My husband and I were in Colorado last week where we experienced two wonderful blessings. The first was our daughter's sonogram, where we all happily found out she is expecting a baby girl!
Lots of pink images immediately danced in my head as I look forward to being a grandmother of a little girl, after already having two grandsons who I love dearly. It will be fun to be "in the pink" with this new baby!
Our next blessing is that we closed on our house in Colorado! We are still living in Brooklyn, NY until we sell our home here, but our daughter and son-in-law live close to us in Colorado and will be looking out for our home until we move. Please say a prayer for us that we sell soon -- we are anxious to move to this beautiful home and state.
Our new community is so beautiful! It has many hiking trails that have spectacular scenery and I know we will be very happy living so close to our children and grandchildren. I will still be making frequent trips to New York City after we move, as we have family members and friends here we will want to visit. My husband is going to continue to work for the same company he works for now in Colorado, and he is keeping his NYC related business accounts so he will have to take trips back east from time to time. Whenever I can I will travel with him, so there will still be many NYC posts on my blog to look forward to, even after we move!
Another blessing is that my nephew who climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro a few years ago, see that blog post here, successfully climbed to the top of Mt. Rainier in Washington State recently. The mountain can be seen above the clouds in the collage above, and the lower photo shows my nephew standing on a small path on the mountain at almost 13,500 feet with a 3,000 drop to the left side! We were all praying for his safety and were relieved when he returned home. When I receive more photos from my nephew I'll do a blog post about his climb.
My last good news is exciting for me! I was honored to find out that I've been named by via TimeStyle as one of their "Top 30 Pinners on Pinterest That You Should Follow Now" in their Food category! What fun! I guess all the time I spend on Pinterest has not been wasted! I love Pinterest! What have you been pinning lately?
I hope life is treating you well and that you have been enjoying the beautiful autumn weather. It is hard to believe is almost October! Where did this year go?