I've been away from my computer for over a week as we had very special visitors from New York City staying at our house. My husband's niece "L," and great nephew "A," visited us, and we had lots of fun showing them as much as we could of our part of Colorado. On our first day together we drove up Lookout Mountain to enjoy the views of Golden, Colorado and the Rocky Mountains in the distance.
(All photos will enlarge if clicked on)
We spent a busy day visiting Red Rocks Amphitheater, the Colorado Railroad Museum, and the Coors Brewery Tour.
Once we felt L and A were acclimated to the high altitude of Colorado, we drove up Mount Evans, where we parked and then walked the last quarter mile to the summit, 14,270 feet high! We were so high that we touched the clouds! Our great nephew was very excited to see some snow on the mountain top in August!
During their visit we also took a trip up to Breckenridge, so our great nephew could enjoy the "summer fun park" at the ski resort. We took the gondola up to the park and then bought tickets for the activities. He enjoyed the alpine slide, bungee jump, maze and jump house.
We all took the ski lift up to the top of the mountain and...
... posed for another photo!
As you can see, summer in Breckenridge is almost as spectacular as winter!
Barb's blog is such a special treat. She lives in the Breckenridge area and shares her gorgeous photos and stories about her very active life at high altitude. I first began to read Barb's blog when I still lived in New York, and always yearned to see her beautiful world. I'm so happy that fate has brought us to Colorado and that we've had a chance to meet! Although our time together was short, we had a wonderful time together and an exciting ride back down the mountain, as the lift was experiencing some mechanical difficulties before we were able to take it back down.
The very best part of our special visitors time in Colorado was the fun that all the cousins had together. My grandchildren were already back to school, but we were all able to enjoy a visit to the Denver Zoo and White Fence Farm on the weekend, and a picnic and family barbecue. We were sad to see L and A go back home, but glad to have spent such a special time with them. There is nothing better than family!
I'm linking this post to the following blog events:
Seasons, Weekend Travel Inspiration, Amaze Me Monday, Blue Monday, Monday of Many Blessings, Through My Lens Monday, Mosaic Monday, Life Through the Lens Monday, Mellow Yellow Monday, Inspiration Monday, Good Random Fun, Nature Notes, Grand Social, Our World Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday, You're Gonna Love It Tuesday,Wanderful Wednesday,Wordless Wednesday, Oh My Heartsie Girl's Wonderful Wednesday, Outdoor Wednesday, Share Your Cup Thursday,Little Things Thursday, Thoughts of Home on Thursday, Travel Photo Thursday, Friday Photo Journal, Skywatch Friday, Sweet Inspiration, Friday Features, Share It One More Time, Pink Saturday
Thank you to all the blog hosts!

Pat, looks like you showed your visitors a good time. I love visiting CO. Our family vacationed in CO every summer when I was a child, and my husband and I used to as well. I think a return trip is in order.
Stunning scenery, family and friends getting together to enjoy the view sounds & looks like a wonderful time was had by all!
MM is experiencing a few teething problems this week, possibly because I'm in a strange location (the UK Midlands)and the internet is slooow! So glad you were able to join in this week.
So beautiful photos and collages. Have a great week.
What a nice surprise for you to meet a blog friend! And visits from family are wonderful and a good reason to tour. Though you are good at that already.
Good morning Pat, You always have a great adventure to share with everyone. It is always fun to meet fellow bloggers.
Yes, we do love the Gator games and more than that we love visiting with our children and grands. We will be in FL for a week. There is another game next Sat. This way we don't have to travel for two weekends. It takes nine hours of driving to Jax and when we visit our other daughter in Kissimmee, it is 11 hours. A long trip to say the least.
I enjoyed your collage and enlarged the photos. We should visit Colorado in the summer. It is beautiful. Living there is as it should be...closer to your adorable grands and opportunities to visit so many wonderful parts of our country.
Happy week.
Hugs, Jeanne
It looks like a great time was had by all! How fun that you were able to meet a fellow blogger. I am off to check out her blog.
Looks like your visitors had a great time. ... especially after getting used to the altitude! Isn't Barb wonderful?! We've come close to meeting, but haven't pulled it off. Like you, one of my favorite bloggers. Happy Monday! Have a great week!
I always love it when I meet fellow Bloggers - have you ever been to a blogging conference? As I'm going to one this weekend and I am looking forward to the meet-ups! Your mosaic photos are stunning. A day in the mountains looks packed with fun activities!
Have a great week.
Wren x
Pat, Family time is always special. It was good to meet a blog friend. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.
Such bright and clear photos, Pat. Have a great Labor Day!
You certainly did show them how wonderful your area of Colorado is. I know they must have had a great time. Our daughter, son in law, and grandchildren rented a home in Breckenridge with two other couples for a week last month and loved it.
Hi, Seeing family and friends is PERFECT. Life can't get anymore perfect than that, can it??????
I checked out Barb's blog... What a great lady she is.... She (and you) live in a beautiful area of the country for sure....
I published a new blog post today. Check it out when you have time.
Once I saw Breckenridge I knew it had to be Barb. Love meeting my blog buddies. So enjoyed your summer travels and grateful you've shared them. Hope you're having a great weekend.
How lovely for you to meet Barb!
Your high altitude adventures are beautiful, Pat. And how great to get together with cousins and family, and a blogging friend. Life is full and rich!
I always enjoy your posts! Either they feature a place I've been and am able revisit with you, or they introduce me to a place I'd love to see in the future. And always - GREAT photos! I wonder how you manage that. Mine are in shadow with various weirdos in the background! (And I'm sure others have caught me on their film and wondered who that wacky lady is?) LOL
Hi Pat, I sure enjoyed meeting you, Vinny, and your extended family. I thought I'd only barge in and surprise you for a few minutes, but you're so welcoming, I just stayed and chatted for quite a while. It was great meeting you all. You're a lady who is always on the go - each post of your blog shares new experiences with me.
What a fun time! Gorgeous views!
What gorgeous weather you had and fun with family! Love the photos of you and your blog friend, too. I'll go visit her too. I always enjoyed CO in the summer and Fall. I guess I almost said and in the Spring! hahaha! Hugs!
I'm always in awe of the places near to you to visit and hike so can imagine how much family must love actually being there.
So nice to meet another blogger, great picture of you both Pat.
So many great family times together. How fun that you met up with a bloggy friend, too. Lovely photos. I'm visiting from Mosaic Monday! Have a great week.
What a treat to meet up with an other blogger!and to see the cousins:) Can imagine it's a thrill for a child to be able to touch the clouds!
Your posts are always wonderful Pat, and many thanks for sharing this one with SEASONS!
Have a beautiful week:)
I'm sure you gave your guests some wonderful tourist activities (knowing how informed you are about the places to visit and the beautiful area you live in)! Your blogging friend was lucky, too, to get to meet you. Sounds like a perfect week!
Sounds like lots of fun.
Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/09/orchids-other-worldly.html
What a wonderful time it sounds like you had. How exciting to meet another blogger also. I have met several in person and it just feels like a friendship that was meant to be. I was in Denver visiting my son a few weeks ago, Co is so beautiful,
I'm so glad you met Barb! Her blog is one of my favorites. I always love it when bloggers meet. I've met four of my blogging buddies so far this year. :)
It looks like everybody had a good time. I really like meeting blog friends IRL.
Fun times and beautiful pics!
Pat, you are a great tour guide and I'm sure your family visitors enjoyed themselves. Your photos certainly show the majesty and beauty of your area. How nice to meet up with a fellow blogger. This medium is like having a pen pal and what joy it must have been for you to meet. ♥
Oh how nice, it is always lovely to see a blogger in person. I was able to meet 2 of my blogger friends here in the Philippines during their visit for scuba diving, 1 is living in Moldova now and the other from Japan. I also follow Barb's Live and Learn. It is always wonderful to see the wide expanse of unusual landscapes from big continents of temperate countries. I always enjoy your photos and posts.
Pat, your time away from the computer was very well spent. First of all, there is nothing more important than family. And secondly, you got to meet a blogging friend which is such a great treat. I dream of the day when I will be ale to meet my blogging buddies in real life. Fantastic photos of the mountains
Hello Pat, looks like you and your family had a great time sightseeing Colorado. It was great you were able to meet Barb, I follow her blog too. Great series of photos and beautiful scenery!
It's such fun to meet up with another blogger! I've done it in Mexico, Berlin, Tucson and here in Toronto.
That looks like fun - I always enjoy showing out-of-town visitors our wonderful mountains.
Awesome places, people and new connections ~ Exquisite photos!
Wishing you a smooth sailing week ~ ^_^
Wow! Look at those mountains! Such beautiful photos and memories with your guests! Also, I love that you were able to meet up with a fellow blogger! I have a few wonderful friends that I've met via blogging and would LOVE to someday get to meet them in real life!
Great outing with the family. Beautiful captures.
A lovely warm fuzzy post. Beautiful scenery combined with a beautiful family, can't get better than that. What fun to meet Barb. I follow her too but I doubt that I will ever get to Breckenridge.
What a fun time all around! You make the best tour guide...so I am sure your visitors had and amazing time! And how special to have a blogger friend surprise you at the fun park. Love the collage of all the cousins having fun too!
Hi,I am here because Barb mentioned your blog.I like what I'm seeing so I plan on being a regular visitor.I enjoy seeing what others are seeing and learning about the world through the thoughts of my blogging friends.
Just popping in to say hello Pat!!!
Barb sent me here from her blog post. It's awesome that you two met.
Such beautiful views. I'm sure everyone had a wonderful time. You mentioned letting them get used to the high altitude. My friend visited Colorado this past summer and had trouble with the breathing. Maybe she rushed into things and should have gradually gotten used to it.
I was only in Colorado once - to ski at Keystone in the winter. I would love to see it in the summer.
Thanks for sharing with SYC.
The landscape in your area is breathtaking. I’m sure your visitors had a great time with family in such beautiful mountains and with quite different views than they have in New York City. I also liked your collage of all the young people in your family – they look like a fun bunch.
What a stiunning area to explore. So many wonderful scenes. It would be like a grand adventure.
How much beauty and gladness there's in these shots and mosaics of yours, thank you for sharing this all with us, darling Pat !
May your week be filled with joy, sweetest one, sending my dearest love across the many miles
Xx Dany
Hello Pat - I've just come across from Barb's blog.
I love all your lovely photo's and your mosaics set them out really nice.
All the best Jan
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