Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Blogger's Cup Really Runneth Over!

I have some exciting news to share, but this post has been moved on my review page on "Mille Fiori Favoriti -My Back Page" --  click here to view  Thanks!


Debbiedoos said...

Are you kidding me? YOu lucky duck!!~ That is awesome, you so deserve it. Glad you enjoyed your day, I did too!!~ Debbie

Anonymous said...

What wonderful and exciting news,Pat!! I know you will enjoy that gorgeous painting....and I'm sure your trip will be thrilling!! I'm already looking forward to your photos and blog posts about your time in LA!! Congrats....I am so happy for you! L, Dana

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How amazing! I love Erin's art! It's so beautiful and cheerful! And the trip...WOW! You will have lots of great photos to share! Can I come with you? heehee! Happy Mother's Day to you! ♥

Jojo said...

Wow! And my family keeps telling me that bloggers are all imaginary! Congratulations on both the gorgeous painting AND the trip!!!

Pat said...

How exciting!! The painting! The trip! Congratulations to you... and
Happy Mother's Day, Pat.

Kathleen said...

Fabulous! The painting is beautiful, and the trip, WOW..
I used to watch his show about his failed restaurant..whatever happened with that?
It couldn't happen to a nicer person, are on a roll!
Go play the Lottery!

Annesphamily said...

I noticed another blogger is going on this trip with a gal she meet blogging! Lucky ladies!

Glad you enjoyed Mother's Day with the family!

Your beautiful art is gorgeous. What a lovely win!

Happy Mother's Day! Anne

Nola said...

You are having a great mother's day! I am going to check out The Painted Garden right now! Ciao!

Ciao Chow Linda said...

You are really on a roll. Maybe you should make a stop in Las Vegas and play the roulette wheel. Have a great trip.

The Painted Garden said...

Hi Pst,

Oh my goodness gracious - congratulations - what a fabulous trip you won - this is awsome news.

I am so happy that you won my painting especially since you love gardens and flowers as much as I do.
Blessings, Erin

Betty said...

You are one lucky lady! You're on a roll. Have you bought a lottery ticket lately? Happy Mother's Day!

Kat said...

Oh wow Pat, what wonderful surprises indeed. The painting is just gorgeous, and it could not have gone to a more perfect person. Your love of beauty and blooming things shines through all of your posts, and this is so perfect for you. And the trip! Goodness, you are going to have such a wonderful time. Can't wait to see all that you have to share when you get back. Congratulations, I can't think of anyone who would appreciate either of these prizes more. Kathy

Allie and Pattie said...

Pat, I am SO excited for you!! have a wonderful time and LOTS of pics!!!
xoxo Pattie

Sara said...

You know I thought you winning the painting was just awesome...It is beautiful ... BUT

What exciting news - You lucky duck! I know you will have an awesome time - Simply because you look at life so wonderfully!!!

I can't wait to hear all about it...

steviewren said...

You lucky dog! How exciting! I can't wait to hear all about the trip.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi there, Happy Mother's Day to you!!!! Sounds like you and your family had a great time together with your Mom this past week. That is just so special.

Congrats on your HUGE wins.... Wow--I'm jealous!

I had a wonderful day --spending it with my 'baby' --who is almost 39 now!!!!! Yipes!!!! ha

We had a fabulous beach trip--but it's nice to be home. I'll post a blog in the morning.


myletterstoemily said...

how marvelous! couldn't happen to
a nicer gal! i hope you can take some
shots for us.

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Wow, now that is what I call great prizes. First of all, that painting is gorgeous and second, your trip sounds amazing!! What a wonderful experience for you. That will be so much fun. I am so very happy for you. You always give us the best tours of NYC and now someone can give you the royal treatment in LA. I am so happy for you. Congratulations!!! Love & blessings from NC!

Carol said...

WOW! You hit the jackpot! The painting is so beautiful and the story very touching!

and to win a trip to meet Rocco, that is so cool! couldn't have happened to a nicer or more talented blogger! Congrats!

RoeH said...

Incredible!! I'm so happy for you. You will love blogging about LA....and I absolutely love that painting. *sigh* I entered so many of those giveaways and never won I fianlly gave up. I just don't win things. But I'm so glad you did! :)))))

Lora @ my blessed life said...

Congrats on your prizes!! How fun and exciting! You'll have to blog all about your trip:)

Judy said...

I am so happy for you! A beautiful painting...and a trip you will never forget. Awesome!

You know that all good things come in threes...right? I'm waiting to hear about your next surprise.

Tracy said...

CONGRATULATIONS on the all FUN, Pat! Such wonderful excitement! You do so much for many in blogland and real life, so these gifts are fitting. :o) Enjoy your trip...wishing safe, happy and tasty travels! Can't wait to you LA posts! ((HUGS))

Trotter said...

Hi Pat! Congratulations!! What a gorgeous week you had!!

Ephesus Masterpieces are at Blogtrotter Two for you to enjoy; I’m sure you’ll be impressed!! Have a great week!!

PS: I'll reply to your query at Blogtrotter asap

Old Kitty said...

OH MY Goodness!!!

Pat how WONDERFUL!!! First happy mother's day to you and your mum - glad the whole family got together to celebrate - brilliant for your mum!

Secondly!! CONGRATULATIONS with your painting and your trip to meet this gorgeous man - whom I've not heard of but have now! You LUCKY LUCKY WOMAN!!

And well deserved too - congratulations.

The sentiments behind the painting giveaway is really touching. I am sending healing hugs to Colette and will pray very hard for her. What fantastic women Kelee and Erin are for keeping up Colette's spirits with this great venture.

I hope you have a wonderful trip - when do you go?- to meet this gorgeous chef!! Yum indeed!!

Well done you and yay!!!!


Take care

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness!!!!! You see good things DO happen to good people!!! You lucky, lucky girl!!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

Congratulations on both Pat. That's a gorgeous painting. I saw that you won the trip to meet Rocco on Claudia's blog. I know you'll bring back great photos, 'cause you have the best around. Have fun.

I agree with Kathleen. You are on a roll. You know they say things come in three's - maybe you should buy a lottery ticket. You have two wins already. Can't hurt.

Lorrie said...

Have a fabulous time Pat! I can't wait to hear all about your trip.

Your painting is just gorgeous--what a week you've had!

Anonymous said...

Big congratulations Pat. Those are wonderful prizes. I am so excited for you about the trip to the West Coast. The painting though is stunning and in a good cause.

Gracie said...

WOW you're a really lucky girl!! On the other hand, you have such a wonderful blog, always a pleasure to read your posts, so I guess you just deserve this!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Congratulations Pat, on both accounts! Bertolli has no idea how lucky they are to have picked you. You are the perfect ambassador for all things wonderfully Italian. I can't wait to hear more about the trip!
♥, Susan

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Holy carp and flounder! You are so lucky!! Those were some great, great prizes!

I'm so glad you won!!

Proud Italian Cook said...

When you get home pick up some lottery tickets, you are definitely on a roll girl!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Oh, Pat! I'm thrilled for you!!! You deserve this, and I am doing the happy dance for you! That is a neat painting, and I can't wait to hear all about the trip!!!


Sheila :-)

Junie Moon said...

What absolutely fantastic blessings you've received. The painting is gorgeous and the trip is amazing. You deserve these wonders!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Yeah, Pat! You have two awesome surprises! So excited for you!

Sea Witch said...

Hot damn deserve these wonderful giveaways. How fun to travel to LA. I can't wait to see what you post about this trip. Your blog is so informative and fun. Congrats! Sea Witch

Helen said...

All I can say is OMG! How amazing.

Jennyff said...

What a lucky cat you are. Winning a blog giveaway is always wonderful and the painting is beautiful but a trip as well. No wonder you are excited, I'm excited just to hear all about it.

My name is Riet said...

Wow what wonderful news Pat. That beautiful painting and then a trip to LA meeting a famous cook. Unbelievable, such wonderful gifts. congratulations. I am looking forward to all the photo's you are going to show us.
Have a nice day!

Sue said...

Pat, Wish you could send me a little luck, you lucky gal! LOL
Have loads of fun on your trip. Look forward to that post. hugs, Sue

Michele said...

Congratulations! That is so cool! I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to hear about it!

Anonymous said...

Wow that is something. Love that beautiful painting first of all. I have never heard travel being given away on a site but there are definitely new and exciting things happening everyday in cyberspace. Bon voyage and looking forward to some get pics. I know we will get those.

Kelee said...

Fantastic! Pat!

Congratulations on the trip too!

Thank-you for the nice mention Enjoy the painting!
And a big thank-you to Erin for her generous donation! She has a huge heart! Go see her all!

love, kelee katillac

Rue said...

Oh my goodness that painting is beautiful Pat! And oh my goodness how exciting that you are flying to LA to see Rocco!!

You really are one lucky duck and you totally deserve it :)


Just a little something from Judy said...

You are one fortunate lady! You won such special gifts. Don't you love little surprises like this in life!

Unknown said...

A big congrats Pat on the win, much deserved and a bigger congrats on the trip! Cant wait to read all about it. Hugs/M

Vee said...

Fantastic! No wonder you're pinching yourself! How wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. I'm so glad that someone such as you, who'll truly appreciate the experience (and blog all about it) has won.

The painting is just bright and cheerful. I'm sure that it does make you smile.

Anonymous said...

HOW WONDERFUL!!!! So glad you won because we know you'll take us along via your blog!

That is TERRIFIC, Pat!

Elisa Day said...

Congratulations! Wonderful prices. Looking forward the blog post about your trip

Come Away With Me said...

Wow, you are showered with gifts! Enjoy your trip to the west coast....a food tour of LA is sure to be delicious and very interesting.

Lisa@GrandmasBriefs said...

Wow! How exciting for you! I can't wait to see the photos of your trip.

And that painting you won? Absolutely lovely.

Congratulations on both! I can't think of a more deserving prizewinner!

Darius T. Williams said...

Whew! Good news indeed...

annie said...

I think its wonderful. I hope you have a wonderful time on the trip and that the painting gives you years of enjoyment.
Lovely painting, Rocco isnt bad either ;)

nanny said...

You are so lucky AND so deserving!!!
The painting is just beautiful, I love, love it!
And to meet Rocco,,,what fun!
Can't wait to see your pictures!!!!

Brenda said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Pat, on the trip AND the painting! I'm so happy for you. It couldn't have happened to a nicer person!

GailO said...

WoW!...That is going to be one fun trip!...I can imagine that you would be someone who whould be fun to go anywhere with:)...Congrats!

Anonymous said...
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Linda Lou said...

That is very exciting News Pat-the painting is lovely but I cant wait to hear about your trip to LA and your meeting Rocco-he is a real cutie!! Good for you Pat you deserve all of it...

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

OK, I have been blog-free (eek!) for over a month (double-eek!) but when I read your FB note I hopped over to see if you had anything posted about LA. OMG...YOU WON THE TRIP! This is outstanding. And yet another reason I need to get back to blogging, lol!! Can't wait to hear more.

Barbara said...

Unfortunately, my favorite comfort food is ice cream...nothing low calorie about that! I noticed some wonderful photos of gelato. I have tried many different gelati since a visit to Rome's "Giolotti". Are these some recipes for it in this new cookbook?

Jenny said...

Awww, if anyone deserves all these riches it is you! I'm really happy for you!