Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wildflowers Along the Way

"Weeds are flowers, too, once you get to know them."

- A.A. Milne

" i thank heaven somebody's crazy, enough to give me a daisy" 

 - e.e.cummings

"Nobody sees a flower really; it is so small. We haven't the time, and to see takes time. - like to have a friend takes time." 

- Georgia O'Keeffe

The Song of the Columbine Flower

by Cicely Mary Baker

Who shall the chosen fairy be for the letter C?
There's Candytuft, and Cornflower blue,
Campanula and Crocus too,
Chrysanthemum so bold and fine,
And the pretty dancing Columbine.

Yes, the Columbine! The choice is she;
And with her, see
An elfin piper, piping sweet
A little tune for those light feet
That dance among the leaves and flowers
In someone's garden
(is is ours?)

I'm joining Vee, at the blog A Haven for Vee, for her August Note Card Party. Each month Vee asks bloggers to chose four photos from all the photos we've published on our blogs in the past, that we thought would make beautiful or interesting notes cards. I knew I had taken many Colorado wildflower photos this summer and wanted to share a few that have been part of past post's photo collages. I think any of them would make a nice note card, and I tried to select quotes that could be written on the inside.

My favorite photo  is the last photo of the "dancing" yellow Columbine flowers I found in Breckenridge, Colorado. (Click on the link to read that blog post) There are over 70 varieties of the Columbine flower, and they come in many color and bi-color combinations. Did you know that the blue and white variety of the Rocky Mountain Columbine is the state flower of Colorado?  The official state song of Colorado is "Where the Columbines Grow." Click on the link to listen to the song and read the lyrics.

Thanks, Vee! I always enjoy all the wonderful photos that you and your participants chose each month. Click here to see all the August  Note Card Party links.

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myletterstoemily said...

oh, i love that milne quote, and being a fellow
colorado resident, i adore all your flowers.
many people have pointed out to me that some
of the wild 'flowers' on our hill are noxious
weeds. but, they're still beautiful to me!

Lorrie said...

Gorgeous wildflowers. They are stunning. Weeds might be flowers and I'm happy to see them growing, but not in my garden! I'll enjoy them out in the wild.
Beautiful images, Pat.

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

I love wildflowers! I really enjoyed the quotes and poems you selected to go with each photo also! Have a great week!


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You definitely have some beautiful wildflowers where you live now! They would make lovely cards, too! Enjoy your day my friend!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Love your note cards...and loved the quotes. Your pictures are beautiful.

Sue said...

Your wildflowers notecards are beautiful, the quotes are so sweet, thanks for sharing.

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

Any of those lovely wildflowers would make a special card for someone. Valerie

Donna said...

Wildflowers are such fun! Love all the various colors and varieties that you show here. A lot of us were thinking about "flowers" this month!

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Cheering about the last Columbia photo too! Columbine comes in so many great colors, a rainbow of colors actually.

Vee said...

The quotes and poetry are a wonderful complement to your note cards. I appreciate wildflowers very much and can enjoy a bouquet of them upon my table as well as roses. Glad that you found a moment to play with us this month!

poppilinnstudios said...

Beautiful wildflowers. Love the quotes too.

Grace said...

what beautiful wild flowers. Such a pretty countryside! Grace xoox

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

Gorgeous wildflowers. They always intrigue me. Mother Nature's gift to us.

Lynn said...

All very pretty flowers Pat! Love the great colors:@)

Sheila said...

I enjoyed seeing the quotes along with the wildflowers and would add something my father-in-law always said...."A weed is just a flower out of place."

diane b said...

Love the quotes to go with the flowers. I also like "weeds are plants growing in the wrong place"

Sarah said...

These would make gorgeous note cards, Pat. One of my most vivid memories of summer vacations in CO are of the colorful wildflowers.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely flowers and quotes, Pat! Have a happy day!

Nellie said...

Love those wildflowers!

Incidentally, I mentioned your giveaway in my blog post for today, so that is for a second entry.

Pamela Gordon said...

These are beautiful flowers and notecards Pat. We saw a lot of columbine on our hike in Bragg Creek along with other wildflowers I didn't recognize. The thistle photo is my favourite. Pam

Ciao Chow Linda said...

Your photos are beautiful Pat, and I loved the quotes too.

ellen b. said...

Love the sweet flower shots you chose for Vee's Notecard Party!

Margaret said...

Hi Pat, Wildflowers are beautiful! I really enjoyed your wonderful photos and quotes alongside them.
They "soothe my soul" along the road of life. :) Love Margaret from B.C.

AdriBarr said...

Oh, Pat, what a wonderful idea, and you photos are beautiful. I am just loving your posts from your new home!

Kathleen said...

Beautiful shots of the wildflowers! Hope all is well there. Summer has been very busy. I dread Labor Day!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Beautiful wildflower note cards. I've never seen a yellow columbine before.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great photos --which would all be great on note cards.. Like you, I especially love the last one...

Love the quotes and poem also.

Sally @DrinkingFromMySaucer said...

Beautiful. I'm partial to flower photos! =)

Judy said...

Such beauty...perfect note card pic's!

Massimo said...

I love all of them ! especially when wild flowers... ciao

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful pics of gorgeous blooms and apt quotes too! I so agree with AA Milne!!! The columbine flower verses are lovely! Take care

My name is Riet said...

Wildflowers are always beautiful and for free :))). I love your photo's and they certainly make great notecards Pat.
Have a nice day

Beverly said...

These are so lovely, Pat. I would want notecards like this.♥

Barbara F. said...

Lovely photos, and I love the quotes. You are so enjoying your new surroundings. xo

Tracy said...

LOVED this wildflower walk, Pat! Fun to see what's growing & thriving in your new home state. :o) ((HUGS))

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

I love those columbine's too, Pat! Beautiful flowers.

Just a little something from Judy said...

So pretty! You need to join Vee with the collection of beautiful pictures you have here. My favorite is the second one.