
Monday, June 27, 2022

June Wildflowers

I love this time of the year as our part of Colorado --the Front Range foothills--explodes in masses of wildflowers!  As we walk the trails in our community my camera is always at the ready to capture their beauty.

Here are some of my favorite wildflowers...

Our state flower is the Colorado Columbine

Another prolific wildflower we see now is the Prickly Poppy

This beauty is the Desert Indian Paintbrush.

A bee was enjoying a Tower Larkspur!

We passed many clusters full of Silvery Lupine

So many wildflowers!

"I will be the gladdest thing under the sun! I will touch a hundred flowers and not pick one."

~ Edna St. Vincent Millay

"Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food, and medicine for the soul. 
~ Luther Burbank

We feel very fortunate to have the ability to see and enjoy such a large variety of Colorado wildflowers almost in our own backyard.  It is one of the best pleasures that summer brings every year. I also hope you are all having a lovely summer. Please tell me the name of your favorite wildflower.

PS: Congratulations to the Colorado Avalanche Hockey Team that won the 2022 Stanley Cup today!! 

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  1. Hello Pat,
    I love all the wildflowers, they are beautiful. It is too hard to pick a favorite, I love them all. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  2. Wonderful. Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed reading.

    Happy MosaicMonday

  3. What beautiful wildflowers you have surrounding you! I always loved the Queen Anne's Lace in NC.

  4. Wildflowers are beautiful. Have a lovely day. I'm visiting from Mosaic Monday.

  5. I like wild flowers.
    You photographed them beautifully.

  6. Mother Nature knows her flowers.....

  7. Congrats to the hockey team! Well done! I love wildflowers and go in search of them on every hike. I need to go back for some I saw the other day, my photos are not clear! Enjoy your week and your lovely weather.

  8. the wildflowers are so beautiful - wonderful close-ups

  9. ...Pat, you sure live in wildflower country!

  10. What beautiful photos lovely colours thanks for sharing congrats to the hockey team from me too

    Have a colourfultastic week πŸ‘

  11. Hi Pat!
    I enjoy your posts so much and of course I follow you along on Instagram. Just love these gorgeous Mountain blooms and of course the beautiful Rocky Mountains!

  12. All so beautiful, Pat. I remember marveling at all the wildflowers we saw when we were in Colorado years ago. Have you tried pressing any of them?

  13. I'm a huge wildflower lover and enjoy seeing the wildflowers from other places!

  14. Pat - I recognize many of the wildflowers that you displayed in your collages. The lower right-hand corner of your second collage is Prairie Smoke - I love it because you don't see it often around here. My true favorite is the Calypso Orchid. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  15. Love the wildflowers.

    And you've captured them beautifully, Pat.

    Happy Tuesday!

  16. Wildflowers are so wonderful to see and to think that they just pop up with no help from anyone but God. I enjoyed seeing that prickly poppy!

  17. The wildflowers are gorgeous! The last picture is amazing!

  18. Pat, your flowers are always incredibly beautiful. I love each and every photo. What beauty in your state!

  19. What beautiful wildflowers. I lived in Colorado Springs for seven years, and sadly I don't remember much about the wildflowers; but growing up in Nevada, a siting of Indian Paintbrush was like winning the grand prize.

  20. Gorgeous wildflowers, and you are fortunate to be able to enjoy them in summer. Not a good your for wildflowers in my area, and they tend to peak much earlier in the year. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos!

  21. Your photos show the beauty of the wildflowers. Thanks for sharing!

  22. You got an amazing collection of wildflowers pics for us, and you know the name to all of them!! Kudos to you on this excellent post.

  23. Nice wild blooms! The last pic is my favorite.

  24. Would like to smell all those fantastic wild flowers. 🌷🌸🌹🌺🌻🌼

    btw, 2 Finns played for Avalance. One of them did the winning goal, mind you. πŸ˜‰

  25. I would add also 'flowers make people healthier', who know how many medicinal plants are among those.

  26. Wildflowers are my favorite. They pop up here, there and everywhere. Even where you least expect them. I like your collage of wildflowers best. Happy 4th of July!

  27. We are at the edge of a forest, so there aren't a lot of wild flowers. I planted some in my garden yesterday. The ones I planted in March never sprouted, probably the long, cold rainy spring. Now things are just starting to grow. - Margy

  28. What a stunning variety of wild flowers. I love them. My favorite though, Indian Paintbrush as my mom loved them and so they remind me of her.

  29. Wow the variety is stunning. It must be beautiful walking through the flowers. My favourite wild flower is the callistemon or bottle brush. Non are about now in winter but there are still other flowers in the village gardens.

  30. Hi Pat, Your wildflower photos are simply magnificent. One of my all time favorites, which I do not see photos of often, is the Indian Paintbrush … your photo is great! Thanks for sharing all your photos. Thanks for your recent comment on my blog. That was an interesting remark about Mt Rainier. I’ve heard that climbing the mountain is a real challenge. Best regards to you from Seattle! John

  31. Years ago we camped and hiked alot in that area, and it is beautiful with all the wild flowers. You are indeed lucky to be so close and see and enjoy it often.
    Sandy's Space

  32. How glorious is that?! What a gorgeous setting and lovely flowers #FriendshipFriday

  33. The flowers are FABULOUS, so lovely to see.

    All the best Jan

  34. Great wildflower photos, Pat. Ours in the mountains are just starting to bloom. I love the Mariposa Lily but haven't come across one in several years. Another favorite is the Calypso Orchid, but with the Memorial Weekend snow, the patch we have close to our house didn't bloom this summer. I do love seeing the Paint Brush. I have red/orange growing in the yard and sometimes we see the pink when on a hike.

  35. Those are gorgeous wildflowers! I wish I could see them in person!

  36. hi Pat,

    I love the wildflowers! Your photos are beautiful!

    Love this time of year and the rain has been quite a treat!

    xo laura


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