
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Love in a Puddle

I just had to share two photos that I took with my cell photo camera this morning, which made me smile...

While walking near a local parking lot I saw two objects floating in a large puddle left behind after a rain's heavy downpour.   As I approached I was surprised to see they were two ducks, happily swimming around in circles!  They had obviously decided a puddle was as good a body of water as any, to take a little rest.

One was male, one was female.  Perhaps a new Springtime romance? 

It was a little serendipity that made my day, and I hope it also made you a smile today!

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  1. Our neighborhood is filled with ducks - all looking to nest right now. After a rainfall, they happily swim in puddles. It always makes my day! I just smiled when I saw this!

  2. Aww. I bet the ducks there are happy like ours- finaly some rain & water for them! Sucha cute picture!

  3. Made me smile! Very cute couple :)

  4. Cute couple! I had two ducks swimming in my pool at my old house once. One time a duck flying too low crashed into my house during a storm. I found it the next morning, when I went to investigate because the crash was so loud. Had to give it a proper sendoff, no duck a l'orange. xo

  5. If you "build" it, they will come.:-) When we have a couple of days of heavy rain, a community "pond" will form, and we are able to hear the sounds of pond life as long as the water is there.

    I will probably never make it to NYC, so I love seeing the images you post of life there.

  6. How cute! It made me smile too :-) I just realized you are in Brooklyn. I live in Albany.

  7. Awww seeing these gorgeous ducks in the middle of a car park would make me smile too! Yay!

    Adorable! Take care

  8. Love it! Duck couples have been hanging out around our house lately...they always make me smile!

  9. any port in a storm! smiling here.


  10. We have two ducks, male and female, swimming around in the fountain at our golf club. I think they got lost!!

  11. A lovely sign of spring for sure! I can't wait for all the babies to start appearing...

  12. Very cute photos.
    Mallards mate for life too and grieve when one is gone.

  13. They look like Mallards, guess they thought they had fund a new lake! Nice school bus reflection!

  14. What a cute post! It's just "ducky" & I love it!

  15. This gives real meaning to the saying "Lovely weather for ducks."

  16. More proof that life's all about what we make it??? Cool pics:@)

  17. I love it...maybe itis love - or at least mating season!

    Love it when something so simple brightens our day!!!

  18. How funny....this makes me smile, too! Simple and sweet!

  19. Thanks for this, Pat. It left me smiling as well. So sweet. Love finds a way. :)

  20. That is too funny,,,ducks in a parking lot. We have had much needed rain as well. When you live on land with an apple orchard, you are so appreciative of the rain. No standing water when you are surrounded by so much land. Very different from your city environment. That is the lovely part of the blogworld...we can appreciate each other's environment.

  21. That is too funny,,,ducks in a parking lot. We have had much needed rain as well. When you live on land with an apple orchard, you are so appreciative of the rain. No standing water when you are surrounded by so much land. Very different from your city environment. That is the lovely part of the blogworld...we can appreciate each other's environment.

  22. There might be another wedding this year! Looks like a good match. How are your wedding plans coming along?

  23. I love that you stopped and enjoyed them! And I love how you shared the pic so WE could see!

    Love IS what you make it!

    Hope you are having a great week!

  24. Sweet! Last weekend we saw two ducks swimming in our community swimming pool. Of course, we didn't have our camera with us :)

  25. Hi Pat, What a great picture... We photographers find the neatest things to photograph, don't we???? Those little ducks were probably so much in love that they didn't realize that 'that' was not really a pond!!!!! ha ha ....

    Great picture.

  26. Aw....Spring time Mallard Love!!!!

  27. What a wonderful find! They look like the belong floating there beside the cars.

  28. It's good to see that you are so aware of life around you. Some people would have never noticed them. My Mom used to say, "lovely weather for Duck" on rainy days.
    They do love rain. Mallards are
    so pretty. I have Buffleheads out back. yvonne

  29. How adorable that they decided to take a swim, never mind that is was only a puddle.

    I think you're right Pat. It is spring love. When you're in love, everything seems right in the world, even a rain puddle.

  30. What at sweet post!

    Herding Cats

  31. This is so sweet. Thanks for sharing the smile, Pat.

  32. Love a good puddle duck romance. Hope you and those you love are having a fantastic spring.

  33. Definitely gave me a smile, Pat!! Thank you! blessings ~ Tanna

  34. Awwww, sure looks like a case of true love to me!!! Heeehehehe!

    Thanks for sharin' your lovely moment with your beautiful pic.

    Have a perfectly blessed day sweetie!!! :o)

  35. Serendipitous, yes! Great shot. Even with a cellphone, you are an awesome photographer, my friend. Thanks for the smile!

  36. How sweet! Looks like you got quite a bit of rain:)

  37. I'm smiling...our winged friends are so flexible about living their life!

  38. Smart is where you find it and these two seem quite content with this puddle all to themselves.

  39. Just the sort of thing I love to see - and I love that you see them in the same way.

  40. Hi Pat, That is sweet, isn't it. They take advantage of every opportunity to enjoy a restful swim, don't they.
    Hugs, Cindy

  41. I'm smiling with you! I'm a little tired of puddles...but if they are there, one might as well enjoy them.

  42. I love that photo! It looks as though you've been having similar weather to us in the UK!

  43. Wonderful photos, Pat! Love those ducks!

  44. This is so cute! Thanks for capturing this to share with us.

  45. It is so funny that all the male species are so beautiful! Ha Ha! Sad but true. I saw a special on fish and the male is gorgeous and the female a plain jane! The male preens around her looking for a date! It appears these two ducks are quite similar! LOL! Sweet photo!

  46. Cute pics, love the ducks!

  47. We had that same love going on in our pool yesterday :) The cover is still on it but there is enough water on the top for them to enojy.

  48. Hello.
    I'm always amazed at how they can find water just like that! Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing.


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  50. What a Wonderful moment you captured...

    Aren't those cell phone cameras handy?!?

    A lovely post for the letter W.

    Thanks for linking.



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