Gina lives in Tasmania, Australia, and is the married mum of 2 gorgeous girls. She lives in a little country house and enjoys cooking, gardening, crafting, traveling and beachcombing -- plus she takes the most fantastic photographs! Please visit her blog and say hello!
OK, here goes:
1) I can't type! I'm one of those who squints at the computer and does the two finger "hunt and peck" clicky typing thing, all the while misspelling everything. That is why it takes me so long to reply to your comments.
2) I've been to many of this guy's concerts since he appeared on season 4 American Idol! Can you guess who he is? I think the hair might give it away.

3) I love lighthouses, and I have to take photos of them where ever I go! Seeing Maine's Portland Head Lighthouse once, in person, was a thrill beyond words for me!

4) I love love love sushi! Wasabi, soy sauce, ginger .....YUM!

Thanks, Gina! This was fun!
Pat, I am a terrible typer too..and I misspell everything! Of course I recognize the singer! That lighthouse is gorgeous! Amazing that you have always lived on the same block! You can keep the sushi...hehe!
Thanks Pat! This sounds like an easy one except for the tagging 6 more people...I always have trouble with that part. I love light houses know Michigan has the most lighthouses of any state...that's another reason to come to our great state for a visit!
Always fun to get to know you a little better, Pat! I am a pretty good typer, but terrible speller. And I absolutely love sushi, too. :)
Hi Pat,
Thanks for tagging me! I'd like to participate but I don't know if I have six people to tag. Is that breaking the rules?
I'm nursing a migraine right now so I'd like to post in the morning if that's alright with you.
Thanks again
:) Cori
Hi Pat!
Is it the guy from Helena Alabama? I can't think of his name. My nephew lives in Helena.
I can't believe you can't type! You do some in depth posts and it must take you so much time. You really need to get a typing book and teach yourself to type, that's what I did when I was young and I'm so glad I did!
I'll do my best on the tag! Thanks!
Hugs, Sherry
So, you are a Bo lover. He does know how to get you feeling his vibe.
I, too, am a lover of sushi. So good.
You sound like my husband when it comes to using the keyboard. At least you're getting it done.
We're known for our lighthouses down here.
Oh, and I adore Judy Collins. Love this song. I have it on a cd.
Thanks for the tag...I am a Bo lover, too! He is such a talent!
Can't do the sushi thing, I want to but somehow...
and lighthouses are amazing! Then again, so is Brooklyn!
Thanks so much for playing along Pat (and for the lovely link) I loved your answers!..but sorry I don't recognise the singer..I love sushi too but the fish must be cooked! LOL
Love the sign and your lighthouse shot is wonderful!! Have a great weekend.. keep away from the lightning!! Gxox
It was fun! Next time you're headed for the Portland Head Light, I want to know about it! ;>
Uninteresting things about you? Hardly! These are fun tidbits and your accompanying photos just enhance that. Thanks for tagging me. YOu know, the Italian town name is quite interesting...and the sushi, mouthwatering....
As for the typing,as my old typing teacher in high school used to say, practice, practice, practice...I think posting gives us all that!
By the way, my typing speed is 'lightning'...comes from years of doing this for a living....
You know, I've never had sushi!
Hi Pat :D
I wanted to laugh when I read about your typing now we really appreciate all your wonderful information, considered how its being typed!!
SUSHI!! Count me in anytime...minus the wasabi..still havent gotten used to it but my husband love it to the max!!
happy weekend my friend :D
I loved learning more about you. You do very well with the hunt and peck method.
I'm thinking Bo. Am I right?
One of my best friends grew up in Brooklyn. She is a New Yorker through and through-love her!
Have a blessed weekend.
This was a great tag. Enjoy getting to know you a little better. Have a great weekend.
Pat, I've got my list up! Thanks again...
Just to let everyone know ....yes, that is Bo Bice! ;-)
I know I should learn how to type ...I did try once but I lost patience.....maybe someday
Gina tagged me with this one as well Pat. I have thought about it but still have to blog it! I can't believe you can't type, you could have fooled me. I am a touch typist and by the way you write your blog I can't believe you're a hunt a peck typist! Not that it matters, as long as you get the words down! I love that Forget About It sign, I will keep saying it in my head now in my very poor Brooklyn accent! Great unimportant things Pat, look out for mine sometime soon? x
You know, I've decided that you and I have an awful lot in common. We both love rockers, sushi, Tasha Tudor, and lighthouses. And I want to go to all the great places you've visited!
Thanks for thinking of me for this tag. I'd love to play along. I still haven't done the last one though. I'm going to do that one in my post tonight. Have a great weekend!
Hi Pat, Nice to konw more about you! As for your typing I do the same. I have picked up some speed in the last couple of months though.ha ha You will too!
My table looks like yours with the lap top open, the cordless near by, a cup of coffee, and I have my cell phone near too.
I've always loved that song from Schindlers List and the movie, it makes me cry.
I LOVE sushi :)
I love the photos of Italy~ suprize suprize!
Oh~ and of course that is Bo Bice. He is our hometown boy.
Not many appreciate what a great voice he has.!
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