I've always believed in Santa Claus, a.k.a. Kris Kringle, Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, or one of the many other names he is called around the world. Ever since my first visit to see him when I was five years old -- please see my post about that Christmas memory on this link -- I have truly believed in him. As the 1897 newsman, Francis Pharcellus Church, wrote in his editorial answer to little Virginia's question to his newspaper if there really was a Santa Claus: "He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy." That is what Santa Claus means to me!
What better place to visit Santa Claus than at Santaland" in Macy's -- the world's largest department store -- located at 151 W. 34th Street and Herald Square in Manhattan. I decided to visit Santa there this year to ask him for a very special request.
I passed this year's animated holiday window displays. You can see last year's display on this link and watch my videos of it. The windows look especially pretty all lit up at night!
I went up Macy's iconic wooden escalators to the eighth floor...
..and walked past the mailbox that is there, in case a personal visit to Santa is not on the agenda, and a letter would suffice instead. I really needed a face to face meeting with Santa Claus, so I proceeded towards Santaland.
How wonderful that the theme for the beginning of Santaland's queue line was "Miracle On 34th Street," as this is exactly what I needed -- a miracle!
As the line for Santaland began to move there were windows to look at that had wonderfully detailed displays of movie scenes from the "Miracle of 34th Street." (All photos in this post will enlarge if clicked on once, and then clicked on again when they open on a new page. Use your browser's back arrow to return to this post)
We've finally arrived at the North Pole Station!
Welcome to Santaland!
It is located on the Avenue of Naughty and Nice.
Santaland is a busy town full of miniature houses, stores, and trains, Santa's elves were there to encourage us not to linger too long, as Santa was waiting!
There were many wonderful scenes to see!
There were even different glimpses of Santa inside a giant snow globe!
Finally, the last turn on the path leads me right next to Santa's sleigh parked outside his cabin. His pack is already full of toys for all the good little boys and girls in the world. I wonder if Santa has one more gift in that bag that he could give to me?
It's time to see him! Santa is waving goodbye to the child and his family that visited before me. I felt my heart beat harder and faster and I felt a little shaky as I knew my turn was next. I haven't felt this nervous to see him since I was five years old!
Hi Santa! I have one special request. Like the "Miracle on 34th Street" I need a miracle on my street. I need a nice family to come to my house, fall in love with it, and want to buy it! Do you think you can grant my special wish? I do believe in you, in miracles, and in dreams come true. Can you do that for me Santa? I promise I've been good!
Santa paused, looked me in the eye, squeezed my hand and told me this: "I alone can not make that wish come true, but I can certainly bring it to a higher authority! Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!"
Do you think I can take this as a "yes"? I hope so! I really do need a miracle, considering it seems no one is looking at or buying houses right now in my neighborhood. It may not happen until 2013, but I can be patient wait a little longer if I have to. Please, Santa, make my wish come true!
Have you had any special wishes for Santa Claus this year? I also hope they come true for you!
Have you had any special wishes for Santa Claus this year? I also hope they come true for you!
Come back next post where I'll be showing more New York City Christmas scenes. It's the most wonderful time of the year!

I, too, believe! We visited the old Marshal Field Macy's on Wednesday. The windows were only decorated on the State Street side and were a bit disappointing. Maybe it's my nostalgia for M.F. that made them so.
I hope you get your wish!
Thank you to all that have already suggested I bury a St. Joseph statue in my yard -- I have also done this! Many of you have written to me that this has brought you a house buyer within a few weeks of doing so -- I can only hope and pray I have the same good results!
Please keep us in your prayers! Thanks!
and I would still love to meet a real Santa Clause someday..:)
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I love how Macy's goes all out with Christmas. I've never seen the Santa land part. I caught a show last year on the Christmas windows of NYC...so cool. He had an amazing beard.
I'll agree with his choice on passing it to a higher authority. God, bring the perfect family, in Your perfect timing to buy Pat's home, to create a new home for themselves. Give Pat and her husband peace as they trust in You for this sale. In Jesus name, AMEN
I believe!!! I loved visiting that Macy's when I was in NYC. My neighbors left early this morning to spend a few days in NYC and see it all decorated for Christmas! I wish I were there!!!
xo Kris
O' Pat this has put joy in my heart,love Christmas in NYC.
Thanks for sharing,if we can't be there we can sure travel with you in blogland to the most exciting city.
Prayers also for SALE THAT HOUSE!
~Jo @ LoblollyLane
Pat, I love this post today and the fact that you still 'Believe' and hope that your house will sell very soon. I am so taken with your photos and really regret I missed Santa Land during my visit to NYC. How could I have missed it even when I was in the store? I missed the old wooden escalator which was in another area of that huge store, that would take me right there, that's how! Our 2 friends got to visit Santa there and had their picture taken with him too. They have the memories and you do too. Thanks for sharing your visit with Santa. Praying for your house to sell! Blessings, Pamela
I, too, BELIEVE! I remember my 3rd grade teacher telling us there was no Santa Claus. I went home upset and asked my Daddy who replied "Only children who believe in Santa Claus will get gifts for Christmas!" Needless to say, I continued to believe. My Daddy was wise...because I knew in my heart he was my Santa Claus and when I married my sweet Hubby became my Santa Claus! Lovely post Pat. I have never been to Macy's in NYC so this was a special treat! I'll pray for your home selling quickly too!
Pat, what a great post. I Believe, too! This time of year is so magical. I'm sure Santa will put in a good word for you! Hugs---
What a wonderful post and wonderful tour you led us on right to the very center of it all. And what a handsome Santa that was! It is so hard to sell at this time of year, but there is great hope for after the holidays in 2013? Never give up hope! You know it only takes one person. Where is he/she? Maybe they could hurry a little! I know your new house is calling for you!
Pat, I'm praying along with Santa that God will grant your wish and grant it soon. Blessings!
Beautiful Pat!!! Of course your wish will come true!! Father Christmas has that twinkle in his eye!! That means YES!!!
Take care
I planted the Saint and sold our house a week later....
Keeping my fingers crosses for you!
A fun post Pat, I hope a buyer comes along soon! Kinda funny, I had a Santa encounter this year too... I was in Williams-Sonoma and when I turned around I was nose-to-nose with Santa! He gave me a big smile/hello and looked great! (Of course he hadn't started his shift at the Mall just yet:@)
You are so adorable Pat. I just watched Miracle on 34th St. a couple of nights ago -- for the umpteenth time. It never gets old. You're going to sell that house soon -- Santa may even have something to do with it -- just like in the movie when he finds a house for Natalie Wood. I love Macy's and those wooden escalators!
Pat, I'd love to be visiting NY during the holidays, but your photos are the next best thing. Thanks for sharing. Eager for the next post. ;-)
Santa will make your wish come true, I'm thinking it will happen right after the holidays are over, around Superbowl time, you'll see.
I do believe, I do believe!
What a special trip to see Santa - and what a beautiful display Macy's makes!
I hope Santa grants your wish! Mine would be to see my grandchildren more often!
So I have heard...that it is the most wonderful time of the year in NYC. We had friends who took their whole family there a few years ago.
Awesome! As someone who lives all the way across the country and has never been to Macy's, THAT was a treat! Thanks for sharing! Happy Pink Saturday!
If you want to see Santa, Macy's is THE place to go. Thanks for taking us along Pat.
We all believe in Santa, 'cause you know what happens if you don't...
I know you are anxious to start on the next chapter of your life in Colorado. I hope Santa has some pull in this department. Lovely decorations!
I BELIEVE, too, Pat! Love these great traditions. =D I hope you get your wish soon... I know you are anxious to get to Colorado! xoxo ~ tanna
I sure need to make myself back to NYC and to Macy's during the Holidays. It's such a huge store!
It is just like being there. I love Christmas in NY and at Macy's. Did you ever read the funny book Santa Land Diaries about this humor writer ( he wasn't one then) who was an elf one holiday season. So funny and a bit sad too.
Thanks for sharing Santa at Macy's with us.
Oh yes, I've never stopped believing in Santa! Thanks for these cheery pics. xx
I'm sure your wish will come true :) Love the visit to Santaland, haven't been there in years! Merry Christmas, Pat, to you and your family.
Oh I believe in Santa too Pat and I so hope that your wish will come true. Your post of Macy's at Christmastime is beautiful and I love all your photo's.
have a lovely week and I wil keep my fingers crossed for you.
Love the sweetness of this post. Always believe. It will happen. I did work Santaland in my actress days... and I still believe - even though ... nevermind - I won't tell. The house will sell.
Hi Pat.....don't give up on the house...I heard nobody buys houses right before Christmas...it only takes one person....if you really want a good laugh to make you feel better I just did a post about our realtor and I use the term loosely...
Thanks for the Macy's post as I don't think Sophie has seen Santa yet this year....when we come up this coming week we will have to take her over....
A lovely post with story and photos. The Christmas display is amazing. I love Santa's suit with the decorations. I hope he can give you the gift you wish for but because you are a grown up you might have to wait a little longer. As you are a believer, I'm sure you will get it eventually.
Pat, what a lovely walk thru Santa land. Macy's does put on a beautiful display. I am sure the children love it too. I hope your Christmas wish comes true and you sell your house soon. Lovely photos, have a great day!
Oh my fave store, with so many memories of my life in the USA, until I got married, as I am a NYorker, from Astoria-Queens. The images are beautiful, an amazing Santa world, couldn't be more perfect!! I've been so sad, I couldn't even comment back. Another tragedy, what is wrong in our world! We have to pray for the families that have lost loved ones and for all man kind, so that our Lord Jesus Christ save our soles from evil. Blessings for you and yours.
I'm sure that your wish will be granted. Certainly you have a very nice girl ALL year!
How exciting to see Santa at Macy's!!!!! And to get to ask him for something special, wow, I truly hope your house sells real soon.
My wish and prayers for my husband to find employment have been answered, he started last Friday. Now to get caught up after two months of no pay cheques... makes me wonder if we ever will. But at least we have each other and our loved ones. I have a feeling that this Christmas will be a time when we all hold each other a little more closely and listen a little more intently to what they are trying to say.
Hugs, Cindy
Hi, visiting from Pink Saturday. Do hope your wish comes true, Santa has a way of getting things taken care of. Christmas blessings...Lu
I believe. Your photos are wonderful.
I played too. Mine are here and here.
quite a display - have a Merry Christmas.
VERY fun, Pat! Fun to see the magic of Christmas alive. Nice to have some brightness... I've been crying all weekend over the tragedy in CT... ((HUGS))
What a treat for those of us who would otherwise not get to see Santaland at Macy's. Thanks for taking us along. I enjoyed seeing all the blues.
Happy Blue Monday, Pat.
I enjoy all your photos Pat happy holidays to you and to your family as well. Happy Blue Monday!
It's hard to feel the Christmas spirit in the light of so much sadness in Connecticut.
My prayers continue for all the families touched by this tragedy.
I'm hoping for a miracle on your house...Santa can make anything happen.
I hope your house does sell very soon, Pat. It's such a weight, isn't it? Miracles do happen! This year, a baby girl was born to our daughter and her husband after years of infertility. She is our miracle from God.
Oh my goodness what a fabulous response from Santa. He will take it to a higher power. He is a BELIVER too. I also think the spirt of Santa Claus is a thing we should keep in our hearts all our days. I will be praying your house sells quickly.
How beautiful! Christmas at Macy's almost seems miraculous itself with all that festivity. I do hope you get your wish!
Of course Santa exists!! He lives just north of Boom & I Great post. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Fascinating glimpse of a magical Christmas world! So loved these photos!
wonderful post and photography ~ bringing holiday cheer to all ~ 'I wish for you what you are wishing for your self ~
(A Creative Harbor) ~ aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^
What a great post, so much fun. Our 14 year old son, still believes.
Oh yes - I do believe in the magic! A lovely series of shots.
And good luck with the house selling.
Delightful photos. Happy RT2.
My entries:
Liz (mcn)
Liz (mot)
Ahhh, there's just nothing like the Macy's windows at Christmastime. I hope you get your wish!
I hope your wish comes true!
wonderful trip to see Santa :)
Tough time of year to try to see a house.Good luck! I hope Santa can help you with it.
Lovely shots. I've never been to Manhattan so these were fun to experience. My Outdoor/ Wordless Wednesday is HERE
I pray in Jesue name that you get buyers soon for your house, Pat! That's the highest authority on Heaven and Earth.
Love you and loved seeing this...
A happy childhood memory and lovely photos! Thanks for the sweet share!
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