Sunday, June 9, 2013

My Wish Came True!

I was outside early one morning recently, watering my front yard flowers when I saw a US Mail truck pull up in front of my house. The mailman handed this large and heavy "One Day Express" package to me. I was puzzled as to what could it be, and seeing all the "perishable" warnings that were all over the package I immediately went inside to open it.

Whatever was inside was well protected within a Styrofoam container that contained ice packs.

Removing the ice packs I saw that it was pizza from New York! If you remember, I wrote a blog post a few weeks ago called "What Do I Miss Most About New York City?"  At the end of the post, I stated that I was most yearning for a slice of New York City Pizza! As an early "special" birthday gift, my older brother and sister-in-law sent me pizza from New York as a gift!

The instructions sheets inside the box. (This photo, and all photos on my blog can be enlarged by clicking on the photo and then clicking on it again when it opens on a new tab.) My brother found a Long Island Pizzeria that also ships pizza, as well as other specialty items, all around the US and the world! They aptly call this "New York Flying Pizza"!  Information from their web site states:

"Our customers would constantly tell us about their relatives who moved away and how they miss New York Style Pizza. They would tell us “you can’t get good New York style pizza anywhere but New York”, being in the New York restaurant business all our lives we knew this to be true. We heard this daily, finally, we decided to do something about it and we started NY Flying Pizza in order to get New York style pizza to all our friends, family and loved ones. Everyone is finally able to order New York Pizza online."

Opening the box, I saw my brother and sister-in-law generously gifted me with not just one pizza, but two pizzas!  The pizzas were "par cooked" in the Flying Pizza brick oven and then frozen for shipping. All I had to do is preheat my oven and place the pizza directly on the rack to finish cooking. The top pizza is a Sicilian style pizza. It has a thick crust and is covered with sauce and lots of imported Italian cheese.

Since it was on top, we cooked this pizza first and shared it with our daughter and son-in-law. 

I sprinkled my own combination of pizza spices on top.  Ahhhhh---it tasted heavenly! I was immediately transported back in time and space to a NY pizzeria! The aroma, looks, and taste were authentic. There is just something about the crust of a NY pizza slice that makes it taste extra special.

The second pizza is called "Grandma Pizza."  It is a thin crust pizza covered with mozzarella and splashed with San Marzano tomatoes and fresh basil.

We cooked this a few days later and again invited our daughter and son-in-law to share the pie with us.

It was another delicious taste of New York!  I have no affiliation with Flying Pizza, and I am not being compensated in any way by them for this post. This was just a wonderful early birthday treat to me from my big brother and sister-in-law who read my blog post and wanted to give me a surprise that I'd always remember for my upcoming "special decade" birthday!  Thank you so much J and S!  You really made us all so happy to have a delicious taste of pizza from New York to enjoy one more time!  I love you both!

It has been absolutely beautiful here lately -- blue skies and temperatures in the 70s and 80s, although it may warm up, even more, this week.  Not having much humidity in the air makes such a big difference with my comfort level--I love it!  The air has been full of the fragrance of lilacs this week--so many of my neighbors have beautiful mature lilac bushes. I could not resist taking many photos of them to enjoy!

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Willow said...

What a special present! Glad you enjoyed those pizzas!

Beverly said...

My mouth is watering. I love a Grandma Pizza.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

I'm so happy for you. Both pizzas look mouthwatering delicious.

A Garden of Threads said...

That looks sooooo good. Enjoy!!! Happy Birthday.

Beth said...

How nice, Pat! Good memories, good taste. I've never had NY pizza, other than the chocolate pizza at Max Brenner's.

Lynn said...

What a fun gift Pat! I know what it's like to leave the east coast and there truly are things we miss:@)

Betsy Brock said...

Well, that is just the sweetest and yummiest gift ever! How very fun!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

What a thoughtful gift, and both pizzas do look yummy.

Maria said...

How awesome!!!! There's nothing like some good New York pizza, what a great gift to receive!!!

Arlene Delloro said...

Pat, I don't know how I'd manage without pizza, which I eat at least 3X a week. What a brother!

ellen b. said...

You are loved for sure! Glad you could enjoy your special treat!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Your brother and sis-in-law are KEEPERS for sure. What a neat gift for you... Those pizzas look so good. I would love both of them but prefer thick crust... YUM...

That may be your BEST birthday present this year!!!!


Vee said...

What a wonderful gift! Both pizzas look especially tasty, too. Hmmmm... And you're so generous to share. Did the baby get a wee taste? (Yes, my sis and her hubby are moaning a bit. It's a seven hour drive for a NY pizza. Probably not going to happen any time soon now.)

podso said...

Your posts are just full of wonderful surprises lately! I am amazed at how NYC pizza can be transported to you. I'm guessing it was dry ice. But then i've received a bouquet of fresh flowers shipped across country. It is amazing. But the icing on the cake is your lovely lilac flowers at the end. Just beautiful!

Barbara F. said...

What a special pre-birthday gift, Pat. They both look delicious! xo

Proud Italian Cook said...

Awww the tastes of home, there's nothing better! An awesome gift!

Elaine said...

Such a thoughtful gift. Your family must realize how much you miss your old home. Nice of you to share too.

Unknown said...

Looks yummy!

pam said...

That is glorious! We have a place in Chicago that we have ordered from in the much fun. We also discovered an ice cream place in Cincinnati that will ship and while I don't really like ice cream this company has amazing flavors. I teased that the perfect party meal would be our Chicago pizza and the Cincinnati ice cream. Isn't it wonderful that such shipping can happen. Happy days for you guys!!!! Our oldest is out in your area this weekend and they say it has been hotter than here...kind of unusual. But they do LOVE that the air is drier. Joy to your week!

imjacobsmom said...

I just knew it had to be pizza!!!! What a wonderful surprise for you!!! <3

The Gathering Place said...

What a fun surprise for your birthday. Some people just know the little thoughtful things to do to make a person feel special. Can't think of a better surprise! Happy Birthday!

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

They really know what you want for your birthday. I see that we can all order too. Happy birthday.

Old Kitty said...

Oh how wonderful and super thoughtful!!!! Awwww you got slice of authentic NYC and doesn't it look yummy?!?! Happy Birthday!!

Glad the weather is gorgeous there! And the smell of lilacs must be so heady!! Take care

eileeninmd said...

Looks yummy, I love pizza! A wonderful birthday present. Hope you day was great! I love your pretty lilacs, gorgeous photos. Have a great week ahead, Pat!

diane b said...

What a great idea for a birthday present for an absent New Yorker. The lilacs look beautiful.

La Petite Gallery said...

I had no idea, Lilacs grew in the west. We have been cutting them and have a few vases,the house smells divine.
That Pizza looks delish. They opened a NY pizza down the street, forget it... Yours looks soooo good.

Tracy said...

WOW... that is just TOO MUCH FUN! What a lovely idea, and tasty too. I feel hungry for pizza now... LOL! Hope you had a great birthday, Pat ((BIG HUGS))

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a wonderful gift to receive! Those lilacs are beautiful too. Happy Birthday!

From the Kitchen said...

What a delicious surprise! There's always a friendly rivalry going on around here as to which pizza is best--Chicago or NY. I love both. And, I love lilacs!

A happy early birthday to you.


Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

That is the BEST gift ever! I hope you reminded them about anniversaries, christmas... all holidays :-)

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Life just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it Pat? Now can you get someone to send you NY bagels??

Sharon said...

Now that is one awesome big brother...what a special gift! And boy, did those pictures bring back some recent memories of mouth watering pizza we had in Queens!! As Rachel Ray would say, "Yummo!"

Judy said...

Now that is a most special delivery! It looks so delicious! they ship to Canada? :)

Margaret said...

Hi Pat, Hmmmm Judy, I am thinking the same thing ;) Those pizzas look SO mouthwateringly delicious!!! You have a very wonderful brother and sister-in-law Pat! And family :) And I'm thinking your family think you deserve every special birthday treat! Have fun savoring every special birthday moment Pat :) I love the smell of lilacs too, we also happen to have neighbours with a lilac tree :) Margaret from B.C.

Ciao Chow Linda said...

Oh what a thoughtful brother and sister-in-law. When you said earlier you got a surprise, I had a hunch it was this pizza. So you got a little taste of NY after all.

Sheila said...

what a special birthday you must have had, Pat. Hearing Andrea sing live must have been an unforgettable experience and then to top it all off having Pizza delivered via "Air Mail" must have been a red letter day. Happy Belated Birthday!

Ann said...

Now that is a creative birthday gift and just perfect for you.
Those lilacs are gorgeous. I can almost smell them

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a perfect gift and a fun surprise! A taste from home! I love your lilac bushes...all shades of lavender! I'm glad you've had a nice birthday. I know you are happy to be close to family to celebrate! HUGS!

Michelle said...

What a wonderful treat!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Dear Judy and Margaret
Yes! My sister-in-law told me that NY Flying Pizza will deliver around the world! I imagine the postage would be high to do that, but if one has a desire for NY Pizza, that is a way to get it.

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

I really can't believe how well that pizza traveled...I mean, it seriously looks like it just came out of a piping hot NYC pizza oven!

And let me be one of the first (on east coast time) to wish you a happy and official "special decade" birthday!!

RNSANE said...

What a wonderful surprise for you...great brother and sister-in-law. Funny, how we miss those tastes from our old homes when we're in our new homes. I arrived back in India June 3....I most miss my favorite CA wines.

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

I totally get the need for hometown nosh!
When I was hankering for good Kings Cake (a wonderful southern great) and none were to be found in Salt Lake, my husband sent me two from South Carolina where he was away on business. I would never paid the over. $100 in shipping costs myself but oh the cakes were so dicious. Sometime splurges like that really is worth it!

Unknown said...

I am new to your blog and am really enjoying it! How blessed you are to have people in your life that care about you and show it in the sweetest little ways!

Jenny said...

Oh gosh! This looks delicious!

What a wonderful gift!

Happy Almost lovely girl!

mrs. c said...

Yumm you so right, NYC pizza is the best. funny story- the 1st time we went to NYC we went to a small pizza place recommended by a native. Not knowing, we ordered an entire pizza instead of a slice a person ( that would have been plenty) I ended up taking most of the pizza with me and gave it to some homeless folks in the park. This was the same trip where we got to see Andrea Bocelli at the Garden the same trip! What a wonderful trip!!

Lorrie said...

What a thoughtful gift to receive. Thoughtful and delicious!

annie said...

A wonderful, thoughtful and delicious gift! The very best kind to receive.

Come Away With Me said...

Isn't it wonderful with a wish comes true! And in such a tasty way too. I wonder how many of your readers will be ordering a New York Flying Pizza for themselves soon! It certainly does look delicious.

Yvette said...

Oh my goodness, Pat, everything looks SO delicious. Both of these pizzas. DELICIOUS!

What a nice surprise!

I haven't had a slice of Sicilian pizza in years. Don't know why. My brother usually comes over once a month and we have Pizza Night. But we usually have the 'regular' style.

Maybe it's time for a change.

Jeanne said...

Good morning Pat, I'm up early this morning to catch up with my favorite blog friends. We have been in Fl for two weeks with a few days between two trips to see two of our grands graduate from HS. I am behind in my visiting.

I remember your post about missing NY style Pizza and this post really made me smile. A thoughtful gift from your brother and SIL for sure. I am sure this was the most memorable birthday gift ever. Well, the Andrea Bocelli concert is up there too. Smile. "You are loved"

Happy summer days,
xo Jeanne

Jeanne said...

I forgot to mention the lilacs are stunning and I adore the fragrance of lilacs so much.

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

You've been on a roll with wonderful things happening lately! What a thoughtful gift of delicious NYC pizza and what a wonderful concert you attended! I love Andrea Bocelli!

Betty said...

What a thoughtful early birthday gift!

Cindy said...

Wow, what a wonderful surprise! How fun to have your dream come true seemingly so easily!
Your lilacs are lovely, they are filling our neighbourhoods with their lovely fragrance, too.
Hugs, cindy

Pamela Gordon said...

That is awesome Pat! What a great treat to have New York Pizza delivered to your door across the country!! I sure looks delicious. Hugs, Pam

GailO said...

A most thoughtful...and!