
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dove Visible Care $500 Gift Card Sweepstakes


I am very fortunate to live ten minutes by car from the beautiful Rockaway beaches in Queens, New York.  On hot summer days, you can often find me at a beach, enjoying the cool breeze from the Atlantic Ocean, as I take a long walk along the shoreline.

Another favorite beach destination that I enjoy which is only a quick subway ride away is the fabled Coney Island beach in Brooklyn, New York!  Here I love to walk on the boardwalk, enjoying the lively crowds and the sights, sounds, and smells of summer.

Unfortunately, some of the other aspects of summer -- sun, sand, salt water, and sweat can play havoc on my skin, so I was thrilled to be offered the opportunity to review one of the new revolutionary lines of premium washes from Dove. I was sent a full size, 18 fluid ounce bottle of the New Dove® Visible Care Renewing Crème Body Wash to use in my daily bath routine. It feels so good to take a long cool shower after morning walks on the beach, and then relax afterward reading my favorite blogs. The Renewing Body Wash is specifically made to nourish and replenish skin and promises "visible skin improvement in just one week" with daily use, so I was looking forward to trying it.

I have been a faithful user of Dove bar soap for almost my entire life, so I was curious to see what results I would have of using the new Dove® Visible Care Renewing Crème Body Wash on my skin.  I immediately noticed the body wash had a rich, pearlescent creme format that created a luxurious lather and a clean rinse, and had a pleasant scent that was made up of a combination of pink mimosa and pomegranate. It contains a mild cleanser, glycerin, and stearic acid and the highest concentration of Nutrium Moisture technology across the Dove portfolio.  I liked the sturdy wide base, which also contains the opening tab, and I found the entire bottle design was easy for me to handle in the shower as well as sit comfortably on my bathtub rim.

 I really enjoyed using this body wash!* Using the Dove® Visible Care Renewing Crème Body Wash daily for one week did indeed make my skin feel nourished and replenished as if I had indulged in multiple spa treatments! The dry patches I usually have on my elbows and heels practically disappeared. I now want to try the other two body washes in this line: the New Dove® Visible Care Toning Crème Body Wash helps to promote skin’s elasticity and strength with the addition of Vitamin E, and the Dove® Visible Care Softening Crème Body Wash which promises to soften skin and dry spots. To learn more about these three new body washes please visit the Dove website at this link.  

*In full disclosure I was supplied with a free bottle of Dove® Visible Care Renewing Crème Body Wash for this review, but my opinions for this product are unbiased and my own.

Contest closed


  1. Pat, I'm a life long Dove user too. Will try out these new products that you and the others are sharing this week.

  2. I'm also a huge Dove fan, and I'm looking forward to trying that product too!

    Love the beach photos! Have a lovely weekend!

  3. Used to go to Brighton Beach every weekend with my grandparents. Great memories!

  4. You are about the 10th blog I follow that has this Dove post. I will be buying some for sure this week.
    I applied to BlogHer and never heard back.
    : (

  5. As Kris says, Dove reviews are all over BlogLand this week. I definitely have to print out some coupons and head to the store. I am fascinated by the "skin tightening" one. xo

  6. I use Dove too. There is something so clean smelling about the range.

  7. Oh my gosh....all those people crammed onto that beach. CRAZY. I love Dove products. I will have to check this out. Joy to you....have a grand weekend. I heard about the crazy rain dump in NYC....I don't remember how localized they said it was. Hope you got cooled off.

  8. Holy cow...that's a lot of umbrellas on the it always like that? Crazy! I heard about a really weird storm this week in your area...did you get lots of rain? Have a great afternoon!!

  9. Oh I wished I lived by a nice beach!! Lovely! Take care

  10. Hi Eveeryone! make sur eyou go over to the Dove website and enter the sweepstakes -- imagine a $500 spa gift card...ahhhhh!

    Thankfully the storm wasn't too bad in my neighborhood, although soem areas had hail and lots of lightening stikes...scary!

  11. Hi, Pat, haven't checked in for a bit so I'm happy to see you enjoying yourself at the beach. Sounds pretty delightful to me in this wretched heat! thanks for the dove info (and loved the park post below too!)

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. You are the second person I have seen recommend this. I am going to have to give it a try! blessings ~ tanna

  14. Coney Island Beach looks awfully crowded but the other one looks cool and relaxing.

  15. I totally agree with you. This is the best product! I read a review a few months ago. I tried it and I think it is all the things I wanted it to be. Good advertisement!


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