
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Please click to play video below or watch on this YouTube link:

"And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."

~Luke 2:9-14

I received the following poem in a Christmas card one year and loved it. I saved the card so that I can read it every year, as it really expressed how I feel.  I hope that you will also enjoy reading it!

"The older I get...
The simpler my holiday preparations become
The closer I feel to old friends as I write my Christmas cards
The more cherish the oldest ornaments
The more fondly I remember Christmases past
The longer I hold on to to a hug
The more I realize Christmas is a matter of the heart
The tighter my throat gets when I sing "Silent Night"
The more I enjoy giving than receiving
The more I try to see Christmas through the eyes of a child
The longer I sit at night in the glow of the Christmas tree
The more wondrously beautiful the Christmas story is
The deeper my awe at God's infinite love
The more I love Christmas!"

Wishing everyone a beautiful Christmas!

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  1. That poem describes us beautifully and it's so true.

    Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas Pat and the happiest of new years.

  2. Is that your tree!!? It's MAGNIFICENT!! Yay!!

    Aww Pat, may you and all your family have a gloriously wonderful and amazing Christmas! Thanks for the beautiful music and words too! I do like the nativity story!

    Take care

  3. Pat
    your tree is magnificent and the poem really hits home with me. but the song and the YouTube clip together were very moving. rich and I were in Italy and in the town of Matera when they were in the middle of constructing the sets for that movie all over town.

  4. Beautiful tree! And a very lovely poem, I can see why you'd save it. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

  5. What a lovely poem. I shall save it as well. Have a joyous and blessed Christmas.

  6. Thank you Pat. I love "Oh Holy Night". It brings memories of hearing my father sing it solo on Christmas Eve from the second balcony of our cathedral. May you have a blessed Christmas filled with the music of Christmas!

  7. Thanks for the thoughtful words, Pat.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family. It's going to be a gorgeous day in more ways than one. :)

  8. Pat, a very Merry Christmas to You and Yours!

  9. Happy Holidays ! !

  10. That poem describes me to a T, Pat. I may make my own cards next year and use that poem. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I enjoyed visiting your blog and getting to know you. xo

  11. Merry Christmas Pat!
    Cheers and regards.


  12. Beautiful tree and a lovely poem. I agree...Christmas treasured more and more each year despite being celebrated in a fashion less grand.

    Merry Christmas to you, my friend!!

  13. Hi Pat! Merry Christmas!
    Blogtrotter Two is waiting for you! Enjoy and have a great holiday season!

  14. What a wonderful poem. And one of my favortes--Josh Groban singing O Holy Night. Have a blessed Christmas!

  15. I Congratulate You With Merry Christmas ! I live in a warm edge, in the Crimea. And today, a miracle happened, fell a long-awaited snow. I just love this time of year! But I still love the snowy christmas New York! I created a website about the New York and there are not enough photo christmas NYC. Can I use your photo for placing on the site? Thank you in advance. Merry Christmas !

  16. I enjoyed the video. Merry Christmas, Pat!

  17. I Congratulate You With Merry Christmas ! I live in a warm edge, in the Crimea. And today, a miracle happened, fell a long-awaited snow. I just love this time of year! But I still love the snowy christmas New York! I created a website about the New York ( and there are not enough photo christmas NYC. Can I use your photo for placing on the site? Thank you in advance. Merry Christmas !

  18. I Congratulate You With Merry Christmas ! I live in a warm edge, in the Crimea. And today, a miracle happened, fell a long-awaited snow. I just love this time of year! But I still love the snowy christmas New York! I created a website about the New York and there are not enough photo christmas NYC. Can I use your photo for placing on the site? Thank you in advance. Merry Christmas !

  19. I Congratulate You With Merry Christmas ! I live in a warm edge, in the Crimea. And today, a miracle happened, fell a long-awaited snow. I just love this time of year! But I still love the snowy christmas New York! I created a website about the New York and there are not enough photo christmas NYC. Can I use your photo for placing on the site? Thank you in advance. Merry Christmas !

  20. That was a great card Pat! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas-enjoy:@)

  21. Merry Christmas and Joyeux Noël from Canada.
    I love the card. I do have to say that I have sat in the glow of the tree lights every year. It is just the best feeling when everyone was asleep and the streets were quiet and I could also quiet my head and soak in the wonderful season.

  22. How true! Thanks for sharing it with us. And for the picture of your tree...Have a wonderful Christmas in NY:)

  23. Your tree is beautiful. Wishes for the merriest of Christmas celebrations!

  24. I'm glad you saved that card. So true. May you be blessed with joy and contentment this Christmas...

  25. I'm listening to your video and watching the scenes from The Nativity. Your tree is so pretty! Love the poem, too. It does say it very well.

  26. Merry Christmas to YOU and YOURS, Pat. I certainly enjoy your blog.


  27. Lovely! Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.

  28. Merry Christmas to you, hubby and family! Enjoyed your post today!

  29. Merry Christmas, Pat! Love that last poem there.

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend! I know you wish you were out west with the kids and grands. Thanks goodness for Skype, cheap long distance, etc, huh! :) Makes it so much easier!

  30. Your tree is outrageously beautiful!! Marry Christmas, Pat!! Blessings and peace to you and your family.

  31. What a beautiful tree and a lovely poem, Your thoughts about Christmas are mine too Pat.
    Merry Christmas with blessings and love,

  32. Merry Christmas, Brooklyn Pat! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and many blessings in the new year. May we find more made in America merchandise to buy! :)

  33. Merry Christmas...Loved the poem...

    Enjoy the new year - and I'll be looking forward to sharing our friendship in the year to come...

  34. Pat, thank-you for sharing your beautiful Christmas poem (so true!)and tree and the Christmas song. Wishing you and your family many beautiful Christmas sights and sounds and joys. Pat, your wonderful Christmas spirit always reaches and touches my heart :)
    Margaret from B.C.

  35. Thank you everyone!

    Merry Christmas, Margaret ..I always enjoy your comments and loyal friendship! Someday I hope you will begin a blog :)

  36. Thanks for your visit and your kind words. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  37. Sorry I haven't been around much lately but I'm a bit unwell at the moment. Merry Xmas to you from Sicily. xx

  38. Merry Christmas Pat! I love the poem, especially the last couplet--

  39. Hoping you and yours have enjoyed a wonderful Christmas, Pat. Blessings ~ Tanna

  40. Stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas, Pat. Hope you and your family have had a splendid day.
    Hugs ~ Sarah

  41. My Drar! I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas, full of joy!

  42. Merry Christmas Pat. May 2012 be filled with joy for you.

  43. Beautiful post! And here's hoping you had a most blessed Christmas, Pat.

    We sang Silent Night together as a church family on Christmas Eve...with the lights off and each one holding a lighted candle. We end the service that way every year...and every year 'my throat gets tight'!

  44. Beautiful tree Pat and such a lovely poem. Hoping you had a wonderful Christmas!
    ♥, Susan

  45. I hope you had a very merry Christmas!

  46. A very apt poem for us grandmas. I hope you had a nice Christmas. Your tree is huge and beautiful.

  47. Pat, that is just a beautiful poem. I notice that I am getting older and that is just fine when I realize that some of the changes about me are better.

    I love your choice of music makes me want to put a CD in right now.


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