
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

Last week I went with a friend over to the American Veterans Memorial Pier, which is located in the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, and situated between the Verrazano Bridge and New York Harbor, with the borough of Manhattan in the distance. I was there to observe the 25th annual "Fleet Week New York" which celebrates our nation's sea services. This year, the seven-day event coincides with the Bicentennial commemoration of the War of 1812 and will host more than 6,000 service members from the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard team in addition to coalition ships from around the world.

Unfortunately, we were late to see most of the tall ships arriving in the harbor, but we did arrive in time to see the USCGC Eagle (WIX 327) arrive through the misty waters under the Verrazano Bridge.

She began to open her sails once she approached the harbor -- a magnificent sight!

Overhead, there was a parade of light aircraft and military helicopters passing by.

One by one, ships from all around the world arrived under the bridge and into the harbor. This was the entire order for the parade of sail: Fireboat Harvey, Juan Sebastian De Elcano (Spain), KRI Dewaruci (Indonesia), La Belle Poule (France), Etoile (France), Cisne Branco (Brazil), Buque Escuela Arm Cuauhtemoc (Mexico), ARC Gloria (Columbia), BAE Guyas (Ecuador), USCGC Eagle (WIX 327), USS Roosevelt (DDG 80), USS Mitscher (DDG 57), HMCS Iroquois (Canada), USS Gonzalez (DDG 66), JS Shirane (Japan), USCGC Seneca (WMCE 906), USS San Jacinto (CG 56), FNS Pohjanmaa (Finland), USS Donald Cook (DDG 75), RFA Argus (United Kingdom), USMMA T/V Liberator, USCGC Willow (WLB 202), USS Wasp (LPD 1).

Soon, we saw the USS Roosevelt (DDG 80)...

.... with all its sailors lining up along the front, back and sides of the ship.

It was truly an exhilarating sight to watch ship after ship arrive and we were entertained by a few Navy Blue Angels flyovers.

It almost looked like some of the ships would have a hard time sailing under the bridge...

...but they made it!

I loved seeing this red tugboat pass by on its way escort an aircraft carrier into the harbor.

A few navy Jets roared overheard ...notice the fiery dragon decal on the tail of the plane on top!

The most thrilling sight to hear and see were the US Navy Blue Angels who passed over numerous times in perfect formation.

At one point they were close enough that I could actually see their pilots and tail numbers through my camera lens!

As the morning progressed the isle of Manhattan in the distance shimmered with a watercolor glow due to the heavy misty fog in the air.

It was really an unusual sight to see, almost mystical.

I zoomed in with my long distance lens to get this shot of the Wasp aircraft carrier passes by the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor.

It was an inspirational sight to see!

On this Memorial Day, and every day,  may we remember to honor the brave men and women of the military who have sacrificed their lives to help preserve our nation's freedom!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, Pat, these shots are absolutely amazing. Must have been breathtaking to watch! I love the shot of the tugboat, reminds me of Streisand in Funny Girl :) We saw the Blue Angels flying over our house, practicing for the air show at Jones Beach. What a sight! What a sound, my house shook!
    Enjoy the weekend.

  3. Wow! wonderful images. Wish you Hppy Memorial day.

  4. Pat, thanks for sharing these. What a wonderful experience.

  5. Pat, what a magnificent spectacle to watch. How interesting to have ships from all over the world take part.

    Happy Memorial Day to you as you remember those who died and celebrate the freedom they purchased.

  6. Love the pics, thank you! The US Eagle ship with the sails is amazing as is the little red boat escorting that massive one! Great shots! Happy Memorial Day to you and all your family, Pat! Take care

  7. Happy Memorial Day, Pat. It must have been cool to watch all these navy ship go into the harbor and under the bridge. The Blue Angels are amazing. Awesome shots, thanks for sharing.

  8. Pat~ What a wonderful post! I love seeing the aircraft carrier next to Lady Liberty~ what an awesome photo! I always get a kick out of seeing those cheery tug boats too, helping escort cargo ships & carriers. Wishing you a Happy Memorial Day :)

  9. I would have loved to see that! What a fun way to spend the day! Happy Memorial Day Pat-enjoy:@)

  10. I'm sure you were feeling patriotic as you watched such an amazing event. Thanks for sharing the pictures and I hope you're having a nice memorial day.

  11. This just might be my favorite post after Arthur Avenue in Bronx post. Your photos are amazing and I enjoyed every last one of them.

  12. Wow what an amazing performence that was and you made perfect photo's. I love love the tall ship. A few years ago they were all here for performences, they are all so stunning.
    Happy memorial day.

  13. That is quite a celebration Pat. You got some wonderful photos of everything! I saw on tv about the HMCS Iriquois being in NYC. Enjoy your Memorial Day holiday. Pamela

  14. You took some fantastic photos for this post Pat! I hope you have been enjoying the holiday weekend.
    ♥, Susan

  15. these shots are amazing!
    I really miss Bay Ridge at times and this would be one of them
    I remember the thrill of the Blue Angels flying right over the house

    you really got amazing close-ups!!

    fantastic post

  16. wow, indeed fascinating!!!!!

    its something akin to Republic day celebrations in India :) although celebrated on land..

  17. Oh how great is this post. Glad you took the time to document such a great event! I'm sending a link to this post to our daughter. Our son in law Andrew is on the USS Wasp! She is so ready for him to sail on back to North Carolina!
    Your shots of the Blue Angels are amazing and I do love that red tugboat and the perspective it gives on how huge those carriers are!

  18. What an amazing experience and a good post to share with us today. You got some amazing photos. I love that Coast Guard ship and the Statute of Liberty! Happy Monday, my friend!

  19. Beautiful photos, Pat. I spotted the bright orange Staten Island ferry in one. :) Hope you are all rested from the wedding and enjoying a relaxing day. xo

  20. Wow! That would be a perfect way to experience the power of an important holiday! It would be a powerful experience (and the gorgeous backdrop of the city would not hurt)! Bless those who have served this wonderful country!

  21. Love this post...especially seeing the Wasp. Having the tiny connection of following The Happy Wonderer's blog and her son-in-law being on that ship was so cool. My family has no one in the military so it's a world we don't know much about. And I'm so glad you mentioned your last post about your daughters wedding. I've been sick over a week and I actually thought about you all and the wedding one day when I woke up from a nap. So fun to see the wonderful pictures....everyone looked so lovely and joyous! I imagine you are in a bit of a recovery mode now! As always thank you for your wonderful posts about life in your part of the country

  22. Great series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  23. Wow, wow, wow! Excellent shot you took! Love everything you photographed. I would have loved to have been there!

  24. Pat !!! Your photos are the best !! I loved all your pictures. I would have loved seeing all those ships and the aircraft wow-wow-wow. Thank you for sharing. Smiles, Susie

  25. What a powerful post! This was amazing, amazing, amazing.

    Aren't you still recovering?

    Geez. You have a lot of energy! It's impressive.

  26. I wish I could have been there!

  27. Hi Pat, this post is awesome. Your photos are phenomenal. It gave me gooses. Smile.

    Happy Memorial Day,
    xo, Jeanne

  28. Pat, you get to see some of the most amazing things and I'm so glad you share them with us!! Inspiring!!! Yep! Sure is!! Thank you! blessings ~ tanna

  29. Be still my heart! What a gorgeous and moving posting! Someone needs to bind these posts and share them with the world. SO much heart. So much beauty.

  30. Wonderful pictures. Got to see some of the ships from the highway, but didn't have time over the weekend to visit the West Side piers. More wedding pictures, please!

  31. What an amazing day that was. Your shots are terrific. I particularly like the ones of the beautiful skyline. Thanks for stopping by!

  32. Beautiful photos Pat! I love how you pull such wonderful stories together with your amazing photos. I hope today was wonderful for you! We had quiet time with phamily. My knee is giving me a fit and bothering my hip too! So I took it easy today! Enjoy your week!

  33. Pat, those are wonderful Memorial Day photos. I love to see the planes flying overhead and remember when the Blue Angels used to come to our air show.
    It is so good to remember and be thankful for the brave men and women who sacrificed then and still.

  34. Pat...I have to admit I am very jealous of you right now. I would love to be there just one time for Fleet Week. To see the tall ships, all the sailors, and the planes flying overhead would be such a fab experience. Your pictures captured the day so well. Thanks for all the hard work you did to put this post together for us to enjoy. genie

  35. I just love all your photos. You attend such great events. Love the red tugboat. I can tell you had a wonderful time.

  36. What an awesome day - great shots! I saw the Air Force Thunderbirds last week and I'll be posting a couple of shots of that tomorrow.

  37. Oh this is so inspiring to see all of these magnificent ships and planes in shadow of the Statue of Liberty. I would LOVE to attend something as spectacular as this!!!! Felt like weeping at some of the shots.
    ALSO--am so glad the wedding shots are up-I've been waiting to see the ceremony. You look fantastic and the bride phenomenol. What a joyful time.

  38. What great photos, they are wonderful. Gal, I love your big city. That is priceless with the statue of Liberty. Thanks for sharing, I am a first time visitor and your newest follower. Drop by for a visit, Kathy

  39. Magnificent photos! Just stunning! I am speechless! Thanks for sharing. Oh, btw, lucky you to have pink hydrangeas! Linda

  40. Once again you've given us a front row seat to an amazing event. The photos showing the sailors in their white uniforms are terrific as is the photo of lady liberty as the aircraft carrier passed by. Thanks Pat!

  41. Amazing photos you have here :-)

  42. What a wonderful experience that must have been! Great shots you captured, Pat!

  43. Wow what amazing pictures!!!

    Jocelyn @

  44. Pat, you got some fabulous shots of Fleet week. I got a little emotional when I saw the picture with the Statue of Liberty and the Wasp aircraft carrier with all those sailors!!!!
    This event is on my bucket list!

    Congratulations on your beautiful daughter's wedding. What a lovely setting and you looked stunning!!!

  45. A fantastic post to commemorate Memorial Day. The shots of the speeding aircraft are excellent. You must have a top lens for that. We have just arrived home from our Californian trip.

  46. Absolutely stunning photos. It must have been a wonderful experience.

  47. Patti: could not find your email address. This was the only place I could find today to respond. my PC crashed and I am on my sister's mini/mini lap top.

    Hope you get this by Friday. I am so sorry that I did not make the credits more precise. I used your blog address just before you pictures to alert my readers ... I will make that correction as soon as I get back in there.

    I am now going to be two days late for my next post ... but you can be sure I will not only make the correction ... I will also leave an additional note on this week's post.

    You are the most wonderful discovery I have made in a such a long time, I do not want to leave you with the impression that I would in any way be disrespectful. Your blog is one I will follow with huge interest. Please accept my apology for any lapse of good blog manners. I can't get back on my computer but will try to post an alert at least later today from here to let my readers know I will be late this week. Please use my email and contact me: ... I would so very much want to have you as a guest and feature your amazing photography. Again, I am so sorry for not contacting you first and then not making the credits clearer.

  48. Amazing photos of a grand event!

  49. Fantastic shots of the boats so much better than the ones I was able to take of the Royal Jubilee pageant on the River Thames.


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