"Live in each season as it passes.
Breathe the air
Drink the drink
Taste the fruit
And resign yourself to the influences of each."
~ Henry David Thoreau
I may be one of the few who enjoys winter. So often I hear people say that they are tired of the cold and snow and can't wait for spring and summer to arrive. Truth be told, summer is my least favorite season. I do appreciate summer's longer daylight hours, and flowers growing in my garden, but I really dislike hot weather, humidity, and here in the west the all too often days of drought and the danger of fires that summer brings.
Give me a cool, crisp day...a day to sit by the fire...a day to watch the snow softly falling...and a day to enjoy the special quiet beauty of winter, and I'll be content. There is a special coziness about winter that
"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand
and for a talk beside the fire; it is the time for home"
~ Edith Sitwell
The beginning of this winter was even more of a stay at home time of the year for me, as I had foot surgery. While I was healing, my husband took over most of the chores, but I did use my crockpot quite a bit to make cooking easier. I made chicken hatch pepper and bean chili, ham and split pea soup, and many quick skillet meals. One of my favorite vegetarian meals is to make is to saute chopped swiss chard with one chopped onion and two cloves of garlic in olive oil in a skillet, then add sliced boiled potatoes to the skillet and a package of Madras Lentils. Mix well and heat. I buy the packages of Tasty Bite Madras Lentils, 8 packages in a box, at Costco. They are already cooked, in a not too spicy tomato sauce. and really delicious alone or mixed with other vegetables.
One of my favorite banana breads is the King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Banana Bread. I doubled the recipe and made it in a bundt cake pan as I had quite a few ripe bananas in my freezer. It is really moist and delicious.
Two special events occurred in February, First, my son turned 40! I'm not sure how that happened, as I don't feel old enough to have a son who is that age. I feel like I was 40 just a short time ago myself. Second, my oldest granddaughter turned six and had a wonderful party her parents hosted at a local children's beauty salon. She and her little friends had their hair and nails done, made beaded bracelets, sang karaoke, ate pizza and cupcakes and had a very happy time!
Our neighborhood bobcat is still on the prowl. The photos above are ones a neighbor posted on our facebook community group. "Bob" makes himself right at home. Bobcats are smaller than mountain lions and mainly eat small animals like mice, birds, squirrels, and rabbits and he is obviously finding enough of them to stay around.
I'm sure you heard about the Colorado man who was attacked recently by a mountain lion while jogging in the foothills. You can hear an interview of how he was able to kill the mountain lion and escape with his life on this link. Living among wildlife requires us to be alert, but thankfully wildlife attacks are rare.
Beautiful roses from my husband for Valentine's Day! Roses are my favorite flower and my birth month flower. They are even more precious in winter!
I'm sure you heard about the Colorado man who was attacked recently by a mountain lion while jogging in the foothills. You can hear an interview of how he was able to kill the mountain lion and escape with his life on this link. Living among wildlife requires us to be alert, but thankfully wildlife attacks are rare.
Beautiful roses from my husband for Valentine's Day! Roses are my favorite flower and my birth month flower. They are even more precious in winter!
Last, the good news for me is that my foot is almost back to normal! No more need to wear the heavy supportive post-op boot! I am back to using a shoe and little by little I am regaining strength in my foot. I hope to be hiking again soon. Thanks for all your good wishes!
I'm linking this post to the following blog events:
Mosaic Monday, All Seasons, Blue Monday, Through My Lens Monday, You Are the Star Blog Hop, Good Random Fun, Grand Social,Our World Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday, Tuesdays With A Twist, Party in Your PJ's, Wordless Wednesday, Nanahood WW, Oh My Heartsie Girl's Wonderful Wednesday, Little Things Thursday,Thankful Thursday, Thursday Favorite Things, Friendship Fridays, Friday Photo Journal, Skywatch Friday, Pink Saturday, Saturday Critters, Over the Moon, Happiness Is Homemade

Bob is a handsome feline, although I would not want to meet him in the darkness. Your winter collage with the deer is beautiful - Wishing you a happy MM.
I love the deer and the bobcat, both are great sightings. You do have some beautiful scenery, it looks pretty with the snow. Happy birthday to your son!Cute photos of your granddaughter. The first sky photo and quote are lovely. Wishing you a happy day and new week ahead.
A wonderful post, Pat! That bobcat is quite handsome. And seems rather tame, though I don't think I'd be playing pet the kitty with him! And the deer -- I do love deer! Everything in this post says "love" to me. Love of wonderful, comforting food, nature, sweet little ones (and bigger sons!). But best of all, your foot is free at last! I'm so glad that part of the ordeal is over.
I do like cozy winter days, but I love being outside more. Our winters and mostly cold and rain, with a little snow once in a while. The cold gray rainy days are what I dislike about winter.
Very glad that you are almost all the way back from foot surgery. That’s very good news! What a splendid idea to have a party for little girls at the beauty parlor. Your little granddaughter is so cute. I can hardly believe that six years have gone by; I remember when she was brand new. You are the one and only person I “know” who truly enjoys winter. I am much more fussy. I require perfect high weather days with nearly no wind and temps no greater than 80° and low humidity. No wonder I am weather disgruntled most of the year. 😁
So glad to hear that your foot is almost back to normal.I do like winter,I like the slower pace and relaxed lifestyle, but I do get tired of the cold.
I love the bob cat pictures. My eldest son was 39 a couple of weeks ago and I wondered how that happened as well. I prefer the Spring to the winter and was pleased to see the first daffodil in our garden this morning.
I'm glad that your foot is healing well and hope you'll soon be out and about again. I enjoy winter for its coziness, but I think summer or autumn would be my top choice. Winter food is certainly comforting and banana bread is a favourite around here. Happy new week, Pat!
The bobcat looks healthy. I hope it's able to get to the wilds he wants. Glad to hear your foot is healing well. Your mosaics are very cool.
That six year old looks mighty happy. Sam is fond of telling me that he's now 6 1/2. I just made banana bread this afternoon with some frozen ripe bananas. The whole house smells good. I think that lentil skillet sounds yummy! I wonder if the grocery store has those precooked beans? We don't belong to Costco. So glad your foot is regaining strength. Enjoy winter - I sure am!
For me, there is nothing like the quiet comfort of winter. A time to slow down and enjoy quiet evenings at home.
Pat - as soon as I have typed this comment, I am off to raid the fridge … all that food has made me hungry! I am amazed "Bob" is that visible to your community - are there concerns about that? I had bobcats pegged as much more secretive animals. The party for your grand-daughter looks fabulous, just like her! I can smell the roses from here - how wonderful your husband is to treat you so. And congrats on getting out of the boot - you'll be hiking in no time! Thanks for joining Mosaic Monday, my friend!
Good post.
Gorgeous winter shots!
Amazing beautiful sky
Oh my. So much going on here. First of all, glad your foot is on the mend. I love all those winter pictures you posted (and the food too). I love summer, but I don’t mind winter. When I used to ski, it was a season I always looked forward to, but even now, I enjoy cozying up to the fire, making soups and cooking hearty winter meals. The bobcat is a beauty and so are those roses from Vinny. What a romantic! I’m staring at the red roses my husband gave me for Valentine’s Day too. Oh yes, ahow did our children get to be that old, while we are staying still, right? And Miss Julia - well, she’s a charmer, and you are so lucky to live near those adoring grandchildren, Pat.
Your photos are magical today! Thanks for joining the fun at Blue Monday!
Good news about your foot! I enjoyed the quotes you added to your post. The party looked like so much fun! Sweet. Happy Tuesday to you!
First of all, I'm so glad your foot is almost healed and you'll be able to get outdoors to hike and walk soon. Second of all, you accomplished more while you were healing than I do on a good day )). Third, I know exactly what you mean about being surprised that your children are suddenly now as old as you are! Your granddaughter's birthday party was amazing -- I've never heard of a children's beauty salon and it sounds absolutely wonderful. (My two grand-daughters are "almost" as old as I am now (!)) -- and the three great-grands are all boys -- but it sure would have been fun a generation ago!) So glad you are better and I enjoyed your ode to Winter (wonderful that bobcat!)
Your granddaughter is adorable
That sky shot is incredible!
I love the winter.
Congrats on post-boot status! My wife and brother-in-law both wore the boot post-op and they were glad to be done with it. Love the shots of Bob!
Glad you are healing. Be safe out there shooting. Always enjoy seeing what you post on your blog.
So glad your foot is on the mend ~ Happy Birthday belated to your son and granddaughter ~ Wonderful post and photos ~ Bobcat and deer photos are delightful!
Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Thanks for linking up today!
With so much going on in your life, I can see why you enjoy winter. Having to stay at home when you can't really move about is bearable when you know that it is really the snow that makes you housebound ;). What a wonderful February you seem to have had. HOpe March goes well now that you can walk again.
Great clouds.
I like the beautiful series of critters in your post! Especially the bobcat.
Hello Pat, I love your sweet deers and the Bobcat is awesome. I would love to see a Bobcat in the wild. So not up close. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day. Have a great weekend. PS, thanks so much for leaving me a comment.
I also love winter, whether it's getting out and skiing or staying home with some music and a book. Nice variety of shots.
I throughly enjoyed your post. People might not understand when I tell them I miss all four seasons now that we live in Florida. Winter was beautiful in New England although it perhaps lasted a little too long. You live in a wonderful place and I know you will be happy when you can go hiking again. I really need to have surgery on my foot as well but so many people said I shouldn't. Would you do it all over again?
What a lovely post, I enjoyed all of your photographs, especially the ones of your darling grand-daughter, so cute.
Happy Birthday Wishes to your son too.
Your Valentine Roses are gorgeous, beautiful colour.
Pleased that your foot is healing well.
All the best Jan
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