We have had many beautiful blue sky days in the merry month of May.....for many reasons!
My husband and I have been busy raking, weeding and planting in our gardens. We have a large front lawn with a slate walled flower area near our house that we have been slowly filling with perennials. Each year we take note of what survives the winters and snowy springs that we have here on the Front Range of Colorado, and what also survives being nibbled by daily visits from deer and rabbits. My backyard has a large retaining wall and we have also been slowly filling that each year with new shrubs and perennials. This year we added some annuals to each garden to add some color. Notice the new scarlet pink "Knock Out" roses rimmed with chicken wire? It's the only way to ensure my deer visitors don't devour them all! I really love seeing our gardens come alive in May!
May has been a busy month....we went to a Colorado Rockies baseball game in Coors Field in Denver, with my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter. We sat in the "Rock Pile" bleachers just for the fun of it. It was my three year old granddaughter's first baseball game and she enjoyed it.
We also celebrated the end of the school year in May for our grandchildren! My oldest granddaughter's preschool had a beautiful and adorable "Continuation and Graduation Ceremony. My granddaughter is only three, so she'll continue in preschool next year. She loves the Pastor and teachers. She really learned so much this year and enjoyed all the play time and friendships with other children. The teachers made a beautiful slide show of all the year's activities, as the song " Let Them Be Little" played in the background...that brought tears to my eyes! Click here to listen to that song on Youtube. Children grow so fast, grandchildren grow even faster!
We also attended my oldest grandson's flag football games, horseback riding lessons, and the youngest grandson's soccer games. My granddaughters had fun playing together on the side lines.
My youngest five year old grandson began karate this year and was thrilled to receive his yellow belt in May!
Only the stone walls stand, but this is a National Register of Historic Places! It is the Bradford-Perley House. It was once the residence of Major Robert Boyles Bradford, a prominent Denver pioneer who founded the Bradford Wagon Road. That wagon road was a principal route for gold rush pioneers in the 1860's to take from Denver to Leadville and South Park. You can read more about this historic house on this Denver Post link. My husband and I are members of our community's Historical Society, and we often do volunteer work to help maintain the house and apple orchards that were planted in the 1860's. On this day our granddaughter helped too!
The red rocks near the house are also of archaeological significance as they had been used by the paleo people who lived and hunted on the Front Range of Colorado for thousands of years. The Denver chapter of the Colorado Archaeological Society did many digs here years ago and found many interesting artifacts. You can read more about their discoveries on this link.
The last week in May we saw our youngest grandson graduate preschool! He will now enter kindergarten this summer in the new school year. The teachers asked each student what they wanted to be when they grow up. There were a lot of bakers, fire fighters, scientists, police, and athletes, but our grandson surprised us all by declaring he wanted to grow up to be in the US Coast Guard! PS--the shirts my youngest granddaughter is wearing says" Crazy hair--don't care!" She has been blessed with big blond curls and wears them well! This little miss will be celebrating her first birthday soon--where does the time go?
I'm linking this post to the following blog events:
Seasons, Amaze Me Monday, Blue Monday, Monday of Many Blessings, Through My Lens Monday, Mosaic Monday, Life Through the Lens Monday, Mellow Yellow Monday, Inspiration Monday, Good Random Fun, Nature Notes, Grand Social, Our World Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday, You're Gonna Love It Tuesday, Wordless Wednesday, Oh My Heartsie Girl's Wonderful Wednesday, Outdoor Wednesday, Share Your Cup Thursday, Thoughts of Home on Thursday, Travel Photo Thursday, Friday Photo Journal, Skywatch Friday, Friday Features, Share It One More Time, Pink Saturday,
Thank you to all the blog hosts!

I see you have been very busy attending all the things you grand children were in and they all looked great. Looked thecollage of all the flowers but my favourite image is the first one. I love roads or paths that we cannot see round the cormer. It is always a mystery.
Stunning series of collages. Especially love the two little ones on the colourful rug. And the first scene is magical.
Your May was filled with sunshine, happiness, travels and many events. Thanks for sharing with us and thank you for linking in with "Through My Lens".
Mersad Donko Photography
Hello Pat, your month of May was filled with fun times. Spending time with the grandchildren and family is always wonderful. Now that school is out there will be more fun times I am sure! Beautiful post and photos. Happy Memorial Day, enjoy your new week ahead!
You have been very busy.
I love when the flowers come out. We are about a month ahead of you in that season. Spring is such a great time.
Looks like a busy, but fun, time at your place!
As I have said before, Colorado is one of my favorite states. Wish I could visit more, but that is not likely to happen. I truly enjoy your allowing us to tour it with you and family.
Great collection. Looks like you had a busy month. I linked on Blue Monday too. I hope you'll come by and visit and follow me too. I have a giveaway starting on the 1st to celebrate my new book blog!
Come by.
Beautiful post, Pat.. You all have had an amazing May for sure... Those grandchildren are all growing SO fast.
It's taken us years of planting and trying different things --to see what 'works' in our yard --and what won't be eaten by critters... You will do the same thing.. Just take it one year at a time --and you will get it the way it will work for you.
Happy Memorial Day. Let's never forget those men and women who served and gave so much for our FREEDOM.
You did have a merry month!
Thanks for sharing your merry May with us and all those beautiful flower pictures.
My goodness Pat you were busy....so lovely to spend time with family....we did a bit of family time too as we traveled to Boston area.....love the flowers from your garden....it was cold and then hot here...I did some gardening done too!
and LivingFromHappiness
Great to see all the family updates -yo can be proud of your grand children's achievements! -they're so cute:) The tribute tot he fallen soldiers is lovely!
Many thanks for including SEASONS in your post! Your posts are always fun to look at! Wishing you a great week, Jesh.
You are joyfully busy with your grandchildren's activities and I'm sure you are still so happy you made the big move to be closer to them. Your garden looks lovely. Yes the deer do love the knock outs. I keep thinking the thorns would bother their mouths but apparently not. Your first photo is especially beautiful! Have a good week ahead.
Great shots of the place and very flowers.
It sounds like a busy and fun month. And yes, I did walk into that shelter, I do stupid things :)
May was a great month of family and continued hikes for you.
Happy Memorial Day Pat.
Wow! May has been a busy month for you!
Love the flowers!
They are stunning photos and what treasured memories.
What a loving and active month you and your family have had ~ and such gorgeous photography!
Happy Week to you ~ ^_^
What a full and meaningful month you've enjoyed. So many fun grand kid events. Blessings.
What a grand week you guys had! Great photos.
Thanks for joining the photo link-up again this week at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/05/simply-squirrelly.html
Pat, your area is looking great with all of your beautiful flowers. We happily do not have to deal with deer. Your chicken wire should do the trick for your Knock Out roses. Your grands are so adorable. Grandchildren do grow up faster that our children. Our oldest grand just turned 21! I feel old!
Your sentiments about war is my prayer and those of many. I do hope we realize that soon. ♥
I always enjoy looking at your photos, Pat.
It was a merry month!
You have adorable grandchildren! You are lucky to live close enough to be a part of all their activities.
Awesome blue sky photo. It was winter when I was in Colorado several years ago. No flowers then and schools were in full session.
So very merry and pretty!
You sure had a beautiful month
Looks like you made a lot of memories in May. I did nothing. Kudos to you.
Your busy life seems to parallel mine. Gardens, grandchildren, and family outings seem to keep us busy. It's a great blessing to live close to our children and grandchildren. Your mosiac of spring is beautiful! Your wired rises made me smile- I'd probably do the same thing.
Fantastic post Pat, ending on a very poignant and sweet note. You have had a busy year and how great that you were able to visit your family and grandchildren with all these events going on. Thank you for sharing them. Thank you also for visiting my blog and leaving such sweet comments. Always happy to see you.
It was a very busy month indeed. And aren't you glad you were there for all of it!!! It's looking beautiful around your home and the whole beautiful greening-up area and I am so looking forward to being there soon.
Nothing like the month of May!! Love your precious collages with the grands! My favorite times!! Beautiful spring photographs too!
What a busy, full month you had in May. I love your photography. I know I say that every week but it is so amazing. You show all of the beauty in the world around you. My son has been taking his little boys to the Colorado Rocky games too.
You do keep busy, Pat - but what I think is the best is all that time you spend with your beautiful grandchildren. What a wise move to pack up and head out west.
You certainly have been busy this month. The grandkids certainly keep you running!
Grandchildren make everything more fun and making memories is the best...Michelle
What a busy and fun month ; love all the photos of the grands but that karate one is so darn cute...just his expression alone! :)
Oh man, your May looks absolutely fabulous. What fun to be near family and involved in their lives. Your garden is coming along quite nicely. We are looking for our forever home now, so I am excited about the garden possibilities.
Lisa @ LTTL
A great post, and I really enjoy seeing how totally engaged you are with the grandkids!! Have a nice weekend.
May looks beautiful where you are, Pat. It sounds like the month was full of some of life's rewards....that is, time with grandchildren! I listened to the song and can imagine how touching it must have been to have it played in the background at the little graduation. You and your husband made such a wise decision when you took the big step of moving to be close to the children.
I really like the way you documented the month of May, Pat. Gardening, family, church...those are the sweetest days. :)
Happy Thoughts of Home.
How nice you were able to move and be near your family. You're not kidding, they grow up way too fast!
I'm so charmed by this scrapbook of yours collecting everything about the last month, truly a stunning post, my wonderful friend !
Sending blessings of joy on the remainder of your week,
with my dearest love
Xx Dany
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