Early in November the entire staff of Providence Saint Vincent Medical Center in Portland, Oregon, donned pink examination gloves and did a dance to Jay Sean's song "Down," and uploaded it to Youtube in an effort to generate breast cancer awareness. In such a short time the video has gone viral with over 1,250,000 views!
In case you haven't seen the dancing nurses, surgeons, cafeteria workers, lab technicians, administrators, etc. you can watch it above by clicking on the arrow, or at this link on Youtube.
The Portland Tribune said this about the video:
"A portion of the sales from the Generation Pink synthetic exam gloves will provide mammograms for uninsured women thanks to Medline Industries Inc., the company that makes the gloves and produced the video.
'Breast cancer is an important cause for the employees at our hospital, as well as the entire community,” said Martie Moore, chief nursing officer for the hospital. 'The video was a really fun and creative way for our employees to help spread awareness about breast cancer.'
Hospital spokesman Jonathan Modie said all it took was an e-mail to staff inviting them to take part in the dance off and more than 200 employees of all ages, departments and skill levels answered the call. "
It's a lighthearted video, and judging from the comments it's been receiving on Youtube it has really touched many viewers with the hospital's contribution towards raising funds to find a cure for breast cancer . Having worked as a registered nurse, I think I would have liked working in this hospital, as they seem to be a wonderful group of people!
I also thought this video would be a nice contribution to Beverly of How Sweet The Sound blog's "Pink Saturday" event. Please pay Beverly a visit today to see a list of participating blogs having fun with Pink Saturday!
Oh Pat...
Happy Pink Saturday sweetie. This is just the cutest darn video that I have seen in a long time. It is so worth it. Your message said that the money made off the video is to help uninsured women. Praise God. What a wonderful thing this hospital has done. I just love it. It is ashame we don't have more hospitals willing to give this a try.
Thanks for sharing this Pink Saturday with me. Please pop over and let me share mine with you.
You will also find your precious tea pot give away on my side scroll bar. I just love it.
Country hugs sweetie...Sherry
Hi, Pat... this is the best video ever. I saw this earlier, and I love the little man who is on the cleanup detail. We just howled when he started to dance. SO cute. And I liked the people with their lab coats dancing through the lab. Really all of them were wonderful. Great cause, of cource.
Hope you have a very Happy PS! I missed the train this week, but I hope to be back soon.
Love to you...
Sheila :-)
Pat! This was so heart-warming and sweet. Thank you for sharing this! And Happy Pink Saturday. You know you can save yourself a lot of time with the whole tallying of the comments thing and just pick me! ha! Hope your foot is feeling frisky.
What a beautiful idea and gesture that was for making the film for breastcancer. Great for pink Saturday too. Happy pink Saturday
OMG THATS AWESOME,,hope you had a great thansgiving!
Happy Pink Saturday
Much love and many blessings
Love Jeanne
Oh Pat! Loved it! Breast Cancer Awareness is something dear to my heart. My sister is now a 5 year survivor! She was 40 years old and they found it on her very first mammogram! That is why I don't understand the new recommendations of waiting till 50 years old!!
Oh and as far as the hospital dancing staff...they reminded me of working in a hospital for years around people I thought were stodgy folk till I went to a Christmas party with them all...boy what a revelation...and fun, fun, fun!
Thank you for sharing this video. How wonderful what the hospital is doing.
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your family. Happy Pink Saturday. Grace xoxox
Love the video. It made me want to get up in dance along with them.
How's your foot doing? I hope it's getting better every day. Have a great weekend.
What a joyful video. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
Pat..I popped in to see if my Brooklyn gal, 100^ NY'er who loves to cook and bake Italian, made the DB cannoli...BUT, after seeing this post, it's so irrelevant! Much more important things in life than cannoli! Love the video, and if it'll help women with BC without health insurance get the proper care they need, I'm all for it :) A Happy belated Pink Saturday, and hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving!
I love the dancing pink gloves. Happy Pink Saturday.
hanks for sharing this with us. Have a wonderful Pink Saturday.
What a FUN choice for Pink Saturday! I've not seen this before and think it's a wonderfully creative public awareness move. Thanks for sharing ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Thank You for sharing this video. I haven't seen it before and I LOVE IT! Such a great cause and they had so much fun you can see it on their faces. Happy Pink Saturday!
I did a post about your giveaway on my Blog, hope you had a chance to visit and see it.
Thanks for commenting on my Martha Stewart knock-offs. Love your blog.
Great post & link!!
Happy Holidays!
How neat is that? Someone orchestrated a lot of people to be involved...and did a super job. Loved the wave at the end!
Great pink Staurday contribution, Pat!
That's one of the best PINK Saturdays I've seen! I had not seen this video before either. They did a great job and it must have been fun to participate in this very worthy cause.
Teacup Lane (Sandy)
Pat, As a nurse I was thinking the same thing as you while watching this great video...that hospital must be a great place to work!
I do wish that lung cancer early detection and treatment research was getting as much promotion as breast cancer research...it actually kills more women each year than breast cancer does...
What a super idea, Pat. I hadn't seen it before, so thank you.
That was an awesome video...One of the hospitals here did one about the N1H1 flu!
But, I think hospitals and staff that do fun things like this really care about their patients and the public in general by trying to get the message out.
Thank you for sharing.
Pat, This was a perfect video for Pink Saturday! Thank you...I hadn't seen it before.
♥, Susan
Some people are just fantastic! Great idea. hAPPY PINK SATURDAY! pEGGY FROM PA
What a fabuloulsy fun video - thoroughly enjoyed it, and such a great idea for a great cause. A very nice post indeed.
Happy Pink Saturday!
What a fun video and to think now woman will get mamos etc is wonderful!
As a nurse for over forty years, it did my heart good to see a whole hospital participate in something like this. Kudos to them for supporting breast cancer awareness in this fashion - and to you, Pat, for sharing it with us.
Beautiful Happy Pink Saturday!
What a neat video! Thanks for sharing it with us. Happy Pink Saturday!
Thank you for sharing this sweet video representing a very important cause. Count on you to keep us all updated.
That was amazing. I am going to try to get that to my hospital where I worked. That is a very creative way to get that message out. Sharp for Pink Saturday. Would love the teapot.
Great video! It had me in tears!
Loved the Pink Glove Dance. That's the first time I've seen it! Thanks!!
You go girl. What an awesome video. Love the pink gloves.
xo Cath
Absolutely fantastic post, video just awesome to hear of good going on around all the evil there is. thank you for sharing.
Oh this is FABULOUS! Thanks so much for sharing this, I've not seen it. I'll be sure to pass it on too. Happy Pink!
How fabulous! My mother died of breast cancer. I sure wish she would have lived long enough to see how important a cure is to so many. At the time of her death, breast cancer was a dirty word spoken in a hushed tone.
Just stopping by with my Sunday wishes! I count meeting you in blogland as one of my newest and best blessings!
Oh, that is so funny, that video...so sweet! What a fun find, Pat. Happy Weekend, my friend :o) We light out advent candles tonight, Sunday ((HUGS))
Pat, this is fantastic. I will have to share this with the people I work with. They will love it, too.
Happy Pink Saturday. I've got my fingers crossed for your giveaway. ;-)
Love your great pink post !
Love from the Netherlands , RINI
Wonderful cause and I loved it all from start to finish, Happy Pink Saturday, Char
Thanks for sharing the video! Please include me in the beautiful tea pot giveaway - Thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
What an inventive and fun way to spread the word. I'm glad it will help people.
Thank you for sharing that wonderful video, Pat. If you have to be in a hospital, that would be the one I'd choose. What a wonderful staff!
That was a great video!
What fun - isn't You Tube amazing that we get to enjoy this fun video and Breast Cancer awareness is the message...hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
How super cool is that?! I hadn't seen/heard of this (I must be living under a rock judging from the traffic it's gotten!) And how badly do I wish I worked there? Clearly this is an awesome group of people. By far my favorite was the gentleman janitor...I was glad the video ended with him hoofing it down the hallway. :-) Hysterical.
Such an adorable video. Good work!
Hi Pat,
I loved the pink glove dance! How wonderful. I love the very last dance of the man in the hall way.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
I've seen the video and just love it! One of the best ideas to support breast cancer research.
I'd LOVE to win the teapot...am I too late to enter?
What a cute teapot! I found your blog through the comment you left on farmhousecountrystyle....and I am so happy that I scooted on over here! Your little grandson is darling and I can't wait to read some more of your posts. Please enter me in the giveaway if it is not too late. Thank you for sharing!
Sweet site, and teapot, and the video is too good for words.
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