
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter!

Alleluia -- Christ is Risen!

"I am the Resurrection and the Life"

~ John 11:25

This will be my Mom's first Easter in Heaven, and we will be spending time remembering her and how much she loved this Holy Day.  I know she is truly celebrating with the Risen Christ and those who have gone before her in paradise.

May you all enjoy your day with family and friends and sharing your special holiday traditions....Wishing everyone a very Happy and Blessed Easter!

I'm inking this post to the following blog events:


  1. Wishing You & Yours a Blessed Easter!!

  2. Beautiful post, Pat. Love the photos. I have more familyin Heaven than on earth, but know they are at peace and still feel their love. Love never dies. Blessings to you and yours, xo

  3. Lovely post Pat, Happy Easter!

  4. Can you imagine your Mom seeing Jesus and singing His praises tomorrow morning with all the multitudes!!!!
    Have a blessed Easter! I hope all your memories are happy ones!

  5. Beautiful post, Pat. Hugs to you and yours and Happy Easter!

  6. Happy Easter, Pat! I can only imagine how you miss your mother at Easter and as you plan the wedding. You must have so many lovely memories of Easter with your mother - and you know she watches over you and your children and grandchildren from her place of glory!

  7. Pat, I pray your Easter is happy. I know you will miss your mom being there. But she will be in all your hearts. Blessings, Susie

  8. Oh what a sweet thought that your mom is with our Savior! Amazing. That brought tears to my eyes...good tears!
    Easter Blessings to you and yours!

  9. Hi Pat, This is a very beautiful post and the mosaic is so touching with the glorious flowers and stained glass. Your Mom is with her loved ones but still part of your life too. I know I feel my Dad here everyday and I also feel his peace. Happy Easter to you and your family. Linda

  10. Happy Easter to you and yours dear Pat!

  11. Pat, this is a beautiful post. How blessed to know that your mum is rejoicing in heaven this Easter. Wishing you a blessed Easter. Pamela

  12. Dear Pat, wishes to you and your family for a bright and blessed Easter!

  13. Oh what a beautiful Easter post Pat. Stunning.
    Happy Easter to you too

  14. Have a beautiful and reflective Easter lovely Pat and all your family! Take care

  15. Happy Easter to you and your family! Beautiful pictures. Grace xoox

  16. Your Easter images are gorgeous!!! I know this Easter will be hard for you, and your mom would not want that, she is so happy now. May you have a blessed Easter!

  17. The holidays are always the hardest the first year after you lose a loved one. Have a Blessed Easter.

  18. I know you are missing your mom as I am my father. Thanks for the beautiful collage of photos!

    hugs, dotsie

  19. Bunny hugs & jelly bean wishes to you ...
    Happy Easter ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  20. That is a beautiful way to celebrate Easter, Pat...thinking of your loved ones celebrating in heaven with the Lord. Happy Easter to you!

  21. Hoppy Easter to you Pat...and to your mom:)

  22. Happy Easter, Pat! What a beautiful and inspirational post. There will be a lot of remembrances tomorrow. All sweet.

  23. Happy Easter to you and your family Pat!

  24. We too think of loved ones celebrating in Zion...and hold our older family members here on earth knowing our days together are dwindling. Can't imagine how it will be when we all are gathered in!

  25. Pat, your mosaics are so beautiful. Special hugs to you this first Easter without your Mom. xoxo tanna

  26. Beautiful, Pat. All the best to you and your family for a a blessed Easter Sunday. I know this will be an emotional one for you. Know that I'm thinking of you, dear friend. ~ Sarah

  27. Beautiful post Pat. I know you will miss your mom tomorrow, but she is in heaven and you will find comfort in that. My mom left us suddenly to go to heaven, nineteen years ago. My dad left my sister and me five years later. I rejoice knowing they are together!
    Wishing you Joy and Peace Pat this Easter.

    The French Hutch

  28. Dearest Pat- What beautiful thoughts you have expressed. I know it will be bittersweet without your mother this Easter, but I pray your family can rejoice in all the blessings God has bestowed on you and yours.

  29. Such a pretty mosaic. The holidays can be hard without the ones we've lost. We can bring them back with our best memories.

  30. Oh Pat, what gorgeous photos and words... YES---Christ is RISEN... He LIVES... Alleluia!

    I know how much you miss your Mom --but if she could talk to you, she'd say that she was dancing up there in Heaven with Jesus!!!! How wonderful is that...

    God Bless You.

  31. I know how you are feeling as this is our first Easter since my dad went to heaven just two weeks ago. The hope is risen Lord is especially evident this Easter season. Thank you for stopping by my blog and for sharing your story. Patty

  32. Happy Resurrection Sunday to you and you family! Thanks for sharing such lovely photos.

  33. Wishing a very blessed Easter to you and your family, Pat.

  34. Hi Pat, your post brought tears to my eyes. It is lovely, the quotes are beautiful and stained glass is stunning.

    As you know it's my 1st Easter without my mom. We would have had a birthday cake for her, her birthday is Tuesday, tomorrow will be particularly difficult.

    She always made the baked beans for Easter, so this year I'm making the beans as a surprise for the family.

    Happy Easter to you and your lovely family!


  35. Have a great Easter. Sorry about your Mom but I'm sure she is in a great place.

    What an explosion of color from your photographs!

  36. Such amazing photos. May God surround you with precious memories of your mother today. Easter blessings to you and yours.

  37. Hi Pat! Hope you’re having a Happy Easter! Sorry for the absence, but things are ever more difficult here...
    Blogtrotter Two is now somewhere in the Virgin Islands... Enjoy and have a great week ahead!!!

  38. All those "firsts" are so difficult without our loved ones. But we have that blessed assurance of seeing them again one day! Happy Easter!

  39. I know you will be missing you mom this Easter. I hope you have a wonderful weekend surrounded by family and friends.

    Happy Easter,

  40. Happy Easter to you and your family!!

  41. Happy Easter, Dear Friend!

    A most beautiful post! The mosaic is just lovely and it is such a blessing to see the stained glass window!

    Thank you so much for adding to Think on These Things!

  42. Happy Easter to you and your family, Pat. I hope you have a lovely Easter Sunday.

  43. Thank you . I hope you had a nice weekend as best as possible under the circumstances.

  44. Happy Easter to you and your wonderful family, Pat. Isn't this weather fabulous? Thanks for all the gorgeous pictures. :)

  45. What beautiful thoughts on this special day and a wonderful mosaic. Blessings, my friend.

  46. This is such a lovely mosaic Pat. I hope your Easter holiday was as wonderful as our weather.
    ♥, Susan

  47. A Happy Easter to you, dear lady.
    Hugs, Cindy

  48. Beautiful mosaic and photos. What a lovely Easter post. Pat, Happy Easter to you and your family!

  49. Beautiful photos! Wishing you a glorious Easter!

  50. I know you miss your mom ... as I do mine ... but what peace to know they are with the Savior, and that one day we will join them there. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Hugs ~ Mary

  51. I always miss my parents of special holidays. Have a blessed Easter and take care:)

  52. I hope your Easter has been filled with joy, Pat, in spite of missing your sweet mother. How wonderful to know that one day you will be together with her again.

  53. Easter Blessings to you and the family on the first one without your mum.You have all the lovely memories of times spent together especially at Easter, birthdays etc.. you will never forget them. Love Jackie in Surrey, UK.x

  54. Blessings to you & yours, Pat...I know you must be missing your Mom very much now... Wishing you a beautiful spring! :o) ((LOVE & HUGS))

  55. Your photos and mosaic are beautiful. Honouring your dear mother on the day that was so special to her is something that will likely always be part of Easter for you. I spent a lot of time thinking of my parents and grandmother as well. Easter was a very special day for our family. Easter Blessings Pat!

  56. A beautiful post. I hope you had a wonderful Easter.

  57. Truly a blessing to have received God's gift of death and resurrection and the memories etched from your Mother's celebration with our risen Savior.

  58. Sorry for your loss, but happy to celebrate Heaven's gain. He is risen indeed!

    Thanks for sharing your blues.

    Happy Blue Monday, Pat.

  59. Thinking of you, Pat. Hope you are having a pleasant Easter Monday. xx

  60. Beautiful post, Pat. I hope you had a wonderful Easter.


  61. Thanks, Pat! Trusting that you had a blessed Easter celebration.

    Love those white daffodils!

  62. Thank you for a beautiful post, celebrating the risen Christ and the promise of eternity for those who believe in Him ~ what a joy to know your mom is with Him!

  63. Wonderful to have you with us this Easter at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  64. Pat, your Easter photos are beautiful. I can't imagine how wonderful it must be to be part of the heavenly resurrection celebration. It is such a joy to know we will be feasting together with our loved ones again ...soon!

  65. Just beautiful!!! Yes He has, He is risen and lives in our hearts and one day, we shall see Him face to face;)

  66. This is a beautiful post in mosaic and prose, Pat. Yes, each day is better than the one before for your mother. It can be for us, too, if we take our time and remember the good thoughts you've shared here. Many blessings to you this week...

  67. Happy belated Easter to you Pat!

  68. Still trying to get my head above water after our busy weekend but I hope you had a wonderful Easter, Pat! Wonderful remembrance for your mother.

  69. Great post for Blue Monday:)

    Visiting for Blue Monday-hope you can stop by:)

  70. I hope you had a wonderful Easter. My folks really celebrated the holiday and when we were kids it was so beautiful and special. I miss those days but I enjoyed your pretty pictures and I know your mom is watching you from above!

  71. Jesus said to her,
    “I am the resurrection and the life.
    He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;
    and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.
    ~ John 11:25-26.
    This is one of the best and most favorite easter quotes you can read from the bible. Very nice.


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