
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Vee's Note Card Party

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It's time for Vee's Note Card Party again, my selection of photos this moth are from my May 5th post about going to brunch in the New Leaf Restaurant in Fort Tyron Park in Manhattan this past spring.

I hope you read all of my GOOD NEWS in my post yesterday!

THANK YOU to all for your congratulations and best wishes!

It was also such a relief to hear that you will find my blog as interesting coming from Colorado as you did from New York!

 I have made so many wonderful friends through blogging and it will be so nice to have you follow my journey west! Can a woman who has lived her whole 59 years of life on the same block in Brooklyn, New York and in the same house for 36 years move with ease?  Will I adjust to high altitude cooking, wild animals strolling through my yard, freeway speeds of 75 miles an hour, and a lack of public transportation after years of bus and subway use?   Will I find opera, theater, museums, unique restaurants, places of interest and the diversity I was so used to enjoying in New York City?  Time will tell! 

 It will be an interesting journey.....but to be close to this.....

....our daughter's expected baby due in February, and this...

....our two adorable grandsons who live in Colorado,  I think I will happily adjust!

What do you think?

Please go to Vee's blog A Haven For Vee to see her pretty note card photos and links to all the blog participating in this fun monthly event!  I am also adding this post to Beverly's weekly Pink Saturday blog event!

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  1. Lovely note cards Pat! Still excited over your news. What a change that will be...

  2. Oh yes. You will adjust very easily and well.

    Beautiful note cards! I haven't followed your link having just landed my usual way. Off to see if I can follow the link.

  3. Why, yes, I can. Did you put your note cards in order of your favorites? Because that first one is absolutely wonderful.

  4. Yes, I did Vee! I used these photos in a collage the first time I posted them but I always thought this "Forget-Me -Nots" photo should have been posted large, and this gave me the opportunity to do so. Plus, I love the fact that their name says it all about how I feel right now! :)

  5. Your floral shots are GORGEOUS!!!

    Yay for your amazing move - exciting times ahead!! Take care

  6. Love your notecards and congratulations on the new journey your life is taking! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  7. Gorgeous flowers. Love the forget-me-nots. The hardest thing about moving is the move itself! It's a great time to clean house! :D :D You will have so many wonderful adventures. Hugs--

  8. Oh how wonderful you are moving closer to your family!! That is so different from NYC but I look so forward to all your adventures. We definitely have to meet for lunch or Brunch before you leave! I could not let you go without meeting you. Congratulations to you and your family. Grace xoox

  9. I love notecards with flowers--yours would be perfect!

    You'll learn to ride a bike everywhere and, you know, there's always country western music :)

  10. Greetings from Ireland.

    Lovely photos.

    Visiting from Vee's Note Card Party.

    Have a good week

    ~ Fiona

  11. I say, "Go west! You will do more than fine. My mom moved after living in the same house on the same block for 56 years. Never looked back and loved it! Congrats to Lisa and hubby on the new baby. xo

  12. Such beautiful note cards!

    You are starting on a new adventure. I think that is wonderful!

  13. OH my goodness Pat you are moving for sure,congrats and I pray it is happiness forever more...You know I want to come along for the adventure,keep us updated in blogland.Your photo's as always are fantastic.

  14. Beautiful notecards! Your photography is wonderful. I've read your exciting news...congratulations!! And the upcoming move to Colorado is exciting news as well. I look forward to reading all about t!

  15. Number 4 was by far the cutest and nicest!!!!!!!! Congrats!

    And I love the flower in #3!


  16. Your flower photos make a nice set of cards! I wondered if you would be moving, and if there was a grandchild on the way! One nice thing about blogging--when you move you take at least your blog friends along with you! It will be a huge change for you, but the rewards will outweigh the hardships. Change is good (listen to me, the one who does not like change) and will bring a freshness and newness to your life! Wishing you all the best as you begin to prepare for the move.

  17. What wonderful photos for the note card party! I know you will find so much to enjoy in CO...and even more to photograph! What exciting news!

  18. I think Colorado's calling and you'll adjust just fine! Now packing on the other had... well, better you than me for that:@)

  19. There are so many exciting things about this post!!!! Anew baby! You are so fortunate! The next baby I will be getting will be a great grand, but I don't want that to happen just yet! My grandy will only be 21 this Nov.

    And the move! Wow! We moved from the busy Orange County Beach cities to a ranchita in Northern CA 7 years ago and we love it!
    Besides. I was reading recently that the rats who get their cages changed often are the most intelligent! It probably goes for humans too!

  20. Congratulations on your anticipated move AND the anticipated grandchild! Your blog will be just as lovely coming from Colorado.

  21. The blue flowers are gorgeous.

    I'm sure you will miss some of the wonderful NY things you are used to, but you will be gaining so many happy experiences with your family. I know you will be happy you made the move.

  22. How wonderful for you and what a grand adventure! I will always be visiting!!!

  23. Very pretty notecards Pat. I will be hard to leave your home town and the house you've lived in for so long but you will enjoy decorating your new home and discovering all that Colorado has to offer in entertainment. I've lived in 7 different places and we have lived in 5 different places since being married because my husband was transferred with his job. Each new town brought new adventures, friends, climates and experiences. Moving can be a good thing and you will enjoy trips back home once in awhile i'm sure. I think you have made a wonderful choice to move close to your grandchildren (and their parents)!

  24. Pat, these are beautiful images for note cards; I so love flowers!! You took some great photos; we had bluebells like your last photo in our yard at our first home. :)

    Congratulations on your exciting news!!! That is just marvelous! It's hard for me to imagine living my whole life on the same block in the same city, buy I think that's so neat. It gives you a real sense of community and continuity.

    I think re-locating will be a bit of a culture shock, but I think you're so happy about being near your children and grandchildren, that you'll adjust beautifully. Many happy wishes to you and your husband and the best of luck to all. You're on the verge of a very grand adventure. :)

    Denise at Forest Manor

  25. Your cards are lovely. I love all those blue flowers.

    I'm away from home, on vacation, but surmise from your post that you're moving to Colorado. That's closer to the west coast! And if you do as great a job of chronicling all the wonderful things to see and do in CO as you did in NY, we'll all be excited to read your blog. Being close to family is just wonderful.

    Now I'm off to read the previous post!

  26. Oh, you will definitely adjust. Even without the public transportation. (We do have museums and other meccas of culture in Colorado. Even a Broadway show now and then.) :D Oh, and the high-altitude baking—if you have any questions, I'm just an email away.

    Those adorable boys and the soon to be third grandbaby will make all the adjusting so much easier to bear. And like you said, worth it!

  27. Great flower shots, I just love blue so these are comforting. The change will have its moments. All the things you mentioned you will miss but that will be compensated by the hours of fun you will have with family and to be able to watch the grands grow and develop. You will also find new and interesting things to do in Colorado.
    Be careful though, psychologists say that moving strains a couples relationship to the maximum.

  28. So VERY HAPPY for you & your family, Pat! And I think wherever you go, you will always find enjoyments to relish and things to share--you are just that kind of person. :o) Best wishes to you during these exciting days... And LOVE your floral photos today! Happy Days ((HUGS))

  29. I predict much happiness in your future!!!

  30. I love those blues!!

    You most certainly won't be blue when you're living near those babies :)

  31. I think it's Colorado that will have to readjust to you!

    Your insight!

    Your humor!

    Your unique way of seeing people and places!

    I can't wait to read about your new adventures...

    You will shine wherever you go Pat!

  32. Beautiful blooms...your note card pic's! I still smiling at all your good news.

  33. The note cards are lovely Pat. I know you'll find lots more to make note cards of once you move. No, it won't be the same, but in many ways it will be better for you and Vinny.

  34. How exciting! Congrats on the new baby on the way.

  35. I'm sure that being close to your children and grandchildren will compensate for the lack of intense sociale events....but you're moving to Colorado not a deserted island, right? I'm sure you will find life interesting there as well!

  36. What do I think about your news? A Blessing. Congratulations on the news. Your grands are adorable, I know because I have one. Your photos are beautiful Pat. I know it was wonderful to see your family. HPS

    The French Hutch

  37. You are definitely making a big move between two different worlds. However, when it comes to little ones, we tend to make a lot of changes, Best of luck on your move.

  38. No question it will be a BIG adjustment, Pat. It took me quite a while to adjust to New Jersey after growing up and living in Manhattan until a few years after I married. CULTURE SHOCK!!!

    But you've been there off and on and it's not like you don't know what the place is like. Plus you'll get to ride a horse instead of the subway. Ha!

    I'm sure Denver has many cultural events which you'll find pleasing. I'm assuming you'll live within driving distance?

    They have museums and theater and opera, I'm sure. Can't wait to move with you....Figuratively speaking, that is.
    We can help you decorate!!

  39. I know you must be soooooo excited about your move and being close to your kiddos and grands!! I am so happy for you that you will be soon! I'm also secretly happy for me because that move puts you lots closer to me and I just might have a chance to meet you in person one day!! :)

    I'm certain it will be one that you will be forever happy that you made this big move! Just being able to see your family often is no well worth any adjustments you have to make!!

    Of course we will ALL continue to follow your blog, Pat!!! We love you!!

    HPS dana

  40. OK..I just really screwed up a couple of sentences in my comment. That's what I get for trying to "edit" them and not proofing before I hit publish!! I hope you get my drift...basically..that move will be sooooo worth it!! :) dana

  41. Gorgeous flowers - I do love closups (sigh). Love the colours!

    Happy PS from the UK!

  42. Yay! I'm so glad you'll be able to be close to your sweet grandbabies! What a blessing! :)

    HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!
    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  43. The same block for 59 years! Oh, my, this a big move for you. I think some mixed emotions are to be expected, but that doesn't mean it isn't the right decision. :)

  44. Pat
    Your floral notecards are beautiful
    The photos are so crisp!
    I feel certain you will adjust wonderfully to your new home place It sounds dreamy to me and living close to your g'children will be such a blessing too.
    You can always fly back to NY and visit, right?
    I can't wait to see your new place.

  45. Always a delight to see these gorgeous pink! Catching up with Pink Saturday.

    My PINK
    Your comment is always a treat for me!
    Have a blessed weekend.

  46. beautiful blooms! would love to have you link up to the garden party going on over here at Fishtail Cottage...hope to see you! xoxo, tracie

  47. LOve those images Pat. You'll adjust easily. You love an adventure, think of all those incredible places you'll be so close to visit with your family by your side. Priceless.

  48. Gorgeous flowers and photos, pat! They would make lovely notes cards.

  49. You will do fine! The high altitude is the hardest things people say to get use to! Living here my entire 58 years I don't feel it! But the arts are quite wonderful and I know you have been to lots of places. It will be a new and exciting time for you and your husband. Your grandchildren are beautiful and one more added t the family will be so much fun for you! Congrats all the way around! I will love knowing you are so close!

  50. I think so! Who wouldn't want to be close to those little ones?

    Your images are definitely note card perfect.

  51. Lovely note cards! Yes, you will adjust, you will have three adorable grandchildren to help you :) And new sights to see!


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