
Friday, April 27, 2012

I Saw the Space Shuttle Enterprise Fly Over NYC This Morning

There is the Enterprise Space Shuttle in all its glory! 

The Space Shuttle Enterprise flew atop a NASA 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft from Dulles Airport outside Washington DC this morning to New York City, flying down New York Harbor over the Verrazano Bridge, the Statue of Liberty and down the Hudson River to ultimately fly over the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum on Manhattan's West Side, where it will be put on display in June.

A friend and I went over to the Louis Valentino Jr Park and Pier in the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York to see the shuttle's flyover.  The pier, named as a memorial to an NYC firefighter who died in the line of duty, offers good views of the Statue of Liberty, Governors Island, Manhattan's skyline, Staten Island, and the New York Harbor.  There we waited with many other excited people and photographers. At around 10:30 AM we saw the first glimpse of the shuttle approaching the Verrazano Bridge.

It was a magnificent sight to see!

I was happy I had my most powerful zoom lens with me so that I was able to get some good close-ups as the shuttle flew over us and towards the Statue of Liberty.

As you can see there were many visitors at the base of the statue on Liberty Island.

The shuttle flew at a high angle over the Statue of Liberty, so I wasn't able to get a photo of both of them together, but I heard it was going to swing back down the Hudson River again after it flew over the Intrepid, so I hoped to get that photo later. In the meantime, I took a few extra shots which you can see in the mosaic above of the statue, the orange Staten Island Ferries, Ellis Island, an NYPD helicopter, and the Freedom Tower ( 1 World Trade Center) at Ground Zero in the distance. The tower is expected to become the highest building in New York City next week, as construction continues.  We soon saw the shuttle returning from the east for its next flyover.

Its fighter jet escort is visible in this photo

This time it was flying at a lower altitude so I could get it in frame with the Statue of Liberty.

 It was a very exciting and proud moment to see this wonderful tribute!

Some more closeups of the Enterprise. 

I heard on the radio that this shuttle was initially going to be named the "Constitution," but a letter campaign initiated by Star Trek fans to the White House and NASA to name the new shuttle after the science fiction TV show's "Starship Enterprise," influenced the then President Ford to have the name changed.  As a former "Trekie," I think it was a very inspirational name change!

The shuttle flew over the Verrazano Bridge another time...

....turned to the right...

....and flew towards Staten Island. It must have flown over parts of eastern New Jersey as we next saw it swing around ...

......and return from over the Bayonne Bridge in New Jersey

It was going to do one more fly by over the Statue of Liberty, so all the photographers on the pier were quickly set up their cameras again.  As you can see by the heavy coats and hoods it was a cool and blustery day today in New York.

Here it is approaching from the west with its fighter jet escort in the rear.

One more fly over salute to Miss Liberty!

The 747 NASA Shuttle Aircraft and the Enterprise Shuttle then flew off into the horizon and later landed at JFK airport at 11:!8 AM.

In several weeks the Enterprise will be "demated" from the 747 and placed on a barge that will be moved by tugboat up the Hudson River, lifted by crane and placed on the flight deck of the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum. It will be placed in a temporary climate-controlled pavilion and open to the public in June. The Intrepid will eventually have a permanent exhibit facility on board to showcase Enterprise and enhance the museum's space-related exhibits and education curriculum.  It will be a wonderful exhibit to visit!

I'm so glad to have been able to witness this historic event today, and I hope you enjoyed seeing it through my photos.

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  1. Such great photos and an exciting experience! Growing up I lived by an air force base and once while just outside playing I looked up and the shuttle was being piggybacked to that base and dropping altitude to land ... I'll never forgot that moment ... it is an awe-inspiring sight. Lucky you to get those shots! They're all great but to catch the shuttle over the Statue of Liberty ... wow.

    Robin @

  2. How lucky you were to see this Pat - and what fabulous shots you got. Yea for you.

  3. How exciting!!! I am glad I got to see it through your wonderful photos!

  4. You got the best shots Pat!! Thanks for posting this historic moment in time. Have a wonderful weekend.
    ♥, Susan

  5. Now that is so so cool Pat! I'm glad you had a good spot to take all these fabulous photos! Love it!

  6. Wow! Wow! and more WOW! Great photos. I was lucky enough to be sitting on a balcony overlooking the Atlantic near Kennedy Space Center when one of the shuttles returned from a CA landing. I was so close I felt I could reach out and touch it. So emotional, tears couldn't be suppressed. Thank you for posting these images.

  7. Thanks so much Pat for sharing this historic moment with us. Your photos are fantastic! I would never have a chance to see something like this otherwise. It was chilly and windy here today too. Hubby went trout fishing this morning in a nearby creek and he said the wind was chilly.

  8. Now THIS is what the word awesome was created for - gorgeous photos and how wonderful for you and the people who had this experience.

  9. Quite a bit of excitement indeed! So glad you were there to enjoy it:@)

  10. Oh Pat!! These pics are even better than the BBC's!!! Wow!!! So glad you witnessed this most amazing and poignant of events!! What adventures this spacecraft has been part of! Yay!! Take care

  11. Pat: I enjoy all your photos. This post is really special. Thank you!


  12. Pat! This is soooo cool. Talk about a wonderful, historic event!

    I'm so glad you got to see this! And that you shared it with us, too!

  13. Pat, that is so cool that you got to see the Shuttle. Your pictures are fantastic, thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed the post!

  14. Great series of shots! One of my fondest memories is being invited to a shuttle launch. We were like little kids. So excited about everything! I think of all the research and development that went on during those years and wonder who is going to do the R&D now .. medical research ... lots of really good *stuff*. Guess I'll get off my soap box!

  15. I felt as though I had the best seat with the best view! Great photos, Pat.
    I well remember how excited we Canadians were in 1981 when the shuttle landed at Tinker Air Force Base where we were stationed on exchange - what a thrill that was!

  16. got some amazing shots...magazine-worthy! I watched on tv. Leonard Nemoy was there! :)

  17. I just watched the evening news and knew if I visited your blog you would have some great pictures. It must have been thrilling to see the flypast again and again Pat. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience today with us. You certainly captured the it well!

  18. Magnificent! Your feature is much better than the evening news where I watched the report and wondered if you'd be there. I also found myself hoping that everyone had been told of the event and it appears that that is the case.

  19. Pat, thanks for sharing this historical moment. I got to see the shuttle fly over our city when it was transported back across country from a return from space. Amazing sight!

  20. Pat, What a wonderful thing to see - Thanks for sharing - for as long as I lived in Florida - I never saw the space shuttle...

  21. How really, really exciting!!!! Your pictures are unbelievable, with the bridge, and with the Statue Of Liberty! and I don't think I have ever seen it as close up as right here on your blog!!!! It is really inspiring!

  22. How exciting to see the space shuttle! Your photos are stunning. Once again you have shared your beautiful city.

  23. Pat, I felt such nostalgia looking at your fabulous pictures. What a magnificent day ( even if it was a bit cold and windy ) for this occasion. Somehow, just seeing this makes one proud to be an American.

  24. What a wonderful experience Pat and your photo's are so clear, it is just as if I saw it too.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Hugs, Riet

  25. I watched it yesterday at the gym while on television while riding my bike and I thought to myself, I bet Pat is watching it too - only in person. And you were. Great shots. Wish I could have been there with you.

  26. Great pictures! That would have been pretty amazing to see!
    Lucky you.

  27. You pursued amazing photos! What an event! It reminds me of the Statue of Liberty's 200th birthday and make over that we were at. A never to be forgotten day. Thanks for sharing! Loved seeing the colorful Staten Island Ferries!

  28. Come link those textures photos to our PhotoHunt too!
    Pat... my dad was in on the beginnings of the space program. These photos bring tears to my eyes. It is the end of an era.
    Thank you for the beautiful tribute~

  29. I was so hoping you were out there as our roving reporter!! ;) I know this must have been so wonderful to have seen in person. Thank you for sharing it through your eyes, Pat!! blessings ~ tanna

  30. I was hoping you got to see it! You took some wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  31. These are amazing photos Pat. Thanks for sharing them. What an opportunity to see this famous shuttle fly over New York!

  32. Wow! Thanks for letting me be, in some way, a part of history. Brought a lump to my throat and a teeny tear to my eyes. I lived in CA years ago, close enough to Edwards AFB to hear the sonic boom when it was close to landing, it always gave me goosebumps knowing where it had been. Sad to know it will fly no more.......

  33. Good job...of capturing the Space Shuttle's flight over NYC! So glad you were able to witness it first hand...and thanks for sharing your experience with us.

  34. What luck!

    I was in NY in 2004 and visited the Intrepid, but apparently I have to go back ...

  35. Wonderful photos, Pat!!! Thanks for showing me a sight I would never have seen if not for you.

  36. I have chills as I read your post. I wish I had seen it myself.

    Thanks so much for becoming a FOLLOWER.

    - The Tablescaper

  37. As always your photos are so gorgeous. I really truly enjoy visiting you. You are a great lady! My girls have a friend in the US Navy and he gave my hubby a cap from his naval carrier the Enterprise! I remember the Star Trek series fondly. :)

  38. Pat...You have blown me out of the park. If only I could have been there. When I was in the 8th grade my daddy, a Corp of Engineers civil and electrical engineer, was sent to the old Patrick Air Force Base to head the reactivating of the base. It had been a Genrman sub watch out post during the war and then deactivated. We were there when they actually created and built Cake Canaveral even going so far as to move an old cemetery. Once the Cape was up and running the missiles would be pulled right in front of our housing on their way to the Cape for firing. Now you understand why I am awestruck by your pictures. This all came long after I was gone, but I have felt a part of the space program from my experiences as a teenager. Your pictures are out of this world and I love the mosaic. Would you mind my dragging and dropping one of the pictures onto a cd so I can put it by my computer desk. The one over the Statue of Liberty is really special. For 5 years I took children to NYC for a week n the summers. It ended with 9-11. Your photos have made such an impression on me and certainly stirred up lots of wonderful memories. Thanks goodness you had you super telephoto. As always, thank you so much for your kind comments on my little blog. Hugs, genie

  39. I knew the shuttle was flying by NYC but I didn't realize that it was so well planned and was going back and forth. How lovely that you were able to get in such a good position for these great shots! They are amazing! Thanks so much for sharing them with us...what a treat!

  40. Hi Pat! What amazing pictures! Thank you!!! I will show them to my boys!
    I also want to thank you for your kind comment that you left on MySecretGarden post about tulips in WA!

  41. Pat those are amazing photos. What a wonderful opportunity to be able to record a moment or two in history.

    Thank you for sharing!!

  42. Oh Pat this was such a wonderful and historic post! I just loved seeing history through your lens!!! Wait until I show my husband your photos! He's a former Trekie too!

  43. wow! great shots! so near like you can touch soon :)

  44. Wow! That was great!! Super pictures. Thanks Pat!

  45. Wow....I saw images of this online in the news segments...but to see it live and in person of such an historical musta been a thrill!!! Great photos. Something that you'll never soon forget.

  46. I heard on the news yesterday about the naming of the Enterprise yesterday also. Being a Trekie I'm really happy they named it that. It's a meloncoly feeling about the end of the space program. My hubby and I saw the first show on TV of "Star Trek" many years ago==where did the time go. Your camera lens is fabulous!!Wonderful Photos.

  47. Pat! What a treat to see these photos AND for you to experience first hand. Thanks so much for sharing it!

  48. You captured some great shots, Pat! I saw a Tweet from Leonard Nemoy about the Enterprise :)

  49. What a thrill to see. Great photos of such an event.

  50. Awesome shots! That must've been a great event for the New Yorkers. I miss NY. I've gone aboard the Intrepid a couple of times. One was to attend an office party.

    Thanks for sharing!

  51. Thanks for sharing your excellent photos of this event.

  52. That must have been awesome to see, great shots. I love seeing it with Lady Liberty!

    The lush photos on my blog were from Vancouver.

  53. What an amazing sight! I wanted to stop by and thank you for your kind comment on my post about my old watering can. The space shuttle is quite a bit more impressive, I must say!

  54. How cool is that and to think you were able to get photos as well. Good for you for thinking to go where you could see the shuttle and take your camera along.

  55. Those are great shots. I seem to recall a shuttle being in Ottawa a few decades ago, on the ground, and taking some kids to see it.

  56. Wonderful shots of statue of liberty and space shuttle. I had not seen a space shuttle before.

  57. WOW Pat, What an amazing thing to have witnessed. I love how that was piggyback to that huge plane. You certainly have witnessed lots of history in NYC.

    Gorgeous photos. Pat these look like Getty Image material.

    Have a great night.


  58. Great photos1 Thanks for sharing joann

  59. Thank you! Thank you for posting all these exciting pictures. What an event to record.

  60. This is awesome! great photos too!! Happy to become your newest follower!

  61. Your photos are wonderful, Pat. It must have been a thrill to see the shuttle fly overhead.

  62. Incredible photos, Pat! What a neat experience! I'm so glad you shared this with us. Very cool!!!!

  63. You got some great shots, Pat! Thanks for sharing; I love your blues.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  64. Hi Pat, I was hoping someone would capture this event to share. Your photographs are amazing! Now I feel like I was there to see the Space Shuttle Enterprise myself, thanks to your beautiful photography. Thanks for this historical post Pat.
    Have a lovely week.

    The French Hutch

  65. Wow, wow, wow. These photos of the shuttle are fabulous. Good job Pat. Now I can say I have seen the shuttle. Sort of !!! HA!

    Thanks for your comment about the journal pages. We are having the best time doing these journals. Who knew I could even do this???

    Happy sunny days to you and yours.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  66. Thank you for your comment.
    I've got them both.
    I have two blogs: Mad about everyday life -
    My photoblog:
    Many come in to my blog about the "close thing" when they press on my profile picture - but it does nothing ..... I am always happy to get a comment from a blogger I've written a comment.
    Thank you again.
    Wishing you a good evening.
    Would you like to see my photo blog is at:

  67. Pat~ WOW! How thrilling to see and to capture with your lens! Your photos are STELLAR! Thanks for sharing with us :)

  68. Wow! Your photos are great! What a sight to see. Thanks for sharing with us.
    Thanks for stopping by and nice comment. Have a great day.

  69. Awesome serie! It is just lovely to see!
    Happy Blue Monday to you!

  70. Pat, you just amaze me my friend! These photos are priceless...they move me to tears! I'm so glad you were able to go and witness this event! I'll definitely being looking at these again and showing them to my hubby! Sweet hugs!

  71. I enjoyed your pictures so very much. I love the second one with the bright blue sky and big puffy clouds as a background.

    I thought of you this morning while watching GMA. I just know you were there to capture the moment for us of the tallest bldg taking shape......

  72. Oh that must have been so cool. What a wonderous sight. Valerie

  73. I am sending this to my hubby to see. Very interesting and great shots. sandie

  74. How wonderful to have seen it! Those are great shots of it over the Statue of Liberty.

  75. Great sequence!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  76. Wow, your pictures are absolutely amazing. What a sight that musst have been! I love the name too as a former Trekkie and a current one and since I married Captain Kirk! He was just Kirk then but once we got a boat he became my own Captain Kirk!

  77. Oh Pat, I so wanted to se this but could not be there--so thank you for these most incredible and beautiful shots. Every one is amazing--you even captured the beauty of the Bayonne Bridge with all the container ships below! The shot of the Statue of Liberty with the shuttle and the helicopter and the ferries leaves me speechless and so aware of the beauty of the city. I heard today that the tower is now the tallest building. When Al was a brand new young attorney in 1 WTC he worked on the bond issue for the Intrepid as bond counsel, so we are always interested in the changes that occur on it. And I had no idea that the Enterprise was named after THAT Enterprise! Good for President Ford. Thank you so much for this glorious and interesting post! Linda

  78. What a fantastic sight to see. And you've captured it so beautifully with your camera. Truly, a moment in history to remember.

  79. They will have to charge you to take their photos if they fly every day.

  80. Wow! i would have loved to be there, but this post was sure a close second. Absolutely stellar photographs. Especially loved the turning shot, but each one was magnificent. Thank you!

  81. WOW! Great photos :)
    Greetings from Australia♥

  82. What fantastic photos (you lens must be great) of a memorable moment in our history.

  83. Pat, those are fabulous photos! Thanks so much for posting them, I had not heard about this on the news, but my hubby had. You got some wonderful shots. Very fun post!
    Hugs, Cindy

  84. Wow! Great post with fantastic shots!
    Thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment;o)

    Happy day****

  85. Beautiful, beautiful once in a lifetime shots sweetie.

    Thank you so much for sharin' 'em with us. WoW!!! You must be thrilled!

    God bless and have a fantastic day!

  86. Phenomenal photos! The colors of the sky, clarity of the photos, and those amazing shots of the shuttle, all I can say is wow!

    You knew exactly where to position yourself to include the New York landmarks.

    Well done!

  87. WOW...this was AMAZING! What a fantastic experience....So glad you shared it with us! :o) And lovely to catch up with you after being away for some days. ((HUGS))

  88. Spectacular shots. Glad you had your telephoto lens... your close-ups are wonderful!

  89. Wow - fabulous photos! I feel like I was there.

  90. what a beautiful BLUES you have here...I really wanted to visit the Statue of Liberty :-) amazing shots and wonderful captions :-) Love all the pictures :-) Dropping by from last weeks BM


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