It has been a busy time since my husband and I arrived in Colorado nine days ago! The moving truck came, and all went well, with the exception of a few frantic moments where I thought my cat had run out of the house (he was hiding in a closet). Thankfully, everything arrived intact from its long journey from New York, and we have been busy unpacking, with many boxes still left to open and items to put away and organize. We have also been trying to buy necessities, fill our pantry, and decide on some new furniture pieces that we need. One of our first priorities was a new mattress set, as we did not move our old ones. After sleeping on an uncomfortable futon for a week, we were very excited to finally have a king size bed to rest on!
The very best event that happened this weekend was my daughter's baby shower! It was held at my son and daughter-in-law's home, and she, along with her Mother and sister, did a wonderful job decorating, planning the brunch menu and preparing the food. The cupcakes you see, in the top right of the photo collage above, were from Denver's gourmet shop called Happy Cakes Bakery. They were so delicious! I made the "diaper cake" as a centerpiece, using newborn and size one Pampers that are rolled up to form a two-tier "cake," which I then decorated with small baby items. I topped it with the cute stuffed monkey from the Babies R Us "CoCaLo" theme, which my daughter has chosen to decorate her baby's nursery.
Most of those that attended the shower were co-workers and local friends, while our New York, and other out of state family, had sent their gifts ahead of time. My daughter felt very loved, and received so many delightful gifts! My grandsons had fun helping her open some of them. A couple of the gifts made me smile, so I included them in the collage above. (Click on any photo to make it open on a new page and then click on it again to enlarge it. Use your browser's back arrow to return to this post) I especially laughed at the book a friend of mine sent called The Baby Book of the Boroughs," so that my granddaughter would learn the proper pronunciation of "noo-Yaww- uhk," (New York) and the word that always gives me away as a New Yorker-- "Kaw-fee" (Coffee)
One of the special things that were done at the baby shower was that everyone was asked to send or bring a special bead for a "Motherhood Blessings Bracelet," that my daughter-in-law strung together during the shower. Every person wrote on a card for my daughter to keep as to why they chose the bead(s) and what blessing it represented for my daughter and her expected baby girl. You can see the finished bracelets in the collage above. My daughter will wear the bracelets while she is in labor as a reminder of all these wonderful blessings and messages of support from those who love her.
One of my life's greatest blessings has been my children. To have a daughter, now expecting a daughter, is a circle of life that fills me with such joy! I am so happy to be living close to her now and to be able to enjoy all these special moments. Please keep her in your prayers as she awaits the birth of her baby girl in a few weeks. We can not wait to meet her!
Before I leave I have to show you who I saw when I looked out my kitchen window last week!
This beautiful young buck was passing through my backyard! I'm sure he wanted to sample some of the bushes that are growing there, but he was such an amazing sight I really didn't care. There is a lot of wildlife in my area, and it is nice to live in harmony with them, even if I now know I probably won't be able to plant tomatoes in my backyard like I did when I lived in Brooklyn, and have them survive. It will be a small sacrifice to see such wonderful examples of nature!
Later that evening, as dusk approached, I saw this gorgeous sunlit cloud hanging over my neighborhood. Colorado is so beautiful! I can't wait to show you more of it after I get settled. Please be patient with me as I try to catch up!

Oh Pat, how nice to see that you are settling in and enjoying your new home. Your daughter looks lovely. I hope these last few days go by quickly for her, and that your new granddaughter will be born without incident. That buck out your kitchen window was stunning! How lucky you are!!!
xo Kris
What a lovely post, Pat. I am so very happy for you, that you are close to your daughter at this wonderful time. Like you, I am looking forward to my daughter's baby - like last year, we are just a little behind you!
Awww Pat!! Your beautiful daughter is glowing beautifully!! Awwwww!
And the baby shower is amazing! Look at your cake!! My goodness! Now that's a cake and a half!!
I love the idea of the beads and the kind words they represent for your daughter! That's just lovely!
I wish your daughter well and keep everything crossed for the birth of your beautiful granddaughter!
Glad you are now all settled and Bo is out of the closet! LOL!
The buck is beautiful! Isn't he just a handsome fella? Hope he visits often! Wonderful! Take care
Good Morning Pat, It is so lovely to hear from you and to know you are settling into your new home.
What an amazing sight, to look out of your window and see a young buck in your garden.
You all looked like you were having fun at your daughter's baby shower and the beads were a lovely idea. It will be a bracelet full of lovely memories.
Have a wonderful time exploring your new home.
With warmest wishes,
Pat, what a wonderful baby shower. Your daughter looks very happy! The beads bracelet is a cool idea and a lovely gift. Cool seeing the deer looking in your window, a peeping deer. And your sky shot is beautiful. All lovely scenes, thanks for sharing. Hope you have a happy week ahead.
The shower looks like fun Pat, love the bracelet idea! That first pic of the deer is too funny, just stopping by to welcome you to the neighborhood:@)
So glad all goes so well there days post-move, Pat! It was sooo much fun to see behind the scene from the baby shower! All the best as you all wait on a new baby girl... A girl, so wonderful! LOVE seeing the deer too--what a wonder! Happy Days ((HUGS))
Sounds wonderful! I sometimes wish we had stayed in Denver.
So glad that things are falling into place for you. What a fun looking shower! I look forward to seeing photos of the baby girl soon.
You wee so quick to be back on line from your new home. Well done. It must be exciting to be close to your children again. It will be lovely for you to be there when the new baby arrives. I wish her luck with the delivery and I am looking forward to seeing the baby girl. The deer is so cute and the sky dramatic. Looking forward to discovering Colorado with you.
Pat, how wonderful! So happy to *see* you, moved and happy. What fun your daughter's baby shower must have been and the idea of the bracelets -- perfect! Looking forward to more from Colorado -- including wildlife!
LOVE the bead bracelet idea!! I am so happy for you, Pat. Getting to be close to your family is such a wonderful blessing. I look forward to hearing more about Colorado! blessings ~ tanna
Hi Pat. What a lovely baby shower for your dear daughter! I love the bracelet idea! May she have a good labour and delivery. That is a beautiful buck in your backyard and that golden cloud is amazing. Enjoy getting settled into your new home and surroundings. Blessings as you await the arrival of your granddaughter. Pamela
So glad to hear you made it to your new home safe and sound. The shower sounds like it was wonderful!
You are so right about not being able to plant anything in your yard (without a 6 ft fence around it)! I looked at your photos all last summer of that beautiful hydrangea in front of your house, and I wanted to cry. Living in Hunterdon Cty, NJ, the deer ate the whole front off my hydrangea....ripping off the flowers and discarding the on to the ground. But I will concede that they are nice to look at, and they were here before me! ;)
I love the blessing bracelet. It's like a happily-ever after for the Mom and child (and Dad!). I love how excited you are to beginning a new and glorious chapter.
Sweet times! A daughter of a daughter...I envy you that. Maybe someday....
We had deer (seven!) on our front lawn and peering in our living room window. The deer are getting so bold these days. Our neighbor created a walk in cage for his vegetable garden since deer bed down nearby. Can be done!
So glad to hear that you are settling in well, Pat. The shower looks lovely - and how happy for you to be there when your granddaughter is born, and to be able to watch her grow up.
You have been busy, Pat! But what delightful times you are having. The shower looked lovely and I like the centerpiece you made with all its trimmings. The bracelet is such a nice idea. I'm glad you are getting settled and enjoying some spectacular sunsets already!
Striking differences between New York and Colorado! Wonderful differences.
Your daughter looks so beautiful...glowing...I'm sure that she hears that often.
Exciting times for you all and yes, I'll be in prayer as you folks come to mind. Praying for a happy, healthy baby girl right on schedule and a happy, healthy mom.
Oh how wonderful to have a new bed! Bet you're enjoying it very much.
Oh Pat, what a gorgeous part of the country you are living in. So very different from here. I can't believe that deer posed and looked directly at the camera! Wishing you and your family all the best as you wait for your new granddaughter to arrive. xo
So glad you have finally arrived...and everything is falling into place...just right! How special to be there for your daughter...for the shower...for the birth...and for all to follow. Best wishes to you all!
I love the bracelet idea (must bookmark that one!).
So fun to read...the shower looks lovely! New mama has that 'glow' about her!
I'm sure that new mattress feels like heaven, too! ha.
You could use netting over the tomato cages to keep out the deer :)
It's obvious you are already loving living near your children. That was a beautiful baby shower!
What a fun shower. I will have to tell my daughter about the cupcake place. You are such an explorer who shares your surroundings so well, wherever you go, that I know I will learn much about Colorado.
I love the bead bracelet idea. The cupcake shirt is my favorite. So wonderful that you can be close to your family.
And YEA for all your wildlife sightings. You will figure out how to garden. It can happen. My brother has a garden. He just has to protect it with large wire cages or netting.
You are going to have SO MUCH FUN learning a new way of living. Going from Brooklyn to Colorado in the hills is so very different. How amazing though to get to see wildlife. I LOVE that. My favorite at our old house were the red beautiful. Glad you're settling in. Have fun!
What fun baby shower ideas! I'm so happy that you can now be a part of all the grand child fun. I hope you are enjoyhing your new home.
This looks like a fun shower! Your daughter is so beautiful and looks so happy. I know she'll be even happier when she gets to hold her new daughter in her arms.
Enjoy getting settled in your new home and have a great week!
It looks like you and your honey are nesting in quite nicely in Colorado. I always enjoy a move to a new place, it's truly an adventure. I enjoyed the photo of the deer looking into your kitchen window. Reminds me of when I saw an elk eating the pentunias on my front porch when I lived in Flagstaff. That elk was HUGE! Never saw a deer type creature that big. LOL The rack on it's head was over 5 feet in height. I let him eat the petunias.
So glad that king sized mattress arrived and you can sleep comfortably now. What a fun shower with lots of good looking food and great gifts! Enjoy nature outside your window!!
I can't help but say again how happy I am for you, it is such a blessing to live near ones children. You might have missed out on that delightful baby shower had you not moved when you did and now the anticipation of your baby grand-daughter soon to be born! Such fun and loving moments you have before you!
Hugs, Cindy
Pat, So happy you got to Colorado safe and sound. Looks like you hit the ground running too. Already partying. LOL. Your daughter is very pretty. I wish all of you a wonderful loving life in your new home. xoxo,Susie
ps. please post an occational NYC photo.
What a pleasure it is to read your post, Pat! Moving requires much patience!:-) It sounds as though you are making good progress. The pleasure you will have being near your children makes it all worthwhile.
It's great to hear that you are settling in to your new home and sharing in your daughter's joy as she awaits her baby. I have never heard of the Blessing bracelets but they are such a fantastic idea. I hope that your new home will be filled with special family times and bring wonderful new experiences to you and your husband. Welcome home Pat!
Sounds like you all are getting settled... I'm so happy for you.
The shower must have been fabulous --and I love love love the diaper cake.
Welcome Home, Pat...
I thought I had commented on this post while I was in Italy, but it doesn't seem to have gone through. There is so much to love here, especially the relationship you describe with your daughter. I can only imagine the feelings you have as life comes full circle. Your happiness is so evident across the miles Pat, and I'm so happy for you and Vinny. You have settled in a beautiful place right near your children and the sting of leaving your beloved Brooklyn is tempered by the joy of being there with them. The wildlife in the backyard only adds to the magic. Much love to you all.
Pat, I am so happy for you and your family. I have so missed visiting you, but life has been crazy. I hope to be having more time.
God's blessings to you all.
First of all, let me welcome you to Colorado! You have really made a big move with lots of changes. I look forward to reading more about your transition.
We too have many deer in our area where we just moved. I still am amazed and surprised to see these creatures outside my window. Isn't it fun? are very lucky that your children decided to live in a normal place that their parents could join them and all live happily ever after and enjoy your grandchildren....something we planned on for years and years on doing until it came time and then I guess we let down our daughter by staying in Atlanta....she brought that up when we just saw her...But there was no way I would have moved to NY.....and she wouldn't live anywhere else....Enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!
Congratulations on your successful move.
Also, great baby shower. It looks like everybody had a great time.
and, what a thrill to see a buck like that in your backyard.
I know exactly what you mean when you wrote about the feelings connected with your daughter having a baby. I'm so happy for you that you are close by to enjoy every moment with family.
You are indeed blessed ~ lovely family shots and Happy Birthday to your daughter ~ Great gifts and the deer and the sun set ~ awesome photography ~treasures. Prayers and well wishes for your daughter and her coming birthing ~
(A Creative Harbor) ^_^
Good morning Pat, I saw your "Pat in Colorado" link and I wondered if it was you. Surprise! I am so pleased it was you.
Your daughter's baby shower is a wonderful share. The bracelets are an awesome addition to the fun event. It is always a beautiful thing to welcome a new baby with a shower. I wish her much happiness and an easy birth.
Love, Jeanne
Your daughter is beautiful, Pat! How exciting to be awaiting a granddaughter, too. I'm so glad to see that you have settled in and are enjoying your new home. Best of luck to you and the family! xoxo
I am so happy for you! A whole new adventure and for each of us as your blogging friends, I am sure we will now receive an education on Denver. That is great with me. I learned more about New York from you than I ever learned from my history teachers.
Your daughter's shower was so pretty! I liked the bead bracelet idea. I wish her the very best and I am so thankful that you will be there for her. Great pictures, as always.
I sent that deer from my yard to yours, lol. Wait till they start eating all your flowers, OY!
Wonderful shower, everyone looks so happy! God bless her and baby 2 be!
You just got out in time 9 degrees this morning, and 5 inches of snow, now ice!
Congratulations on your move and welcome to beautiful Colorado. And congratulations to your daughter!
Pat, I am so happy for you to be near your daughter when baby girl arrives. What a special blessing that shower was. It is such an exciting time in your life and I am so happy for you!
I'm so happy all is going well for you, Pat, and you are setting into your new life in Colorado. I'm looking forward to your posts about your new home. I love that beautiful photo of you and your daughter and got a chuckle out of seeing your morning visitor.
Hi Pat,
Looks like you have beautiful new horizons, backdrop and adventures that await you. Perhaps that is why you look so young. I see that little girl twinkle in your eyes.
Your daughter is beautiful, and how wonderful that you will be so close when the baby arrives. I know that I am so enjoying the babysitting and visits from my daughter and our new grandson.
Wishing you a day filled with beautiful skies. That one that you photographed is amazing.
It must feel great to be getting settled in your new home to await the birth of your granddaughter. I hope everything continues to go well for the whole family. Karen
Gosh, I feel like such a bad hostess! I've been so busy at work, my blog reading has suffered. Welcome to Colorado!!!! When things slow down for you, we'll have to go to lunch. Be careful with that kitty, along with serene visits from deer, we also have a healthy Coyote population. They've learned to hunt neighborhoods for pets.
I am so glad you are getting settled in and enjoying Colorado. We have the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets. The only wild life experience we've had is with raccoons, which I don't like since we have a dog. The buck was just beautiful!
Keep us posted on the baby countdown! Oh, and thank you for the heads up on the cupcake shop. Hubs and I are always looking for new places to try.
Dear Pat! I have had you on mind mind for such a long while! It has been so crazy here that I have not been visiting as much as I want to! It is good to know you are so close now. Congrats on your move! Being so blessed to be so close to the kids is a terrific feeling.
I willbe praying for your daughter and her husband and that precious little one! I wish her a safe and quick delivery and a beautiful healthy little one!
The shower was sweet! I really enjoyed reading all your thoughts today. God Bless you and keep in touch. Hugs Anne
Definitely think you've made the right move! What a wonderful way to start in Colorado, & with so much to look forward too.
Really love the idea of the bracelet. What a keepsake!
I would also welcome the wildlife.
I'm hosting a PINK THEMED giveaway, and I would love it if you stopped by and entered your comment for a chance to win some handmade items.
Hope to see you there!
Ciao bella.
Creative Carmelina
Beautiful bracelets.
Have a great weekend!
I'm so happy to see the Colorado deer and the sun play through your camera lens. They're two of my favorite subjects here in our beautiful state.
Lovely shower photos. You and your girl are a beautiful pair. Sweet. And I love that bead idea!
Your poor kitty. I can only imagine how frightening the move must have been for a cat, especially how LONG of a drive it was. When we last moved (and it was only mere miles), I thought my cats would never recover.
Welcome to Colorado!
What a busy, but wonderful time! I was just at a baby shower for a good friend's daughter yesterday myself :) Good luck on getting settled into your new home and to your daughter's upcoming baby!
Beautiful deer!
You have made a fast adjustment to your life, Pat. How wonderful that all is going smoothly and you'll be there for the new baby's arrival. Don't you just love living in the west? I do miss it.....
Pat, you need to grow your tomatoes in pots on the balcony. That way, the deer won't get them, and you can still enjoy some for you.
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