmade pasta maker! This is a fantastic giveaway. xo,

  2. Pat this is marvelous, both your recipe and the giveaway. This is my husbands ultimate favorite dish. Whenever we go out for Italian, this is what he orders. In fact long ago when we were dating, he actually impressed me and made some from scratch. Guess what, he has never made them again LOL!

  3. Well I have to say, that looks like heaven to me! Boy I wish I could come to your house for dinner. I've never had homemade gnocchi before but I bet it is yummy!

    Would love to win your giveaway too but being only #2 I doubt if I will. :)

  4. Hang on Pat! I'll be right over to try this dish out with you! Looks delicious...

  5. Pat - that is utterly enticing. What a fun post! And what a grand giveaway - leave it to Bertolli! The gnocchi look perfect paired with the cheese. I make gnocchi but it's not... how should I say? ... attractive? Best of luck with the giveaway!

  6. I'm with your husband! Gnocchi is my favorite, too. This recipe looks superb! I love the idea of the crunch of walnuts in there.

    AND that is actually my favorite Bertolli sauce already! ha!

  7. We love Gnocchi here too! Your dish looks so good and I just finished dinner!

    What a greeat giveaway. Please include me.

  8. Mr O loves gnocchi too...but I regretfully very rarely make it...Maybe if I win this giveaway I will actually make him some homemade ones! Yours look absolutely delicious Pat!

  9. Pat - Your photo drew me in from the get-go. The gnocchi with all that sauce and cheese is quite a lure. Then the prospect of a giveaway too - yea Bertolli.

  10. Ohhh, Pat, I just came over here to tell you about the fig and orange jam at Savoring Time in the Kitchen and find this. Oh my gosh. That looks so delicious I can't believe how amazing it looks. Vinny must've been in 7th Heaven. Yes, please toss my name into the cap.

  11. Looks like a great dinner Pat and what a fun give-away! I love gnocchi, I actually saved an article titled "how to make gnocchi like and Italian grandmother". Thanks for the chance:@)

  12. Oh wow - I love that you make your own fresh gnocchi!! Yay!!! How yummy!!!! I love the pics too!! And the wine clip is fun - now I know about Barbera wine too - basically - they're yummy!

    Good luck to everyone entering the giveaway!!! Take care

  13. This dish looks delicious Pat! I like the Bertolli sauces and keep a few stocked when they go on sale. Making gnocci looks like fun and I would love to try it. Stay safe this weekend.
    ♥, Susan

  14. When I first started reading I wondered if you had made your own gnocchi...what a woderful post ... and gorgeous food picture! I too love gnocchi

    So consider this my entry for the give away! Wishing you a wonderful weekend,


    you've been busy cooking!

  15. Oh man this looks good! I have only heard of the potato gnocchi, not the other kinds. And you made your own, kudos to you!!! I remember your last giveaway, the chocolate!! I didn't win, but it was still fun! Maybe this can always hope!

  16. Oh my word. I just ate a great meal but this is making me hungry. I LOVE those little pillows of wonder! How fun that they're sharing the goods to make this lovely looking dish!

  17. I wish you were giving away a serving of that delish dish!! Guess I am too far away to pick it up though! What a great post!

  18. That looks better than the gnocchi I made piping it into boiling water. I nearly burned my wrists to a crisp!
    I have never put walnuts in either.
    Great give away, I would love to be entered!

  19. Pat, I'm hard pressed to say which I love more: cavatelli, which I grew up with, or gnocchi, which I learned to love as an adult. My mom and I always made homemade cavatelli and used a fork to form them. I think the little instrument would be a big improvement. When I do reach for a jarred sauce, I actually prefer Bertolli. They have a 4 cheese sauce that I like. Your dish looks amazing!

  20. Your dish made me hungry just looking at it. Great giveaway!! Please put my name in the hat. i enjoy your blog very much!

    Mary L

  21. I absolutely adore gnocchi!!! It's my favorite thing at Olive Garden, and I have made it at home once with gnocchi that I purchased at the Super Market. I live in Canada, so I guess I can't win your giveaway. It does look wonderful though!
    Hugs, Cindy

  22. What a delicious dish and gracious giveaway, Pat! I love gnocchi!

  23. The dish looks absolutely delicious!

  24. Me! Me! Me!! Oh, Pat! Gnocchi was my FAVORITE food in Italy!!! LOVED it. Had it a couple of ways but my favorite was with pears and a gorgonzola sauce... I'm drooling just thinking about it!! Thank you for the recipe! I'll sure be hoping!! ;) blessings ~ tanna

  25. Pat: What a delicious recipe. Of course I'd love to "win" this nice prize and try out the products.

    For now, I'm hoping that you will not find yourself in harm's way of Irene. Such a peaceful name for such a dangerous storm. Keep safe!


  26. Pat, thinking of you and everyone facing the possibility of the storm. Many prayers for you and your family.

  27. Hi Pat, That Baked Gnochi sounds incredible.. YUM!!!!!

    No thanks on the Giveaway. I don't participate in them any longer. Thanks anyhow.

    Please stay SAFE...
    Hugs and Prayers,

  28. Oh Pat...pick me pick me pick me!! Puulllleaaaasssseeee. I have never made fresh gnocchi and this would be a marvelous way to begin. My favorite is vodka sauce gnocchi. Sea Witch

  29. I have never tried gnocchi, but it looks heavenly!

  30. gnocchi is one of my favorites too! yours looks incredible...a real italian treat!

  31. Pat
    I would come and eat at your table any day! Homemade gnocchi!
    I'm praying you're safe from Hurricane Irene.
    Take care.

  32. Wow!! What a great give away! I think I'll try that recipe...I, too, never would have thought to put walnuts in with pasta...but we do love walnuts!

  33. HI Pat. I never had gnocci but I surely must try some day. It looks delicious.
    WE just heard on TV that Iene is nearing New York in th weekend. I hope it won't get you and New York into trouble.
    Have a safe weekend!

  34. And I like also gnocchi in spinach ora in cheeese. Yours look divine!:)

  35. You sound a tip top cook especially of Italian fare. The gnocchi recipe looks delicious and so does the Spinach and Ricotta one. Making it from scratch looks a bit difficult for us but looks fun.

  36. OMG!! I have to email this to my hubby at work so he can see this... he will flip when he see this gnocchi dish... and be wanting me to make it! LOL... We love gnocchi. I must try your recipe. The last time I tried making gnocchi it was very icky-sticky and didn't turn out too well. This dish is so beautiful! Since I'm far way and it would be waaay too much to send to me, you don't have to put in the gift draw. But what a wonderful giveaway. Happy Weekend, Pat ((HUGS))

  37. What a fun giveaway! I would love to try this at home!

  38. Thanks for the giveaway! I love Italian food.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  39. Looks favaloso!! I'd love to make this for my cupcakes and cocktails get together with some great girlfriends next month. :) Thanks for this give-away and for your NYC blog! I can be reached via our blog

    Thanks again for sharind! Ellen

  40. Oh that looks so good! I love Gnocchi. What a great giveaway!

  41. Hi Pat,
    I am so glad to have found you. Another Foodie! Your Gnocchi look wonderful and I would love to win the set. Please stop by and check out my Giveaway. I think you might just like it.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  42. Well Pat - I was wondering what to do with my leftover fresh from the garden potatoes and since they are already cooked they will be easy to mash i hope. i need to improve my culinary skills and this recipe really appeals. I've been missing the wonderful italian flavours. I need to pick some beans today and I think they would be a wonderful side dish. Thanks for the directions on how to make gnocchi. 5'm looking forward to dinner tonight!

  43. Love gnocci ever since I took Cultural Aspects Of Food 501 in college. Why don't more Italian restaurants serve them though? I'm always hopeful they will be on the menu and am usually disappointed.

  44. The gnocchi looks fantastic. Would love to win this great giveaway.

  45. Oh, I would definitely LOVE to win this fabulous give-a-way prize, Pat.

    I LOVE GNOCCHI too! It's one of my favorite pastas. THere's a restaurant in Hacketstowwn that serves Baked Gnocchi with sauce and cheese. I've never been able to duplicate it. But wow, is it good.

    Your recipe looks like something I'd love to try. Yum!

  46. Pat, this looks delicious. I've never made gnocchi.

    Thinking about you as Irene makes her way up the coast. Stay safe, my friend.

  47. Oh Pat, I am so glad I came over to see what you have been up to and this post is making me drool. Seriously!!!

    You are a wonderful cook Pat. I remember when you installed your new stove. It looks like she is very dependable and bakes your awesome recipes to wonderful perfection. Smile. I have never eaten this dish but I am hoping to be lucky and win the giveaway. Count me in please.

    The wine video was great. I too love a glass of wine.

    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Love, Jeanne

  48. Oh wow Pat, what a great give away. The dish really looks yummy!!

  49. It sure looked good! I thought the walnuts were an unusual ingredient too...not something I would have thought to add.

    I hope you're ready for Irene with lots of water and batteries. I know how the stores here get before a hurricane and all I could think of today was how crowded the stores in NY and NJ must be. I'll be thinking of you.

  50. The dish looks fabulous! Great give-away, but since I live in Canada...don't throw my name in the hat.

  51. I forgot to say to stay safe with Irene headed your way...I heard they are evacuating part of Brooklyn...have you been affected?

  52. Oh that pasta looks quite scrumptious. I`ve never made Gnocchi from scratch.
    I`ve really just stopped by to tell you I am thinking and praying you are going to be safe during the storm.
    So odd we had such driving rain on our way to New York and now Irene is heading your way.
    The earthquake. .and now the hurricane. .wow. .take care,

  53. Praying you guys stay safe and dry if you're still hanging around!

  54. Wow! That gnocchi looks delicious!

    I've been thinking about you as I've been watching Irene. Hope that you and yours stay safe!

  55. Worrying about you. Saw a map on TV of Brooklyn area that could get storm surge. Hope you keep safe and don't have damage done.

  56. Yum! It sounds delish. I use Bertolli sauces all the time. Last weekend I made 3 cheese ravioli zucchini lasagna using their tomato basil sauce. I've been eating it for supper all week.

    Hope you guys are on high ground there in Brooklyn with the hurricane still coming your way. Stay safe!

  57. Pat your fabulous photograph caught my eye initially but then I read on to hear about what all you were sent. But the idea of the giveaway really made my 'ears' perk up. I sure hope your husband appreciates all of the time that I'm sure it took to prepare this delicious looking dish....LOL.
    Thanks so much for sharing with us all.

  58. Pat, your baked gnocchi is mouthwatering. I have to admit I've never made gnocchi before but would love to give it a try. Some very lucky person will win your giveaway. I've got my fingers crossed.

  59. I use Bertolli sauces frequently and I would love to win this fantastic prize...other than that, I'd like nothing more than to be invited to your house for dinner!!!

  60. Pat...i'm drooling!!!

    IRENE went thru here early morning.
    headed to NY...stay safe my friend!!!


  61. What a comforting dish Pat. I hope you were spared much damage from Irene. I thought about you all morning and hoped you were safe. Great give-away too.

  62. This looks and sounds fabulous. Even though I live in Italy, I'd love to win this for my sister-in-law in the states. I love Italian cooking (my husband's) but she does it!

  63. Looks so tempting. Thanks for the recipe I will be living on the stuff from now on.

  64. Pat, That looks delicious! I'm hopeful that Irene did not cause you any major problems.
    Blessings, Beth

  65. Hi Pat, there's nothing like comfort food! We love gnocchi! I just know my hubby would love your recipe for dinner.

    What a nice give away also! You can count me in!


  66. I keep looking to see if you've posted something about being OK after Irene. I know there might not be electricity where you live, but hoping all is well.

  67. That gnocchi looks so DELICIOUS! I love homemade pasta. All I ever do is noodles. Would love to try something else. Great give away. Some lucky winner (hopefully me, LOL!) will love it.

  68. So glad you are safe Pat. I was worried when I heard about Irene heading your way. I thought you'd be busy but I didn't imagine gnocci was one of the things. :-)

  69. HI Pat. I am so happy to hear that you all are alright. We have been following the news but couldn't really find out how things in New Yord were until this morning.
    Have a happy week.

  70. The dish in your photo is so visually appealing and sure it must be delicious. I've never eaten gnocchi and I'd like to try it soon when I find a restaurant serving it.

    The news of the earthquake and the hurricane reminded me of you. I hope you weren't affected seriously and no damage. Have a nice week.


  71. Oh, my how delicious this looks!!! So very glad all is well with you and you were spared by the storm! Wishing you well! Cathy

  72. mmmm that looks SO GOOOD! i FORGOT i have pumpkin gnocchi i made in the freezer, i wonder if its still good. just wanted to check in and see how you fared our national disasters this past week or so. hope u r well

  73. Absolutely beautiful Pat. I came by especially to see how things were going since Irene. This was dated earlier hope things are still good on this Monday.

  74. I just stopped by to see if per chance you had updated after Irene hit your area. Glad to hear you and your neighbourhood survived! I'm sure you will have lots of tales to tell.

  75. Wonderful giveaway....I do love Bertolli products!
    I've been out of town but had you in my thoughts....(Irene) So glad you survived with no damage!
    I have a lot of catching up to do with blogging friends!!

  76. What an awesome giveaway! I've only made gnocchi once...with results nowhere near as appetizing as yours looks! I'd love to win and try this one.

    I'm so pleased to hear your house and home survived the havoc. I wondered, and appreciate the update.

    Take care!

  77. I am happy that your home and Brooklyn did not flood. But poor Vermont-

  78. Glad to hear you weathered the storm OK. We get tornadoes here, and they still scare me, even though I've been through dozens in my life.

    Saw a cooking show about making cavatelli and it looked so good - I have never made it and would love to give it a try.


  79. This is fantastic giveaway!!! I love to cook and try new things... So would be excited to win. Thanks for the chance. Stay safe.

  80. Oh! I had to stop over to this post that you mentioned in your current post... How fun! And your photos look oh so yummy!

    We love the Bertolli products.

    Thank you for a great giveaway!
    Blessings & Aloha!

  81. You make it look so easy and obviously delicious. I think I am going to have to try this recipe. Glad Irene didn't do too much damage in your area.

  82. I would love, love, love to win this wonderful give away! I might have to e-mail you for directions, I am not an expert like you!

  83. A great giveaway! I have never made my own gnocchi.

  84. I'm glad you posted a reminder about this great giveaway! I thought I'd entered but I think I posted a comment on fb.

  85. What a wonderful way to prepare gnocchi! This is going into my recipe trove. Thanks, pat.

  86. Wow Pat, great giveaway! We first tried Gnocchi six months ago and it was delicious. Can`t wait to try your recipe. It looks sooo good!

    I am happy to hear you are safe.

  87. As a Canadian, I won't be entering your giveaway. I just wanted to say that dinner at your house must be delicious!

  88. what a great give away! Gnocchi is my daughters fav food and I will be trying this recipe!!! thanks!!!!

  89. Your recipe looks delicious! Thanks for sharing. And what a great giveaway! Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. Love & blessings from NC!

  90. I would be so excited to win this! I love these products and it would be something easy to make in our condo! Thanks Pat! ♥♥♥
