
Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Christmas Flu

A very tired Santa Claus enjoying some cookies, post Christmas Day.

If you came to my blog looking for photos of our Christmas celebration, I'm sorry to tell you that story will have to come later.  I came down with the flu over Christmas week and was ill with chills, fever, body aches and congestion.  Did I mention body ache? Yes, major body aches! My best description of those body aches is one I heard used on the local news reporting that many other people are coming down with the flu. They said that they feel as if they have been hit by a bus!  I have not felt as sick in a long time!

I get a flu vaccine every year. In fact, I have been getting a flu vaccine every year for the last 20 years.  Up until this year it has always protected me, but this year I heard that the vaccine is not as effective as usual.  However, my doctor told me that because I did get the vaccine my flu symptoms were going to be less severe than others who did not, and I have to admit I began to feel better much sooner than I expected.

So, although Santa Claus left many wonderful presents under our tree, for our children and grandchildren, we have to wait until the weekend to have everyone over to open them. We will have our delayed Christmas Eve Italian "Feast of the Seven Fishes" tradition then, and enjoy all the festivities we missed a little later than planned.

Instead of spending time with my family I spent Christmas Day watching the snow fall. The snow fell softly all through the night and my neighborhood looked as pretty as a Christmas card when we awoke in the morning.  Being sick is never fun, and being sick on Christmas was a totally sad occurrence for me, but I do believe that one can keep the spirit of Christmas alive in one's heart all through the year and a late celebration will be just as good as one on the holiday itself.

I hope your Christmas celebration was a good one, dear reader, and that you stay well and avoid this terrible flu!

Happy New Year!

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  1. Hi Pat - Poor you! Sending you a warm hug from Down Under, luckily not much flu around here.
    Wren x

  2. Hello Pat, I am so sorry your were sick on Christmas... I have heard of many people sick with the fly lately..I am glad you are better now. Enjoy your delayed Christmas with your family.. Love the photos.. Happy weekend!

  3. Sorry to hear this Pat. It's never good to be sick--especially not on Christmas. What fun, though, to be looking forward to celebrating this weekend. Your feast sounds delicious.


  4. I was glad to read you are feeling better, Pat. It's miserable being sick (or having a dear one sick) any time, but more so during Christmas. Last Christmas my son, his wife, and all three of the wee ones came down with the flu during the Christmas holidays. I think we finally were able to celebrate our little family Chirstmas 2 weeks after the 25 of Dec. They hadn't gotten flu shots that year...however THIS year they beat us getting them! Sure hope they don't get the strain that's not in the shot (isn't is A?)...and hope we don't either for that fact. The flu has hit the KC metro area, too, and that's all I thought about as I was mixing with the crowds doing my Christmas shopping the week before Christmas. I was hyper careful about hand washing!

    Your snow fall was Christmas perfect!! We didn't get any this year for Christmas...well..we had a few flurries on Christmas Eve, but no accumulation. And that was fine with me....we've been snowed in a few times in recent years .

    L, dana

  5. Pat, so sorry you were ill with the awful flu. We have had our shots as well, but one never knows if it's the "right one". We are celebrating with family today (Saturday), as they drove down to Texas from Illinois.

  6. Oh, Pat! I am so sorry you had that nasty flu. Several of my friends have had it, and it is nasty. I pray you are feeling better each day. Whatever you do, don't push it. Christmas can happen any time of year. I got sick one Christmas, and we celebrated Christmas in February when I was better. Yes, two months! But it was one of the best Christmases we ever had. My godchildren even wrote about it in their "favorite Christmas traditions and memories" for school!

    I hope that your Christmas celebration will be all that you dreamed and then some. You are a wonderful mother/grandmother/wife, and I know how much family means to you. The kids will think this is cool because they will have TWO Christmases. That is BIG. :-)



  7. Bummer, I wish you a speedy recovery. Lots of people here are coming down with it.

  8. Hi Pat, glad you are getting better. I missed my flu shot last year and I truly felt that death was coming for me! I was sick for an tire 7 days and recuperating took three months. I had zero energy. I am shocked when people say they don't believe in the flu shot! Your photos are wonderful anyway and the snow was quite beautiful. We will venture today and perhaps get breakfast at a favorite place, Jay's. I stayed nice and warm yesterday watching the snow from my window and occasionally tossing handfuls of de icer on my walkways! Enjoy your phamily and your feast this weekend. Blessings!

  9. Oh no, so sorry to hear about this untimely flu bug. I can imagine how disappointing it must have been for you. Keeping my fingers crossed that the rest of your family stays well and enjoys a wonderful holiday together.
    By the way, your snowfall is beautiful. Thanks for sharing it.

  10. Oh, no, Pat! I'm so sorry you were ill with the flu! I'm reminded of the time in my mid-twenties when I was visited by mononucleosis! Not a lot of fun to be ill during a time when there is much celebrating to be done. Feel better soon!

  11. Wonderful to find that you are back on your feet...absolutely no fun to have that flu...John and I had it in October...lasted nearly the month so you have rebounded quickly...a good thing! So your first day of Christmas was shaky, but your 4th and 5th days of Christmas will be extra special. The weather here has been super the high luge...the grands are getting depressed. Your area looks like Christmas! Take good care of yourself...plenty of rest and all good things.

  12. Hope you feel completely better soon! The flu does not sound fun!

  13. ohnooooo. I'm so sorry you caught that nasty flu. I've been washing my hands so much they look and feel like alligator skin. Hope your husband doesn't catch it so you can celebrate in style and very soon. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  14. I hope you are well enough to be gathered together with family today and enjoying a Christmas celebration. I got sick Christmas night so it didn't interfere. I think I have a pretty mild case. Your snow looks so pretty!

  15. I am so sorry to hear that you have been ill, Pat. Your celebration will be wonderful, even if it is late. I wish you a good start to 2015!

  16. We had our flu shots also, and first my hubs and then I came down w/ the flu this past week. We did have the "flu test" done at the Doctor's office on Monday, and it was officially Type A. So we took the last of our Tamiflu pills last night. We still are not feeling 100% and have no appetite at all. We had planned our Christmas for this coming Monday, the 29th. And we planned that about a month ago. I am hoping we will be feeling stronger by then!!! This is really nasty stuff! Hope no one else gets it.

  17. I am so glad you are feeling better, and I hope your Christmas celebration is happening this weekend. I know it will be wonderful sharing this time with your children and grandchildren.

  18. I was so sorry to read that the flu got you down for Christmas this year. Ugh. Glad you found Christmas joy in the midst of it. That's nice that you can still celebrate but just a little later than usual!

  19. Bless your heart!!! Glad you are close enough to family so you CAN celebrate later!! Oh, yes! That's why you live in Colorado!
    It's never too late to CELEBRATE!!!!
    Hope you are feeling wonderful soon!!!

  20. I saw via facebook that you were sick. I hope you're feeling fine now.
    Happy New Year--and may you stay well :)

  21. Sorry to hear you've been ill, Pat, and glad that you're feeling better. Christmas celebrated late is just fine! We did ours on the 26th with the grandchildren this year because of alternating with the in-laws.
    Enjoy your time together this weekend.

  22. I'm really sorry you had the bad flu bug over Christmas but it's good that you recovered quickly and will be able to enjoy a late celebration. You got snow and we got rain on Christmas Day. :) We're pretty green in some spots at the moment. Take care of yourself. Hugs. Pam

  23. Sorry you were sick over Christmas! May your celebrations be all the sweeter be sude of the delay! It's looking beautiful over there in the snow.

  24. That should have said...'because of the delay'. That's what happens when I comment from my iPhone!

  25. So sorry to hear that you were too ill to celebrate on Christmas day. As you say a celebration with family later will be just as good. Hope you are fully recovered soon.

  26. Hope you're better now Pat. It's lousy to be sick on Christmas, or any other big holiday for that matter. I know you'll more than make it up when you're better.

  27. I'm sorry you were sick for Christmas!!! We went next door to celebrate with our neighbors and it turned out that most of the people expected were home with the flu. Another friend of mine had her entire family come down with it (except for hubs who is in the hospital). The little guy who is almost one ended up in the hospital.

    Here's to a Happy and HEALTHY New Year!!!

  28. I'm sorry that you've had flu which has delayed your Christmas festivities and I hope you're feeling a lot better now and can enjoy your special Christmas Eve meal. Keeping Christmas always in our heart is good and I wish you every blessing in the coming days of the new year.
    Linda :)

  29. So sorry you were sick at Christmas. My husband was too. He is still not up to par.

    May your new year be especially nice. Best to you.

  30. Bless your sorry you were sick but glad to know you are better.

  31. Glad you are feeling better Pat and thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday to make it the successful party it is.
    All the best for 2015!

  32. In the hope that you're going to feel completely better very soon I'm wishing you and your beloved ones all the best for the New Year coming.
    With much love

  33. So awful to come down with the flu. Glad you're feeling better.

  34. I hoping you are feeling better!!! Lovely photos oh the snow!! happy New Year!!! Cathy

  35. Hi there, So sorry that you got the flu--but from what I read on FB yesterday, you must have gotten over it fairly quickly. Thank Goodness for the shot--even though it wasn't 'that' effective...

    We had a nice Christmas and it was very quiet --but SO enjoyable... AND--we'll get to see 3 of our five children this week... Yeah!

    Happy New Year.

  36. Pat I am so sorry to hear you were ill with the flu for Christmas....your delayed celebration will be wonderful and here's to a Happy New Year!

  37. Yes they missed on the flu vaccine this year and I always get one too. I hope that 2014 will be a wonderful year for you.. Michelle from Nature Notes..

  38. So sorry that the flu ruined your Christmas. I have never taken a flu shot. My doctor scowls at me when I tell him "no" to the shot, then I add: "I don't get the flu." I seldom even get colds, either. As the year ends, I want to thank you for visiting the Garden Spot and leaving kind comments. I am glad that I discovered your blog through Mosaic Monday. You have written some beautiful posts about some of Colorado's best places. I look forward to a new year of your posts and mosaics. Get well, dear friend. Happy New Year.

  39. Pat!!! I'm so sorry to learn that you missed Christmas this year because of a nasty flu bug. I hope you are soon on top of the world again.
    Wishing you a beautiful time coming up with family and friends and all the best in the new year!
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  40. You must have been so disappointed not to be sharing Christmas Day with the family but there again you were probably to ill to care. Have a happy and healthy New Year and of course a belated Christmas celebration.

  41. Pat, so sorry to hear you are ill.
    Hope you are up and ready to ring in 2015.
    All my best wishes to you

  42. Oh Pat, I am SO sorry to hear you have been ill. I always get a flu shot too, and I was disappointed to hear that this year's is not quite on the mark. Ususlly the vaccine developers get it right. I recall that about 15 years ago, the vaccine was not quite perfect, and I got so darn sick. It was terrible. Here's wishing you a quick return to vigor and good health, and all the best in 2015! Fondly, Adri

  43. So sorry about the flu! We had some nasty stuff going around but I kept popping airborne every morning and was one of the lucky ones.
    I love your tired Santa. That's how I feel by Christmas night.
    We were blessed with snow on Christmas Eve and Day too. That was fun as we had been in the 50's - unusual for us in Utah.
    Have a wonderful New Year.

  44. I hope the New Year is finding you feeling better. I'm sorry that you were so sick with the flu for Christmas. Take care my friend.

  45. Hi Pat, hoping you are much better and thank you for FB friend request! Happy New Year to you! I wanted to reach out to each of you, and say thank you for giving me such a beautiful friendship across many miles. It has been a difficult month for me. If I sit to use the desktop, within a minute, or two the nerve compression pain begins. If I lie down, and prop up my laptop, which is very slow to run, as I am doing now, I have pain relief. Thus said, I am going to copy and paste this message to you wonderful people who encourage me to keep moving forward in this amazing blog world, otherwise, I would not be able to greet each of you at this time. I cannot tell you enough, what having you as friends has done for me...just wonderful blessings! Hugs from afar~ Mary

  46. Oh, Pat! Glad you are starting to feel better!! The Flu Grinch tried to steal our Christmas Joy, too! We didn't let him and I know you all won't either!! Happy New Year!! blessings ~ tanna

  47. So sorry to hear you've had the flu, sure hope you are feeling much better now! Beautiful white Christmas though, we haven't had one of those is ages.
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY...

  48. Oh no, Pat! I was glad to read in a more current post that you're feeling well again. Bob got sick on Thanksgiving eve, and I got sick the next day with the flu. We were in bed several days and really felt weak for awhile after the major symptoms passed. It is a nasty flu season.


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