Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Perfect Landing


Mt Blue Sky

This month, my husband has been going for Cardiac Exercise Rehabilitation in a cardiology center in our Colorado Front Range area a few times a week, following the coronary bypass surgery he had in January. He's been doing well and building up stamina and strength as he continues to heal. I often accompany him, and sit in the center's lounge and read a book. 

One day last week, after his exercise session, we decided to go to a restaurant at the nearby Centennial Airport for lunch, called The Perfect Landing. We heard they had a delicious menu and a nice view of some of the takeoffs and landings of the local air traffic.

We weren't disappointed! It was exciting to watch the jets and smaller planes take off or land while we dined.

My husband had the Corn Flake Crusted Crispy Walleye Fish on a Baugette (top photo in the collage), and I had the Maine Lobster Roll on a Portuguese Split Bun (bottom in the collage above)  Both were 
My husband has been advised to eat a Mediterranean Diet post-op. and we have been eating that way very vigilantly, so this was a rare treat and the first time we dined out since his surgery.

Another treat was seeing the magnificent snow-capped Rocky Mountains in the distance from the restaurant windows!  March is usually Colorado's snowiest month and happily, the mountains have been getting large snowfalls while our front range area has not seen excessive snow.

A view of the distant Rocky Mountains from Denver International Airport, east on the Colorado plains. Quite a different view!

The local deer have been enjoying the warmer days that we've had lately.

Relaxing in the sun and dreaming of Spring!

PS: Thank you to all who commented on last week's post about my attending the PBS Antique Roadshow last May! See that post on this link. I received the following information follow-up this week about the three episodes that will be shown soon and the special antiques that the appraisers discovered:


eileeninmd said...

Hello Pat,
Your food looks delicious! I love the views from the restaurant.
Looks like a beautiful day, with pretty skies.
The deer are so cute, I always love to see the deer.
Happy St. Patrick's Day, have a magical day!

Holly said...

Oh you are making me hungry- the food looks wonderful!

Jeanne said...

I would love that restaurant - I like watching the planes land and take off - we used to take our children to a park near our airport for that...

EricaSta said...

A perfect place for the recovery. My very best wishes for you and especially for your husband. I know about... I had a friend, who had a heart attack and was in the same situation.

Thank you for sharing and being part at MM.
Hugs by Heidrun

Hena Tayeb said...

The food looks great.. a treat now and then can't hurt. Good to hear his recovery is going well. What a beautiful view!

magiceye said...

Beautiful photos of the food, mountains and deer!

ellen b. said...

What a great way to make the most of your rehab trip! Glad the food was a hit!

Jeanie said...

I love that you turn your rehab times into fun ones. And doesn't food you've sort of deprived yourself of for a bit taste extra wonderful when you finally have it? I'm glad he is doing well and solidly on the mend! The views are wonderful.

NCSue said...

I've only had walleye once - they aren't found here - but it was a wonderful treat. I'd love to have the opportunity again!
Thanks for sharing at

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for stopping by!! Glad to hear your husband is doing well after his surgery....It is important for both spouses to know what their finances are and where everything is and how everything is paid...Glad that you and your husband are doing it together...
Debbie-Dabble Blog

rupam sarma said...

Amazing series of photos, Food looks great. Greetings.

Joanne said...

Oh that sounds like such a wonderful restaurant. I love the views! Your dinners look like a real treat too. Hey, you can't eat 100% healthy ALL the time, right?!

Lydia C. Lee said...

Beautiful scenery but I am a sucker for a good lobster roll. Not meant to eat them but can not say no!