
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

“Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes, by dozens and hundreds. Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers and sisters, aunts and cousins, comrades and friends—but only one mother in the whole world.”  ~ Kate Douglas Wiggin

This will be the first Mother's Day I will spend without my Mom, as she went to her eternal rest in January.  I searched for photos of her and I together when I was a baby and found very few.  It was such a busy time in her life when I was born. Not only was she caring for my older brother and sister, but also my paternal grandmother had broken her hip and needed crutches to walk, so she had come to live with us.

My Mother always wanted to be a registered nurse, and was so proud of me when I became one.  When she became an adult World War II was going on, so she went to work in a war plant, as many women did at that time. Both she and my dad were born and raised in mining towns in Pennsylvania, but they met and married in New York.  Sadly, my Mom became a young widow when my Dad died when I was eighteen. By then I also had a younger brother and my Mom had to raise him alone.

A few years after we were married my husband and I bought a house just down the block from my Mom, so we were together often.  Here I am holding my newborn son after I got him ready to go out for his first stroll in his baby carriage. My Mom had come over to help, and take a walk with us.  I remember being so happy to have become a Mother, myself ! By this time my mother was a grandmother of five and eventually would have eight grandchildren and later twelve great grandchildren.

Through the years my Mom and I celebrated many happy times together, and many, many wonderful Mother's Day. Everyday, when I go out of my house, I still think I see my Mother down the block puttering in her garden or pushing her shopping cart on the way to the store. She always wanted to remain dependant and fortunately her good health helped her remain that way all her life.  It is still hard to believe she is gone. I am so glad we were able to spend so much time together through the years, and she will always be in my heart. Happy Mother's Day in heaven, Mom!

Of course my children always remember me for Mother's Day, and soon my sweet daughter, who was enjoying her first birthday in this photo will be getting married!  It will be one of the happiest days for all of us.  The years pass too quickly -- one day she is a babe in my arms and now I'll soon  see her exchange vows with the love of her life. So, if I am quiet on my blog and not visiting your blog for awhile, you'll know why, as it is a very busy time right now. I'll be sharing photos of the happy day as soon as I return!

Wishing you all a very happy Mother's Day!

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  1. Such a nice post Pat! Enjoy this special time with your daughter and Happy Mother's Day:@)

  2. A heartwarming post and a lovely tribute to your dear mom :)

  3. What a beautiful tribute to your dear mother Pat.
    Happy mothersday to you too.
    Good luck with all the wedding plans. Looking forward to all the photo´s

  4. I'll be thinking of you today Pat. The first years are always hard, but my mom has been gone 28 years and I can't guarantee it gets any easier....It just becomes bittersweet.

    Lovely photos of you two. Your mom was very pretty and you really resemble her a lot. Happy Mother's day.

  5. What happy memories of your mother you have this Mother's Day. Enjoy each one!

    We'll all be thinking of you over the next few weeks as you enjoy the wedding of your daughter.


  6. Such a sweet tribute to your mother. Her pictures all show a lovely woman. Her younger photo and your younger photo look so much alike. I hope that there is an amazing Mother's Day Tea planned in Heaven today.

  7. Relish the memories, I bet she's thinking of you today also...

    Enjoy time with your daughter, making more memories.

    Happy Mother's Day Pat:)

  8. Beautiful tribute to your Mother. Enjoy the wedding!!!

  9. I enjoyed your tribute to your mother. I have very few photos of my mother and myself. I think a lot had to do with the expense of developing film at that time, and the busy nature of life itself. I cherish the few photos I do have. Have a great day!

  10. Heartwarming post, Pat, lovely tribute to your mom. Enjoy the wedding, and making more beautiful memories! Happy Mother's Day!

  11. I am sure that lots of wonderful things are going on in Heaven today for those mom's who are there. Thanks for sharing the old photos an your memories. Congratulations once again on your daughter's wedding. xo

  12. Happy Mother's Day to you Pat. May God comfort you today as you miss your mom. Boy the time has flown by and I'm looking forward to seeing a glimpse into your daughter's wedding day!!

  13. What a wonderful Mother's Day post! For you and I both, today is a sad day, because we recently lost our moms. But I learned so much about you today. I dd not know you are a nurse!! When did you retire? Or did you? And my mom was born in a coal mining town in Pa. Much later n life, we accidentally found she had black lung disease from living there.

  14. A lovely post to your Mom Pat! I so enjoyed your photos past, present and with your daughter's wedding in the future I know we'll get to see more. My Mom's been gone 21 years - it doesn't get any better - I still miss her. You were so lucky to live close to your Mom all her life.

    PS - I worked with a nurse that had a cap like yours. Miss seeing the caps now-a-days but it must have been hard to keep them on.

  15. What beautiful reflections. Enjoy this day as much as you can. I know how tough this day can be.

    So looking forward to the wedding pictures.

  16. Pat - There are some lovely sentiments expressed here and the warmth between you and your mom is obvious. I know it will be difficult this year without her, but you know how proud she must be of you from where she is in heaven. The photos of you and your mom and your daughter are simply precious. Life moves forward as you know, and your beautiful daughter's upcoming wedding is testament to the renewal that each day brings. Happy Mother's Day to you and your loving family Pat.

  17. This is beautiful Pat. I love the photos that tell your story. You and I have a lot in common. My father died when I was 19 and my brother and sister were 18 and 16. Mum had to continue raising us alone too. Even though it's been almost 20 years I still miss her at the oddest times. I know you will find joy in the days ahead with your daughter's wedding preparations. I wish you all the best. Blessings, Pamela

  18. Gorgeous Pat!! I see where you get your utter gorgeousness from! Awww you mum is beautiful, formidable and a most amazing woman! What a fab tribute to her.

    Oh wow! Wedding!! Too exciting!

    Take care

  19. What a lovely tribute Pat! Have a Happy Mother's Day and looking forward to hearing about the wedding!

  20. Pat, what a lovely tribute to your Mom! I enjoyed all the photos both new and old. Congrats to your daughter on her upcoming wedding and Happy Mother's Day to you.

  21. I enjoyed the journey through you and your mothers life and now your daughter is getting married.
    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Love, sandie

  22. Oh Pat! What a beautiful, beautiful post!

    Your Mom was lovely!

    Sending you a big hug and a warm wish that your day has been filled with happy memories through the tears!

  23. I was thinking of you today, Pat. The "firsts" are so hard. But the memories and love shared comfort. The post in beautiful and your mother paved the way for love to continue. Happy days ahead! I feel your joy!

  24. Pat, I thought this would be a difficult day for you. So glad that you are so happily busy right now. Bless you.

  25. Very lovely post. I am really enjoying your blog. I'm a southern Californian, but I do love NYC. For instance, I would give a lot right now to bit into a brisket sandwich from Katz's Deli!, or stroll through the park. Keep writing, and thank you!

  26. Hi Pat, I was thinking of "us" today, as it is our 1st mother's day without our moms. I was sad briefly, but I know she's in a better place, and she's with my dad, as is your mom with your dad.

    Your post to your mom is beautiful, I love all the photos! Have fun putting the finishing touches on your lovely daughter's wedding!


  27. Happy Mother's Day to you Pat! I loved seeing the old photos...I don't think I have any pictures of my mother with me as a baby or even as a child...I think she must have done all the photo taking:(

    Have a wonderful time during the wedding....I will be thinking of you!

  28. This must be a difficult Mother's Day for you. I lost my mum 36 years ago when I was only 9 but miss her still very much. Losing your mum no matter at what age is a great loss. Our mums are so special and it would appear your bond between your mother and yourself was very strong and loving. You have been truely blessed.

  29. Pat, thank you for sharing these lovely photos of special times with your mom. I'm happy that you have your daughter's wedding ahead with happy times.

  30. Such a bitter-sweet time for you, Pat. I know your mother must be smiling down on you from heaven, taking pleasure in her great accomplishment - motherhood, grand motherhood and great-grand motherhood!
    Good luck with this last week, as the countdown is truly underway. I'll be thinking of you, my friend.

  31. Such tender, sweetness, Pat... LOVE this peek into your photo album and life. Hope you had a lovely day with your family. Mother's day is a tough day for me, as I'm not a mother but would have liked to have been. I'll be getting to see my own Mom soon though, as we'll be heading Stateside in a bit! :o) Happy Week, my friend ((HUGS))

  32. Pat, this is such a beautiful tribute to your mom. I know you miss her terribly. And, I know you are incredibly busy with your own daughter's wedding quickly approaching. Generations go on... the wonderful traits your mom passed to you, you have passed to your daughter... and on it goes... the beautiful way of life. Sending you a belated hug this post-Mother's Day and wishes for a productive and smooth running week! blessings ~ tanna

  33. A wonderful tribute to your mom. I know you miss her and yesterday must have been especially hard. Yet there is hope in the future as the generations come and go and you have much you are looking forward to, Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday! (love the photo of you in your uniform and cap! )

  34. You had a beautiful mother, Pat, and I'm sure you are an equally wonderful mother to your children. Enjoy the time with your daughter at her wedding. Have a good week.
    Hugs, Cindy

  35. Your memories of your mother are so touching. It was lovely to see her through the years. All the best to you Pat as you prepare for the wedding and celebrate with your daughter on her wedding day!

  36. What beautiful memories you will always have in your heat Pat. She may have left you physically but she will always be close to you and not far. Savor every second of your daughters wedding, it's one of life's great joys, your mother will be smiling.

  37. Such a beautiful tribute Pat. What a blessing to have had your mother close by for so long.
    I just want to bless you as you celebrate your daughters marriage. May all go well!
    Looking foward to the photos afterwards.

    Have Fun!!

  38. I read a quote on someone's blog that said mother's were not made to lean on but to teach us how to stand on our own, paraphrasing, :)
    I think that is how we were raised, knowing life was full of ups and downs. A good mom raises her young to fly on their own. I am amazed at so many who are still babying their kids when they are over 21.
    Have fun with the wedding! It will be over in a flash!

  39. This was a sweet tribute to your mom for Mother's Day, Pat. You two had a beautiful relationship and you've carried that on with your own lovely daughter. Best wishes to you and all in your family during this busy and memorable time.

  40. Pat, I loved seeing the photos of you and your mother. What a wonderful relationship you had with each other. I hope everything goes as planned with your daughter's wedding. Enjoy every minute.

  41. A very touching post, Pat. Such wonderful photos of you and your mom.
    Somehow you always think your parents will live forever even if you know that it's impossible. But you were so fortunate to have your mom just down the street for so many years.

    My mom passed away four years ago and I still can't believe she's gone. It literally seems impossible that she's no longer in my life.

    She lived to be 89 so I guess I can't complain, but what the heck. I wished then and now for more time.

  42. Emotional post Pat. I fear the day when I will be in your shoes...
    Cant' wait to see your beautiful daughter as a bride!

  43. Wha a beautiful tribute to your mom, Pat. You were so lucky to have her living so close so you could share daily life as well as special occasions. You have many wonderful memories you can cherish. How exciting to have a wedding coming up. Time sure does fly by, doesn't it?

  44. This is a sweet tribute to your mom, Pat! She was a beautiful lady.
    Hugs, Beth

  45. Pat, this is a lovely and moving tribute to your dear mother - and to motherhood.

    I'll have you and your family in my heart. I can't wait to see lots and lots of photos. It will all be beautiful and perfect.♥

  46. I'm a little late in stopping by here...but just want to add a belated Mother's Day greeting for you. What a lovely tribute to your mom. Isn't it amazing how quickly the years fly by...and we take the role that was held not long ago by our mother. Blessings to you as you celebrate your daughter's wedding! I'm looking forward to hearing all about it.

  47. Lovely post! Enjoy the wedding festivities!

  48. What a lovely tribute to your mom Pat. I hope you had a lovely Mother's Day celebration. Looking forward to the next post.

    The French Hutch

  49. Hello dear Pat, Your post is so special about your beautiful mom. You are so blessed to have her close by for many years. The photos you shared just made me feel so thankful that my mom was very special as well. She has been gone for 27 years and I still miss her. That never goes away when our moms are so close to our hearts. They will always live in our hearts and that too is a blessing.

    I pray that your daughter's wedding is wonderful and I am looking forward to your return to share the happy occasion with us.
    Love and happy wedding wishes to you and your family.

  50. I know how you feel, and you always feel that void forever. Try and have a nice memorial weekend. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon,Pa

  51. Mother's Day is tough without your mother! I know I have had to celebrate many since 2001! Your moms story is wonderful! She was a lovely lady and you were very blessed to be so close to her all these years! Gd memories Pat! I hope your Mother's Day was good reflecting on those days when you and she shared so many wonderful ties together! Hugs Anne


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