Saturday, December 8, 2012

Early Morning Geese

 I walk every morning in a local park and the past two weeks the skies have been filled with geese migrating south.

They noisily honk as they fly overhead, and we walkers have to be careful not to be splattered with their droppings.

On one foggy morning this week they seemed to linger longer...

Perhaps like the airlines, they were grounded by the weather?

The usual park seagulls seemed to be on alert, guarding the geese as they ate.

One early morning a frost covered the grass and the geese huddled together for warmth. They best be on their way to warmer climates, as winter will soon be here!

This is the extent of my Christmas decorations this year -- everything else is packed away for our move. I'm not baking my usual trays of Christmas cookies either -- that will have to wait until next year, but I did find this video of the way the remarkable Gingerbread White House is made -- it is fun to watch!

It is beautiful, isn't it? I would love their job!

I'm sure you have been busy decorating and baking and enjoying all the special moments of the holidays. I have been enjoying seeing it on your blogs! Next week I hope to take some time off from packing to see the Rockefeller Christmas tree and some of the window decorations in Manhattan, so I'll bring you more about that then.

"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." ~Norman Vincent Peale

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The Gathering Place said...

We live near a little lake/pond and we enjoy hearing the geese, too. It is beautiful to watch their formations as they migrate to warmer weather. Are you spending Christmas with your children? If so, you really won't need all the decorations any way. Have a good week!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful pictures of the geese... I love to hear them go overhead in formation --honking as they go!!!!

You have so many glorious Christmas decorations and events in your area... You will miss that next year --but I'm sure there will be plenty of them in CO also!!!

Barbara F. said...

Love seeing photos of my old borough, there are a lot of geese there!! Each geese can 'expel' about a pound a day of you-know-what. I like your wreath and poinsettia. It's the spirit and love in your heart that counts. You have enough on your plate. Next year will be fantastic. xo

Vee said...

Well that's one difference between pesky geese and pesky doesn't have to worry about dodging with vultures, which reminds me...they have gone and I never even saw them gathering. Hope that the geese get a move-on.

If you can only have two decorations, you have two wonderful ones. Do you miss the feeling of Christmas or is it enough to be in a city that is decorated head to toe?

Jo said...

I too have been watching them for a while now ... heading south to warmer places. I am always amazed by "instinct" ... it's such a fascinating process to see.

Mari said...

I too hear the geese flying south, I enjoy it so much as its an amazing sight ;)smiles~

Kris said...

Beautiful photos of the park! Any luck on selling the house yet?
xo Kris

Marina in Blue said...

Beautiful photos Pat, I would love if you would publish some photos of Rockefeller Christmas tree, please, please

Lynn said...

Looks like a nice place to enjoy a walk Pat! Looking forward to your Rockefeller pics:@)

eileeninmd said...

Hi Pat, what a nice sight to see during your walk. Great shots! I am also looking forward to seeing your shots of the Rockefeller tree. Have a great week ahead.

Snap said...

I usually hear the geese before I see them! Lovely shots. Enjoy Manhattan and the tree! I watched the White House Christmas on HGTV last night. I watch every year ...WOW!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

The geese look so pretty flying through the air and I enjoy seeing them too. Some of them come to our little mountain town in NC and live in the park that meanders along the Hiawassee River downtown. I cannot begin to tell you what a mess they make on the sidewalks. It's a constant battle for the workers there. It's amazing to me how such pretty birds can make such a mess. But they are very attractive to see up close.

I'm looking forward to your trip to Manhattan. My SIL, who just moved south, went back to NYC this weekend to see the windows, the tree, and a show with her daughter, who still lives there. It's been a tradition for them for years and I was so pleased she is keeping it up, even if she has to travel from Atlanta's crazy airport to get there.

Have a lovely weekend Pat.

Dianne said...

the photo of all the geese in the fog is so beautiful

I love the noise they make as they fly over

steviewren said...

Your photos are lovely. I love early mornings when the fog is low to the ground and everything looks misty.

Your wreath is lovely. I'm attempting to get my decorations up this weekend. For the past few years I've downsized them, but I'm hosting a party on the 23rd so I'm trying to do a bit more.

Roz said...

The geese are here in the South Pat! I love how you said that walkers need to watch out for droppings! I found that out the hard way once taking a walk on a beach!

I cannot wait to see your photos of Manhattan for Christmas! That is one of things to see and experience on my bucket list!

My name is Riet said...

What a lot of geese. I love the photo of them flying. Christmas will also be wonderful without all the decorations Pat. Next year you will be with your family. I hope your house will be sold soon now.
Have a nice week.

ellen b. said...

Great shots of the fog and geese. I'm glad you are going with the flow for your Christmas this year. It's ok to have Christmas light in between the years. Blessings as you enjoy the city lights and festivities...

Nellie said...

New York must be a magical place at Christmas time. The geese must not believe winter is coming.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love the foggy photos! And I love to hear the geese honking as they fly overhead. Which reminds me that I haven't seen as many this year as in previous years.
I'd love to see New York during the Christmas season. Have fun checking out the sights!

Ciao Chow Linda said...

i hope the geese have moved to warmer climes. I can understand your lack of Christmas decorations. You'll make up for it next year. I have been sick in bed for a week, so there are no decorations or cookies baked yet in this house.

Catherine said...

Wonderful pictures Pat! We don`t have migrating geese flying out here. I sure do miss them. We lived in the flyway in Utah and Pennsylvania. Every fall and spring the skies were filled with noise.

Merry Christmas!

Pamela Gordon said...

These are great pictures of the Canada Geese. I have noticed several flocks around the water here that should be going south too! I look forward to your photos of Manhattan. Blessings to you. Pamela

The Quintessential Magpie said...

The geese were beautiful, Pat. Just beautiful. And I think you poinsetta and wreath are as well.

I am so far behind that I haven't finished my dcorations. I have wrapped a lot of presents, though. And I have to get other things done this week. So much to do and so little time in which to do it. Along the way, I'm taking time to smell ther roses.



podso said...

I'll look forward to your photos. But even if your house isn't decorated as much, you have plenty of beautiful decorations in the city to admire, I hope! And lots of happy dreams of next Christmas.

Ola said...

wow, this looks like birds' world!
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pam said...

My mother in law lives on a small lake and the number of geese in her yard can be staggering. Its fun until the droppings issue gets going. The girls always loved it when they were little and we would pull into the driveway and see how far we could get before they took off in flight....and that was a beautiful sight. With my dad being in the hospital last week I forgot to set my DVR for HGTV's White House Christmas. I love to see how they decorate the White House every year. Move date is getting close. Praying He goes before you and keeps you safe in your travels. I'm sure there are so many emotions running through you. Yet I'm sure those grandbabies will help the transition. A new world to explore awaits you! Joy to your day Pat!

Tracy said...

LOVELY park photos, Pat! I miss the sight of Canadian Geese flying overhead. Of course, we do have equally wonderful feathered friends here though too. ;o) The past two weekends we've been adding a little extra sparkle & glow around the house for the holidays. For the past two years we've not been doing a tree, and not this year either. With our living room being half art studio now we have not enough space for a big tree. We don't miss it though, actually. With some twinkle lights strung up here & there, lots of extra candles it's pretty cozy enough. Less is more. :o) Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS))

Karen Harris said...

Ahhh, those darned geese! We have them all over Colorado, but thank goodness for some reason they stay away from us here in Castle Rock. I don't know if you saw my reply to your comment on my blog, but I have found an Italian bakery across town for you. If you don't want to drive that far there is a new French bakery in Highlands Ranch that I hear is wonderful. In the interest of science, I just might have to run over and eat a croissant or two!

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said... minimalist Christmases (when we did not deck the halls) seemed fuller with out of the house memories. Thinking everyone should take a decorating "sabbath" every few years!

Anonymous said...

Pretty! I like photos of foggy mornings. Your Brooklyn bridge one on Facebook was terrific.

Rhapsody Phoenix said...

lovely photos...

hope your move goes/went well.

stay blessed & Merry Christmas

Judy said...

It's high time they headed south...but we still have many geese lingering here as well. Lovely photos.

This Christmas may not be like usual for you, Pat...but I'm sure it will be most memorable! Wishing you a most blessed 'last' Christmas in NYC.

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

I'll be they were grounded by the fog. Beware of where you walk in that park :)

Yvette said...

LOVE your wreath, Pat. It's lovely. Hey next year in Colorado you can decorate twice as much to make up for this year. :)

I love when the geese fly overhead and I hear them honking their messages to each other. When they arrive it's Spring and when they leave it's Winter coming. Harbingers. I love them. But with winters warming it might throw off their schedules.

Cindy said...

The geese left here early, they knew that the snow was coming early. I hope they make their way to Florida or wherever they go very quickly.
Hugs, Cindy

Just a little something from Judy said...

Early morning geese and the Lion King Museum have provided me some beautiful and educational moments this early morning. As always, I continue to learn so much from you and my visits here. Thank you so much! Now, I want to see the "Lion King" more than ever!

Claudia said...

I love the honking and mass formation of geese in the skies. It's m mornings and eves in MN. I am almost done decorating - but not doing as much as usual - looking for simplicity. I wish you well with the house. We sold so fast - and that was difficult (and busy).