We have been having a week of celebrations, as you can see from the cake in the photo above.

It was my birthday, and my husband's 60th birthday, and we had a wonderful party for family and friends at a local restaurant this past weekend to celebrate.

Also, my daughter received her Master of Science in Education & Special Education, Childhood. The ceremony was held at the theater at Madison Square garden in Manhattan, New York. We are so very proud of her as she worked full time while achieving this. Needless to say she was very happy it was accomplished with honors!

It was also the first time our baby grandson visited NYC to attend all the happy events, and all of our families were very happy to greet him, and my son and daughter-in-law.

Our grandson had his first look at the Atlantic Ocean during his visit........

.....and although it has been an unusual cold and rainy June, here in New York, I think he had a good time at his first visit to the beach!

He also saw his very first Yankee Baseball game!

He might look a little sad as the Yankees lost the game...but don't worry, they are having a great season so far in their new stadium, and I'll be showing more photos soon from our visit on a future blog post.
I apologize for not being able to visit many blogs this past week, and answer all the nice comments I have received, but now that my house is (sadly) very quiet and empty again I will be able to once more spend more time on my computer and I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone.
I'll be announcing my blog give away from the Brooklyn Renegade Craft Fair in my next post, so good luck everyone who commented on that post!
Thanks to all for being my blog friends and followers and sharing in our happiness and celebrations!
What wonderful things to celebrate, Pat. It's so nice to see all that is going on in your life as well as your family's. That cake looks so delicious, I love the border of strawberries. Yum!
That baby is just too darn cute! I'm sorry our weather didn't cooperate for them. I mean, would it KILL the sun to come out on weekends? :-)
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY PAT! AND MR. PAT! ;-) And a huge congratulations to your daughter. As someone who's "dabbled" with studying for my Master's while working, I can REALLY appreciate what she's accomplished. And with honors?! Rock star.
xo, Laura
Congratulations to your family for all the milestones met. It is wonderful to see those kiddos finish anything they start. Don't tell me our kids are not out there doing their part.
Wow you did have a lot to celebrate. Congratulations to your daughter on her accomplishment. That grandson of yours gets more adorable with every post.
You can take the boy out of Manhattan but you can't take Manhattan out of the boy! Leo looks like he's a true New Yorker!
Happy Birthday to you and your hubby!
Oh! And congratulations to your daughter! That is a great accomplishment. Now, where to teach?
Thank you for sharing such wonderful events and special memories! I truly love the fact that Leo got his toy pictured with the fancy cake! :)
Many happy returns, Paesana! And a Yankees fan to boot. . .I knew we'd be friends.
Your post made me SMILE.
Looks like everyone had a wonderful time. The little one is oh so cute!! The weather has been awful here in Illinois as well. Where is spring and soon summer???
Happy Birthday to you and congratulations on all your wonderful family celebrations! Thank you for sharing the good times with us!
Oh you both had birthdays! Happy belated birthday to you!!
Leo is so darling. I'm sorry that it was cold and rainy for his visit to New York, but you did all you could to get him started off right with a baseball game and a trip to the beach.
Many congrats to your daughter. She sounds like a real go-getter! To work full-time and graduate with honors is no small achievement.
Hi Pat--what a great week you've had. It's wonderful to have so many things to celebrate and family to celebrate with you. Happy Birthday to you and your husband and congratulations to your daughter on earning her MS--a great accomplishment to do this while she was working full time.
It's so much fun to see Leo enjoying the sights and sounds of NYC. I know there will be many more visits like this in the future.
I know it must seem awfully quiet now that all the celebrating is over. I feel like our house is high tide and then low tide again with people coming and going, and I'm always having to adjust.
Congratulations to all!!! What great pics. Your husband certainly does not look 60! I laughed at Leo's baseball picture. He is SO cute. Your daughter did really well, kudos to her!
Cheers, Shelagh
What a precious, sweet baby!
And to your daughter; I bow down to her and her noble profession!
Many, many happy returns of the day to you Pat and Vinny and congrats to Lisa, Leo is just to adorable for words and I had to giggle at his sad face after seeing his team lose haha. seriously though he is such a happy baby, lots to celebrate Pat, I am delighted for you all, it is so very quiet when all the visitors leave I know, I bet you are planning your next visit to see your grandson already :-), happy days, Kathy.
Wow! Congrats to your daughter - what an accomplishment - with Honors, too! Happy birthday to the two of you and I tell you, that little Leo is something else. He is just the cutest thing and cuter by the minute. ~ Robyn
How wonderful Pat, Happy Birthday to dear Husband and you, congrats to the beautiful daughter and welcome baby Leo..he's such a darling! Happy week Pat, hugs/M
Happy Birthday to the both of you! Congratulations to your smart daughter and welcome to NY to your adorable grandson. What a nice way to spend the week. I hope your home isn't too quiet now that life is back to the usual.
happy Birthday! wow, what a week! & your daughter, what an amazing job working full time & graduating with honors. How cool is that? that was so sweet Leo's parents brought him to take part in all the wonderful events in your families lives too.
Congratulations everyone!
Oh...so many things to celebrate! Happy Birthday to you...and to your hubby on his milestone b'day...and to your daughter on her grad! How nice to have everyone together to mark the milestones.
Your little Leo is so cute...and looks so grown up in his Yankee gear.
Wow it sure has been a busy time in your neck of the woods!
Thankfully it's all wonderful things though!
Happy Birthday to you and your husband. Congrats to your daughter, you must be so proud. You did a great job in raising her.
I can't get over how big Leo is getting. He is growing so fast, tell him to slow down.
He sure did look like a New Yorker in that Yankee's outfit! So cute!
Oh and can you please hang on to that cool weather until I come. I just know I'm going to get in a heat wave when I come there. LOL
Really wonderful moments !! I enjoyed all of them....Your family is very sweet..Great one..Also I Have Started My Own Website And Would Like You To Have A Look At It.I Would Love To Have Your Comments On That Also.Unseen Rajasthan
Happy belated best birthday whishes to you and your husband. Leo seems to have had a great time visiting, lots of new experiences for him!
I'm really looking forward your give away.....
What a beautiful cake and such wonderful reasons to celebrate. Happy belated birthday to you and your DH. Kudos on your daughter's wonderful accomplisment. Bello bambino!
Congrats to all of you on reaching milestones! I know what you mean about busy! I feel like I've been in a whirlwind!
So many wonderful occasions to celebrate all at once. Very nice. Keep up the celebration longer. Have fun.
HAPPY birthday to you and your hubby and what a treat that yu got to attend a game at the new stadium with your grandson!! Looking forward to seeing more photos!
OH< congrats to your daughter too! What a fantastic achievement!
Congratulations. Some real milestones in your life and how wonderful to celebrate.
It's fun to anticipate the events, but then it's fun to grab your coffee and enjoy the peace and quietness and sit down at your computer and connect again.
Leo is darling!!
What else can we say.
Thank you for visit our blog,
you are welcome if you love fun :)
Gratulations with your family,
Lovely family you have !!
Nice blog also ^__^
Anya :)
Kareltje =^.^=
Hi and a belated very happy birthday to you & your hubby! Also, congratulations to your smart & beautiful daughter on her master's degree...wishing her a bright future. Now, let me just say that baby Leo stole the show! He is precious...and growing like a weed...he looks so happy & healthy...what a wonderful time of celebrations your family has enjoyed...great memories! ;-) Bo
Belated brthday greetings and congratulations. It must be hard to let that gorgeous little boy go home but here's to many more happy family times together.
That is a lot to celebrate!
Happy Birthday to you and your hubby!!
Congratulations to your beautiful daughter too!!
Leo is so stinkin' cute, I could hug on him for days :)
Wow! Many congratulations are in order. What a wonderful family celebration! I really enjoyed your tour of Brooklyn. My daughter is in Ridgewood (Queens) and it's heartening to know such an inviting community is nearby. Thanks for stopping by my blog via Sue. I'm intrigued by your Daring group! Sounds like a lot of fun!
Happy Birthday to the two of you; congrats to the graduate! Leo looks adorable in his baseball uniform (even if it is the Yankees, haha, you know I'm a Rangers fan). I can't believe it's so cool up there, wish you could send that weather down here to us.
Hi Pat! Great that everything went well and that everybody had fun, even if the weather was a bit weird; here too... ;)
The Republic of Uzupis. Never heard? Blogtrotter has it for you… ;) Enjoy and have a great weekend!
Congratulations all around, Pat! Loved seeing all these photos and hearing of all the fun happening--great reasons to celebrate! Leo is a little angel... I could just eat him up! :o) Happy weekend ahead to you all ((HUGS))
Happy Birthday!...and how gorgeous is that baby?
Such wonderful reasons to celebrate! Your Leo appears to be a very happy baby and he is just adorable. Congratulations to your daughter...that was no easy feat. All great reasons to eat cake. I was watching the Yankees all last week...really funny seeing them play the Mets. We are a house divided..My husband and I Yankee fans...the kids are Mets fans.
♥, Susan
Happy Birthdays, congratulations and welcomes to all. Your little Leo is the cutest, and you must be wanting to kiss that sweet little face every minute.
Don't you love all the celebrations? Leo is adorable and congratulations to your daughter!
CONGRATULATIONS all around!!! ENJOY all your celebrations!!!
You certainly had a lot to celebrate, birthdays, graduations and of course baby Leo. Thanks for sharing.
Happy birthday! Happy celebrations!
Paz xoxox
Happy Birthday Pat to you and Vinny, and congratulations to your daughter, you must be so proud! Leo is just adorable. So much to celebrate, how excting for all of you!
What wonderful celebrations! Congratulations to your daughter for her outstanding achievement of managing to get her degree and work full time that really is phenominal. You must be so proud of her.
Leo is so sweet. He has a smile that would melt granite.
Happy birthdays too.
Congratulations to everyone! Such cute pics of Leo, especially the one with him in the baseball cap. x
Happy Birthday(s)! Beautiful photos of the family, and congratulations on your daughter's achievements! That's big!
Happy times! Wonderful!!
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