
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Poetry of Spring at Green-Wood

When Spring arrives in New York City there are many places to visit to enjoy seeing a panorama of beautiful trees in bloom, but there are none more lovely than the historic Green-Wood Cemetery located in the borough of Brooklyn.  Just look at the bright colors of the combination of budding leaves and blossoms in this spot!

"And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees,
books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything."
  ~William Shakespeare

Green-Wood's 478 spectacular acres contains four glacial ponds.  Each one offers visitors the chance to reflect on the quiet grace of nature.

I sat by Crescent Water for awhile and enjoyed watching this well fed Canadian goose preen his feathers and sun himself.

"A flock of geese leave their lake and take wing, turning to poems in the sky."
~Dr. SunWolf

The Redbud trees near the pond were bursting forth with beauty.

"The naked earth is warm with Spring,
And with green grass and bursting trees
Leans to the sun's kiss glorying,
And quivers in the sunny breeze."
~Julian Grenfell

Just look at the blazing color of this Japanese Maple tree I came across along one of the paths!

"Trees are Poems the earth writes upon the skies!"
~Khalil Gibran

The budding trees made stunning backgrounds for the aged angel statues.

He spake well who said that graves are the footprints of angels. 
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The lily pads were just beginning to grow at Valley Water Pond.....

.....and this heron took advantage of the clear water to search for fish. 

If summer is a symphony in full concert,
then spring is a delightful string quartet,
a time of the softest beauty.
The notes are delicate ones,
as spring flowers are fragile things.
It is also a time of discovery. "
~Nancy Lindemeyer

I have visited Green-Wood Cemetery in many seasons, and for many different occasions in the past, so if you'd like to learn more about it click on this link that will bring you to all my prior Green-Wood blog posts

I'm linking this post to the following blog events:

for the letter "U" for the Utopia that is Green-Wood!

Thank you to all the blog hosts!

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  1. Absolutely beautiful post, Pat!!

  2. How lovely!! I do like that Japanese maple glowing orange over the angel statues! Absolutely stunning blooms!

    And the heron is gorgeous! I mean look at those feathers on its wings!

    Yay for sublime poetry and spring in Green Wood Cemetary. Take care

  3. The emergence of spring never looked lovelier. The Japanese maple is a treat!

  4. Lovely! What a place of beauty and peace. Thanks for sharing it with us.


  5. What a peaceful and beautiful place to visit, Pat. I love how the statues are framed with the leafing and blooming trees behind them. :-) Sue

  6. Beautiful spring shots, Pat. I could sit at one of those peaceful ponds and meditate for hours.

  7. As always, your pictures are so very beautiful!! Thank you! Cathy

  8. Dear Pat, a very beautiful post! I find cemeteries very peaceful and full of history. I also enjoy walking through them.

    Have a lovely day!


    P.S. Today was an OK day . . .

  9. That Japanese Maple is really stunning. I love a trip to the cemetery. The architecture is so lovely to me. Nice shots!

  10. These are always some of my favorite photos taken at this cemetery. What a gorgeous Spring we are enjoying this year!

  11. I counted 5 different color trees. how aweaome.

  12. Those budding trees are simply amazing. And I remember that April is poetry month with all that good poetry sprinkled throughout your post.

  13. Oh glorious! I haven't had a chance to get "out" and enjoy any Spring explosions yet. Maybe soon. I was hoping to get to zoom up a little north to the tulip fields...

  14. I plan to visit Greenwood Cemetery when I see my daughter in June.
    I grew up on East Third Street between Greenwood Cemetery and Prospect Park.
    My old home is still there, 52 East 3rd Street. Set in the concrete by the front gate is the same horseshoe that was there when I was a kid.

  15. Spectacularly beautiful!! That Japanese Maple is HUGE and oh, so gorgeous. That would be one of my favorite spots to spend time if it were close. blessings ~ tanna

  16. Beautiful cemetery, just beautiful. I love the shot of the bench at the pond, great place to sit and think.

  17. Gorgeous springtime scenery! I love your quotes from some of my favorite literature!

  18. That first picture is so beautiful - it looks like a painting. Sandie

  19. I love reading your blog posts, Pat, with all of the gorgeous photos. Spring at Greenwood is marvelous... Love seeing all of the flowering trees. The Japanese Maples almost make it look like Fall a little bit...

    Hope you are doing fine and getting ready for that big wedding... When do you go back to Colorado???? Those grands grow up very fast, don't they?


  20. Cemeteries with lovely trees and water features make such visits pleasant. Newly developed memorial parks on the west coast with horizontal headstone lack views to sooth one's soul. I do know some of the older cemetaries have to stuggle to pay for upkeep. I am glad this one seems to be doing OK. Great photos Pat!.

  21. I would be willing to bet Greenwood does not allow anyone living within three blocks to be buried there.

    Wait for it....:-p

  22. The beauty of nature is unsurpassed in springtime - and you have done it justice.

  23. The beauty of spring...captured beautifully right here! I like that Shakespeare quote...don't think I have heard it before.

  24. Thank you for your comments, everyone!

    Judy the Shakespeare quote comes from his play "As You Like It"

    Jill -- I'm not sure why you think people living within three blocks of the cemetery can not be buried there when they are deceased? I sure some have been!

    The cemetery is almost filled to capacity but due to its historical significance and beauty it receives many visitors and the staff conducts tours, book talks, theatrical events, etc, which generate revenue.

  25. Aww, Utopia fits perfectly. Thanks for such a wonderful tour of peace and beauty:)

  26. Such a beautiful park Pat. I would love to visit NY this time of year. It is truly lovely.

  27. The trees are just stunning! And your photos truly do them justice. xx

  28. Beautiful pics Pat! We sure have had some amazing weather-enjoy:@)

  29. Spectacular photos ... what a peaceful, lovely spot. It's nice to see spring again, ours is about finished here except for a few late azaleas. Thanks for sharing all those photos!

  30. What a beautiful place which I like. :)

  31. How beautiful. Both the photos and the poetry Pat.

  32. It is such a beautiful location, Pat. Your first photo looks like an impressionist painting. Thank you for sharing.

    How soon is the big day?

  33. This is stunning! The way you've intertwined the photos, your words and poetry... is just beautiful. I absolutely love this.

  34. This time of year with its blossoms and blooms is so beautiful. Your photo's prove it Pat. Wonderful is that Japanese tree, so special.
    Have a nice day.

  35. The stroll through the Greenwood Cemetery with you this morning gives me hope for the coming months and was truly a collection of the most beautiful trees I've "seen" in years. The Japanese Maple is spectacular and takes me back to the street I grew up on. Please put me at the top of your list when you publish your coffee table book Pat. i'll pre-order one today.

  36. Looks like a beautiful final resting place! =)

  37. Oh, they allow dead folks to be buried there all the time...but if they are LIVING close They have to wait until they are dead, just like everyone else.

    Little joke...too little? Our New Orleans tour guide teased us with that rule...she really did a "gotcha!" on a lawyer who questioned the law!

  38. Poetry and tender spring beauty... perfect combination, Pat... This was especially lovely to see! Happy Week :o) ((HUGS))

  39. What a lovely way to spend an afternoon and walk. Those are some of the most gorgeous pictures of Spring. I sure welcome it. Have a great Spring Grand ma, You must be so proud of your children. You are so young looking to even be a Grand Mother. yvonne

  40. Gorgeous combination of poetry and pictures, Pat. What a beautiful walk!

  41. What a beautiful place of rest to visit and enjoy! There's nothing like spring in bloom!

  42. What a beautiful post...your pictures are amazing...the colors...oh the colors! I have 2 Japanese maples...they are still very young though...only about 6 years old...that one must be really old to be that is incredible!!

  43. What a beautiful resting place...The photos of statuary are amazing!

  44. What a beautiful cemetery, Pat! it is so colorful and pretty. I like to explore cemeteries and have started looking into finding my ancestors resting places. Wonderful post and photos. Thanks for sharing.

  45. Pat, I am an "almost literary agent" (lol) so you need to get the book going. These photos are so great, it makes me want to go to this cemetery. Haven't been there in years!! xo

  46. Pat, I loved all your pictures and the poems. But I have to say , I am crazy for that Japanese maple tree. WOW. You really find the beauty in your life Pat. Smiles, Susie(She Junks)

  47. So beautiful, Pat. Your photos are poetry themselves. Love this: "Trees are Poems the earth writes upon the skies!" ~Khalil Gibran

    I hope to one day visit such a peaceful place. (Visit, mind you, not stay there.) :o)

  48. Stunning beauty. It must be a peaceful place to spend eternity.

  49. Here again, this time from Jenny's cause you're one of ten:) Still just as awesome too...

  50. Hello Pat, your post brings Spring to us in a very beautiful way. The poems and quotes are so perfect in this lovely setting. Your posts are a form of poetry in motion.

    Thanks for your comment about my post today. A bit different but I loved the outdoor photos of loved ones so much.

    Happy days to you and yours.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  51. Great photos. That japanese maple is stunning...with a capital U.....LOL

  52. Beauty overload in this pictures :D

  53. Beauty overload in this pictures :D

  54. Your Green Wood posts are my favorites. Wonderful!

  55. What a beautiful posting. Each of the photos is more lovely than the one before. And, that Japanese maple tree, well, it is perfection.

  56. What stunning pictures, such a beautiful resting place.

    You may be interested in linking this post up with Taphophile Tragics.

    Herding Cats

  57. Hello.
    My goodness, what a beautiful place. The scenery is stunning. The Maple definitely takes pride of place. All my favorite colors. Wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing.

    Utter These Words To Me

  58. How beautiful. Spring seems to be in full bloom in New York.

  59. These are so filled with color and life.

  60. Pat~ You captured some many gorgeous images! I love the architecture and shape of the Japanese Maple on the hillside! The angel statues have such a graceful & haunting beauty~

  61. It is the most beautiful cemetery. Glad to see you've joined my friend's meme Taphophile Tragics. The Japanese Maple is extraordinarily beautiful but I even like the trees in the background of the second photo that look like pen drawings in the sky.

  62. What a coincidence we had the same cemetery! Love your photos as well, I see a lot of things on your blog that I took photos of too :-). Thanks for visting my blog and your kind comments. Have a great weekend!

  63. Beautiful photos, Pat! I love the flowering trees at this time of year and they have so many beauties. Gorgeous place.

  64. Spring is almost too beautiful to contemplate at Green-wood. The blossoms, the blue sky - what comfort it must give to any soul going in search of a little quiet time for contemplation.

  65. Beautiful and Peaceful. Lovely photos. Such beautiful statuary.
    Happy Pink Sat. Pat


  66. Who knew a cemetery could be so beautiful!

  67. SO pleased you linked with TT! The beauty you have captured in this cemetery is candy for craving eyes (there's so little to please an aesthete like me where I currently work in China). Every image is stunning; the first one with the colors of spring made me gasp with joy.

  68. Thank you for contributing to Taphophile Tragics. I am glad that Herding Cats suggested it to you. Green-wood Cemetery in NYC is immensely beautiful, because of both its landscaping and its sculptures.

  69. I'm going around visiting everyone on today's PINK SATURDAY list.....with my hot cup of coffee, of course! Just wanted to let you know that I was here! Have yourself a great weekend, and stop by my place if you've the time!

    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina

  70. The shot of the trees by the pond is just beautiful! Hope you are enjoying this gorgeous weather today.
    The Titanic post was very interesting!

  71. You know? I stile a lot of your photos to make myself a very personal screensaver here at work....hope you don't mind, but they are beautiful!

  72. Japanese Maple tree is less famous than the Cherry tree, but it is magnificent.

  73. This is an Unbelievbly beautiful Utopia...

    The colors are so Unique...

    Great post for the letter "U"!


  74. The history in a cemetery is amazing and this one has such beautiful kept grounds as well! As a child I loved picking blackberries from the trees in our local cemetery. I have always loved the rich history found there. Thank you for another incredible share.

  75. I stumbled upon this post on this week's Watery Wednesday. You've paired images and quotes very nicely.


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