The Colorado State Capitol building, located at 200 East Colfax Avenue in Denver, Colorado, is the home of the Colorado General Assembly and the offices of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Colorado. The building is intentionally reminiscent of the United States Capitol. Designed by Elijah E. Myers, it was constructed in the 1890s from Colorado white granite and opened for use in November 1894. The distinctive gold dome consists of a real gold plate, first added in 1908, commemorating the Colorado Gold Rush. The building is part of Denver's Civic Center area.
A view looking up at the interior of the dome.
More views of the magnificent interior of the Colorado State Capital building. All photos can be clicked on once and then again when they open on a new page to enlarge for a better view of the details.
Located inside the capital building is this year’s Colorado's Christmas "Tree of Honor" in memory of all the fallen members of the military from Colorado who died in Afghanistan and Iraq. The 13 foot Noble fir tree is decorated with cards bearing the names of 142 service men and women.
Can you see the "one mile above sea level" inscription on the capital building's steps? Click to enlarge.
The view from the top of the Colorado Capital's top steps, looking at the Denver City and County building is in the distance
The snow-capped Rocky Mountains can be seen in the distance.
I was in Colorado this past week to see my grandson help to decorate his family's tree, and also to celebrate his second birthday!
He's growing up so fast and has a lot to say now. It was so much fun to spend time with him and my son and daughter-in-law, and also my son's in-laws who graciously shared their home with us.
Please accept my apology if I've been slow to visit your blogs the past week or so -- I will be catching up very soon!
I'm linking this post to Mary's "Mosaic Monday" at The Little Red House. Please visit Mary to see her beautiful mosaic and links to the photo mosaics of all the participating blogs.

Hope to visit there one day. The mountains are so beautiful.
The grow so quickly!!!! I can't believe what a big boy he is now.
I was expecting to see Denver blanketed in snow...but it looks rather bare over there. My only glimpses of Denver were from a distance as we passed by last I appreciate visiting the city with you.
Happy Birthday to your handsome grandson!
I'm so happy you were able to celebrate your grandson's birthday with him!
Nice post on the capitol. I'll have to visit again (now that I don't have little ones to keep my eyes on!) The one mile marker engraving and button are pretty neat!
What great pictures! Your grandson is adorable!!!! Such a fun age!
Very impressed with the CO. State Christmas Tree...what a nice thing to do to honor our fallen service people! Your Grandson is just as cute and handsome as he can be! I know you're having fun being there with him and his family!
Everything is so beautiful there and I know you enjoyed that little grandson. I really miss my grands in NC.
That tree at the capitol building is wonderful. If they can't put up a Nativity scene at least they honored our brave military. I'm sad that they were all deceased though.
Wishing you safe travels back home.
Happy birthday to your grandson!! Two years young!! Awwww and he is so so so cute!!! How wonderful!! Great to know that you had an amazing time with him and all your family - that's just brilliant!!!
And what a lovely building!!!! I love the view of the rocky mountains and that little inscription about being above the sea level!! Blink and you'll miss it!!
The dome is superb - beautiful and very plush!!!Real gold? Wow!!
Thank you for sharing the picture of this amazing Tree of Honor!! I think it's a fitting tribute to these brave men and women for their families.
Take care
It’s good that you could see your grandson. My youngest grandson was 2 last July. We’ll see him and his 4 years old brother during the Holidays. They change from month to month really. I have never been to Colorado – your photos are beautiful and the Tree of Honor very moving.
Beautiful! I love Colorado! I'm sure it's gorgeous there right now! Great photos, my friend! ♥
My dear Pat, you make the best spokesperson for any location. You're a natural! Love seeing these beautiful photos of Colorado and what a nice way to honor their fallen. Very poignant.
My how your darling boy has grown. I see that he knows exactly what to do with cupcakes!
Your post gave me goose bumps...I spent the 1st 22 years of my life in Denver. Christmas was a wonderful time to visit the Civic Center. And indeed, snow at Christmas when I was growing up was rare. More than likely we'd be playing touch football and the temp int he 60's! Thanks for the memories, dear friend!!! Cathy
Sadly, I've only been to the Denver airport and then off to Boulder when our daughter attended CU so I've never had the opportunity to tour the city.
Looks like you had a great time ;) What a cutie!
We were in Colorado in October. Such a beautiful state. Glad you were able to spend time with your precious grandson and family.
I love the gold dome, that was the first thing I noticed. That's a very sad tree, but what a cutie pie your geandson is!! Did you get short of breath while you were there? I've heard it takes a bit of getting used to!
I visited Denver many, many years ago. It was a business meeting ... fly in and fly out. I don't remember much except it was April and it snowed!!!! Lovely post. I'm sure you had fun with the young one!
What a beautiful tribute the tree is!
Looks like a great visit! Your grandson is adorable! Nice that you got to celebrate with him!
Capital buildings are works of art. I was awed by the Tree of Honor. It is beautiful and also to me - so sad.
What is not sad - is your gorgeous grandson. That is a smile-brightener and the photo of the little guy putting an ornament on the tree just sends ripples of joy.
it looks a beautiful city. The buildings are beautiful but not as cute as your darling grandson. It must have been a happy time for you to be able to hug and kiss him.
Hi Pat, I'm so glad you showed pictures of that precious grandson. Can't believe he is TWO now....He is adorable.
Love seeing the capitol ---and also that special tree. What a great memory to those fallen soldiers...God Be with their Families during this season.
I'm so happy you got to see your grandson! He is a real cutie Pat.
& the Christmas tree is so nicely done. What a great idea to make it a memorial - it's a very meaningful tribute.
Pat, I'm happy you had a great trip to CO. What fun to spend time with this little one! ~ Sarah
A lovely post with many interesting pictures. Love your mosaic contribution.
What a beautiful Capitol and the "Tree of Honor" is a fitting memorial to Colorado's fallen heroes. It all looks so majestic with the Rocky Mountains in the distance. We just can't match the Creator's masterpieces.
Your grandson is so precious. I can't wait to see what awaits me in late July. Boy or girl, I will be elated.
That photo of your grand son is priceless. Keep if for him when he grows up.
Your little boy is growing up so fast! I would have expected so much more snow in Colorado this time of the year. Glad you had such a great time with your family.
Me too have only changed plane in Denver once....... Your photos are just marvelous. You are a very skilled photographer. Lovely mosaic too. And a very sweet grandson. Have a nice time.
CO's state capital building actually looks a lot like PA's state capital! Fantastic architecture & interior! Very fun to have a glimpse of your trip away, Pat. LOVE seeing your sweetie-pie grandson. Can't believe he's two already too! Happy Days, my friend :o) ((HUGS))
It's wonderful that you were able to be in Denver to celebrate your grandson's second birthday. He's sure a cute little boy, Thanks for sharing the memorial tree and the impressive state capitol building. It saddens me to think that there have been so many men and women who are no longer able to share the joys of everyday life with their families.
The memorial tree is impressive as are the photos of the interier of building.
Grandson's bring us such Joy!
Greetings for a Happy season!
LIke every time I know I am learning here at your blog Pat. Wonderful pictures of the building and that beautiful memory tree. And your grandson is gorgeous helping decorate the tree.Wonderful Rocky mountains.
What a dear little fellow!
Love your photos as usual. You have a talent for capturing just the right scenes.
I loved the shot of one mile above sea level.
Hope the week is good to you.
Oh I love those two year olds! What a magic age.
Beautiful post -- from the pictures, to the tribute of the Tree, to that darling little birthday boy.
Merry Christmas!
I find it amusing that you can impress me with fantastic shots of MY own state, the city where my daughter lives and sites I've taken for granted for years. :o) Lovely shots, as always. And what a precious birthday/tree-decorating celebration, I'm sure. I'm so happy you got to join the little guy for his birthday.
The inside of the dome and the snowy Rockies are my favorites, but your mosaics are always spectacular!!!!!
I just passed my second year blogging I share my anniversary with your grandson's birthday! Your blog must have been one of the first I started reading because I clearly remember when he was seems like yesterday!
Your post about Denver is as fun to read as your posts on NYC! You are becoming bicoastal!
Pat, thank you so much for sharing this beautiful city. The views are magnificent.
And, it is hard to believe that your little fellow is already two years old. He is adorable.
Great photos, Pat! I love visiting Capital buildings.
Your grandson sure is growing, and so cute! I know you enjoyed spending time with the family.
Beautiful pics! Your grandson is adorable.
Your mosaics are also festive. Nice to see those Rockies gleaming in the distance! (we've been to Denver quite a few times so enjoyed your photos!)
Enjoy your decorating, though I'm sure your missing your little guy!
The mountains are so beautiful! It must be so strange to see them rising above the city -- not at all like NYC! The capitol building is wonderful! thanks for sharing your talents, Pat, and have a wonderful Christmas!
Oh, and your grandson is adorable!!!
Beautiful photos. I feel as if I were along for the fun. Of course, the best part is celebrating with the wee one!
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