I hope everyone had a very Happy Easter! We had the most joyful day. Although I missed my extended family in New York, and the Easter vigil service at my church that I had attended since childhood, I was surrounded this holiday by my children and grandchildren, and all I could think was "It doesn't get any better than this!"
I managed to get a photo of our appetizers, but when dinner arrived I was so busy preparing everything that my camera stayed dormant. In between, we had an Easter egg hunt, a lego firetruck built by my oldest grandson, lots of chocolate eggs eaten by the littlest grandboy, sleeping and cooing by my baby granddaughter, and lots of love and laughter shared around our table by my family.
Last year was an unbelievable year of change ... a year of sad and happy events...of finding a new home in a few whirlwind days ... selling and packing up a house we lived in for 36 years in New York ... driving 1800 miles across the country ... settling into a new way of life in Colorado and welcoming a new grandbaby. As an Easter reflection, I realized this was truly a rebirth for my husband and myself, and I feel incredibly blessed that we were able to do all of this!
Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings you have bestowed upon us, and keep us in your graces. Amen

What a great collage...with photos of your precious grands! Love that pic of your smiling baby girl. It looks like a joyous Easter...for sure. I'm so happy for you...that you can be together with those nearest and dearest for all those special occasions now.
your happiness is spilling over Pat...you and your husband are truly blessed to be close to your family...grandkids are only young once...being close by to share in their lives is a WONDERFUL thing
Beautiful grandchildren, grand post....doing a happy dance for you both!
Aw, love the little bow tie! Looks like you had a great Easter Pat-enjoy:@)
You have a wonderful family to be proud of!
Beautiful post, Pat. Love seeing the pics of the littles. You just ooze joy!!! :D :D :D
The boys in their shirts and bow ties look so adorable and holding the little cousin! What a photo to cherish. I missed the news that the house sold so hearty congrats there! It is a good time for counting blessings.
Bow tie and tie...I need to pay attention!
I can tell you are totally loving Colorado life. With family around, what can you lose. Very nice post and wonderful Easter.
Amen to all of these wonderful beginnings....I am so happy for you. That photo of the two deer is awesome. Your appetizers look pretty awesome, too! xo
God is good. So glad you are embracing your changes! :)
Wonderful pictures of happy times. Your grace in accepting the changes is admirable.
What a lovely collage Pat and such beautiful grandchildren you have. The little babygirl is so adorable laughing and the boys I can see they love her. You had a wonderful Easter . I am so glad you did so well with the moving and life couldn't be better now that you are living soclose to your children.
Have a nice week.
What a wonderful Easter you shared with your family. Your happiness fairly vibrates off the page. Such darling little ones. Such joy. Thank you, Lord, indeed!
Looks like you had a fabulous Easter. How fun to have little ones around to see their excitement.
This is a beautiful post Pat. Change is good, especially when it results in being closer to family.
I love your perspective on your life changes. Being near family is truly the best!
Aw Pat, what a lovely heartfelt post. I'm so happy for you and your family to be near one another now. The picture of your 3 little grands is so sweet!
Hi There, I'm so glad that you like it there.. So many parents move to where their children and grandchildren are ---and then don't like it...You all are more adaptable than some --so that is good!!! BUT--I'm sure there are many things you miss about the New York area... I certainly would!!!!
Cute pictures. I love seeing the two little guys in their pink shirts and ties... So precious!
You are an amazing woman, Pat, You've done well with all this change. I know it was hard leaving your life in New York, after so many years but I'm sure being near your daughters and the little ones has made that change worth everything. Blessings to you every day of your life.
I read this and look at your photos and I hear how happy you are, you are blessed Pat, so happy for you! Change is good and what an adventure in a place as beautiful as Colorado. Being around your grandkids will keep you laughing and smiling all the time, they keep you young at heart always!
The little ones are just adorable! Love those sweet little smiles. How wonderful that you are close by now to watch these little ones growing up! Many blessings to you and yours.
Oh, those little grands are absolutely adorable in their Easter outfits. '-)
I love your story about moving from your home town and starting a new life closer to your grands... I love living close to my granddaughters. Thanks for sharing your beautiful day.
Betty @ My Cozy Corner
Awwwww!!! Happy happy Easter lovely Pat!!
Your grandkids are ADORABLE!! Look at them!! Gorgeous! I especially love the little one with cake all over his face! I don't blame him, I mean look at all those yummy treats! Yay!!
Glad you and hubby are happy in your new home! I think it's brilliant!
Oh those stags are lovely! Take care
Somehow I missed this post. Wonderful pictures showing a great time with your family. Thanks for sharing.
Fabulous collage Pat. You are indeed blessed and I'm so glad to know you had a lovely Easter.
Such a beautiful family Pat! You are truly blessed!
Hi Pat, You are blessed with a wonderful family! May you continue to have many happy family memories in your new home! Thank-you for sharing your wonderful Easter memories :) You have been amazing thru a year of unbelievable change!! Pat,you have such a positive caring attitude, there is nothing you can not accomplish! Margaret from B.C.
Sweet and poignant Pat. Change is hard. Change is beautiful.
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