Sunday, December 18, 2011

Rocky Mountain Christmas High

If you are a long time reader of my blog the poinsettia tree above might be a familiar sight that you see this time of the year.  Every December, Denver International Airport is beautifully decorated with poinsettias and they are a happy sight for me as I begin a long holiday visit with my children and grandchildren.

My husband and I love the Rocky Mountain views we see in Colorado, no matter what time of the year we visit, but we agree that they are especially beautiful when the high peaks are snow capped.  The weather was wonderful for our visit, with cool, not cold, crisp air and mainly bright blue skies.

My oldest grandson had a birthday while we were in Colorado and there was a face painter and a balloon artist at his dinosaur themed birthday party. His little brother had lots of fun watching all the party festivities. Look at the stegosaurus birthday cake that is in the upper left corner of the photo mosaic above.  What a special treat!

We all had lots of fun doing many more things together as a family in the past two weeks. In the mosaic above from top left to bottom right is: my daughter's Christmas tree, together for my daughter's first bridal dress fitting, my daughter and her fiance's three cats, my grandson pretending to be a fireman at the Denver Children's Museum, another birthday dinner at the very kitschy "Casa Bonita" theme restaurant in Lakewood, my son and daughter-in-law's dog, a tour of Hammonds Candy Factory, where candy canes are still made by hand, and the Colorado Governor's Residence Christmas tree! 

We had early family Christmas celebrations and saw the beautiful Denver City and County Building all lit up in its annual splendor for Christmas!

The beautiful life size Nativity scene on site.

When my husaband and I returned home this evening we saw an unusual, but quintessential NYC sight as we waited for our luggage in John F. Kennedy International Airport.  Do you see it?

Another view

Yes, it was a rather plump and totally content pigeon sitting next to the luggage carousel belt!  What a funny "welcome home" sight to see.  It cheered me up a little as leaving my family in Colorado is always bittersweet. I already miss them so much, but I'm grateful we were able to celebrate an early Christmas together. I hope you are also enjoying a wonderful holiday season!

I'm linking thsi post to Mosaic Monday, Our World Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday, and the Rednesday and Skywatch Friday blog events.  Thanks to all the blog hosts!

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Willow said...

An early Christmas is fun too because it makes the holiday last longer. Obviously you thoroughly enjoyed your time withe the grandsons!

Annesphamily said...

Hi Pat! You did a beautiful job showing off some wonderful attractions in my home state and town! Casa Bonita may not serve gourmet food but it so fun that the velveeta tasting enchiladas are wonderful! It has been a few years since we were back there but there was a lady who has worked there making tortillas for many years! It is nice to see! My kids always loved visiting the Children's museum. You did a great job here!
I love your friend at the airport! Hee Hee! Do you think he got charged for traveling so lightly? Hee Hee

pam said...

Our youngest is out in Colorado right now. She is planning on going up into the mountains tomorrow. I can't wait to see her pictures. I do love Colorado so much. I remember Casa Bonita, I've wondered if they were still around. And I LOVE their dog. It looks like a goldendoodle or fun. Looks like you had all sorts of fun! The bird at the airport looked right at no hurry to move on.

The Gathering Place said...

How fun to have an early Christmas in such a pretty place! I also love the Rocky Mountains. I hope you have a nice second Christmas as well!

Barbara F. said...

I can't believe how big your younger g'son is already! And of course L. too. I got a kick out of seeing that pigeon. He came in out of the cold. I am happy you had a wonderful early Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Pat. xo

GardenOfDaisies said...

That dinosaur party looks like a lot of fun!!! I remember eating at Casa Bonita many years ago... fun memories. Have a wonderful time with your family!!

Kris said...

How nice Pat! You do get to travel to some wonderful places!!

Pondside said...

That must have been a fun visit, Pat, with the grandchildren and children and even a dress-fitting. You put a lot into one visit!

My name is Riet said...

Hi Pat. You had an early Christmas and what fun you had with the birthday kid. He looks so cute . You must have had a wonderful time with your children and
beautiful grandchildren and of course you miss them now already. Looking forward for next time then right?
How about the wedding dress? It must be so exciting.I am sure it looks great.
Have a nice week.

Ricardo Miñana said...

Beautiful lyrics, Christmas is endearing,
Very beautiful pictures,
I wish peace and happiness these days,
Happy Holidays!.
a hug.

Old Kitty said...

Oh Pat!! Your two grandsons are just adorable and so GROWN!! Oh my stars!! Awwww they're so lovely and what a great birthday party too! It's brilliant that you got to spend a wonderful early Christmas with them and your wonderful family. I absolutely love that your beautiful daughter's fiance has three cats!! LOL!! How wonderful! Yes I approve! LOL!

Denver is looking amazing. Awww but how could anyone beat the sight of this most perfect pigeon. One of my most favouritist birds on this planet ever! The very humble and resilient pigeon!


Edie Marie's Attic said...

What a gorgeous family!!

Merry Christmas sweetie and have a blessed New Year!

Big hugs, Sherry

Hugs to Vinnie too!

Lynn said...

Sounds like you had a beautiful visit Pat! I love the poinsettia tree, I used to work at a company that would display a much smaller one, always thought it was so pretty. Merry Christmas Week:@)

eileeninmd said...

HI Pat, it looks like you had a lovely visit with your family in Denver. The poinsettia tre is gorgeous. What a funny welcome home for you. Lovely photos. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

RoeH said...

It's nice to see the Denver City and county building all lit up again. When I lived there in 1971-75 Madelyn Murray O'Hare was in one of her rages and suceeded in getting rid of the Nativity and all of the lights on that building. It was infuriating. I don't know who knocked her off, but nobody's cryin' over it. I have't been back to Denver since 1977. Sometimes I wish we'd stayed there.

Beautiful photos.

Margaret said...

Merry Christmas Pat to You and your family. Wishing you many memorable holiday moments! How wonderful you were able to spend an early Christmas with your daughter and her fiance and your son and his family and help "L" celebrate his 3rd birthday! My "L" and "M" have grown!! I loved seeing your wonderful grandsons again. Denver seems like a wonderful place to raise a family, and a stunning place to visit. You've come home with many special memories till next time :) Thank-you for sharing your happiness and wonderful photos :)
Pat,I look forward to sending you that e-mail soon as tonight I've been reading archived posts, thank-you for your welcoming reply to one of my comments :)
Margaret from B.C.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Good morning, Dear Pat!

What a lovely time in Denver. I could feel the warmth and excitement in each photo. Precious family time and very cute birthday party pics.

The welcome home fellow looked like he was waiting just for you.

Sending the warmest very Merry Christmas wishes!

Jojo said...

What a wonderful time you had making so many memories with family. I love the photo murals you shared but the topper is the pigeon! Welcome home!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Lovely post as always! It always brings back fond memories of my Christmases there in Denver. Though I I have lived 30 years in IN CO is still home!!! Thank you!!! Merriest of Christmases to you!! Cathy

Vee said...

Seems as if a lot of us had an early Christmas. I loved seeing your Rocky Mountain Christmas High and am now imagining that you and your darling will retire to Colorado one day. (Those grandsons are such handsome little boys.) It would make such good sense...there'll be even more grands one day. Oh my! Loved seeing the County building all lit that way. Now that's decorating!

Snap said...

What fun you had in Colorado! Beautiful family and great pictures! Welcome home and I spotted your feathered friend right off! Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful visit today Pat. One of gd and her husband is in NYC for the weekend. Lots of photos coming back home to us. All the blessings of Christmas to you and yours.

Carol said...

Maybe that pigeon couldn't get past security?
Looks like a wonderful time with the family, your little guys are so handsome. Getting big, too! I love the building, great colors!
Merry Christmas, Pat, and best wishes for a wonderful holiday season!

Yvette said...

Welcome back, Pat. Though, you never really leave us, thank goodness - we can stay in touch through the magic of the internet. :)

Love your pix of your Rocky Mountain High Christmas/Birthday combo visit with your wonderful family.

I've never been to Colorado, but I do enjoy 'visiting' through your pictures and words. :)

ellen b. said...

How nice that you were able to enjoy so many great events celebrating Christmas early in Colorado. That cake is really awesome. Your grandsons are precious. I'm cracking up at the pigeon in the airport!
Merry quiet Christmas to you in New York!

Lorrie said...

You packed a lot of celebrating into your Colorado visit. I hope that your Christmas in New York will be full of quiet joy.

Merry Christmas from the west coast of Canada.

Judy said...

Colorado looks like the perfect place for a Christmas family gathering...and it sounds like you had a fabulous time.

I'm smiling at the 'stool pigeon' that came to greet you on your return home.

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Colorado is beautiful any time of year! I've never been in the mountains in the summer but am looking forward to seeing it in 2012!

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Pat!

Linda said...

That pigeon is too funny! I'm glad you had a chance to have a Christmas with your kids and grands...the boys are getting so big! Merry Christmas!!

Jenny said...

Oh gosh! What a lovely post! I can feel the joy in your writing! Thanks for making my heart smile!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Pat, I loved seeing all of your photos from Denver... The greatest joy for me was seeing the Nativity Scene... So many towns/cities are opting not to have Nativity Scenes anymore --which grieves me so much. Christmas is a CHRISTIAN holiday---to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Why do people want to change that? GRRRRRRR...

Your grandsons are AWESOME... Can't believe how much the little one is growing... Wow!!!!!

Seeing that Pigeon made me laugh... Poor little guy---guess he came inside to get warm!!!!! ha

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic Birthday and Christmas Fun! I always enjoy your visits to your family in Colorado! Beautiful photos!

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

So glad that you had a lovely visit. Now back to the cold but I hear that New York City is beautiful at Christmas. V

Ciao Chow Linda said...

Yes, Pat - it must be hard to be away from your son and his beautiful family at Christmas but how great that you got to spend quality time with them. Colorado is a beautiful state to visit too, an extra bonus.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Pat, The photos in this post are awesome! The views are jaw dropping and the boys are growing so fast. Holidays need to be celebrated with family when ever we can have wonderful that you had this time with your family. The pigeon in the airport...well there should be a kids story book in that.
♥, Susan

steviewren said...

I'm glad you had a good visit with your children. It looks like you got lots of grandchildren time as well. I hope you and your husband have a Merry Christmas!

My Little Home and Garden said...

Hi, Pat
How nice that you got to spend some special, happy times with your family. Merry Christmas to you!

Cindy said...

How nice that you could be with your daughter's family. The Rockies are so majestic and lovely in the snow, aren't they. We see them every time we fly to British Columbia, they are humongous. Do you know that you fly for about an hour and all you see are the Rockies? They are so VAST!
Your little grandsons are so sweet and what a great birthday cake for a boy!
A pigeon inside the airport? Oh my goodness!
I loved all of your photos and especially the Christmas trees, the Denver City and County building and the Poinsettia tree.
Merry Christmas!!!
Hugs, Cindy

Jacqueline said...

What a fun time in Denver. My husband is from there and we ate at Casa Bonita on our honeymoon 32 years ago! What a fun party with that fabulous cake and fun face painting! So glad you could enjoy your trip. My son and his wife just arrived in beautiful NYC today. He had to go for business and I persuaded him to surprise her and take her there to see Christmas in New York. I told him that it is in the top 10 must sees in your lifetime. They have already hit Rockefeller Square tonight and walked around to see the store windows. What a Christmas town! (Love the birds!)

Tanna said...

Oh, Pat, your little ones are ADORABLE!! I know you enjoyed getting to spend birthday time and early Christmas with them. (man,that trip home is tough)

I remember seeing that Denver City building last year on your post and thinking it was just a beautiful sight to see. Glad you had a good trip and are safely home... and that the little pigeon gave you a smile! Blessings ~ tanna

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

You always do a great job of taking us along on your trip... Traveling Tuesday style!

The welcome home to NYC was priceless!

Pat said...

Your little guys are growing up so fast and I know are a delight. Denver area is gorgeous! The pigeon is hilarious! We are hopping a plane tonight to join my toddler granddaughter, her family and additional grandparents in Florida for a week. You are right, doesn't matter when, but just so we can enjoy being together. Happy Solstice!

LindyLouMac said...

That tree is beautiful, never seen one like that before! Have a good Christmas and I look forward to following you in 2012.

nanny said...

I didn't know that it was a pigeon in the first pic but that is so funny......

I want to see the Rockies some day!!! so beautiful.

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. See you soon!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

What great pics. I especially love the poinsetta tree at the Denver Airport and the decorations at the county building.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures and post.
Love you pictures with your family.
The pigeon needed a warm place to stay and found one!!
- Cheers Gisela.
Merry Christmas!!
Wishing you and your loved ones peace, health,
and happiness in the coming New Year.

Sheila said...

It's wonderful that your family was able to celebrate sand share the spirit of the Christmas season together Pat. Colorado looks like a beautiful place to visit. I'm glad to hear that you had such a wonderful time visiting your family. Thank you for your comments on my blog and for your wonderful stories through the past year. They have all been informative and interesting. All the best to you and your husband for the New Year!

LV said...

A very nice presentation of my favorite states.

diane b said...

How sweet to spend time with your family. It must have been exciting especially with those gorgeous boys and snow capped mountains. You were greeted home by a fat pigeon. Maybe it is a contraband sussing pigeon.

Claudia said...

Denver is the perfect backdrop for Christmas, isn't it? And as stunning as the mountains are, my eyes go back to two little boys with balloon dinosaurs and the wonder in their eyes.

Betty said...

That grandson is going to love the American Museum Of Natural History and all the dinosaurs. My kids always wanted to go there whenever we visited NYC. What is it about dinosaurs that little boys love?

I think there was a Casa Bonita in Tulsa when we lived in Oklahoma. The mountains look beautiful.

podso said...

Such sweet little boys! I know you miss them! It looks like it was a wonderful party!

Vicki/Jake said...

Oh my, I see you're back home now. I was worried about you being in the Denver snow! And what a silly bird:) Have a great Christmas...

Susan Anderson said...

Wowza! That is soemthing else!!
