
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The 12 Days of Christmas

Since my husband and I celebrate Christmas in Colorado at both my son and daughter's homes, and here in New York at our home and with my extended family, Christmas really does seem to last 12 days for us, if not more!  This week we will be celebrating with friends, so the festivities continue.  There will be more good food, good times, and good cheer!

I hope you all had a beautiful Christmas, and I look forward to seeing all your celebrations on your blogs.  As we look forward to the beginning of 2012, I wish you health, happiness and prosperity in the new year!

"We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day."

 ~Edith Lovejoy Pierce

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  1. I hope you had a wonderful time with your family.
    May it continue all year long.

  2. Christmas is a time for family so E-N-J-O-Y ! !
    My Wish for you & yours is Good Health & Happiness for the New Year !!

  3. What a beautiful collage dear Pat/ I love it. Your grandsons are beautiful and what a treat to be able to be visiting them round Christmas.
    Have a happy week nearer to the New Year,
    Hugs from Riet

  4. I love that quote! Sounds like you're having a great Christmas Pat-enjoy:@)

  5. Oh Pat! You sitting with your adorable grandsons is the best!! Second is the one of your smiling hubby! LOL! Awwww what an adorable montage of festive fun and treats! Yay!

    Yes, of course the celebrations continue!! We all must see 2012 in a most hopeful positive spirit!! Yay!!

    Happy Christmas and Happy 2012 to you and your family!! Take care

  6. Sounds like you'll be spending January recuperating from all the Merry-Making, Pat. HA! Love it. LOVED your Christmas mosaic, too.

    I'm wishing you and your wonderful family a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

  7. Pat, I just read on a blog that the gal has taken down all her decos and put them away! WHAT! This is Christmas week, a time to visit and celebrate. I am glad you will be doing that too! We leave ours till Little Christmas, and this year maybe till Ukrainian Christmas. How about you?
    I love your collage, looks like good times. Except for the trip to ER for little gson, it was a wonderful day!

  8. Hi Pat! Oh that mosaic looks so festive and the food looks scrumptious. So fun to see your little guy there and your smiling face as well.
    Enjoy the rest of your festivities.

  9. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! I'll bet you had a blast with the babies!

    Happy New Years!

  10. Nothing better than stretching out the celebrations. It seems silly to do all the preparation and decoration just for one day. Continue having fun. It must have been great in Colorado with family. Love your collage.

  11. I love the photo collage and the quote. Happy healthy New Year to you and your family. xo

  12. Love the collage...I enjoyed Christmas Eve spending the night with Son and DIL so I'd be there when the g'kids got up! Christmas morning I had to use the "ladies room" and bless goodness if they didn't get to the living room before I did! But it was all good...took close to 400 photos during the entire day...lots of fun and memories!

  13. Looks like a grand time :) The boys are adorable! You are having very merry days! The desserts look amazing! Love those nutter butter Santa's!
    Happy healthy New Year. All good things to you and yours.

  14. Oh Pat, you are having such a fun time with friends & family! You are truly blessed, my friend. The grandsons are adorable. Here's to another wonderful year for you!
    Hugs, Sue

  15. Pat
    That's great, just wonderful to have so many friends and family that the celebrating isn't over in one day. Have fun!
    Happy New Year to you!

  16. Wonderful pictures here Pat. I do hope you enjoyed Christmas with your family and enjoy it with your friends this week as well.

  17. Looks like you had a wonderful time with your loved ones!!
    Wishing you and your family
    a very Happy New Year.
    It is finally snowing in Guildwood.
    Take care,

  18. Pat, those two little guys are precious. What fun to share Christmas with them!. Enjoy your continues celebrations. ~ Sarah

  19. Ohhh, I see some very cute ideas in that mosaic as well as some cute grandparents and some cute grands and even a cute lobster or two. Merry on!

  20. Aw, have a wonderful week of continued celebrations!

  21. U hope you had a wonderful Christmas weekend with your family!!!

  22. I could live inside your mosaic. We continue the celebration through Epiphany. In a sense you are honoring Christmas every day in your heart - Dickens would be so pleased.

  23. KEEP ON celebrating, Pat!! blessings to you and yours... love the quote!! tanna

  24. I guess the first good proposition you have for the New Year is going on a diet? After all those celebrations..... Just kidding, it's my top priority every year and guess what? Not sticking to it once!

  25. Your Christmas collage is wonderful. I like the New Year's quotation you chose for this post. You are so right, pat! Each day is a gift and filled with opportunity and choices. All the best to you and your family for the New Year!

  26. Wonderful quote to look to the new year. Your photo collage tells a lot about happy times. We too are continuing the celebration as more arrive from out of town for through New Years' Eve! Happy memories forming!

  27. It sounds like you had many wonderful celebrations this Christmas. I love the 'open book' we get ready to begin writing the first chapter of 2012. Happy New Year to you, Pat!

  28. What fun you must have had! It looks like a wonderful celebration.
    2012 is, indeed, a new slate!

  29. You have so much to celebrate and so much to look forward to this year! Wishes for all good things in 2012!
    ♥, Susan

  30. Oh, I love the quote for New Year's day! Happy holidays my friend! Spending time with family is very special! ♥♥♥

  31. Celebrate for as long as you can! Your collage says, "yummy food and darling children" to me.

  32. What a great collage!

    I hope you have a fun week and Happy New Year!

    I look forward to a wonderful 2012!

  33. Love that quote! Have a wonderfilled New Year wherever you are:)

  34. Such a great way to represent all of the Christmas fun in a beautiful collage! Have a great New Year.

  35. What a wonderful and full celebration of the holiday you have! Enjoy all the fun!

  36. Beautiful pictures and a lovely family. It must take you a month to wind down- Happy New Year to You from Nashville!

  37. Festive and fun photo mosaic! Love the quote too. I think I will print it out and tape to the fridge.

  38. Those boys are adorable Pat! Looks like you had the best of times with them. Have a Healthy and Very Happy New Year Pat!

  39. I know you had a beautiful celebration with your family! How blessed you are to celebrate with some many who love you!


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