Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy Grandparents Day! Short Blog Break

To everyone who is a grandparent,

will be a grandparent,

hopes to be a grandparent

or acts as a substitute, volunteer or step grandparent to a child....


Here is a beautiful e-card from to enjoy, and you can read about how this special day for grandparents came about here.

I am looking forward to becoming a grandmother for the first time in early December. You've been looking at my future grandson's sonogram on my sidebar for awhile now, and I can't wait to replace it with a photo of the little darling when the happy day of his birth arrives!

My daughter-in-law and son are busy painting and decorating the baby's nursery in their home in Denver, CO, and I've been busy buying little outfits and children's books and other baby things I can't resist. It's so much fun!

A short blogging break...

All next week I will be away from my computer, visiting beautiful Southern California! It's our first visit to that area of California. My husband has to attend an industry convention, and we decided to go together and add on a few days to do some sight seeing.

I'm also very excited that I'll be meeting for the first time two fellow bloggers whose blogs I have enjoyed for a long time -- Cori of Gingerbread Crumbs & Company and Joanne of My Little Cottage In The Making!

We'll be meeting mid morning, lunch together, and do some window shopping. I'm sure we'll have a fabulous time! Blogging has introduced me to so many wonderful people from all over the world, and it's so nice to have so many new friends.

I'm scheduling a special post for Thursday, and as soon as I get back I'll be sure to visit your blogs, as I know I'll miss you all!

Autumn will soon be here -- my favorite season! There is so much to look forward to!

Have a wonderful Sunday and a wonderful week!


Rue said...

Good morning Pat :)

Happy Grandparent's Day!

I loved the last two posts you did and after trying to read them for the last couple days and getting interrupted, I finally did LOL I know what you mean about the beach. I prefer is almost empty and off season.

Have fun in my old stomping grounds of Southern California :)


Vee said...

Happy Grandparents' Day to you, too, Pat. My goodness, December is just around the corner!

Have great fun in California. I know that you'll enjoy meeting two fellow bloggers. I'm looking forward to the photos already.

Unknown said...

Hi Pat,
Happy grandparents day to you too! There's nothing like being a I'm sure you are about to find out!

Hope you have a wonderful time on your trip, I look forward to hearing all about it.

And enjoy your lunch. I can't wait to meet some blogging friends in real life!


Nihal said...

Howdy Pat,
*Happy Grandparent's Day to two special Grandparents*
So pretty, you're going to meet your blogging friends. I'll be looking forward to read your first impressions.
My wishes for a safe and pleasant vacationing down in Southern California. As long as there's plenty of sunshine, you'll have lots of fun, I bet.Think of me, Pat, think of me:)

Btw, I go to re-arrange the time of my giveaway because of your absence, to be planned a few days later from today:) So you can catch it.

Impatiently waiting for your S.Californyaan photos. Lots of Love&Hugs,


Barb said...

Hi Pat,

I'm catching up as you can see.
I know how excited you are to be a grandma. It is a gift from God!

Have fun on your trip. I can't wait to see your pictures when you return.


Anonymous said...

Happy Grandparents Day, Pat!

Enjoy your California trip! Will be waiting to hear about it, when you return.

Judy said...

Hi Pat. What a lovely time you are going to have. I'm envious. Happy pre-Grandparents to you too!! What a great post and I love your autumn picture.

Tara said...

Dear PAt

I wish you the most wonderful trip ever! Fill me in when you get back!

Left you an award on my blog as I so enjoy visiting here all the time!


steviewren said...

Happy Grandparents Day to you too! I know you can't wait to meet your little one.

I hope you have a great vacation in California. How I envy you getting to meet some of your blog friends. I'm sure you will have a good time chatting in person with one another.

See you soon!

Unknown said...

Hello Pat
Happy grandparent Day!!
So exciting! out of blog land and enjoy grandparenthood..we will miss you (sob/sob), but this is way too important :D much love and hugs!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi M. Kate!

I am not leaving my blog! I'm only taking a short break for a week!

PLEASE don't delete me from your blog list!

Thanks everyone for your comments!

I'll check in with you all in a week!


Proud Italian Cook said...

Soon I'll be saying that to you Pat! Hugs, and have lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

Happy Grandparents Day!

Have a safe and fun trip!

Big hug,

Camille said...

Wishing you safe travels and a fantastic time in Southern California!! I used to live there and miss it at times, but it is hard to enjoy the fall. I always missed the change of season. I also love the fall.

Kathy said...

Have a wonderful time Pat, hugs, Kathy

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a wonderful time Pat. It must be so exciting to meet fellow bloggers in the real world. :-)

Hey just think, this time next year you'll be receiving Happy Grandparents Day cards yourself. How exciting!

Junie Moon said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate Grandparents Day with the impending arrival of your very own grandbaby. This is most excellent!

Have a wonderful time in California; there's so much to do and I know you'll find wonders galore.

Anonymous said...

Happy Grandparent's Day to one of my favorite ladies. I can't wait until the day you are showing us pictures of you sweet baby boy.

Have a wonderful time in California. I'll miss you, and welcome you back with a smile.

Naz said...

Have a wonderful and a safe trip.


Mrs. B said...

Hi Pat! I hope you're having a wonderful time over here on this side of the country! I think you'll be in for some nice weather. I'm sure you'll have wonderful stories to share with us when you get back. Have fun, and we'll miss you!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you many happy hours with your new grandson ~ December will be here very soon.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I've just returned from a blogging break and I'm not certain whether I had a chance to return your visit before now.

I love the colours of autumn and have just returned from a vacation where there were already signs that the maples are changing and starting to wear those magnificent shades of red and orange.

Enjoy your blogging break.

Marie x

Donna said...

Hi Pat,
Have a wonderful time in California, and it's so nice you get to meet some fellow bloggers!

Come see me when you get back, I have an AWARD for you!


Lisa's RetroStyle said...

Happy Grandparents day! Hope you have a wonderful time in So Cal!! Can't wait to read all about it:D

Strider said...

I'm going to visit my grandson in S.C. next week. I haven't seen him since March! My son and his wife are expecting another son in October. I probably won't get to see him until they fly up to Washington. Have a great week.

by Danie said...

Happy soon-to-be grand mother day, we don't have that celebration over here, or maybe it is in March or something.
Enjoy yourself, happy visit to California, all the best for the blogging-girls meeting.
I have two grand sons in Malaysia, from my son, Julien and one to be born, like yours very soon, in January the first one to my daughter Hélène in London.
I like the baby's drawing, beautiful i took it in my image.

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat!

I have been so busy lately, my blog visits have been sparse! I see I have missed several of your recent posts! The trip to the minor league game and the beach--what wonderful photos and how much fun that looks! I remember how excited I was anticipating the birth of our g. girl 2 1/2 yrs ago. It is lifechanging! Have fun and CA and I look forward to "seeing" and reading about all of the fun you had! Dana

Nana Trish is Living the Dream said...

I am so happy to be a grandmother and I know you are going to love it so much. I have said so many times, "I never knew I could love anyone as much as my granddaughter!" She's my little sweetheart. I think that's great that you get to meet two blogging buddies. I hope you guys have so much fun, I know you will.

Susie Q said...

This IS an exciting time for you!

My brother and sis in law just returned from a week in LA and san Diego. They had such fun. We lived in San Diego for over a year and what a beautiful spot it is.
I know you will have a sweet time in Southern CA. I look forward to seeing your photos and hearing your stories! And you get to meet blog buddies too! An extra treat!


aliceinparis said...

Have a Happy Holiday!
Wishing you lots of sunshine.
Cheers, Shelagh

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your grandchild to be. Not much can be more exciting than that.

Have a wonderful trip with your dh.
