
Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Colorado Governor's Residence at the Boettcher Mansion

First of all, before showing you the Colorado Governor's Residence at the Boettcher Mansion, decorated for Christmas, I'd like to thank you so much for all your wonderful "get well" wishes to me! Having the flu over Christmas was not fun, although we were finally able to have our family over the Sunday afterward for a delayed dinner celebration. I am almost completely recovered, I just have a slight residual cough and some fatigue. The flu has reached epidemic proportions in some areas, so I hope all reading this will stay well and remain so for the new year!  (All photos and photo collages in this post will enlarge for easier viewing if clicked on)

My husband and I visited the Colorado Governor's Mansion in mid-December, during the mansion's holiday open house tour hours. We visited once before a few years ago--click here to read that post-- and enjoyed the tour, so we decided to go again. The mansion was built as a private residence in 1908 by a prominent Denver family and has been available for use by the Governor since 1960, both as a home and for official Governor's functions.  More about the mansion's history can be read on this link.

As soon as we entered the main foyer/hallway the house's Christmas decorations were visible. Members of the American Society of Interior Designers were selected to deck the halls. 

Each room on the main floor of the mansion had a different holiday theme, and dress mannequins were placed either outside the room or inside it, depicting different aspects of the Colorado lifestyle. In the Intimate Governor's Room, the "Mountain Lifestyle was depicted.   You can see artist sketches of all the manikins in the Colorado Homes and Lifestyles Magazine spread shown above.

The other manikins were dressed as follows: (left) Grand Drawing Room: Urban Lifestyle, (middle top) Stately Library: Ranching Lifestyle, (middle, middle) Elegant State Dining Room: Artistic Lifestyle, (middle bottom) Palm Room's Main Area: Outdoor Lifestyle, (right) Palm Room, Well Room: Skiing Lifestyle.

The Governor's Intimate Room has a large bar area and a cozy fireplace sitting area.  The large Cutty Sark boat on the bar mantel was one of a collection of model ships by a prior owner, Claude Boettcher.

The Governor's Residence Preservation Fund restored this ship model, and this year's commemorative Christmas ornament,  the sixth in a series of different ornaments, was a brass reproduction of this ship.  This ornament, as well as the others in the commemorative series, can be purchased on this link, with proceeds going to the preservation fund.

Above and below: The Grand Drawing Room.

The Boettcher family had filled the mansion with treasures from around the world when they owned the house, and one of their finest additions was this Waterford crystal chandelier that hung in the White House ballroom in 1876 when President Grant presided over America's centennial celebration.  That happens to also be the year that Colorado was admitted to the Union.

The Elegant State Dining Room.

A docent showed us the different china patterns selected for the Governor's use through the years.

The Stately Library.  The carpet in this room depicts Colorado wildflowers

The beautiful light-filled Palm Room.  I liked how the Christmas tree in this room was decorated with vintage ski photos and ski and outdoor snow recreation ornaments.

As part of the tour, we walked to the back of the residence and visited the carriage house, which now contains meeting rooms plus displays about the history of the mansion.  Don't you love the blue poodle statues that Edna Boettcher collected?

The property around the mansion is not extensive but is filled with very mature trees and pines, including Colorado's state tree, the Colorado Blue Spruce. 

Although the Christmas tour season is over, the Colorado Governor's Residence is open for tours at other times during the year. Click here to see that schedule. It is located at 400  E 8th Avenue and Logan Street in Denver, Colorado.

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  1. That's a gorgeous mansion!

  2. First, I'm so pleased that you are feeling better and that you were able to have a nice Christmas with your family despite the flu. It's no fun to be sick during the holidays and especially at Christmas.

    This mansion is gorgeous and very impressive. The Boettcher's must have been quite wealthy and also traveled extensively. The history of the chandelier is interesting with it's association of President Grant and the American centennial. Wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy new year.

  3. Hello Pat, the mansion is gorgeous..What a great tour! Beautiful photos! I hope you feel 100% soon..Have a happy weekend!

  4. It is great that they have holiday tours. It is a gorgeous mansion.

  5. Pat, glad you are feeling better. The tour was great, beautiful pictures and certainly put some time on this getting it together. That is quite a mansion with lots of stories.

  6. Pat I'm glad you are just about well. Take it easy and get fully well. I'm getting over bronchitis now and it has been the worse ever.
    What a beautiful home you have shared today. I so enjoyed all the pictures! Happy New Year to you and your family.

  7. What a treat! I love looking at decorated houses during Christmas.

  8. Happy New Year, Pat!

    I was so worried about you and am relieved to know that you are doing better (got your sweet note, too). I was sick several Christmases back and into the month of January. So I hosted Christmas in February which turned out to be even more fun! Your grands are blessed with two Christmases which will be wonderful to them! :-)

    I loved touring the governor's mansion with you. I have seen "tree" dresses in several places this year (including the White House), and it was fun to see that in the Colorado Mansion. I am so glad you got to tour before you fell ill and feel blessed that you shared it with us. It is a lot of fun touring Colorado with you.

    Before I forget, I am having a giveaway (no strings attached) on my blog, and it is a tablescaping book that is just wonderful. Someone gave me a copy as a gift, and I thought it would be fun to give others a chance to add it to their library. I just wanted to let you know because I know how you love to entertain. I love it because he does lovely 'scapes that include my favorite grocery store flowers. If you get a chance, drop by!

    Love to you and yours and many blessings for 2015 including restored good health!


    Sheila :-)

  9. I'm glad that you survived the nasty flu. Our family struggled with it during the holidays, too. It was passed around by all. The Governor's Mansion is beautiful and I can see why you wanted to go back!

  10. I love visiting places like these that get all decorated for Christmas. Your photos are great. Glad you are better!

  11. The mansion looks beautiful; lovely shots! I will have to arrange a trip to tour the Iowa Governor's Mansion, Terrace Hill, one of these days. Glad to hear you are feeling better! I've been fortunate to avoid the flu, but it does seem that for a while lots of people in our area were sick with one thing or another...I may have gotten off easy with 3 mild colds!

  12. I so glad that you are feeling much better Pat. Take care of yourself. This home certainly is gorgeous. The mannequins are a fun idea. Hugs. Pam

  13. All I can say is wowThat is a wonderful tour.I have mannequins would like to dress them like that in the tour.

  14. Seeing the Boettcher Mansion all decorated for Christmas reminded me of seeing Biltmore at Christmas. Just GORGEOUS. Thanks for sharing this with us.

    Glad your flu wasn't worse --since many I've heard of had had that flu and been really sick for a long time... SO glad you got over it fairly quickly...

    Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year.

  15. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I thought your Christmas feast sounded delicious!! I enjoyed the tour on this snowy morning. Where would one start if they had a desire to collect blue poodles?


  16. What a gorgeous residence, dear Pat, and to see it for the first time, decorated for Christmas, well, it's quite a big emotion to me !
    Thank you once more for this interesting and so lovely post, you always share beauty, of every kind, my dear friend !
    Thank you again and again !
    With love

    P.S.: A prosperous and healthful New Year to you and your dear ones :)

  17. I am happy to read that you are mostly all better now. Yes, it is running wild around these parts as well and I am trying very hard to stay well from that. What a beautiful home the Colorado Governor and his family share together, just gorgeous decorations for the season!~

  18. The mansion is really something to see, I could easily live there as long as someone else would be doing the cleaning. :-) It was decorated nicely for Christmas too!
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Pat.

  19. What a wonderful tour to take. I love looking at houses with history. And so beautifully decorated.
    Glad you are feeling better, Pat. I'm sniffling and coughing these days - started on Jan 1 and I hope it ends soon.
    Have a wonderful week.

  20. What a beautiful place, especially all decorated for Christmas ! :) Thank you for the tour.

    Glad you are feeling better...I have 3 little grandkids here this morning coughing and hacking...and having some decaf tea and clementines :)

  21. I swear, you have done more in Colorado in the short time you've lived here than I've done in 30 years. I need to get off my ass and out of my Highlands Ranch Bubble. Hugs and Happy New Year.

  22. What fun to tour that gorgeous home, especially during the Christmas season!

  23. What a grand home for the governor.
    So glad you are back on your feet and feeling better.

  24. Hi Pat,

    I had no idea that the flu had found you too! It's been a horrible year.

    Isn’t it fun finding blues to share? I've had so much fun with YOUR move to CO. Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  25. Pat I am glad to hear you are much better...another spot I have to note for my visit next fall in CO...a beautifully decorated mansion. Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  26. I am so glad that you shared Colorado's Governor's mansion because it the crowning jewel of Denver history and such a beautiful house. I have been for functions over the years, but never for the Christmas open house, something that I should take the grand daughters to see. Your photos are beautiful.

  27. I do love holiday house tours, especially those classic historic ones!

  28. Very nice - I haven't visited this yet. That flu sounds miserable. I got the flu shot but lots of people around me have been getting sick.

  29. Wow, what a beautiful place! Thanks so much for the tour and for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY...

  30. Happy to hear you are feeling better!

    I loved everything in this post. Thank you so much for sharing it!
    Oh, I'd love to live in a residence like that... How does one become a Governor? :D

    Wishing you and your family a very happy new year!

  31. Beautiful place, beautiful photos and great presentation ~

    Happy New Year
    artmusedog and carol

  32. The governor's mansion is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing your tour with us.
    I'm so behind on blog reading since before Christmas, but I hope to get caught up soon. Glad you are feeling better and sorry that you missed part of Christmas. Happy New Year to you, Pat!

  33. It is a beautiful old building. I am glad you are feeling better. I was quite sick for about 2 an a half months but am feeling better now.

  34. The mansion is exquisite. I love seeing how these stately old homes get all decked out for the holidays. The mansion is similar to the Governor's Mansion in St. Paul - probably built around the same time (ours maybe a little later). I am glad you are feeling better. The Twin Cities is apparently the third largest hub for the flu! Everyone we know has been hit by it. Paul and I have just had sniffles thus far - maybe because I don't work with kids anymore and work at home - it seems to have passed me by. Of course there's three more months of winter.... Wishing you and your family the loveliest 2015!

  35. Happy New Year, Pat! I hope 2015 has greeted you with good health and are feeling much better! I so enjoyed your lovely guided tour of this impressive and historic mansion. I especially like the sunny Palm Room, with its beautiful tree and wonderful windows!

    Have a terrific Tuesday!


  36. I had to smile when I saw this post! It ha been many years since we went on the tour. Jeremy was a 6th grader! LOL! Plus I always smile driving into downtown from Colorado Blvd. My friend Bea, who is 84 years young these days, helped me learn to navigate the streets when I first moved to Denver from Pueblo! Once she was bragging to Wanda, another co worker who was going to lunch with us that I was learned these streets quickly and we were laughing and chatting and flying past the Governor's Mansion, next thing I know, Wanda is deadpanning "Anne, it's the state capital! You missed our turn!" We had such a good laugh having to circle back and go to our destination a few blocks in the other direction! Thanks for helping me remember that memory!

  37. I love that wildflower carpet. When we had the Cherry Creek house, I often ran/walked through Cheesman Park behind the mansion. It's a stately building, and the park just adds to its lovely outdoor space.


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