
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wedding Dress Dreams

My heart and prayers goes out to all who suffered from the effects of Hurricane Irene, truly a devastating hurricane in many areas on the east coast.  Luckily, my neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, although listed by FEMA as a flood zone "B," did not receive any flooding or electric power outages during the storm as did many other areas.  There were downed tree limbs and tress, and other storm related damage, but we were very fortunate not to have any damage.
I was actually away during the hurricane, as I flew to Colorado to go wedding dress shopping with my daughter a few days before the hurricane arrived. Although my daughter will have her wedding ceremony and reception in Brooklyn next spring, she wanted to buy her dress in Denver, Colorado, so that she would be able to do alterations during the months before the wedding.

Our first stop was a bridal boutique called Anna Be, located at 1575 Boulder Street, Denver, Colorado. This shop offers dresses by all the top wedding designers, as well as new and upcoming designers. My daughter-in-law's sister bought her dress here a couple years ago, and she and her Mom highly recommended the Anna Be boutique's selection of wedding dresses and their service.

When we entered the boutique we were offered champagne by the staff  -- what a fun way to celebrate shopping for a very special dress!

There were many beautiful dresses to admire and my daughter began gathering quite a few to try on. She had a good idea of the style she wanted and about how she dreamed of looking in a wedding dress. What young woman does not dream about choosing her wedding dress ?  I was so happy to be able to share this experience with her!

Believe it or not, she actually found the dress of her dreams among the first few dresses she tried on! My daughter-in-law was with us, and she and I both gasped at how beautiful my daughter looked when she tried on "THE DRESS"!  It was an Australian designer, Martina Liana, design.  My daughter looked absolutely beautiful in the dress she selected.  Of course I can't show the dress here, as it will have to remain top secret until her wedding day, but it was on one of the racks in the photos above!

Afterward, we went out for tea to celebrate! My daughter-in-law is on the left and my daughter is on the right. Just look at those happy faces!  We had such a memorable day together.

Of course I was also able to do a lot of grandson snuggling while I was in Colorado! My 5 month old baby "M" is cuter than pie and very expressive. He got lots of hugs and kisses from his "Nonna."

My grandson "L" was recently potty trained -- a big event in all two year old's life -- so I brought him the same gift his Daddy received when he was potty trained many years ago, at the same age, which I had saved in my attic over the years.  This heirloom Fisher Price Medical Kit was a big hit! He took my blood pressure and listened to my heart and Winnie the Pooh's heart many times. Notice "L's" dinosaur slippers -- a favorite recent wardrobe addition from his visit to the Dinosaur Journey Museum.  He has so many wonderful interests now and is quite a smart little boy.  It was so good to visit with my family and I already miss them all so much!

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  1. That's great Pat! Your daughter must have been so excited to go dress shopping. I went with my Mom and Sis, my dress ended up being the first dress I pulled off the rack and the 3rd one I tried on!

    When are you going shopping for your outfit? :)

  2. What a wonderful way to spend the day :o) How awesome that you were able to be there when your daughter picked out her special dress! And your grandsons are soooo cute :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    It has been a bit since I've been by, but I try to visit around to the awesome blog friends that I have been blessed to meet through blogging! I wish that I had more free blog reading time!

  3. What a happy day for you all. We have a wedding in November, DSO's DD. She asked me along when she was shopping for her dress and getting a fitting, but I felt she should share that special time with her mom. I've seen photos of her gown, but look forward to being surprised along with her dad. Glad you missed the storm and that it wasn't waiting for you when you got home.

  4. That is a special day for moms and daughters. I am sure she picked the perfect gown for her wedding. I am glad you made it out of here before Irene came a-callin'! xo,

  5. Pat - I can only imagine the feelings you had seeing your daughter try on wedding dresses. So much joy for you all and it's so wonderful that she wanted you to be there with her. I can't wait to see the dress after the big day. It was a double bonus for you to see your little guys too.

  6. I'm so glad to see you posting Pat, I've been thinking about you! Happy you were in CO doing something fun:@)

  7. That is awesome!! My daughter, Amber, LOVES wedding dresses and all things bridal! She was editor in chief of Houston Brides and the Dallas Brides for awhile. She continues to write for both magazines through her freelance business. This is an exciting time in ALL of your lives. Enjoy every moment!

  8. Of course now we all really want to see the dress, and it will be so long to wait!!! Looks like your DIL's sister was right! Your grandchildren are beautiful, I remember when we got our granddaughter a doctors kit! I am so glad you did not sustain any hurricane damage!

  9. What a wonderful time, Pat! I still remember going with my daughter to pick out her wedding dress in Chicago. It was wonderful and I still love the dress she chose.

    So glad you didn't have much damage from Irene!

  10. I love love love this post, Pat! Best wishes to your daughter and yes I do remember shopping for wedding dresses with my girls.

    And your grandsons are absolutely PRECIOUS!

  11. What a very happy visit this was for you! Babies and doesn't get better than that.

  12. What a great wedding dress shop that is. That's great that your daughter found the "Dress" among the first ones she tried on. Our daughter had the same experience. That expression on grandson's face is just priceless! Love it! Our Katie's wedding cerermony will be in March of next year so you and I will be shopping for mother of the bride dresses together :0)

  13. So wonderful you could be part of the fun! And go get to enjoy grandkids as well . Glad all at home were safe.

  14. We're on the same trajectory - with the same result!

  15. Oh my - the little guy in the Yankee shirt - sending him a gentle bear hug! Love the medical bag as a "reward." Such sweet times. But none sweeter than you and your daughter and daughter-in-law finding that what they wished for - was waiting.

  16. Oh, Pat!! You have been having ALL the fun! Wedding dress shopping and grandbaby love! I'm envious! LOL! That dress shop reminds me of one Amanda and went to in McKinney, TX. The beautiful old floors, exposed brick and lots of glass. Their dresses were divine. Exciting times in store. Enjoy every moment! blessings ~ tanna

  17. Wonderful that you can share this time with your daughter. Can't wait for the dress reveal!

  18. Oh what great memories, all around! Can't wait to see your daughter's wedding gown! Those babies are so cute! Love that you saved the FP medical bag!!!

  19. Looks like you had a grand time in Colorado, Pat. This is a wonderful time in your life, for sure. So exciting.

    Your grandsons are adorable.

    Your neighborhood was lucky to escape Irene intact. :)

  20. What a fun time for all of shop together for the perfect dress and to FIND it. That brought back memories of shopping for my daughter's dress...and she also found the 'perfect one' at the first shop we went to.

    And your grandsons are adorable...and growing up so quickly!

  21. I know how fun that was... precious memories!
    Now that she has said 'yes to the dress'... take a look at my cake toppers on Etsy. I'll give you a friends discount if y'all are interested.

  22. Glad to hear that your area was ok! How exciting that your daughter found her dress so quickly!

  23. Ah, what fun!! A wedding!!! SO glad you are A-Okay after the hurricane!!!

  24. Forgot to tell you, I love the reflections you caught on the front door in the first picture!

  25. How exciting to plan a wedding. I can't wait to see the dress she chose. It looks like you are having great family time right now. Fun!

  26. Oh wow Pat, that must have been a wonderful experience, going to find a weddingdress. I only have sons but one of dil's invited me and her mother to go buy the weddingdress, something I will never forget.
    All the dressen on the photo's look fantastic. And imagine getting champaign when you visit the shop. GReat shopping idea.
    Have a nice day..

  27. Oh I forget to mention your beautiful grandson's. The baby is so gorgeous and he two year old potty trained, that was our goal with my babies too.
    Have a nice day.

  28. So many pretty dresses. I bet you had so much fun! I went to so many places and in the end by chance my sister and I were near our grandmothers when we saw a new shop. We just walked in no appointment or anything faffy like they insist on in the bridal shops here (daughter just needed prom shoes) and there was THE dress. I knew it was the one as soon as I saw it on. I hope you daughter has such happy memories of funding her dream dress too.

  29. Can't wait to see the photos from the wedding.....I'm sure you will have plenty of them as I'm sure your daughter will be a very beautiful bride!

  30. So glad to hear that your place was not flooded or damaged. Wedding dress shopping is an assault on the wallet, especially if they serve champagne. It is good that she found one so quickly. It must be an exciting time for you all.
    Your little baby GS is sooo cute. What an expressive little face. The other little one looks the part as a doctor.

  31. Congrats on the dress and the wonderful shopping memories you made as you did your shopping!

  32. Oh Pat!! I am so glad to hear you and your family are ok!! What a wild stormy few days in NYC!

    Oh but on to happier things - yay for wedding dress shopping!! I am so so so so happy for you all and you found the dress of your daughter's dreams! Hoorah!!

    Your grandsons are just adorable!!!! Love little M's expressive face! LOL! And Little L enjoying his medical kit heirloom is just precious!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Take care

  33. Good to hear that the hurricane did not do any harm to you and to your family!
    Actually I can belive, mine wedding dress was exactly the second one I tried:)

  34. What a great trip!!
    We were hit hard & lost power for 3 days!! Gad-Zooks..... I couldn't wait to get a shower!! LOL!!
    All's well here.....
    Have a Wonderful Day!!

  35. A dream come true...I'm sure that's how every mother of the bride must feel when she has that opportunity to watch her daughter try on wedding dresses. I haven't received the official story and details call yet but am expecting to hear from my niece very soon. She got engaged on the weekend I can't wait to talk to her and hear her story! How wonderful that you got to share the occasion with your daughter-in-law and grandsons too. The little fellas are so dear.

  36. So glad to hear you didn't have any damage Pat. You are so smart to shop for wedding dresses with your daughter in Denver than to stay in NY for a hurricane.

  37. So tell the truth...did you choke up a bit and find a wee bit of mist in your eyes when she first stepped out in a wedding gown?

    The research/expose book The Wedding Machine written in the 1970s documented that almost all brides buy one of the first dresses they try on, and something like 95% buy the very first dress they try on.
    I believe that is because of the "rush" the girl feels the first time she sees herself in a bridal gown...a feeling hard to duplicate with the following gowns.

    I purchased the second gown I tried...the first was a gown designed for a winter wedding, in velvet and fur. I knew it would never work for a Southern California wedding but had to try it on any way.

  38. Isn't it fun to go wedding dress shopping?!!! I went with my god-daughter and the dress should arrive by Sept 15 ... plenty of time before the big day of Nov 12!!!! Fun, fun, fun! Sounds like you had a lovely day!

  39. I know you are glad to find things at home safe and sound. We are praying for all those impacted by the storm.

    I can hardly wait to see the chosen gown. I love weddings.

    Your two little fellows are the cutest. I know you must have been the recipient of lots of wonderful hugs and kisses.

  40. It's the last picture...the eighth dress from the left. How did I do? Your daughter will make a beautiful bride.

    Nona...cute grandkids! You saved the doctor kit. That's so neat that now he plays with the same kit his Dad played with as a child. Both your kids live in Colorado? I saved all the Fisher Price little people and the Fisher Price school bus, but no grandkids.

    Glad all is well in your neck of the woods.

  41. What a wonderful way to spend a day! A lovely experience! Hopefully, I'll have such an occasion to look forward to as my daughter went to Rome with her boyfriend last Sunday, & came back engaged!
    Enjoy your weekend Pat!

  42. I'm so happy, Pat, that your daughter found the dress of her dreams. That is rare--especially so early in the search.. You --as the Mom--was lucky!!!!! Can't wait til the wedding so that we can all see it.

    Your grands are gorgeous.

  43. so glad you didnt suffer the wrath of Irene. what fun ...I loved shopping with my daughter for her wedding dress too!!!

  44. What a fun time to spend with your daughter getting her dress! My daughter's wedding and the preparation leading up to it was one of the happiest times of my life! Such a special time. Your grandson is precious! Love & blessings from NC!

  45. WOW... so exciting! What a sweet day... and your daughter, DIL are so pretty. It will be very fun to see what dress your daughter chose. Isn't it funny how often one of the first try-on's is "the dress". Did you get an outfit for yourself for the wedding yet--Mom of the bride-to-be? Your grandsons are sooo CUTE--goodness how they've grown! Thanks for sharing your family time with us, Pat. :o) Happy Weekend ((HUGS))

  46. Oh I love hearing stories like this where the bride and those with her knew that it was "the dress." I've only been shopping for wedding dresses twice and one time it happened this way and it was the first dress that the bride tried on. Four of us stood gaping because the future bride was so lovely. She tried on several more just to be sure, of course, but that first one was "the one."

    Your little grands are adorable. Congrats to the eldest on a task well learned. Life is so much easier after that. ☺

  47. Ah, the wedding dress! My dil's 4500 dollar dress sits "preserved" in a box upstairs in a closet! The oldest of 4 girls, her sisters all chose their own dresses, so this one will never be worn again. My dil is very tiny, and my 10 yo gdau is nearly as tall as her now! So no hope of that!
    I am glad your dd had such an easy time of finding her dream dress, that's wonderful!
    LOL, I have my son's FP med kit here too, His kids still play with it, and I have rec'd many injections from them!!
    Glad you had no damage, it wasn't fun here, and I so feel for those still suffering! Those people in VT stranded , and no trailers on the way to help them! Very sad.
    Have a great weekend, the sun is supposed to be out until tomorrow and then wet, wet, wet!

  48. Pat, thanks for the comment on my post! I did not have the luxury of my very own wedding dress. My mother did not want to spend the money, so she went behind my back and borrowed a dress from a friend, then told me what she had done. When my sister married, however, she wore the dress that dreams are made of, and it was all hers.

    You have a beautiful family.

  49. That was a profitable trip for you! And your pictures of the wedding gowns are just as gorgeous as your photos of New YorK! Have a good weekend!

  50. What fun, Pat! I'm so glad you had the chance to enjoy wedding gown shopping with your daughter. Glad your d-i-l could be there as well. Glad you had no storm damage. I have very fond memories of NYC. My trip was great. I saw a lot, and I felt that I "lived the life." You see, I stayed in an apt (not hotel), and shopped for groceries like a Manhattan-ite and rode the subway many times to get where I was going. NY is a neat place.
    Hugs, Beth

  51. What a great experience Pat, I remember how it was when my daughter picked her dream dress. Your grandsons are beyond adorable, and potty trained already? They grow too fast!

  52. You have me curious about the dress. It sounds like you had a nice time. Your grandchildren are beautiful. It must be difficult to leave your loved ones whenever you go home.

  53. I remember wedding dress shopping...what a lovely memory to be able to share with your mom!

    Just the doors to that place look dreamy to me!

    Leon and Marvin are getting so big, Pat! How great that you saved the Dr. kit all these years!

  54. zHappy you were saved from the storm. That must have been a wonderful trip. Your Daughter is lovely, I knew it was her right away. She looks so much like you.
    Have a great weekend.

  55. What a happy special time. I'm thrilled that you girls had such a wonderful weekend together. Perfect time to be away. ;-)
    Have a nice holiday weekend. ~ Sarah

  56. What a wonderful time for you and your daughter! Sweet, sweet photos!

  57. I think I already entered for the giveaway, Pat...what a wonderful one it is.

    How exciting about your upcoming wedding - rather the wedding of your daughter. I am so glad I had one in my family a year and four months ago. I wonder if my other two sons will ever get married. My wonderful daughter-in-law, Laura, was sweet enough to invite me to join her mom and maid of honor on the wedding dress shopping expedition, knowing that, with three sons, I would probably never have that experience. It was a most wonderful and joyous day. Christine, her mom, and I shed tears with almost every dress she tried on. Afterwards, we went for lunch - no tea for us - we had hefty doubles of margaritas!

  58. How wonderful that you found the dress so quickly. Can't wait to see it. Wedding dresses are so fun. I would love to win your giveaway.

  59. Those dress shots are beautiful, as are your daughter and daughter-in-law. What a fun girls-only day.

    Your grandson sure are growing, and they're absolutely adorable, Pat! What a great time for you! Congratulations to the oldest for the potty training milestone. I'm sure he LOVED his medical bag. And the baby? Oh, wow! So huggable!

    I'm thrilled you enjoyed your visit...and that the homefront was relatively unscathed by the hurricane.

  60. Nonna, your grandsons are adorable!!!
    We had that same Fisher Price doctor kit with my children were young. How fun that you saved it.

    I'm glad to hear that your home didn't receive any damage from Irene. We are having our share of rain from Lee today. I would love to go out and get a Diet Coke, but it is pouring out there.

    Your daughter and DIL are both lovely. I know you had a joyous time wedding dress shopping together.

  61. I missed this one Pat. I remember well shopping for our three daughter's wedding dresses. A special event. Two of of our girls picked their dress after just a few minutes. It was so funny that two of them knew exactly what they wanted. Actually one of my daughters let me pick her wedding dress. She was in college when I was looking at wedding dresses just for the fun of it and I saw what I thought was perfect. She wanted a cream color (not so common then) because she is a redhead and when I called her she told me to buy it sight unseen. Needless to say she loved it, thank goodness.

    Your daughter is very pretty and I know she will be a beautiful bride.

    Your little grands are both adorable. The love for our grands is so awesome it is just amazing. Trained at two is terrific. My boys were trained at that age too.

    Thank you for sharing this special day with us Pat.
    XO, Jeanne


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