The one red leaf, the last of its clan,
That dances as often as dance it can,
Hanging so light, and hanging so high,
On the topmost twig that looks up at the sky.
~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge
We had a few blustery days and all the leaves have left the trees in my neighborhood, leaving the landscapes dry and barren, except for the evergreen pine trees that are in abundance in my neighborhood. The beauty of autumn has passed, but the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday gives us much to look forward to. I leave all my autumn decorations out until after the holiday. There won't be a hint of Christmas in my house until after Thanksgiving. I do not like to rush the seasons, even if Santa Claus is already at the mall, Christmas carols are playing on the radio, and I have been busy checking and buying from Amazon "wish lists" for gift ideas for my grandchildren.
Today we had our first significant snowfall, and later in the early evening, I was surprised with a parade of deer that traveled through my backyard.
A stove at the Colorado History Museum
I am busy planning my menu for the big Thanksgiving feast, and I'm sure many of you are doing the same. I try to buy the largest turkey I can find, and we will also be having a ham because I welcome leftovers! I make delicious turkey soup from the turkey carcass, and pea soup from the ham bone, and I think I almost look forward to that as much as I do the holiday meal! What is your favorite dish to eat on Thanksgiving?
We have much to be thankful for, and I have been counting my blessings each and every day. I want to keep a joyful heart and enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas this year, remembering what those holidays really mean, without all the extras we so often burden ourselves with.
We have much to be thankful for, and I have been counting my blessings each and every day. I want to keep a joyful heart and enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas this year, remembering what those holidays really mean, without all the extras we so often burden ourselves with.

last leaf, first snow, and that cakes looks really good !!!!
well I hope snow will wait a bit... it is really too early to me!.
have a nice week end !
Love the cute deer, nice visitors Pat! Have a happy weekend and I wish you and your a very happy Thanksgiving.
Lovin' the less stress, more joy mantra Pat! Wising you a wonderful Thanksgiving:@)
So much to be thankful for dear Pat :) I loved poem at the start of your post. The barren landcape will turn white soon. Enjoy the winter and thanksgiving :)
Would you believe down here in the sunny south we had a snow shower last week? Unheard of! I too am working on Thanksgiving and we get a large turkey for the soup and the leftovers! Wishing you a good weekend!
What a fabulous shot of the last leaf. I can't get over the number of deer you see on your property Pat.
We're spending Thanksgiving at my BIL's house. He's a diabetic and Thanksgiving favorites such as potatoes and stuffing aren't on his diet. I will be doing something pretty and healthy with green beans and like last year, he will probably eat the whole platter :)
Beautiful photos, specially love the 2nd photo...
It's impossible to catch the last leaf here. You did well! Those oak leaves hang on until next spring!
Yes, a relaxed holiday season is the goal and we can do it! It may mean slowing down "on purpose." (Course, in order to have a relaxed holiday, I am putting the tree up a little earlier than usual, though it won't be decorated early. I'll pretend it's a Thanksgiving tree. =D)
I thank the Lord for people like you who take the observance of Thanksgiving Day seriously, putting off Christmas until it's proper time. We all need to realize from Whom all blessings flow and show demonstrable gratitude. Thank you for your wonderful blog and this post in particular.
I like the way you think about those after recipes! Turkey soup and pea soup...yum. I really love the combination of the taste of Thanksgiving. Turkey, stuffing, gravy, yams...all together on the plate. Wonderful photos. Blessings on your Thanksgiving celebration!
We do the same. Christmas cannot make an appearance until after Thanksgiving, and I cannot wait! I am especially looking forward to hearing all the music of the season.
I think you've got the formula right Pat. Less stress, more joy. more time with family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family.
Happy Thanksgiving to you. We love left-overs also--but we only have turkey (no ham).
I love your snow --and the deer. SO pretty.
Check out my bird blog today.
I love the collage of the trees and deer. The deer photos would make sweet Christmas cards. Have a nice weekend.
I agree not a hint of Christmas until Thanksgiving is over! Come next weekend I'll be decorating the tree, where does time go? I know you will have wonderful holiday season this year Pat surrounded by your dear family, speaking of deer! I can't believe how many come so close to your home, they must sense it's warm and friendly. Happy Thanksgiving Pat!
How wonderful that you had that parade of deer in your backyard?! They are beautiful creatures. I actually have a cast iron tea kettle, just like the one in this photo, sitting on my wood stove right now.
We had two VERY blustery days that brought the last of the leaves down. I guess one last mowing to pick up the leaves before winter comes. I LOVE your parade of fun. This year we will only have three around our Thanksgiving table due to many who can't travel and others with health issues. While wishing our Colorado girl could be with us I'm kind of thankful it will be a quiet day for many reasons this year. I roasted my first turkey yesterday for a local rescue mission. They are serving three Thanksgiving meals today....whew. We have a tradition of decorating for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving, a day my 95 year old mother in law looks forward to with great joy. Joy to you friend!
Dear Pat,
Wishing you and family a beautiful
Thanksgiving. Hope you are enjoying
the beauty of the area.
to you all.
Lovely post and fotos deer, nice museum
greeting from Belgium.
The snow covered landscape is really beautiful and it would sure put me in a Christmas frame of mind. But, as much as I'm ready to take down the fall decor, I refuse to do it until after Thanksgiving. We drove by a house the other day and they were already decorated outside for Christmas with a big Santa standing in their front lawn. Next door, the house had pilgrims and pumpkins on their lawn. Guess which one looked sooo out of place? I don't understand why so many seem to want to skip over Thanksgiving!
I love your last leaf shot and the poem. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!
Pretty snow and cute deer. It was in the seventies here today!!! Tomorrow night low is forecast to be 34 and the rest of the week in the 60's.
My pansies would be eaten by all your deer but they sure are cute.
No Christmas until after Thanksgiving here either.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
A lovely poem and photo. Thanks giving sounds like a great time in USA. We don't have it here but we make up for it at Christmas. I hope you and your family and my little USA family all have a great day and feast. I hope it is not to much work for you.
Yes...we have much to be thankful for! Though it is your turn for the official celebration...I'm counting my blessings right along with you. Enjoy that turkey...and the ham...and those wonderful soups to follow.
Thankfulness is something to cultivate throughout the year. We like turkey for Thanksgiving (in October.) Your meal sounds delicious - and soup is always welcome after the feasting.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving, Pat. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your world with us.
The deer are so beautiful and I love that stove. Here no one puts decorations up till 8th December, which is very late compared to the UK. Hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving.
The poignancy of that last leaf falling...
So glad you are making lovely memories in this new place.
So glad your heart is blooming big in Colorado!
Thanks for being you.
And have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your family. I liked this post a lot... I do wish they wouldn't play Christmas Carols until after TG!
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