
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Life Well Lived: Hairstyles For Women Over 50

When BlogHer asked me, along with other bloggers, to contribute to week 25 of  "Life Well Lived Looking Your Best" with the topic of our favorite hair tutorials, I had to smile to myself.  This very topic has been on my mind lately as my daughter's wedding is coming up in a few months, and I have been on a search for a solution towards the best way to style my hair for the occasion.

As you can see from this photo of the back of my head....

I have a lot of thick, wavy hair!

I've worn my hair long in layers for a few years, mainly because I can easy grab it up in a pony tail when I'm in a hurry and whenever I feel hot -- a condition that seems to go hand in hand with being over 50 years old, if you know what I mean.  Now that a wedding is in the near future, I need a more contemporary style, but I didn't want a drastic change.  How can I manage my frizz and tame my tangles? Do I lighten or color my hair darker, or add highlights? Do I wear it up or leave it down? Perhaps cut it short?  Should I invest in a expensive keratin treatment and try to straighten it? Get a perm and curl it more?  Help! So off I went on a computer search for a solution to all my questions

First, I asked for helpful suggestions on my facebook page. So many friends told me to find a photo of a hairstyle I Iiked and begin there.  That sounds easy, and off I go to pursue the "Hairstyle" category on the wonderful resource website Pinterest, where thousands of hairstyles must be pinned every hour.  Click on this link to see what I mean.

Photo sources: Found on Pinterest
Here are a few of the many hairstyles I found on Pinterest that I'd LOVE to have.  I would love to have soft, shiny straight hair, but past experience of a few unhappy haircuts has certainly taught me that that's not possible with my type of hair.  I also have to be realistic and accept I am not in my twenties or thirties any longer. My hair is changing, along with the rest of me, and I didn't want to try adding another treatment to try to straighten it chemically, along with the hair color I already have to apply every six weeks to color the gray.

So, through further online searches, I found a fun Makeup and Beauty blog that had a catagory of 101 hairstyle tips and tutorials. This is a fabulous resource for all kinds of hair tutorials!  Lots of wonderful advice and videos and clear instructions on hundreds of topics, such as how to grow out bangs,  how to use a pencil to get an up do, and what products to use on problem hair.  There were also many wedding hairstyle examples to peruse.  I really enjoyed spending some time on this blog looking through all their categories. I saw I have a lot to learn!

Being a realist, however, I also wanted to search for what hairstyles look good on "a woman of a certain age," like myself. Surely we have special hair issues and needs that require a unique approach.

Photo Source; Beauty

I did a search for "hairstyles for women over 50" and this lovely lady showed up among the photos -- actress Michelle Pfeiffer -- on the Beauty website in their category "Hairstyles of Women Over 50"  This is a hairstyle my wavy hair would easily cooperate with! The only thing I'd change from her style is that I would keep my bangs.

photo source: Beauty

Some more photos of lovely actresses that were examples on the Beauty website's "hairstyles of women over 50," that gave me a much better idea of what would be practical for me. I liked Glen Close's bangs and the soft way curls of Susan and Blythe.

In addition to hairstyles of all ages and occasions, there was a lot of good information on the Beauty website for makeup, skincare, fragrances, nail care, etc.  It is another wonderful resource!

After all this information I went to my hairdresser and trimmed my hair from long and wavy to a shorter style based on the photos I liked. It's not much, but it's a beginning!

Stay tuned as the wedding approaches and I learn more about what color I decide on that that will be best for me and my complexion, and what products I should use to tame my frizz, and what style I will eventually chose to waer for the wedding. If you have any suggestions I'd be pleased to read them.

So, what does the "Life Well Lived" Blogher expert recommend for "How To: Find That Perfect Hairstyle"? Click on this link to see, and please leave a comment there on what your favorite hairstyle resources are.

To enter the "Life Well Lived Moments Sweepstakes 6"  for a chance to win a Kindle Fire, take a moment to leave a comment on this link.*

* Please note:  The BlogHer Life Well Lived Moments sweepstakes runs from January 26, 2012 to February 29, 2012 and is only open to individuals who, at the time of entry deadline, are legal residents of the United States or Canada (excluding Quebec), are 18 years or older and who are registered users of at the time of entry. Winners will be randomly selected from all eligible entries. Click here for official rules. Good luck!

 I'm also adding this post to the "Mosaic Monday" event on Mary's blog A Little Red House -- thanks Mary!


  1. Well---I hope you come up with something you are happy with. I myself (as you know from looking at me) love short hair on women--especially as we age....

    Good Luck.

  2. Hi Pat! It’s already deep into the New Year and into the crisis, but hope is the last thing to fade... We’ll survive!

    And their hair will also survive... ;))

    Blogtrotter Two is visiting a place you probably wouldn’t suspect... ;). Enjoy and have a great week ahead!!!

  3. I like the shorter hair.Looks nice from the back. I like all the waves, very nice.
    We await the color reveal!

  4. quite a change for your post...I like it...I've been looking at hair styles on Pinterest too! Thinking about letting my gray go longer! I do not have a pretty feminine neckline, plus my hair grows up on oneside down on the with short hair about 2 weeks into the growth I have hair sticking out from my neck LOL....! Like your shorter cut...look forward to seeing what direction you go with your beautiful mane of hair for the wedding!

  5. weddings are so much fun for everyone. a new look, a new dress, new shoes and, in the case of my god-daughter's wedding, her mom went out and had her teeth cleaned!!! Too funny! whatever we have to do to make ourselves comfortable!

  6. The shorter hair looks nice and I'm sure you will find a style that makes you comfortable. I think I've had the same hairdo (with slight variations) for years. I would love to have a change, but can't seem to do it.

  7. My thin, thin fine hair is a challenge. Right now I'm letting it get longer -- would love to be able to pull it back -- and it's almost where I'd like it. I'm always interested in hair tips for the woman over 50! Like the look of your new cut.

  8. I love seeing the hairstyles of women over 50 and that they have not cut their longer hair short short....

    I have very thin hair, ever since I was 13. I lost a lot of hair due to hormone issues...I would give anything almost to have thick hair.

  9. I love your naturally thick and wavy locks! I think the new cut from the back looks amazing though - your hair does look like its now got shape but still as lustrous as ever!! Ooooh I can't wait to see what you'll do next to your hair!!! Especially what colour it'll be!! How exciting!

    Take care

  10. I'd love to have your think and wavy hair issues, Pat. My hair is horrible....I have plenty of it, but it's fine and if I try to wear it straight it just falls flat on my head cuz it also has no body.

    I don't mind longer hair on older women...just not super long hair. It's like you said, as we age our hair changes and the long tresses that once looked swell on the younger us aren't so flattering on the older us. I do like the styles you selected on the older actresses...they are pretty and yet very appropriate for their ages.

    How fun that we get to see your new "do" as it evolves! You are so smart to change in slower gradually find just what suits you!

    Thanks for sharing with us some of the fun you are having in the wedding plans!!

    L, Dana

  11. I love the color you are currently using! I would consider a really deep professional condition treatment, then begin experimenting with different styles AND let us see you from the front, pretty lady. Bangs and all. I started going silvery about ten years ago and continued coloring my hair the blonde I had been all my life UNTIL my hair got so porous it wouldn't hold color. Now I am my natural color and embracing it (most of the time.)

  12. Hi Pat. I think the hairdo of Blythe will look great on you. Just on the shoulders and the curls will do the rest. No layers just blunt cut. My husbands niece is 63 , has the same curly hair like you and it looks gorgeous and very young, Thats what we want, right> LOL Happy Valentine my friend.

  13. It can be a hard thing to figure out...our hair. Mine is not as wavy as yours but my grey's (which I LOVE) are coming in kind of like little cork screws. WOO HOO! I discoverd an oil that I massage just a tiny bit of into my hair after drying it. It has helped tame it a bit. A great hairdresser is the one who finds what your hair likes to do, what style looks best with your face shape AND realistically knows what you can and want to do in the daily care department. Don't give me a style that takes LOTS of time to manage and make happen. I love that my hairdresser is so good she can cut my hair and it will lay like it should without lots of work. The oil has saved me though. I don't remember the name of it. I can email it to you if you're interested. It doesn't give me the total sleek, shiny hair look but it gives it a nice boost in being CONTROLLED. (c: I can't even imagine the mother of the bride choices and thoughts. I know your joy (the true beauty) will be shining through as you celebrate with her, such a wondrous day!

  14. Hi Pat, Your hair is a lot like mine. I use Kerastase curl defining products...expensive, but really worth it. The conditioner helps with the frizz, and the curl comes in a tube and you work a little into your hair after it is washed. It just helps keep the frizz at bay. This was a fun post!
    ♥, Susan

  15. My hair is thick and wavy and I use Root Awakening leave in conditioner and a very big round brush and blow dryer on low if I want it straight...otherwise I put curlytop stuff in it and it has no frizz but keeps the waves and curls....however...a few months ago I cut off all my length and went short and boy do I love it! It takes like 5 minutes to do! Also...I do not color my hair...a choice I made long ago...but I love your color!!

  16. You have such beautiful hair...and I bet it grows fast, too! I think the best thing to do with our 'style' is to keep it as natural as we can! I don't have time to do a whole lot any more so I wear mine in a natural style, too! ♥

  17. You have such nice thick hair, pretty color, and it looks great in the photo's you've shown. I'd be careful with changing it too drastically, I'd wait for after the wedding to try new looks and just go with a nice trim and maybe a more formal blow out? I am sure whatever you decide you'll be the most beautiful mother of the bride! Exciting times.

  18. lol I have been looking at new hairstyles on pinterest as well! I will be going a bit shorter also. Can't wait to see what you decide on for the total look.

  19. Oh this is great. Good for you for doing this research. I'm looking forward to seeing the final outcome for what you decide!

  20. Wow this is as informative as your city posts! I will check some of these out as I'm up for a new idea for my short hair. BTW mine is as straight as a nail and I so wish I had some curl!

  21. You are lucky to have so much hair to work with! Mine is fine and I'm pretty limited to shorter, chin-length styles. I love Blythe Danner's style and Diane Keaton is another one whose hair I love.

  22. Hair is such a challenge! The one thing that being 50+ has given me is less oily hair so at least when I do my hair, it lasts for a couple of days and I don't have to was it.

    A couple of years ago I bought a flat iron and it's been the best thing I've tried in decades. Have fun trying new things!

  23. I want your hair - mine is thinning too fast! I loved seeing photos of those glorious 50-something women and their amazing beauty,

  24. Pat, this was me a year ago. My stepdaughter was married in November and I toyed with the idea of a new "do." I've shortened my hair from time to time and gone "natural" (which, like you, is very thick and wavy), but basically have worn my hair in long layers a la Farrah Fawcett for years. I also highlight it and am fortunate that I have very little grey. I spent months and many dollars trying to find the perfect eye shadow. I didn't get my make up done professionally because it always looks overdone, in my opinion. I love the styles you found in your search, but agree that you should keep your bangs if that's what you wear usually. Can't wait to check out your links. Best advice I can give is to have someone else do your hair and have at least one trial before the wedding.

  25. Pat, you have beautiful hair. I like the new length. Like you, my hair is long because it makes it easy to pull back in a pony tail or French braid. ~ Sarah

  26. You have great hair! I like the trim. I keep mine short as it is stick straight, and i have highlighting 3 times a year.
    Start experimenting with different styles at the length it is. You can always go shorter. I don't really like long hair on older women, esp if is gray. I think it looks droopy, lol
    Everyone is looking at the bride, so don't fret too much!:)

  27. I love curly hair! My daughter is a hairdresser and does the keratin treatments all the time. She straighten my youngest daughters very curly hair and I so miss her beautiful curls. I know it is a little more work to style but the keratin has to grow out.

    You have a beautiful hair color. I'm not even sure you need highlights.

    I was super hesitant to let my bangs grow out but several years ago, at the urging of my daughters, I did. I prefer it now.

    I know you will find just the right style for your hair type. Can't wait to see it!

  28. Hairdos. Always a problem. If it is curly we want it straight; if it is straight we want it curly. It looks like you are finding your way to a solution. I envy your curl!

  29. Okay... I am going to stick my neck out here. I think as we get "older" a smoother look for special occassions is very flattering and nice. For casual.. I like the way your hair looks with the a bit of wave. (Wish I had some of that!) A little lift is good too. In my day we "ratted" our hair.. and hey, I'm from Texas. We still do that number. So there is my opinion.
    Good luck!
    Ladybug Creek

  30. What a fun thing to decide! I personally love that hair style Susan Sarandon is wearing with the curls. I bet your hair would do could ask your hairstylist about gel or mousse or whatever it is that made her curls so smooth and shiny.

    Can't wait to see what you do!

  31. I have thick hair like you Pat, I need to trim mine often or otherwise it looks like a lions mane! But seriously I love your cut, the shape looks beautiful from the back, not too long and not too short. Layers look great!

  32. You have a gorgeous head of hair, and I think it is perfect the way it is!!!!

  33. Your hair is beautiful, and I think you are so right to work with it rather than against it. Layers are the way to go.

  34. The hair issue starts young and continues well past our 50's doesn't it? I would love to have thick hair.
    Your haircut wasn't too drastic and I'm sure you'll come up with something classy for the wedding.

  35. With a head of thick, straight hair, I spent years trying to make curls. I finally decided to quit fighting and go with what I have. I'm smiling...that you did the same with your head of curls. Beautiful curls...I might add. Looking forward to seeing your wedding hair.

  36. HI Pat what a fun post. I do love your thick wavy hair. My hair is so thin and fine, very hard to anything with it. I will have to check out these links. I am sure you will find a beautiful hair style for your daughters wedding. Have a happy week and Valentine's Day!

  37. I'm a bit envious of all of your beautifully thick hair Pat. Mine is very fine and hard to work with. I have more bad hair days than one would like to admit, especially on humid days. My revenge is finding the very best hair stylist I can. I imagine your choices in the city would make my head spin.

    I'm sure you'll be gorgeous for the wedding. Happy Valentine's day.

  38. Oh, Pat, I am looking forward to seeing what style you decide on and I LOVE your ladies over 50. They are great inspiration for those of us over the hump!

    So much to do to get ready for weddings!! Yikes! I'm starting to feel a little crazy! blessings ~ tanna

  39. VERY FUN post, Pat! Your shade of red/auburn you have now is lovely already. I's hard choosing a new style for every day, let a long very special occasion, so I'm sure this much be tough choice. I often think Michelle Pfeiffer & Susan Sarandon look elegant, classic, timeless hair styles. Can't wait to hear more wedding news... so exciting! :o) Sending you extra LOVE this Valentine week, my friend ((HUGS))

  40. I had to laugh when the first 3 photos you posted were for fine straight hair... Why are we never just satisfied?
    I fall into the same trap. I'd love to have thick curly hair like you do ~:-)

  41. I have thick wavy hair and hair that grows faster then the average person. Dying my hair and living in a humid environment makes my hair a nightmare to control. To make matters worse I prefer to wear it straight so my chi flat iron helps. My newest product is called "it's a 10" which I purchased at Ulta. It says it is a miracle leave in product. It actually works on my hair and trust me I have tried more products and spent more $ then I like to admit. No matter how good the haircut I also must reply on good hair product. Waiting for the day for the frizzy look will be in:-)

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. If you have a good hairstylist get an opinion from them as to what would look good on you. May have a trial run. If your hair is curly let it be curly. Don't fight it. Keep it simple and shiny. Have someone do your make up too. I did that for our son's wedding in October. When I came out of the salon all I had to do is put my dress on. I was ready. It will be great Pat. V

  44. Beautiful lot of hair and a very pretty color, too!

    (I do the same sorts of things. I even take the hairdo and slap it on my head in Photoshop. This does not always work as well as I'd hoped, but then you know about my escapades with hairstyles. Ha!)

  45. A very interesting post. I think you have a lot of very lovely hair and your colour is very nice. I am sure you'll find a hairstyle that will suit you perfectly. Have a nice week.

  46. Pat- what a great idea to get opinions from the blogosphere for a new "do." I love the Michelle Pfeiffer hairdo and I think it would look great on you. You made a good start with the shorter trim. It seems when we have straight hair, we want curly and vice-versa. Embrace the waves and curls.

  47. Pat, I have that dang pony tail thing....I still need to get to the hair dresser. Don't know when it will happen. I do like the Blyth Danner do .:):):) xo, Susie(She Junks)

  48. I do the pony tail thing far too often. Not so much because I'm hot but because I'm lazy. At least when it comes to beauty routines.

    Funny you mention Susan Sarandon. Last time I had my hair cut, I brought in a photo of her. She has lovely, wavy hair. Mine's wavy but not all that lovely, even after the haircut. (Maybe because I usually keep it in a pony tail.)

    Entered for the Kindle Fire on the link provided. Would be quite happy to win.

    Enjoy your week!

  49. Your hair is gorgeous Pat. How lucky you are to have naturally curly hair. I'm sure that your hairdresser will come up with some suggestions that will be flattering. I'm proud to be part of the "Ginger" club as a cousin loves to call those of us who are redheads. Every time I colour my hair I use my second name...just call me "Anne with an E!"

  50. It's funny how nobody likes the hair that they have! I love your thick, wavy hair!

    I'm very jealous!

    The hair cut looks nice (at least the back of it).

  51. At least you have hair to work with..Mine is so thin and straight there are few choices. I love the colour of your hair and the curls

  52. Dear Pat,
    My gosh, you have gorgeous hair. I think the Blyth Danner cut would be nice on you. Maybe a little frosting or high lights. With that cut you can use hair combs to pull away from your face. I know you must be so excited for the coming event..Thanks for the lovely comment.

  53. Hi Pat!
    I know what you are going through, because I went through the same questions before my daughter's wedding in Oct.
    I actually went to the stylist who was going to do my daughter's hair, and sat for a couple of different hairstyles. As a child I always admired my mother's styles- like the french twist. So, I had that done too, and realized it was too severe for me. I ended up with hair that was blown straight, since my hair tends to be frizzy also. The top and sides were swept up (with a slight side-part)to the back where it was clipped in a sparkly hair clip. I loved it, because it was me, but fancier for the occasion. If I may offer advice? Your cut looks good...I wouldn't do a keratin treatment- it may look too flat in your eyes (which is why I said no to that suggestion) but with your waves, I would have the hair blown, and possibly set if needed, in order to keep those waves which are so beautiful, and so a part of you. As far as color? I can't tell what you do or don't do to your hair, and again I would keep it as most like you as possible.
    I had my makeup done because I don't know the first thing about makeup. It was definately more than I usually use, but when I look at photos, I think how my undereye circles and bags are only slightly visible(!) and my eyes don't get lost with my huge smiles that I couldn't help that day!
    Have fun with the process. Really, really enjoy it. I am not used to being as pampered as I allowed myself to be as "mother of the bride", but I had fun, and I hope that you do too!

  54. You may as well scrap the straight, sleek styles. If you don't, it will guarantee that the day will be humid and drizzly.

    Just going by your profile picture, isn't your coloring much like Nicole Kidman's? Just wear whatever she wears. :)

  55. Lucky you, with all that gorgeous thick, wavy hair!

  56. I like your 'new' shorter do. Though it would be nice if we could see it framing your charming face, Pat. :)

    I've always wanted to have red hair.....sigh. We always want what we can't have.

    I've had short hair since high school and that's the only way I can seem to manage my very thick, very wavy dark hair.

    The funny thing is that after my chemo the hair came back in darker (with less gray) and less curly. Go figure.

    People think I color my hair but I don't. For my age, it looks pretty good.

    I keep it short/short, though.

    Thanks for a fun post.

  57. I'm 26 and still can't figure out the perfect way to do my hair. It's so frustrating.

    Hope you have a special Valentine's Day :)

    <3-Cami from First Day of My Life

  58. Good luck finding a hair style you like and one that fits your hair type. I know what a pain curly hair can be sometimes.

    Happy Valentine's to you!

  59. Wonderful! As I have found some of crucial information about haircare and hairstyles for those Women who are over 50. It's authentically looking one of knowledgeable featured source for me. Thanks for sharing.

    Prescription Drugs

  60. I do use keratin treatments; for smoothing, controlling friz etc. My layers are long ones and really just add body. I don't usually wear it curly.

    You will find what you really like Pat! Change is good and Fun!

    Art by Karena

  61. When our oldest daughter got married I grew my hair out for her and had it done in a fancy up do! I think if we have another wedding I will be a bit more casual! There are lots of different looks to choose from! You have a nice head of hair! Lucky you! Good luck finding your favorite look! whatever you do I think you will look sensational! Have a terrific weekend!

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