The Daily News building, also known as The News Building, is a 476 foot Art Deco style skyscraper located at 220 East 42nd Street, between Second and Third Avenue in New York City. Built in 1929-1930, it was the headquarters for the New York Daily News newspaper until 1995. It now has as one of its tenants TV broadcast subsidiary WPIX, (All photos and photo collages can be enlarged for easier viewing by clicking on them)
The Art Deco design over the front entrance doors say "The News" and the words "He made so many of them" above figures of people. I had passed this building in Midtown Manhattan many times but never walked inside, but on this visit to New York I was determined to take a peek.
Inside the building lobby is an amazing sight! It is the world's largest indoor rotating globe!
The Daily New illuminated globe is 12 feet in diameter, weighs approximately two tons, and makes a full rotation every ten minutes.
There are compass points set in the ground around the globe, with the names of major cities and their distance from New York City. Unfortunately, the globe's maps have not been updated since 1967, which means it is no longer accurate, but it is still an imposing sight.
The impressive ceiling rotunda above the globe is made out of faceted black glass.
The New York Daily News building was used as the location for "The Daily Planet" in the 1978 Richard Donner production of Superman. The actors portraying Clark Kent/Superman (Christopher Reeves) and Lois Lane (Margot Kidder) could often be seen strolling by the globe as they entered or exited "The Daily Planet" (The Daily News) newspaper building. You can look at this link to see photo stills from the movie that have the globe in the background.
Other features inside the building are brass meteorological gauges showing the weather conditions in the area, such as the temperature outside and wind velocity and direction.
Click all photos to enlarge
There are also a series of panels describing the history of the building from its inception ....
...through the 1930's and 40's
...the 60's...
...the 70's .... the year 2003 when it was purchased by S.L.Green Realty Corp, New York City's largest office landlord
When you exit the building you'll get a view of another Art Deco gem in the distance on 42nd Street, the Chrysler building.
It is another beautiful building, with a unique facade and another beautiful lobby, but that is a story for a future blog post!