
Monday, October 4, 2021

Rambler Ranch --A Nostalgia Collection--Part One

It all began with one car...pictured above is Rambler Ranch owner Terry Gale's father’s 1954 Nash Ambassador, which Gale rescued as a derelict that had sat abandoned for many years in his father's Colorado farm's field.  After his father died Terry acquired the car and spent three years bringing the classic automobile back to showroom quality. This sparked his passion for restoring other Rambler models in this particular era of vehicles.

It also led to an obsession that made Terry Gale become the owner of the largest collection of American Motor Corporation (AMC) vehicles in the world!  Terry is pictured in the lower left of the collage above at the beginning of a tour my husband and I made, with friends, by appointment.

The Rambler Ranch is on a 165-acre parcel of land in the hills of a pine forest in Elizabeth, Colorado.  The ranch is home to well over 800 preserved and restored classic cars of all make and models stored in multiple giant warehouses, such as the one seen in the lower right of the photo collage above. In addition, Terry has also collected some vintage buildings, such as a replica of a vintage Sinclair Gas station and a drug store, and a very large collection of the 50s and 60's memorabilia--more about that will be in my next blog post.

We self toured building after building full of vintage cars.

You will almost be guaranteed to see the same model of car that was your grandfather's, your Dad;'s, your first boyfriend's, or perhaps your first car if it was an AMC model made before 1988.  

So much nostalgia...

...and so many carefully restored cars!

It would be difficult to guess what the collection is worth--certainly many millions of dollars.  To read more about Rambler Ranch and Terry Gale click on this link.

Mr. Gale even has a vintage 1970s Denver bus and Bookmobile on his grounds.

It can easily take 2 to 3 hours to see the entire collection of automobiles and memorabilia. As we strolled around Mr. Gale and his helpers were nearby to answer questions. Terry told us he wanted to preserve as much of old-time "Americana" as he could and enjoyed searching online auction sites as a hobby. He felt too much history was being lost by our very disposable society.

One interesting aspect of his clean and meticulous showrooms are the many mannequins that are also on display that were all perfectly dressed by era or theme.

These are a few of the imaginative scenes that are set up. Click on any of the photos twice to enlarge it to see more detail.  

You must come back to see next week's blog post to see even more ephemera displays in Rambler Ranch of a vintage diner, a 1950s kitchen, and a 1960's era fully furnished house.

Rambler Ranch is certainly a fascinating place to visit!

 Rambler Ranch is a private collection--All tours are by appointment only on Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday beginning at 11 AM
36370 Forest Trail, Elizabeth CO 80107
Call 302-324-6750

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  1. WOW!!!! That is amazing and I do so want to see this collection!! Next time I am up there!! Great post! Thank you!

  2. Hello Pat,

    What a fun tour, the displays are fabulous. The classic car collection is amazing. Great photos and mosaics! Take care, have a great week!

  3. My goodness, I'm awe struck! I have been to our small car museum, and various others throughout my life, but that guy sure has them all beat! It's simply amazing.

  4. cool old cars - it's wonderful when you discover what you love to do

  5. Wow what an amazing story! So many gorgeous cars.

  6. This is just fabulous! Wow -- what a collection! I love all the little scenes and the vintage posters and such. I do like the look of classic cars so much more than today's. I wonder what the future will say about those of the 2020s! Talk about executing your passion in great detail. I'd love a visit there!

  7. This place looks so cool. My husband and I own several classic chevy's but love all old cars. We will be putting this on our bucket list. Can't wait to see your additional posts.

  8. How cool is that? There is something about the stype of old cars! #RubyTuesdayToo

  9. Love this and all the nostalga too great post and photos :-)

    Have a nostalgictastic week 👍

  10. Goodness this is really something, Pat! What an interesting post. Your photos are always so good. I enjoyed looking at each photo with these restored cars.

  11. Pat - the number of cars is truly mind-boggling. Well done to Mr. Gale for keeping this history alive through his collection. I agree that the mannequins add a special flair to the displays! Thanks for telling everyone at Mosaic Monday about this unique attraction, and I look forward to the next instalment!

  12. Thanks for your wonderful photos. Have a good week.
    I am at 14 on the linky


  13. What an incredible number of cars in the collection. I have a vision of going to a drive-in movie in one of these, don't ask me why!
    Lovely to see what a fabulous day out especially with the owner showing you around.
    Have a lovely week Pat.
    Wren x

  14. Oh this is so cool!! I bet you had a great time!

  15. What a fabulous place to spend the day. I like the scenes that are set up. Sure looks some of the Leave it to Beaver scenes! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Amazing collection! Thanks for sharing it. My husband would truly love chatting with this guy over everything. #HomeMattersParty

  17. Such cool displays!

    I enjoyed the fun tour, Pat.

  18. What a fabulous tour.
    So much to see and I can't get over the number of cars ... amazing.

    All the best Jan

  19. Interesting story! So many great cars!

  20. I enjoyed the post. Nice to see so many beauties of the past.

    My latest post:

  21. I really like vintage cars. So can´t nothing but love this.

  22. That's an amazing collection! Love the Metropolitans!

  23. How wonderful, I love vintage cars as well.

  24. Great post! Oh I love those vintage cars that I used to collect those kinds from HotWheels. Movies where they feature vintage cars are great to behold! Yes I agree, vintage vehicles should be restored and kept for the next generation to appreciate.

    Visiting by via Wordless Wednesday blog hop :)

  25. Cars back then had a lot of style, didn't they? Of course I'd miss the modern conveniences and safety in today's vehicles!
    Thanks for sharing at

  26. This hits a sweet spot for me! Nearly everyone in my family drove a Rambler at one time or another. I owned a Metropolitan as my first car. Cool post, and I would love to visit The Ranch!!

  27. Oh wow, that is on my bucket list. I love old cars from that era plus it seems like even more besides cars.

  28. Greetings and Salutations! I fell in love with antique automobiles as a child travelling from Chicago to Los Angeles sitting on a telephone book so I could see out the window. It was a game to keep me busy to guess what car it was and year and state license. Nowadays, folks keep their kids busy with kindle, cell phones or TV. Are they seeing with their own eyes and using their imagination still? Perhaps in a new way. I would really enjoy travelling to Elizabeth, CO and seeing these cars. Thank you for visiting such an interesting place and sharing it with all of us.

  29. I love the design of classic cars. My dad worked on Mustangs when I was in high school and I drove a blue, 1968 model. Wish I still had it! Thanks for linking up, Pat!

  30. Wow! That's an incredible collection.

  31. Oh of my first cars was an older rambler. I owned other AMC cars as an adult....Michelle

  32. This looks like a place my husband and older son would love to visit!

  33. This looks like so much fun. Thank you for sharing.


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