
Sunday, June 19, 2022

Nature's Miracle Outside My Window

This is a view I had outside my kitchen window yesterday--a brand new fawn nuzzling its mother!


They shared many kisses while...

,,, a twin sibling fawn slept all curled up at the bottom of my backyard retaining wall!

Early in the morning of June 15th my husband and I were opening our window shades and were surprised to see this mule deer doe give birth to twin fawns!  They came out one at a time, all wet and dark and still covered with their amniotic sack.  The doe diligently licked each one clean from head to toe, and as she did the fawns' eyes opened and they began to move--it was a miracle to watch!

I took the YouTube video above of the doe giving birth to the second fawn. It was amazing to see!  After resting for a while and nursing the fawns she completely removed all traces of giving birth from our lawn.  One would never be able to tell what had just occurred. We kept very quiet and allowed her to stay as long as she wanted. 

By the late afternoon, the twins were walking well and even hopping and leaping at times!   If you'd like to see a short video of them at this stage you can watch it on my blog's Facebook page at Mille Fiori Favoriti on this link. 

It was an unusually warm day in Colorado and the doe kept moving the fawns into the shade to keep them cool.  She is a very attentive mother!

One important fact to know about all deer is that a few hours after birth, when the fawn can stand and walk, the doe will move it from the birth spot to a new hiding place. A fawn spends most of its first weeks of life bedded down alone. The doe stays away from her newborn except to nurse it periodically and to lead it to new bed sites.  The doe does this to protect it from predators.  If you come across a fawn that is all alone DO NOT PICK IT UP!  Most likely the mother is nearby and is taking care of it.  Sadly, many people think a fawn that is alone is abandoned and will bring the fawn to the police, or wildlife rescue, only to learn this fact.

It was a beautiful experience to see the twins being born and nurtured--a true miracle right outside my window!

I hope all fathers have had a very Happy Father's Day today! 

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  1. Hello Pat,
    What a great sight to see, the deer giving birth. The twins are adorable, I love their cute spots. Wonderful photos and video. I hope your hubby had a fantastic Father's Day. Take care, have a great new week!

  2. I am in awe. How lucky that you were able to witness that from your own windows. The mother is so attentive, even after what she just went through. It is really nature at her finest.

  3. So wonderful to see the cycle of life right there in your yard...glad you could take photos and the video of the second birth. Mama deer knows just how to care for these little ones!

  4. Wow! What a remarkable experience. Seeing the miracle of birth outside your window. It's really amazing.

  5. What an amazing gift you were given. These are wonderful photos.

  6. I was thinking of the word miracle the whole time I read this! How amazing to get to witness this. It makes you feel honored and happy to be alive and alert! The babies are just precious. I wonder if you'll name them or the grandkids will. Hugs, Diane

  7. So tender, so beautiful.
    And that in the backyard, how beautiful, a miracle!

    Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed it!

    Greetings from the Netherlands.

  8. You are so lucky and it's good you enjoy it I am jealous heheh! thanks for sharing ....oh deer...couldn't resist saying that bit lol

    Have a deertastic week 🦌

  9. What a beautiful sight to see. We have a lot of deer in our backyard and I see the babies every year about this time but I've never seen one being born. Thanks so much for sharing!
    - Maria
    the Krafty Planner

  10. Such a wonderful experience.
    Your photographs and video are amazing.

    I do hope your husband enjoyed his Fathers Day.

    All the best Jan

  11. Oh my goodness! How gorgeous is the baby??!! #Itsyourmoment

  12. ...lovely, but I wish that my deer would stay out of my garden.

  13. What a wonderful experience just outside your window, Pat. Precious moments to capture. Thanks for sharing the photos.

  14. Precious!!!
    Thanks for linking to Monday WRites


  15. Pat - what a truly amazing video. Incredible! Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone. I was fascinated to see the mom licking the first fawn in the midst of delivering the second. Now that's stamina! I know about finding fawns alone and the importance of not touching them. I have come across them occasionally on our property, almost walking on top of them, they are hidden so well. I know at this time of year to watch where I am going! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  16. You are so lucky to have this going on right outside your house. You are getting to experience nature at its best! Is there a house on sale in your neighborhood that we can move into :)

  17. What a sight to behold! The baby is super adorable, Pat!

    Happy Tuesday!

  18. Sweetness overload! Oh my, how lucky you are to have such awesome visitors! Precious!

  19. Wow! What a gift for you to see and photograph ~ I am awed by your post and photos ~ it is a miracle to see how graceful the Mother was giving birth and then taking care of the babies ~ Thank you for this ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  20. It's hard to beat a Rocky Mountain sunset.

  21. This is so incredibly special. They must feel very safe with you, allowing the fawn to rest there for its time before moving on. Do you mind if I copy some of these photos to try to paint? I've never done deer before, or not many or for a long time and these are such a treasure. If I do anything good enough to share on the blog I'd certainly credit you.

  22. That's some slew of memes you list there.... Since I got here from Skywatch, I'll say nice sky capture.

  23. Oh my gosh, that fawn is incredibly cute!!! Oh, and beautiful sky, too, but the fawn steals the show.

  24. Oh wow; that does sound amazing!!

  25. Brilliant colours in that sky.

  26. Momma Deer was a smart to pick you guys to have her babies and start raising them. What an amazing experience you got to see.

  27. It is a very special experience to be able to experience such an event!
    Thanks for showing it on your blog
    Warm greetings from Germany

  28. You´ve got your own National Geografic going on there. Good for you!

  29. HI Pat,

    Oh my gosh what a beautiful video. Sharing on The Weekend Edit tomorrow.
    Best video ever! laura in Colorado

  30. Thanks for joining #Allseasons but don't forget to comment.

  31. Awwww...they are just SO sweet! We sometimes have them by our house too, and I always smile so big when I see them roaming in the hills!


  32. Oh, so beautiful! Aren't you so lucky to see such a wonderous birth? Love this post.

  33. Interesting to note that newborns are left on their own for safety purposes. You captured the miracle of life in full view … how amazing. This video needs wide circulation for educational purposes.

  34. Hello Pat,
    What an experience to watch in your yard. The birth video is amazing. They twins are adorable. Love the mama and her babies. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  35. That's an unusually wonderful post for Eileen's critters this weekend! Great photos. I had no idea of the behavior of new deer-moms.

    best... mae at

  36. Fabulous video and photos along with wonderful and very informing narrative. Congratulations of a great post!

  37. Wow, right outside your window. You got some great shots!
    Sandy's Space

  38. Thank you for sharing these, the photos and the video are incredible! What an amazing morning that must have been.

  39. How lucky were you to witness this: Thank you for sharing this Your Moment Blog Hop!

  40. Fantastic! How cute :)

    Very important information!

  41. So very beautiful and amazing. Thanks for sharing. #allseasons

  42. be able to see that first hand is amazing...If you are on Instagram my friend rehabs white-tailed deer here and has already rescued 60. Some were taken back to Moms, some were too injured and I think she is caring for about 40... @fuzzyfawnwildlife

  43. Good morning, Pat,
    Nice to visit with you again! I'm coming over from Laura's Everyday Edits link party and saw your sweet post... HAD to come see the fawns and their mother! Thank you for letting us know about the babies being alone and not to touch them. <3 Good advice!

    Hope they are doing well and that they visit you often
    Summer hugs,
    Barb :)

    p.s I hope you will come link up at Share Your Style tomorrow evening (Wednesday). Thank you! <3

  44. So cute and tender! You are very lucky!

  45. How lucky are you? Lovely photos of the beautiful animals.

  46. This was such an awesome experience, Pat. Thanks for sharing it. We've often seen a doe foraging alone, and I think she has a fawn nearby. I've never been lucky enough to see a newborn fawn with its mother.
