Monday, October 26, 2020

October Updates

"But I think I love fall most of all."  

Yes, I do!

Autumn has always been my favorite season. I've been blogging about scenic trips we took last year at this time of the year but I thought I'd update you about what we have been doing this unusual year...

These fall views were all taken in my community. I worried that the early September frost and snow we had, along with our prolonged summer drought, might change the appearance of autumn this year, but I think October brought us the brightest local colors I've seen since moving to Colorado almost eight years ago.

Even the ash tree in front of my home was never more beautiful! 
As you can see, my oldest granddaughter standing under it is getting tall!

The deer enjoyed the pleasant fall weather to forage and relax often in our backyard.
I always enjoy seeing them.

In October my husband and I were able to take some nature hikes in our neighborhood, delight in fresh figs from our fig tree, use our new backyard barbecue grill, eat lots of healthy salads, enjoy the last of the summer flowers, appreciate the bright fall colors outside our windows and most importantly we were able to vote!  

Colorado is a "vote by mail or ballot drop off " state each election.  We received our ballots and an information booklet with information about the proposals and state amendments on the ballot, which gave us the ability to do research before we filled it in and dropped it off in an official ballot collection box. We signed up to be notified by text mail of the progress of our ballot and three days later we received a message our ballot was received and recorded. It is a very easy voting procedure--we love it!

One of the other joys of this October was watching our grandsons play Little League baseball.  They had a wonderful time playing and we divided our time between both of their games on the weekends to cheer them on. The children all wore face masks when sitting on the bench, and they each had their own equipment, so there was minimal contact exposure.

Our youngest granddaughter, their sister, also enjoyed watching their baseball games.  The last game was played in chilly weather so she wore her new teddy bear hat and winter jacket. Even though we were outdoors we all wore masks as it was hard to social distance sitting on the bleachers.  Sadly, covid cases are going up in Colorado, as well as in almost all the midwest states, so we are all trying to be as careful as we can. We sadly know people who have gotten very ill from covid and some who have died from it, so we take it very seriously. 

Wildfire smoke in the atmosphere as seen from Golden, Colorado

Sadly, although we had a wonderful October at our home, the state of Colorado saw devastating wildfires grow. The Cameron Peak fire has burned 208,663 acres and is about 64% contained. The Cameron Peak fire is burning in the Roosevelt National Forest west of Fort Collins and is the largest recorded wildfire in state history.  More than 1,800 personnel are fighting the fire.
The East Troublesome fire, which is burning southwest of the Cameron Peak fire just north of Granby and into Rocky Mountain National Park, had burned 192,560 acres and was 10% contained Sunday.  High winds were fueling both fires and they were both growing fast. Grand County and the town of Estes Park were evacuated for safety. 
The Lefthand Canyon Fire has reached 100 percent containment, but the CalWood Fire was still burning on Friday at 10,073 acres and 55 percent containment. Nearly 500 personnel are helping to fight the CalWood Fire, which is burning north of Jamestown in Boulder County.

 I am heartbroken to think of the environmental damage being done, and the loss of life and property from the wildfires. We had snow this weekend but although the fire management crews are hopeful that the snowstorm will help them battle the wildfires, they aren't relying on the weather to end them.  We may need much more snow and or rain to put them out completely as they are burning extremely hot and deep into the ground in extremely mountainous regions.

If anyone is interested in helping the victims of the wildfires you can find resources on this website: Colorado Responds. Please keep all those affected and all the brave firefighters in your prayers.

I hope your October was a good one and that those who celebrate will have a very Happy Halloween! 

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eileeninmd said...

Hello Pat,

Your tree looks gorgeous. It is cool to see these deer in your yard, they look relaxed. Cute photos of your grandchildren. Your grilled foods and salads do look delicious. I hope the snow will help the fire fighters and put out these wildfires. Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy new week!

Rain said...

Oh your salads look so yummy! I haven't bbq'd in ages...there's nothing like that taste! I love all of the deer photos, how lucky you are to see them so close by! And the fall colours are beautiful!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Your October looks beautiful! I am so sad about the fires. Did the recent snow help?

Handmade in Israel said...

Goodness! I would be so excited to find deer in my back garden! They are such beautiful animals!

EricaSta said...

It was a interesting view into your daily life. The nature around is amazing - especially seeing the deers in your garden. The delicious meals, and some sport activities - I make my short walks...

And of course the election. We hope the best! It's a surprise, if I vote for Mr. Biden?

Stay healthy and well.
Happy MosaicMonday

Lydia C. Lee said...

That's very late for you for wildfires, isn't it? I guess this is what we have coming, extended seasons. Just awful. Lovely pic of your god daughter and I love the full antlers on the stag!! #NaturesNotes

stevebethere said...

Autumn is my favourite time of year too even the early dark nights heheh!

Nice post and photos especially the funny one haha!

Have a autumntastic safe week 😷😷😷

Ruth Hiebert said...

It sounds like despite the Covid situation, you were able to enjoy the scenery and your grandchildren.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I can relate to your wildfires. The august complex that has burned over 1 million acres. When you live near mountains and forests, it's just something you have to live with.

Vee said...

A friend's niece-in-law is helping to fight the fires in Colorado. Always scary. I hope that the snow and rain will help, The colors of your ash tree are spectacular. Goodness! Your granddaughter is really getting tall. The "you know" rules about sports are interesting. Sam was allowed to play baseball for a county team, but his school canceled baseball and basketball. He has one soccer game left, but there are no spectators allowed...not even parents. I will be glad for an end to this long nightmare or perhaps I should say the fear of this long nightmare.

Have a great week, Pat. Say "hey" to Vinny.

Tom said...

...beautiful ash like yours are dying here from the emerald ash borer, I hope that you don't have it in your area.

Lorrie said...

What a beautiful ash tree, Pat. The colour is stunning. We've had a warm and mostly sunny autumn, although it's unusually cold just now. Everything is so different these days with the pandemic. Teaching high school students is a challenge with all the disinfecting and masks and social distancing that is required. Still, life carries on and good things happen every day. Stay safe!

Angie said...

Pat - we have been on a road trip - Yellowstone, Tetons, Utah and Idaho. The color was patchy at best - so I was glad to see the bright yellows and oranges in your photos. Your "backyard" photos provide a great example to everyone about how to have fun despite the pandemic. I have been following the status of the Colorado fires - awful. Homes can be replaced, but it will take decades for the forest and other areas to recover. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

ellen b. said...

Glad to hear you got some snow and I'm hoping it helps to extinguish some of the fires!

Jackie McGuinness said...

It is certainly interesting times. Our cases are rising so we are being very careful but we can still find lots to entertain ourselves.
These fires are just horrendous.
Fingers crossed for the election from your Canadian nieghbours.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It has been a terrible year for wild fires and for storms. I think we are all ready for a new season...and a new month soon. Love the Ash tree and all the beauty in your part of the country. Enjoy your week!

Fun60 said...

Your ash tree is spectacular. We are losing ash trees here to a die back disease. The wildfires are devastating so much of your beautiful country. Let's hope the change in weather can cool the land quickly and put them out.

Dawn said...

I have friends in Colorado and last week they were kayaking and this week it's snow. Lovely ash tree, so vibrant.
Oh my! I thought the deer in my yard were fabulous but that buck! What a treat to be able to see them.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Barb said...

You've had a fantastic colorful fall, Pat! I can't believe how Julia has grown (her hair, too). Our Sam is so much taller and looks much older than just a year ago. Glad your whole family is well. Has Vinny grown a beard? I wouldn't recognize him! Stay healthy.

Ciao Chow Linda said...

Beautiful fall colors, both on your tree and the others you photographed. But I am coveting those figs! Hopefully, next year, we'll have better luck. (It seems I say that every year). So sad about the fires. Let's hope they don't spread any further.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful fall colours. The deer look quite at home.

Pauline said...

The colours in your trees are beautiful. Aren't you blessed to see those deer in your yard? I would be in heaven.

NCSue said...

Like you, fall is my favorite season - and your photos are a testimony to its beauty.
Thank you for sharing at

Jeanie said...

I've been very concerned about your fires. My friend who lives in Louisville also has a place in Dillon and they worry all the time. I hope all will stay safe and that the snow gets things under control.

Colorado has the voting thing down well. And those colors -- it's like I'm getting another hit of a color tour through your blog!

XmasDolly said...

I totally agree with you. Fall is the best time of year because it is so beautiful for sure!

Yvonne said...

Autumn colors are so beautiful there. Sad what is happening to ash trees, but yours is so beautiful this fall. Mine is more like yellow leaves here and there before falling to the ground. Glad you have enjoyed your back yard this year. Makes time pass by more relaxing when being outdoors.

Traveler In Me said...

The ash tree is gorgeous. The colors of the fall is simply enchanting. Fresh produce is delicious and healthy. Good to see you indulging in it...... not to forget the deer relaxing in your backyard. 🧡💜

The Colorado fire is indeed a sad affair. Hope mother nature heals and keeps her children safe too.

Have a beautiful week ahead Pat!

Amy Johnson said...

Oh my goodness, I have heard about the fires but I didn't know they were going into the Rocky Mountain National Park and they had to evacuate Estes Park. We stayed there on vacation one year and I have so many fond memories.

diane b said...

Glad you had a relatively good month considering the pandemic and fires are very worrisome for you. Your Ash tree is just breathtaking beautiful. The deer are lovely too. Stay safe and I hope your vote counts. We have our state elections on the 30th of Oct. We voted by mail.

Joanne said...

I was surprised at how vibrant our fall was too since we had a hot, dry summer and early fall. So sorry to hear about all the wildfires.

Tamar SB said...

2020 gave us a pretty fall at least!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I love the photo of your granddaughter under the ash tree. Beautiful!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

What popped in my head on reading your post was "A life well lived." You have so much going on and are really fortunate that you live so close to your grandkids so you can see participate in their lives.

My father fought forest fires and sometimes we never saw him for months as he would be in California, Montana, Colorado, Utah, Nevada and then just show up sick, blackened, and exhausted one day (remember the days before cell phones when you didn't know where anybody was?) I've only seen a couple big fires and they really make you pucker up.

Joyful said...

You have a lot of fantastic shots of your life and surrounding nature. I love fall and you've captured it so nicely.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

But I think I love Fall most of all, too! Happy Halloween and have a wonderful Mile High weekend!

Astrid said...

The deer in your back garden seem so relaxed and relaxing. I'm glad you were able to enjoy some of the scenery. That being said, the wildfires sound so scary. I really hope they'll be contained soon.

betty-NZ said...

Your colors are just stunning to see! And, deer in your yard, wow!!
I didn't know about the fires. Prayers to all who are involved.

It's great to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week !!

Lowcarb team member said...

A wonderful collection of photographs here.
Autumn is one of my favourite seasons.

Sorry to read about the wildfires, I do so hope the snow will help the fire fighters and put them out.

My good wishes.

All the best Jan

April J Harris said...

What lovely photos, Pat! It's so nice to have a little glimpse into your life. It sounds like you have had some nice things happen this month. I'm sorry about the wildfires and the Covid cases. Our Covid cases have gone up as well. Take care, stay well, and thank you for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Community.

Rambling Woods said...

I miss my grandchildren......The fires.... 2020 has been a devastating year on so many levels..stay safe

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Love this selection of autumn photos--every color under the sun!

Jenna H. said...

Looks like you had a great October - love all of the festive fall photos! :)
Jenna ♥
Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

Michelle said...

Your photos are beautiful and your neighborhood is very photogenic. I always enjoy seeing your wildlife shots from your backyard. Glad to hear you are well and stay safe. Thanks for linking up.

Naomi (Angel Numbers) said...

The ash tree looks so gorgeous. The Fall makes things so pretty! Regards Naomi Dreams