
Monday, September 27, 2021

Fall Beauty in Colorado

I always know that sometime in September the aspen trees growing in the high elevations in Colorado will begin to change from green to bright yellow and some to orange. I note predictions and listen for reports on the news as to when "peak color" can be seen.  In the almost 9 years we have lived in Colorado we've always taken few drives up to the high country to enjoy this early preview of autumn and the beautiful patchwork of colors that will appear on the distant mountains.

One of our favorite drives is along Guanella Pass, a scenic byway that was once a burro path but is now a fully paved 22-mile road that connects Grant with Georgetown, Colorado. I've blogged about it many times in the past which you can read them all on this link.

The sky was bluebird blue and the aspens shined like gold!

Every twist and turn in the road revealed more beauty!

The mountains surrounding the scenic byway were thick with golden aspen groves...

 ...interspaced with pine trees.

So many gorgeous shades of lime green, yellow, gold, and orange.

We always stop to see this waterfall on the drive. All those large boulders were once carried by a glacier long ago.  You can watch a video of the waterfall on my Mille Fiori Favoriti facebook page on this link.

You can read more about the geology of Guanella Pass on the roadside placards above.  Double click on the photo to enlarge it to make it easier to read.

As we drove we began to climb higher in elevation until we were soon above the tree line. 

We reached the summit of Guanella Pass which is at 11,700 feet (3566 M)

An information placard at the summit. Please double click on to enlarge to read it 

At the Guanella Pass summit, there are views of 14,060-foot (4285.M) Mount Bierstadt and trails through the alpine tundra.

We parked and hiked a part of a trail. The interesting interpretive sign in the photo above was about the tundra along the trail. Those that were younger and in better shape were taking the trail all the way to the summit of Mt Bierstadt.

There are also views of the 14,264-foot (4347. M) Mount Evans in the distance.

There was more magnificent autumnal color when we drove from the summit back down towards Georgetown.  We passed the dam, reservoir, and electric power plant on the way.

It was a beautiful day for a drive! We felt so excited to see fall finally arrive after a very hot and dry summer.  This is my favorite time of the year--the last smile of nature before winter's cold and snow.

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 Mosaic MondayBlue Monday, Through My Lens MondayHearth, and Soul Link PartyYou Are the Star Blog Hop, Inspire Me MondayHome Matters Linky Party,  Good Random FunNature NotesGrand SocialTravel Photos, Travel TuesdayHappiness Is Homemade, Create, Bake, MakeOur World TuesdayRuby TuesdayTuesday's TreasuresTuesdays With A TwistLet's Keep In TouchWordless Wednesday on a Tuesday,  Party in Your PJ'sWordless WednesdayOh My Heartsie Girl's Wonderful Wednesday, Wednesday My Corner of the WorldWonderful WednesdaySigns2 Little Things ThursdayThankful Thursday,  Thursday Encouraging Hearts and Home,  Thursday Thinking Out Loud, Friendship FridaysA Morning Cup of JoeFriday Features Linky Party, Skywatch FridayWeekend Roundup,  Pink SaturdaySaturday SparksSaturday CrittersSunday on Silverado

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  1. Hello Pat,

    What a beautiful drive, the Aspen trees and views are gorgeous.
    Great photos and post. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  2. You live in a beautiful part of the world Pat whatever the season, it seems like only yesterday we were lookig at snow! Happy autumn wanders.

  3. Wow. what a beautiful area and seasonal change. Love the color and pinned this post! Visiting you from the Hearth & Soul Party where I shared 16 One Minute Health Boosters. Enjoy autumn and be well.

  4. Each of those photos could be on a calendar...what beauty, and you captured it so well. When I visited Denver in 2010 we drove up the road to the top of Mt. summertime.

  5. How beautiful. I love the sound that aspen leaves make when the wind blows.

  6. What a gorgeous day and destination for an early autumn outing. The aspen colour is so bright! And that sky! I love autumn days!

  7. Pat, autumn is my favorite time of year as well. What a great drive you had to view the golden aspens! How wonderful you live amongst such beauty. Enjoy every moment.

  8. What a beautiful drive. The colours are stunning.

  9. We don't have aspens and our alders don't get such a beautiful display. In October our maples interspersed with the evergreens will turn yellow, orange and red. - Margy

  10. ...the aspens put on quite a show.

  11. OH wow! That color is spectacular and so completely different from the fall colors we have here.

  12. Wow - just stunning! Crispy and colourful! #BlueMonday

  13. Beautiful photos very autumnic and clear :-)

    Have a falltastic week 👍

  14. Amazing colours! Very beautiful!

  15. Gorgeous color. Each view has its own beauty.

  16. I've never been there to see the aspens in fall. What a stunning display!
    Thanks so much for sharing at

  17. Pat, I just love those aspens as well! Beautiful yellow everywhere. Thanks for sharing your trip with me. Have a good week. Sylvia D.

  18. Stunning! It's on my bucket list to someday travel to Colorado and see the fall aspen show.

  19. Gorgeous. We are still hoping to see some Fall color on our trip!

  20. What a lovely drive through such picture-perfect scenery! Golden Aspens are so special.


  21. Pat - so spectacular! We have quite a few aspens on our property, but seeing the masses in Colorado, spread out like a golden carpet on the mountain, is something else! It never gets old, does it? Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday, and enjoy this precious interlude before Winter arrives!

  22. Wow! Fantastic foliage photos of Colorado ~ so beautiful! Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Breathtaking! I'm sure your pictures are just a glimpse of how gorgeous the mountains are in the Fall. #HomeMattersParty

  24. That's just fabulous, Pat. Those wide shots, especially, of the big pops of gold on the mountains are breathtaking -- especially with those bright blue skies. What a glorious sight!

  25. Such gorgeous fall colours!

    And what a scenic drive!

    Happy Weds, Pat!

  26. Your photos are exquisite. Fall is just starting here with some nighttime cooler weather but in Philadelphia the leaves are not turning yet. Saw you lived in Brooklyn. My mom and her entire family were from Brooklyn. Now the young people are moving back because its more affordable than NYC and its called the new NYC.

  27. What a glorious day you had to drive Guanella Pass. The colors you saw were fantastic. Fall in the high country is a favorite of mine too. We're having rain the last couple days, and we're very glad for it. Leaves are floating from the trees. Fall doesn't last long!

  28. What gorgeousness!
    Thank you for these fall-time sights from CO. Colorado is beautiful! One of our visits was in late fall and we missed seeing the yellow foliage of the Aspens at Maroon Bells. :-\ :)

  29. Whutta great place, fantastic fall display. And nice photography too. Thank you for this cyber tour!

  30. Oh wow, I love your aspens, especially mixed up with the evergreens. We are not going to Jackson Hole this year because we don't think flying is quite safe so I am missing my aspen fix.

  31. Greetings and Salutations! I really enjoyed the Aspen views posted this week on Sky Watch Friday. I get excited to see Fall Colors too.

  32. Wow! If I can't get out in the woods this fall, I can just come over here to get my fix of the beautiful foliage!

  33. Oh my beautiful are those trees....lovely...Michelle

  34. Colorado is one of the most beautiful states in our nation. The Aspens are so gorgeous. Worth seeing in person. Thank you for linking up, Pat.

  35. Stunningly beautiful colours.
    Lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan


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