
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I Love the National Parks

It is time for Vee, of A Haven For Vee, monthly Note Card Party, where participating bloggers choose four photos from previous blog posts that they feel would make wonderful note cards. I can't believe how quickly the time passes between each month, and how enjoyable it is to see all the wonderful photos that fellow bloggers choose.

If you are a long time reader of my blog you might remember that my husband and I love to visit and explore the magnificent National Parks in the West.  Even photos can not do them justice, as one needs to see these sights in person to truly appreciate their spectacular beauty!

The photo above is from this blog post and is a scenic overlook view of Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park in California. This overlook had a commanding panoramic view of Yosemite Valley, Half Dome Peak, and the High Sierra.

The next photo is from the Grand Tetons National Park in Wyoming, on this post. Rising more than 7,000 feet above the valley of Jackson Hole, the Teton Range dominates the park’s skyline. The elevation of the park ranges from 6,400 feet on the sagebrush-dominated valley floor to 13,770 feet on the windswept granite summit of the Grand Teton, with forests carpeting the mountainsides.

One of the most iconic views from the National Parks is the Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. More can be seen on this post.  Old Faithful Geyser was named in 1870 by a surveyor H.D. Washburn. Its eruption height varies from 106 to 184 feet, every 90 minutes. The temperature before an eruption is 240 degrees Fahrenheit, and during eruption between 3,700 to 8,400 gallons of water is discharged.  It is the most photographed sight in the park.

The second most photographed sight in Yellowstone National Park is the Lower Falls, which can be seen on this post. Located in Yellowstone's Grand Canyon, and 308-feet long, it is the biggest waterfall in Yellowstone, and the most famous. Countless artists have painted this view!

I hope you enjoyed these four glimpses into a few of the many National Parks in the United States, and I hope I've encouraged you to want to visit them or revisit them.  I can't wait to go back to each one of them again one day! Now go over to A Haven For Vee and see the rest of the note card selections -- you won't be disappointed!

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  1. Oh My!! Your photos are absolutely gorgeous!!!!! Stunning!! They would make wonderful notecards, or reprints framed in a collection.

  2. How well I remember seeing the tours you and V took and all the beautiful photos you shared. You've done well to pare it down to these four and what a magnificent four they are! Do you ever display your photography in your home?

  3. Pat, your pics are always amazing and these are beautiful:@)

  4. Beautiful shots of amazing places for us to explore. Your choices make me want to travel!

  5. I love traveling with you and Vinnie, Pat! I always get the best "seat", ha ha. I would love to visit any of these places in person one day. xo

  6. These are all places I would love to visit! You take the best photos! I'm always saying you should write a book...but notecards would be nice, too! Hugs!

  7. You have truly been blessed to have visited these beautiful places and thank you for sharing with us. The views are spectacular!

  8. Oh MY WORD!!!!

    Those photos are absolutely breathtaking!

  9. Breathtaking! My youngest daughter just went on a road trip and captured Old Faithful! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  10. These are beautiful. And I have some artist friends/acquaintences that have indeed painted there. I hope to make that trip some day! Thanks for sharing these!

  11. Hi Pat, I just got so excited... I love your photos --and they are perfect for notecards...

    The reason I am excited is that we are going to Yellowstone and the Tetons in September... Cannot wait....

    Yosemite is also on my list... One year, we'll get there too.

    Thanks for the gorgeous photos.

  12. Visiting National Parks in the uS would be an amazing experience. Thanks for sharing your cards with us.

  13. Pat, I can't remember how I came upon your blog, but I really enjoy it. This is a lovely post, especially since it led me to The Gardens of Balboa Park. I live in San Diego, and was in the park today, as a matter of fact. Your descriptions and pictures are right on the money!
    Mine was a quick dash into Spanish Village Art Center today, in the park, but your post reminded me that I need to come back this week and walk through the gardens. Thanks.

  14. Great theme and photos for note cards, Pat!! So beautiful. Each and every one. blessings ~ tanna

  15. I would almost have to frame it if I received a card with one of your photos on it. I remember when you had those on and loved them then too.
    This is a great blog party idea.

  16. It's on my bucket list to someday visit the National Parks. This post has made me want to get there SOON!. Your photos are magnificent.

  17. Isn't it such a gift to be able to travel. I've been to all of these places except Yosemite. Your photos are all great. I grew up traveling all over the country taking in the National Parks.

  18. Stunning photos, Pat. They would be a joy to receive in the mail.. In fact, i'd be tempted to frame it after I enjoyed reading the note several times.

  19. If these images were on note cards in a shop, they'd fly off the shelves. Stunning photography.

  20. Your photos are always amazing! I think any one of them could be a post card.
    I'm traveling this tuesday too

  21. Breathtaking shots, Pat. Simply stunning!

  22. We had several friends visit Yosemite this summer. All of them loved it, to say the least!

  23. Oh Pat pack me in your suitcase and take me on your travels, I promise you won't hear a peep from me apart from the gasp as I see these magnificent sights!
    This is just the sort of way I love to spend my spare time.
    All of these National Park are on my list with Yosemite at the top.

  24. Hi Pat, yes I think all 4 of your images would make excellent postcards. Lovely photography!

  25. Every time I see the magnificence and splendor of big sky country in the west I wonder what the first person must have thought when he (or she) saw these sites.

  26. Wonderful captures of two of my all time favorite places on the planet!

  27. since the hubby & i love the state parks when we camp. hoping to get out west soon. these are awesome!! sign me up. ha. ha!! i'm so taken. (:

  28. Oh the geyser pic!! AWESOME!!!! Take care

  29. So, how many travel books are you planning on publishing????!!!!!!!!! I'm still willing to carry your bags. Great shots!!!!

  30. All of the photos could be postcards. Old Faithful is on my bucket list. The city were I grew up Lowell MA. has a National Park. Not on the grand scale of the beautiful parks out west, but an Historical Industrial Oark. The American Industrial Revolution started in Lowell on the Merrimack River. I'm sure you remember learning about the Mill Girls in school. The mills really are something to see. Enjoyed my visit as always.

  31. They would make great note cards. I feel so blessed that I have actually been to all four places you have shown.

  32. Those really are classic sights. We'll be seeing the Tetons next week when we visit my father who lives on the Idaho side of the mountains.

  33. Fantastic views. Amazing to see them in person.

  34. You're so right about being there. there's nothing quite so spectacular as nature at its finest, up close. But your photos are beautiful Pat. they always capture the best!

  35. Stunning photos, Pat. They all would make beauiful note cards. I'm sad to say I have never been to Yellowstone. I just remedy that.

  36. I love the first and the last one. Such beautiful shots!

  37. Your national parks are indeed beautiful Pat.Your photo's are stunning and definite;ly worth a picture postcard.
    We did visit some of your parks many many years ago , the only one I remember like yesterday was the Grand Canyon. So beautiful.

  38. Excellent photos, Pat! I love every one of them. Perhaps my favorite is the second one. I have been to Yellowstone but not Yosemite or the Grand Tetons. Hope I can get out there someday and explore.

  39. I have been to some of those places but I do want to go to Ca and see those Mountains sometime! Just awesome!

  40. Hi Pat. Your photos are beautiful! I love mountains and have never seen the American Rockies but have visited the Canadian ones before. You got some awesome snaps. Thanks for visiting and your kind comment. Hugs, Pamela

  41. Hi Pat,
    just beautiful! Yes, we do have beauty surrounding us in all the states for sure.
    Have a lovely day today.

  42. The national parks are on my husband's and my travel list. YOur images are spectacular!!! Are they really that magnificent?

  43. I always feel like traveling after I visit here:) Each year we visit Acadia National Park in Maine and it is breathtaking!

  44. We are National Park fans too and have a lifetime membership card so we can visit any in the US.
    And LOVE your photos!

  45. Definitely note card worthy. I need to remember to participate in this party. ;-)

  46. I've been to Yellowstone and Grand Tetons but would love to visit Yosemite. One of these years. Beautiful photos!

  47. We just returned from a short stay near Yellowstone. I love that park. Your photos were beautiful.

  48. Perfect postcard photos! I love the national parks...and have visited all the spots you featured. There are still many on my bucket list though!

  49. What glorious photos! I need to take some photos of some of Alaska's national parks and submit them.

  50. Wow,
    You are an amazing photographer. These would make gorgeous note cards.



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