Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hot Pinks and Cool Greens in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

It was very hot for a portion of this week, with temperatures climbing toward the hundred degree mark, and to cool off a little I went over to one of my favorite places--the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Despite the summer heat, the garden was full of lovely flowers, as you can see from the photo collage I made of the various pink blooms that I saw.  (All photos will enlarge if clicked on twice)

There are so many wonderful large shade trees in the garden......

....and quiet cool paths to walk along...

....so my visit was enjoyable, despite the heat.

Just look at this beautiful large tree!

The information plaque says it is a"Weeping Beech" tree

Of course I could not resist walking inside, where the cool shade was delightful!

I sat for awhile and read a book I brought along to the garden, but of course I waited till Mr.Robin flew on his way!


This is another rare tree in the garden. It is a "Weeping Hemlock" tree. The tree branches hang down instead of growing straight due to a mutation.

I even saw a cherry tree full of fruit. The birds were enjoying this tree!

The Japanese Hill Pond and Garden, located inside the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, is one of the oldest and most visited Japanese-inspired gardens outside Japan. It was also cool and quiet on the day I visited. If you missed my post about this beautiful area in spring, when the cherry trees are in blossom, click here to read it.

The Japanese Hill Pond contains a gurgling waterfall, which is a wonderfully cool and calming sound to listen to while I strolled along this section of the garden.

The koi fish in the pond may have been staying low in the water because of the heat....

...but I was amused to see this bird drying off his wings after he took a dip in the pond.

It was a peaceful way to enjoy the afternoon, without the usual weekend crowds, and to cool off a little in a natural setting. I took many more photos of flowers, of course, so I'll be sharing them along the way in the future! Stay cool and enjoy this last week of July!

I'm linking this post to Beverly's "Pink Saturday" at her blog How Sweet The Sound,  and to Susan's "Outdoor Wednesday" event on her blog A Southern Daydreamer. Please visit these wonderful blog and enjoy all the wonderful photos of the blogs participating in the events.

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Cami said...

Oh my goodness gracious. Those photos are BREATH-TAKING. I want to go!! Those flowers are gorgeous - so vivid :) Great shots!! Thanks for sharing :)

<3-Cami from First Day of My Life Life

Cindy said...

What a beautiful garden, your photos are really lovely. It looked so peaceful and even cool in the photos, of course it may have been steaming.
Hugs, Cindy

Snap said...

Gorgeous!!! Stunning. I want to visit! :D :D :D :D

pam said...

Glory that was a beautiful garden tour. The Weeping Beech tree looks so much like my Curly Weeping Willow. Hope you have some Air Conditioning in your home.

aliqot said...

Another of my favourite places to visit in Brooklyn.

Kris said...

What a beautiful and serene place to visit!!!! I almost felt like I was there! Lovely!

betsy said...

I was born in Brooklyn 61 years ago. The Fates have not let me go back. How I enjoyed your photos of its Botanical Garden!

Old Kitty said...

Oh beautiful! Just beautiful!! And as I was scrolling down your post I noticed that you've entered a photo competition, so I've voted for your beautiful tulip pics!! Yay!! GOOD LUCK Pat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You do take the most gorgeous vivid pics - gorgeous!!!!

Awwww the weeping trees!! I love that you're able to go under their boughs - so secluded and romantic too!

Great to see the birds enjoy this most lovely and really well looked after garden! Please take care in the heat and thanks for the peaceful stroll!! Take care

Barbara F. said...

Pat, upload some of these to Pinterest :) Beautiful, beautiful photos, and you were a brave soul to venture out in 100 + heat! Good for you xo

nanny said...

beautiful!!! the beech tree is unreal.....I know you enjoyed your day even if it was so awfully hot!

annie said...

Lovely .
The bird by the way is a Cormorant.

Ginny Hartzler said...

A beautiful post!! I love those weepers and have not heard of either of them! I only know weeping willows and weeping cheerys. My favorite pic in the collage would be the delicate foxgloves.

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Your photos are amazing... as usual!

I have started a new Traveling Tuesday~ so come on by and link up and we will all get to go on this trip to the gardens with you.

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

What a wonderful tour, you made me feel as though I was walking through that glorious garden! Thank you so much!



myletterstoemily said...

NOBODY take more beautiful photos
than you! the pinks were outdone
by the greens, though. :)

From the Kitchen said...

I enjoyed my second visit to the lovely Brooklyn Gardens with you. My first was with my son a few years ago when he lived there. Your photos are lovely.
We are members of the Chicago Botanic Garden and visit there throughout the year. It's so nice to go when the crowds are not there. I've enjoyed many books there.


Vee said...

You were brave to get out and about in the heat, Pat. I'm impressed. I hibernate more in heat than I do in cold. You weren't alone under that tree I see. ☺ Lovely photos and the combination of pink and green is always scrumptious.

dianasfaria.com said...

what a great way to spend an afternoon!
I did something similar recently at Old Westbury Gardens on Long Island & I really enjoyed it.
Thanks for sharing your day with us Pat.

The Gathering Place said...

Those gardens are so colorful and beautiful. I can't think of a better way to wait out the heat! (We are having a summer thunder storm as I type this. It makes things a little more green and cools things down.)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

How gorgeous, Pat. I could probably live there all of the time!!!!! I've seen weeping willows --but never weeping beech or weeping hemlocks. Those are awesome.

We like to visit places like that during the week also --when they are not so crowded.

Tanna said...

Beautiful!! And, I love the weeping hemlock! I've never seen one of those before. Thank you for the tour, Pat!! I needed some cool greens! blessings ~ tanna

Willow said...

Lovely place to wander! Every time you post photos of Brooklyn, I make a mental note--when I get to NY I need to visit each place. But I think that the Botanic Garden will be my first stop. Thanks for sharing.

RNSANE said...

We are so lucky to have Botanical Gardens in our cities, Pat. They are such wonderful sources of relaxation and beauty. I love our Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park and your Japanese Garden is so serene and lovely with its red tori gate. I would really love to see that.

The huge trees are so majestic and beautiful. I am sure your high temperatures must have lured many people this past week!

Yvette said...

Just beautiful. I so enjoyed visiting the garden with you, Pat. Virtually speaking, of course. I can't believe I lived so many years in NYC and never visited the Botanical Gardens. Shame on me.

Millie said...

I love the photos of the Japanese garden.. and the pink foxgloves...looking forward to more pics

La said...

Thank you for taking me along on your trip to these lovely gardens. I hope you are staying cool.

camp and cottage living said...

You are really fortunate to have such a beautiful place to take a walk.
I've never seen those weeping trees before-they are quite impressive.
Your pink collage is lovely. I just love seeing your "city" life!

Buttercup said...

Pat, your pictures are beautiful. I am overdue for my (at least) yearly visit to the Botanical Gardens.

Michelle said...

I love that weeping beech! How wonderful it must have been to walk "inside" of it!

Pondside said...

What a heavenly place. I especially liked the boulder-lined path.

Gracey is not my name.... said...

I've actually been her..took the Hubs...it was beautiful, he loves trees, but after several hours of tree gazing I was going crazy and told him we had to leave....he still talks about it and it was more than 10 years ago...

My name is Riet said...

What a beautiful garden Pat and you made such beautiful photo's .I love all the pink t flowers in your collage , pink and green are indeed a gorgeous combination. Have a nice day.

Ola said...

you are having such a hot summer and here is raining all the time!
Just great collection of flowers!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

There is nothing more beautiful that a big old tree with gnarled branches and a full skirt. Lovely!

Roz said...

What a beautiful and peaceful spot of nature amidst the city. I'd visit there often! I have to say that I love the serenity of the Japanese gardens the most. But overall, I couldn't live without my daily fix of nature! Thanks for sharing this enjoyable post!

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Your gorgeous photos were almost like being there. Almost!! I would love to explore the Botanical Garden.

Tracy said...

Pink and green... that's often how I picture summer in my mind in the depths of winter--sure lifts the spirits then! LOVE all the lushness of these shots, Pat... So soothing to find shade during the hot days now. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

Carol said...

Beautiful, just beautiful! Glad you were able to cool off, you can't even tell how steamy it's been! The weeping tree looks like it's cool and shady.

Grace said...

What gorgeous photos! I so love visiting your blog. Hope you are keeping cool this week, compared to last week I feel like we are in heaven! lol Hugs Grace

Vintagesouthernlife said...

Your photos are lovely! Thanks for taking me along on your summer break from the heat. Happy Outdoor Wednesday.

podso said...

Makes me feel cooler just looking at these beautiful photos of such a gorgeous place. BTW the day after I read your B. Bridge post I saw two people at work who used to live in Brooklyn. I told then what I'd seen and they did not know about it!

Punctuation Mark said...

what a beautiful place... love all the pink colors on those flowers!

Linda said...

What a wonderful way to spend a Summer day! Your pictures are wonderful...I could have stayed there for hours on that bench with a good book!

My Little Home and Garden said...

Pat, that park looks incredible! What a wonderful place to visit when you want to escape the busy city life and enjoy a bit of nature. Thanks for visiting my blog and your tip on keeping the "spirit happy". Good advice. :) -Karen

Anonymous said...

what could be more beautiful peaceful relaxing then your great photos of this garden! Enjoyed as always!

mrs. c said...

What a lovely, peaceful place to visit. I adore pink and green, they were my sorority colors. I know it's hot in NYC, I think it is hot everywhere, except Oregon! I go back to school on Monday and I can't believe our summer break is over!

Annesphamily said...

Your photos are always so exceptional. Thanks for sharing. Hey Pat watcha readin?

Vagabonde said...

Every time I come and look at your blog I take note of places to see when we go to New York next. Unfortunately we usually stay only 3 or 4 days and there is so much to see! I wish I lived closer to help you with the old documents of Green-Wood Cemetery, but we are too far for that.

Houseelf said...

What a lovely visit. I like all those shades of green. The Japanese garden is a pretty place even without the blossom. I made a charry inspired bag the other week with handles from Japan.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I feel warmed up looking at your photos, my friend has a weeping cherry tree.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

We are having very cold weather, so it will be great if some of your heat can come this way.

Anonymous said...

That Weeping Beech is a playhouse just waiting for children. I'm glad to read that you answered the call. :)

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Beautiful garden shots, Pat! I have to give you credit for going there in the heat but you were able to capture some wonderful pictures without any people in them ;)

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

Beautiful as always Pat. A very refreshing place to wish away your worries and the heat wave. Thanks for taking us along. You go to some mighty fine places.

Jenny said...

Oh, this is beautiful. Thanks for the lovely green walk! It would have been hard to resist picking a cherry or two!

Lisa@GrandmasBriefs said...

You've been on my mind each time I hear of the horrid heat out your way. It's not been COOL here, but certainly not as oppressive as what you're dealing with. Looks like you found a way to beat the heat, or at least make it bearable.

Ciao Chow Linda said...

It's just amazing how you can be right in Brooklyn yet have so many beautiful, green places to escape to.

Sheila said...

What a beautiful oasis these gardens are. You discover so many lovely secret places. The coolness of the shade beneath the trees is almost tangible in the lovely photos.

Unknown said...

Exquisite captures, Pat ... so love the water scenes. Just gorgeous.
Have a beautiful PS weekend~

LV said...

Thank you for taking me on a cool outing to this lovely park. It s much too hot here to hardly leave the house.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Wow Pat, this garden is stunning! The specimen trees are wonderful and it is all so well cared for. Amazing that it is also so green with this heat and lack of rain.

Nancy said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

Robin said...

Again, some very lovely photos....
Thanks for sharing.

Have a pinkishly beautiful weekend

Char said...

I think I would pitch a tent under one of those gorgeous trees and never leave!!
Happy Pink Saturday, Char

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous pictures!! The foxglove with it's delicate peach shade is stunning!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful and relaxing day for you...I'm so glad you got to enjoy the lovely park! Have a great weekend!

HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!

Lovella ♥ said...

Beautiful garden photos Pat. I have been watching the temperatures . . hoping it will cool down by the middle of the second week in August. .we were are going to zip through NY and see the sites. You have given us so much to see. It's always a inspiration.

Sue said...

Hi Pat!!! I missed you and your tours around town...
Didn't get into NY in the 5 months I spent in Jersey...we had such plans me and daughter and didn't find the time to do anything....Oh wait, yes we did...we went in one day to be fitted for bras at Linda's on Lexington and then my feet gave out waiting for a table at Serendipity and ended up having to get a cab to get us back to the parking garage...The last time I'm sure daughter will go Anywhere with me!!

Maggie said...

Hi Pat,
I so enjoyed my tour of the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, what a wonderful place to have nearby and to be able to experience the changing seasons.

Honey at 2805 said...

I really enjoyed your tour of the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, Pat. It is really a beautiful place!

Hope you will please drop by and enter my $50 Overstock.com Gift Card Giveaway!! If there are 500entries, the amount will increase the Gift Card to $100.

Anonymous said...

Nice mosaic of pretty pinks, and the photos of the garden are lovely. The Japanese garden looked invitingly tranquil.


Connie Arnold said...

Thank you for sharing the gorgeous photos! It look like a wonderful place to visit.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

I could do with lying under those beautiful, shady trees right now!

Judy said...

What a beautiful botanical garden! I love the trees...the weeping beech especially.

Hope things are a little cooler out your way this week!

The Single Nester said...

What lovely photos and colors! I have never been but should get there.

Claudia said...

I go to the lake every day for solace. How wonderful to have this so available nearby. Just looking at it brings tranquility.