Sunday, July 28, 2024

Peach Custard Tart, Smokey Skies and a Moose on the Loose!

Peach and Cream Tart

 It's fresh peach season!  I never miss the opportunity to buy fresh peaches this time of year as they are among my favorite fruits. 

If you've followed my blog over the years you might remember that I've shared many peach recipes, which you can scroll through on this Peach tab on my blog.

I also have a Pinterest Peach Board devoted to both sweet and savory peach recipes--right now there are 621 pins of peach recipes on that board and I'm sure I'll be adding more as I come across them

Special friends will visit us this week and I wanted to make a dessert they would enjoy. A Land of Lakes recipe for a Peach Custard Tart caught my eye while browsing Facebook this morning. You can read their recipe at the link above, but I made a few modifications which I'll share here.  

I hope you will try either recipe during sweet peach season!

Peach Custard Tart

Tart Crust:

2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour

2/3 cup confectioners’ sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon fine salt

Grated zest of 1 lemon or 1 small orange—or a little of both (about 1 tablespoon)

1 stick plus 3 tablespoons (11 tablespoons total) cold unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch cubes

1 large egg

1 large egg yolk

Put the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and zest in the work bowl of a food processor fitted with a metal blade. Pulse briefly to combine. Distribute the butter around the bowl and pulse until the mixture is crumbly. Add the egg and egg yolk and process until the dough begins to clump together.
Turn the dough out onto a clean work surface and gather it together into a ball. Form the dough into two disks, one slightly larger than the other--the smaller dough will be for the top of the tart. Wrap each disk tightly in reusable or plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or until well chilled (overnight is fine). Remove the dough from the refrigerator for about 30 minutes before rolling it out.

The Filling:

6 large peaches, peeled, sliced

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup heavy whipping cream

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

2 large eggs

2 teaspoons of Fiori di Sicilia flavoring (or 2 teaspoons of vanilla flavoring)

*You can substitute frozen sliced peaches, thawed, well-drained. Pat frozen peach slices dry with paper towels thoroughly before placing them in your tart.

Make and assemble the tart crust: Position a rack in the lower third of the oven and heat the oven to 350°F. Have ready a 9-inch fluted tart pan with a removable bottom.

1. Lightly dust a work surface and rolling-pin with flour. Roll the larger disk of tart dough into an 11-inch circle, lifting and turning the dough as you roll to prevent sticking and create an even round. Gently wrap the dough around the rolling pin and unroll it over the tart pan. Gently press the dough into the pan without stretching it. Use the palm of your hand or the rolling pin to trim off the excess. Refrigerate while you roll out the second piece of dough.

2. Roll the smaller piece into a 10-inch circle and use a fluted or smooth pastry wheel or a knife to cut it into strips from 1/2 inch to 1 inch wide and reserve for the top.

3. Add the sliced peaches to the tart crust and spread them as evenly as possible.

4. Make the Custard Combine all remaining filling ingredients in a bowl and mix well with a whisk. Pour the filling mixture over the peach slices and criss cross the top with the reserved pastry strips.

Bake 32-40 minutes or until the crust is golden brown and the filling is set. Cool completely. Store refrigerated. Enjoy!

I dusted the tart with some powdered sugar and I'm sure it would be extra nice served with a scoop of ice cream!

Sadly, the wildfires in California, Oregon, and Western Canada have sent much smoke to our skies along the Front Range of Colorado! We had many days of hazardous air quality alerts.  We had some improvement this weekend, but the local news told us a return of hotter weather this week will trap the smoke again in our skies.

 I have kept my windows closed, and my air conditioner on, and we used our two HEPA-filtered air cleaning machines non-stop, all of which have helped when the air quality was bad.

If you are in the US and would like to check your air quality go to and enter your zip code.

A surprise in our neighborhood last week was the appearance of a young moose!  Our area is not their natural habitat and this one was obviously lost. Residents were excited to see him but were also worried, as an angry or scared moose could be dangerous.  He wandered out of our neighborhood by that evening, but I read a few days later that he moved into an even more populated area so Colorado Parks and Wildlife had to sedate him and transport him back to the wilderness in a higher elevation. I'm glad he is safe. and that so are we!

Enjoy the end of July--on to August!


ellen b. said...

That Peach Custard Tart sounds and looks so good, Pat. I'm always amazed at the size of a moose!! Hope the end of July is a good one for you!

Debra | Gma’sPhoto said...

Hi, Pat. A moose?! We have deer, turkeys, and rabbits. To see a moose would be awesome!
Thank you for sharing.
Take care and best wishes.

Life Images by Jill, West Australia said...

I love peaches and apricots season and this peach pie looks so delicious. I will need to save the recipe for next summer. The fires across North America are catastrophic. So terrible. I think I would be scared to see a moose in my street - definitely staying indoors! Enjoy your week! I am joining you at Mosaic Monday.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Pat,
The peach tart looks delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
I am glad the moose was moved to a safer place. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

NCSue said...

Oh this looks luscious! Thanks for sharing the recipe with us at

Slabs said...

What an awesome looking tart, lovely and delicious. Glad the moose is safe as well as you.
Found your post on My Random Musings: Anything Goes. My entries this week are numbered #46+47
Hope you will join/share M-Sat at

Rambling Woods said...

I am glad the moose was safely relocated..Michelle

stevebethere said...

Nice photos and the peach tart LQQKS delicious I do hope you saved me a slice heheh! :-)

Have a tarttastic week 👍

Joanne said...

That looks delicious! We have another week or two before it's peach picking season here.

Cloudia said...

That tart looks delightful! This is a nice post with a lot to be interested in. Enjoyed seeing the moose as well. Aloha!

magiceye said...

Beautiful photos of the peaches and the tart!

Jeanne said...

I wish I could get just picked fresh peaches here! You've made me hungry.

Calendula said...

The tart looks so delicious! Worth to try!

Jeanie said...

Oh my! Wish I'd seen this when I still had peaches! That young moose certainly got off the path. I hope he finds his way back. Or rather, after he was taken back, he's staying put!

EricaSta said...

The Tarte looks very delicious, thank you for the recipe... I must try!

Thank you too for the kind words in the comment.

I'm a little short of energy at the moment, I admit openly. We're just getting from one day to the next... Comforting words definitely help.
I am very happy about the contribution to MosaicMonday again.
Kind regards from Heidrun

Spare Parts and Pics said...

How strange to hear about the moose. Sounds like something that might happen more commonly in Canada or Alaska. Glad they were able to relocate him!

Jim said...


Photo Cache said...

Not a baker but I love tarts and fruit pies.

Worth a Thousand Words

Babajeza said...

The peach pie looks heavenly. I feel for the moose lost in populated areas. So glad to hear that all is good tor the animal.

Enjoy the weekend!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That young moose is something to see! You wouldn't have seen that in NY! lol I'm so glad you got a photo. I had french toast for breakfast and put peach slices on top. I love peaches!

PaulaShort said...

Pat, your pie sounds fantastic! I can virtually taste it. Lol. I'm so happy to hear the moose was relocated back into the safety of his natural environment.
Visiting today from ge.ner.ic link-up 42 # 8&9.

Anu said...

Good that the moose was transported back to the forest.

GreenComotion said...

Too late in the evening for me to be dreaming of the pie :):)
The Moose looks lovely.

Karen (Back Road Journal) said...

I'm with you when it comes to fresh peaches. I've had a lot of peach pies but I've never had a peach custard one and you tart sounds great!

Michelle said...

We just bought peaches at the farmer's market this weekend. I might have to make this! It looks so good! Thank you for linking up.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Pat,
The peaches and the pie look delicious. Love the moose too, great photos. Sorry I am late visiting and commenting. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love all things peaches!!
I am glad that young moose was captured and released into a better area for him.