
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wedding Day Bliss!

We gathered on a beautiful day in May under sunny skies, light breezes and spectacular views of Manhattan from our location in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. On the right, we saw the span of the Williamsburg Bridge, mid-town and the Empire State Building.....

...on the left, we saw the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges and Lower Manhattan in the distance.

Straight ahead was the wedding arbor full of flowers and the chairs waiting for guests.

The wedding was about to begin and the string quartet began to play.

My handsome son escorted me to my seat.

My soon to be son-in-law Joseph's stepmother and uncle entered, representing his parents who are sadly deceased.  We know they were with us in spirit that day!

...followed by my soon to be son-in-law and the minister.

Then my son, the bridesmaids, matrons, and groomsmen processed in, one by one as the music played. Except for my son and one friend of the groom, all the groomsmen were all brothers of my son-in-law.

We then waited for this special moment...

...when my proud and happy husband and my sweet daughter began their walk down the aisle....

...towards her waiting groom.

They listened to the beautiful and sacred words of Corinthians 13:4-8:

"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.  If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.  Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.  And now these three remain faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love."

They also read their own vows that were written from their heart.

My eyes teared with joy as they proclaimed their love and devotion.

They exchanged wedding rings...

...again expressing their love for each other.

And they were pronounced before God and family and friends as husband and wife!

My husband embraced his new son...

...and Lisa and Joseph began their walk down the aisle as Mr. & Mrs.!

Of course, I have much more to show, as we had a wonderful celebratory reception afterward that I know you will enjoy seeing.  I will blog more about the wedding soon, as many photos are coming my way that were so graciously taken by family and friends. It has been so wonderful to re-live these happy moments through these photos as we wait for the professional shots.  I was so relieved that those who traveled far for the wedding -- one of whom was a Navy buddy of my son-in-law who traveled all the way from a Navy base in Italy -- all arrived home safely. Honestly, the many months of planning and the build-up of excitement and anticipation for this wedding was so worth it to ultimately give our daughter the wedding of her dreams. Thank you for being a part of the journey and for all your best wishes!  We could not be happier and more excited to see her marry a man who will love, honor and cherish her forever!

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  1. What wonderful pictures! She is just exquisite in the beautiful wedding gown. And you are beautiful in the gorgeous dress, I bet you got tons of compliments on it and I think you must have come close to stealing the bride's show! I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures and everyone letting their hair down at the reception! Where was it?

  2. Pat, How beautiful. Your daughter, you,your husband and new son-in-law will be a wonderful family. All of you looked smashing.Good job on the colors. Smiles, Susie

  3. I am reading this on my 26th anniversary with happy tears. Remembering the same Corinthians said at my wedding and looking at the beauty and love showing forth in those photos. And such a NYC wedding! And Pat - you are gorgeous! Only the bride outshone you a wee bit!

  4. Pat, what a perfect day for Lisa's wedding. It's so special to see these photos. Beautiful job! You look gorgeous as does your precious daughter. Congratulations to Lisa and Joseph as they begin their journey of married life. ~ sarah

  5. Beautiful! The bride, her mom, step-MIL, the view, everything. A most glorious day for all involved. Lots of good luck and many blessings to the newly married couple. Pat, your dress was gorgeous! xo

  6. What a beautiful day! Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous, Pat! I'm looking forward to more pics!! :)

  7. I'm sitting here smiling, looks like a beautiful day Pat! I'm so glad the weather cooperated, I wish them a wonderful life together:@)

  8. Oh. My. Stars. Oh Pat!! Oh wow!! Awwww how beautiful! And look at your dress! I remember an earlier blog post where you teased us with the dress you were going to wear to your gorgeous daughter's wedding, and here it is! It's lovely!!! Yay!

    Awwww I wish Lisa and Joseph all the best with their new life together! You and hubby look so proud and so you both should be! You have beautiful children and adorable grandchildren (and more soon, fingers crossed! LOL!)! Thank you so much for sharing these treasured memories with us! Take care

  9. Oh I've been waiting for this post and it has been worth it!

    What a beautiful day you had for a wedding. I smiled all day long knowing what a gift it was. That location is the perfect venue.

    The groom is handsome, the bride gorgeous! Wishing them many, many happy years together.

    (You look terrific...that is a beautiful color on you and a beautiful style dress. Everything just looks so perfect.)

  10. Pat - it's crazy here, as you will well remember from a week ago, but I've been checking to see when you'd post because I was anxious to hear how the celebrations went. Beautiful! You look stunning, your daughter - well - she is the quintessential lovely bride! So glad I checked for this post - I'm so happy to see that it was a beautiful day and to read that everything worked out so well!

  11. Oh, Pat! How wonderful! Your daughter looks so beautiful and happy! I think you look beautiful and happy, too! Love your dress and hers. Love the purple. Love everything! Congratulations to all!

  12. Great wedding, well photographed, congratulations to the Bride and Groom and the parents.

  13. Oh Pat! Pat! I am sitting here teary eyed with goosebumps.

    You look gorgeous! Everything looks gorgeous!

    The setting is amazing.

    The bride is beautiful beyond words.


    Just about speechless...which is a rare thing for me.

    Congratulations to everyone! All of my best wishes for the future!

    Hugs and Congratulations!

  14. Beautiful! I have enjoyed each photo and every word in this post! Best wishes for the newlyweds!

  15. Congratulations! They are a beautiful couple. What a gorgeous day you had, beautiful wedding. Best wishes always, Pat. You looked stunning, love your dress! Looking forward to more pictures.

  16. Your daughter looked beautiful in her dress (love that veil and the details on her gown!!) and you looked great in your dress Pat - the colour really suited you. Gorgeous setting, what could be better than the NYC skyline in the background? Sigh...

    Looking forward to seeing the rest of the photos!

  17. How beautiful and wonderful. Best wishes for the bride and groom! What a lovely setting for a wedding.

  18. Beautiful! You and your daughter look stunning.
    Many happy, loved filled years to you all.

  19. Pat dear,

    This was glorious. I am such a sucker for weddings and cry like a baby.

    Your daughter looked glorious and Yes, your son is so handsome!

    Congratulations. I wish them great joy.


  20. Beautiful wedding in New York! It was lovely. And I really loved the one where your daughter is reading her vows - she is beautiful. Congrats.

  21. Pat, what a glorious venue for the wedding. I can't imagine a more perfect afternoon and setting for your daughter's walk down the aisle. She is just beautiful and you, my dear, looked AWESOME!! As we prepare for our own wedding, I am so psyched to see yours!

  22. What lovely pictures of your daughter's wedding. I love your gown Pat. Beautiful! And your daughter looks radiant in her beautiful dress. The views from the wedding site are wonderful. I'm glad all went as planned and the day was a success. Blessings, Pamela

  23. Awesome, Pat... What a gorgeous wedding. I have loved seeing all of the photos and videos on Facebook... Thanks so much for sharing.

    You look AWESOME... Your dress is incredible... Congrats!!!! AND you have a gorgeous daughter... What a beautiful wedding... Bet you are still in 7th heaven!!!!!


  24. Hi Pat....I have enjoyed over the days seeing all the pictures on Facebook....Your daughter made a beautiful bride and you looked fabulous....that dress was gorgeous....loved the color. It was a perfect color for you....And the view from the ceremony was killer. Can't wait to see more!!

  25. Hi Pat - I thought about y’all last Saturday as we sat near a bridge in New York. It was such a lovely sunny day, just perfect for a wedding. You looked gorgeous in that dress – the color and style fitted you so well. Your sweet daughter is glowing in her lovely dress, and the rest of the party looks so happy. Sincere congratulations!

  26. Oh Pat, what a beautiful setting, beautiful day, beautiful mother of the bride, beautiful bride--everything was beautiful!
    Congratulations to your kids!

  27. Sooooo beautiful, Pat!! Oh, all of y'all's planning really paid off with an absolutely gorgeous wedding. You look beautiful in your blue gown. What a perfect day! Congratulations and best wishes to the newly weds!! Looking forward to seeing more! blessings ~ tanna

  28. looks like the most beautiful wedding! So happy for you all. Your daughter was most were you. And what a perfect location. Blessings to the couple!

    I look forward to hearing & seeing more of the wedding!

  29. wonderful..everyone looks so festive and what a view! :)

  30. It was almost like being there! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful wedding story with your blogging friends. Pat you looked gorgeous and your husband and daughter looked so relaxed and happy as they walked down the aisle. Your daughter is so beautiful! Wishing the very best to your daughter and her new husband as they begin their married life together.

  31. I'm teary-eyed looking at the love so apparent in these photos. The photos are picture perfect and everyone is beautiful. Can't wait to see more!

  32. Oh Pat....what a stunning bride your daughter was!!!! Such a beautiful day too! So wonderful seeing these photos, of such a happy occasion!!! Can't wait to see more.
    Oh, and her dress was gorgeous!!!
    XO Kris

  33. I've been waiting for these pictures, too, and so worth the wait. All beautiful. I'm trying to figure out exactly where the wedding took place -- the view is fabulous. Everyone looks terrific, especially the beautiful bride and you! I love the dress you are wearing. Every happiness to the bridal couple and all the family.

  34. a wonderful wedding in a wonderful place!

    Blog about life and travelling
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  35. It looks like a perfect day! What a beautiful setting, wonderful colors (your dress is so lovely). What happy memories you now have to look back on. Beautiful new Mr. and Mrs.

    So thankful with you!

  36. Oh, Pat. My heart is so full for you and your family. I cried as I read the scripture from Corinthians.

    You look stunning. Your dress is gorgeous, and so are you.

    And, your daughter is a vision of a dream come true.♥♥♥

    Happy Pink Saturday, dear Pat. Thank you for sharing this forever memory with us today.

  37. Oh what fun to see all these photos and to be promised more! You looked stunning Pat. That dress was just perfect for you. Love the color, too. What an amazing setting. Your daughter is gorgeous and the veil on that beautiful dark hair framed her face so nicely. The happy daddy. Sigh of relief for all of you that it turned out so so well. I'm glad people are sharing their photos...

  38. A spectacular day filled with love, sunshine and joy. Blessings to the new couple and all those they love.

  39. What a glorious place for a wedding, Pat. Truly memorable, not to mention, inspiring. Everyone looks wonderful. Your daughter is beautiful and happy. What a gorgeous day for a wedding outdoors. I'm getting misty myself...

    P.S. Love your dress!

  40. Oh Pat, what a beautiful wedding. Unbelievebel, I have never seen anything like it, we don't have that here.That wonderful setting and sight.. The bride was gorgeous in her beautiful dress and you looked stunning in your beautiful gown. The father of the bride looked very handsome and happy and all the guests looked their best.Wonderful memories for you and yours Pat.
    Enjoy all the photo's that are coming in from the guests.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs from Riet.
    PS I love your shorter hair, it looks so charming.

  41. beautiful, beautiful wedding Pat...and you in your dress, gorgeous! look forward to the photos to come!

  42. What lovely pictures and happy memories!!!!
    Congratulations, I wish Lisa and Joseph all the best!! Looking forward to seeing more!

  43. What a wonderful wedding and with such glorious sights all around. Thanks for letting us enjoy it through your lens.

  44. Wonderful wedding, wonderful bride and wonderful you! AUGURI!

  45. What wonderful pictures to tell the story of this happy day!
    Your daughter looked so beautiful and happy!
    You looked lovely in your gorgeous dress with your son!
    Thank you so much for sharing this special day with us!
    ♥ Jil

  46. I can't think of a better way to celebrate Pink Saturday's 4 th birthday than with this wonderful review of your girl's amazing wedding! EVERYTHING was picture perfect!! And what a gorgeous evening you had for that outdoor event!!

    Looking forward to seeing many more photos of the wedding and reception!

    HPS!! L, Dana

  47. What a beautiful setting for a romantic wedding! Your dress was lovely and the bride looked stunning. I'm sure it was a wonderful day.

  48. Congratulations! You looked stunning! That dress was fabulous - almost outshone the bride!!! She is so pretty. The pictures were wonderful and what a setting. How joyous!

  49. What a be3autiful occasion and beautiful bride! I know you are proud indeed and with good reason!

  50. What a beautiful wedding...all the dresses were just stunning.
    The bride was breathtaking and you were beautiful.The photos are awesome. Thanks for sharing this time with us.

  51. How lovely, Pat! May God bless their marriage!
    You lucked out with the weather. My son got married the same date and we had torrential rains!

  52. Hi Pat! Congratulations!!
    All the best for everybody there!!

    No wonder you're not interested in St. Kitts... ;) Blogtrotter Two has it. Enjoy and have a great weekend!!!

  53. Pat, you looked gorgeous in your dress. I love that color and the rich color of the bridesmaids dresses too. Your daughter looked beautiful and your hubby and son-in-law seemed so happy. May the happiness of that day last forever.

    Can't wait to see the rest of the photos!

  54. How lovely you all looked,esp. the Bride and her Mother.I enjoyed looking at all the photos and I did spot the pink. Denise

  55. This was such a special wedding that I just keep coming back to enjoy the photos over and over. You all look so beautiful and Pat, you look lovely! Your hair and the color and style of the dress is perfect! I love every pic!

    A joy that you shared on Think on These Things!

  56. What a beautiful wedding...of course the colors are definitely getting a thumbs up from Plum Perfect ;)

    Thank You for sharing this special day with all of us and your daughter is just beautiful!

    Have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day Weekend!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  57. What a beautiful wedding! Congratulations to all. These photos were wonderful to see.

  58. Hi Pat! What a beautiful wedding! Your daughter looked stunning, what a beautiful young woman! In fact everyone looked beautiful! I LOVED your dress, you looked beautiful!

    It sounds like everyone had a wonderful time, and you had such a beautiful day to welcome a new son into your family! Congratulations!

    P.S. I have a feeling the wedding was last Saturday . . . my niece graduated from Fordham, it was a beautiful day!

  59. Beautiful setting, and beautiful wedding. Congrats to the bride and groom, and to you for the beautiful blog presentation!

  60. Congratulations and thanks for sharing your love moments. My wife would have cried.

  61. Pat, my dear...

    I haven't been around too much but I am so delighted I checked in today. What a splendid occasion I was able to attend. Your daughter's wedding was so lovely - took me back to my son's special day two years ago!!!

    You couldn't have had a more lovely New York spring day and you looked absolutely beautiful. Your daughter is/was lovely and the happiness of the occasion shone in everyone's eyes. I wish the sweet couple all the joy and love that life can bring.

    I am off again to India the 16th of June after only 2-1/2 months at home...will be staying 6 months this time if all goes well.

  62. Such beautiful photos! I wonder if the friend who flew in from Italy was Brian Provorse? Brian and I are friends and he had posted on FB that he had been to a wedding in NY last weekend! Your daughter made a lovely bride, and her daddy sure does look happy!

  63. Congratulations to the newly wed! I agree your daughter is stunning and gorgeous!


  64. Hi Pat,

    What a beautiful spot for a wedding! Oh my goodness! Your daughter looks lovely; I really like her dress and veil. I'm sure it was a most special ceremony, and it looks like the weather was perfect. :)

    Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

    Denise at Forest Manor

  65. How beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Pinkim from TrulySimplyPink...

  66. Congratulations, Pat, to you and your family. You looked beautiful in your dress. It's so nice to share in your family moments. Wonderful photographs. I look forward to seeing more from your celebration.

  67. A wonderful setting. Love your outfit!

  68. A beautiful moment!

    I am a little late for my PS round but I wouldn't want to miss it. Here's my My PINK
    Have a blessed Sunday!

  69. Oh Pat, what a beautiful wedding! Every detail is perfect. The setting is breathtaking! These pictures couldn't be better! I love your dress.

  70. Pat, I'm just catching up on posts - how wonderful to see this glimpse of your daughter's wedding. She's beautiful and I love the look on her face as she waited to walk down the aisle - so sweet and almost shy.

    Your dress is such a gorgeous colour, and what a lovely cut. It fit you and suited you to perfection.

    Enjoy looking over photos and reliving the wonderful memories.

  71. Your daughter is beautiful. What a lovely wedding, Pat. Congrats to the newlyweds. I wish them all the best.

  72. Pat~ I'm trying to get caught up visiting and so happy to see these wonderful wedding photos! What a beautiful setting and GORGEOUS bride your daughter made! I love your dress~ it looks like you had glorious weather for an outdoor ceremony~ a relief I'm sure! Best Wishes to the happy couple :)

  73. What a gorgeous bride. Your dress was lovely as well. I love weddings and look forward to more photos.

  74. Congratulations to the entire family, Pat. What a wonderful and beautiful day. Your daughter is such a lovely bride. Wishes for a lifetime of happiness to them both!
    ♥, Susan

  75. your daughter is stunning!
    you looked fabulous, love the color of your gown

    beautiful setting
    beautiful couple
    beautiful family


  76. Everything was perfect! I know you are so happy and proud. Your daughter looked gorgeous and so did you! What a beautiful setting and it looks like the weather was nice! Thanks for sharing, sweet Pat!

  77. What a beautiful wedding, Pat! You looked
    lovely, and so happy. Thanks for sharing this special
    day. (BTW...Corinthians 13:4-8 is my favorite.)

  78. What a beautiful bride and mother-of-the-bride, as well~ Congratulations on your daughter's wedding, Pat! hugs, Sue

  79. Gosh Pat, I am so sorry I didn't see this beautiful wedding sooner. We have been moving my sister out of her huge home into a smaller home for the past week including Saturday. They needed to live on one level because of my BIL's health. All is well and they are quite content in their new home.

    Your daughter is beautiful and your son is handsome as well. Her wedding dress is gorgeous. The whole journey was a wonderful fantasy wedding. You are definitely blessed. Your dress is stunning. I saw a peek on FB. We said our vows too. It made the ceremony very special. I know the bride and groom wrote lovely vows.

    The background view is just amazing. Beautiful weather and a beautiful wedding. A dream come true. Congratulations to you, your daughter and her husband and your family.

    Thank you for your note Pat.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  80. Congrats to the beautiful couple! Your daughter Lisa was a gorgeous bride! Your family is wonderful and it was so nice to see them all gathered here! A lovely wedding! You looked beautiful too Pat! I love that dress you chose and the whole day was picture perfect! Love to all of you!

  81. Pat...thank you for sharing. The wedding was beautiful. I loved your elegant and lovely on you. Your daughters dress was also so beautiful and she was such a lovely bride.
    May the portion of scripture be a continual reminder of their love and devotion.

    The colors are so favorite.

  82. How beautiful! Congratulations! What a view!!!

    Wonderful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  83. Gosh, I can remember your excitement at finding a dress before I went away. Now when I come back the big event has passed. It was a wonderful setting and your dress and the bride's are beautiful.

  84. So beautiful, each and every one of you. You and your husband beam with pride at your lovely daughter. The shots of you and your son and your husband and your daughter are especially touching. Wonderful time. Best wishes for a blessed union!

  85. A warm congratulations to your family. Everyone looked wonderful. Love your dress. The bride looked lovely. The men handsome. Blessings.

  86. I just have to note that the mother of the bride came within a hair's breath of outshining in joy the bride herself. You are both such beautiful women!

    I hope you will post close ups of the flowers later. I recall the flower choices were most carefully considered.

  87. Everything looks so pretty...what a great place for the ceremony. Congratulations!! What a handsome couple they make!!

  88. Oh, Pat!! I have been reading through all the wedding posts I missed while I was out of town!! Every. single. detail. was just perfect!! PERFECT!! Loved getting to see all the wonderful photos and share in this beautiful moment. Just fabulous!!

    blessings ~ tanna
    ps I'm going to be looking for the Michelob Ultra Cider... I love the Cactus!! ;)

  89. Pat, many happy blessings on you and your beautiful family. What a gorgeous wedding this was. I loved your gown, which, coincidentally, was the same color/fabric as the one I wore for my stepdaughter's wedding last year. Both you and your daughter looked beautiful. Can't wait to see the post of the reception.

  90. Just truly a beautiful wedding. Perfect setting. Stunning bride and wow Pat! You are s beautiful! I love the look of joy and pride on your husband's face! Just a wonderful day! I am so happy for you all!

  91. I was just playing a little catch up tonight and came upon your daughter's wedding. Wonderful setting, beautiful couple, lots of happy faces! Congratulations.


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