I took a walk over to our community's equestrian center this weekend to say hello to the horses. As soon as they see someone come by the corral they trot over to the fence hoping you will have a carrot or other treat for them. The management asks that we not feed them, so I only give them a little pat on the head. Most of the horses are privately owned by neighborhood residents, but there are some that are available if one wants to take horseback riding lessons, and both English and Western style lessons are offered. I'm not planning on doing that but perhaps one day my granddaughter will?
Whenever I walk in my neighborhood in the late afternoon/early evening the fields are full of mule deer nibbling on the grass. I love taking photos of them. They are quite tame for wild deer and do not seem to care that cars and people pass by. The Rangers that are based in our community ask the residents not to feed the deer, as that causes them to rely upon humans, and it also introduces foods to their system that can cause more harm than good. I noticed the males have all shed their antlers and they were all also shedding their thick winter fur. I hope that means the nice weather will soon be here to stay!
I love that the trees along the trails are full of magpies ...
and that my backyard is full of wild bunnies...can you see all three?
I'm not sure how good they will be for my flowers, but how can I not love a face such as this? It's Walt Disney's Thumper in real life! I will always ♥ New York, but Colorado is now my "home sweet home," and I ♥ it here too! Yes, it is so different from New York City, but I love it all! I feel like I'm on a permanent vacation.
I will tell you what I miss the most about NYC in a future post. Can you guess? I'll also blog from time to time about in some places I visited in NYC before I moved, that I never had a chance to blog about. One future NYC tour will be a big surprise -- you won't believe that such a tour actually exists, but it was really quite interesting! I hope you won't miss that. Do you need a hint? One word: Alligators!
I will tell you what I miss the most about NYC in a future post. Can you guess? I'll also blog from time to time about in some places I visited in NYC before I moved, that I never had a chance to blog about. One future NYC tour will be a big surprise -- you won't believe that such a tour actually exists, but it was really quite interesting! I hope you won't miss that. Do you need a hint? One word: Alligators!

The wildlife in Colorado is a little different than in New York! LOL!!!
Beautiful photos, and the bunnies, amazing! Are they still endangered? Of course you'd never know from your photo, with Flopsy, Mopsy & Cotton Tail!
Good Afternoon Pat, What a different life experience you are having. So much open space, so much wild life to see.
I look forward to reading your posts because you live a life which is so very different to mine.
The bunnies are so cute. I think you might have to think of alternative ways of planting. Maybe plant hanging baskets full of flowers, so the bunnies can avoid temptation and you can enjoy some flowers.
Best Wishes
Pat, your house sounds like it is in a wonderful area. I would love to have all the wildlife around and to see the horses nearby. Love the cute bunnies and deer. Have a happy week!
Alligators in NYC!?!? Oh my stars! Thank goodness for these cute bunnies, horsies and lovely deer!! Yay!
Awww - I visit an equine rescue centre (I've "adopted" a donkey there) and just love being with these gorgeous animals! They sort of look at you and watch your every step with their gorgeous big eyes and lashes!
What do you miss about NYC?!? Ooooh!! Public transport!?!? LOL!!
Take care
Your neighborhood has lots of surprises and so much nature to see! Your little rabbits are adorable!
You may not be so happy to see Thumper and family eating all your plants but the ability to wander in the outdoors and talk to the horses is amazingly good. Valerie
Wow. I thought we had a lot of wildlife in the mountains. Your rabbits are adorable. I hope they don't have a big appetite :)
You are probably one of the few residents who is loving the bunnies. =D The snow is already melted, yes? Did you get as much as was predicted?
Different wildlife in Colorado! :D :D Loved seeing the neighborhood critters.
You live in Heaven!
It's as if you live in a wildlife preserve Pat. Over winter the bunnies eat my shrubs right back so some never get very tall.
Colorado looks so beautiful.....such a different landscape to us Easterners! What do you miss about NY the most? The FOOD.....everything from abundant Italian specialty stores to wonderful delicatessens to great bread. No where in the country has the variety that we have, nor do they have our vigor for it! We take it all for granted, but miss it when we travel. Let me know if I can send you anything???
Wow, that's a lot of mule deer. It looks like the back field behind our house with all the white tail deer! The bunnies are cute but I'm sure they will be a nuisance. The views there are so wonderful. I'm glad you are loving your new home and I'm looking forward to some posts from your old home in NYC too. Have a great week! Hugs, Pamela
Horses are such majestic animals. One of our daughters and her husband have five of their own!
Yes, Colorado definitely gives you different vistas from NYC. The night noises are different, too.
I agree with you. That bunny is adorable! The bunnies in our yard seem not to disturb our vegetable garden at all. Most unusual, I think.
Have a great Monday.
enjoyed your post Pat, love all the wildlife and your excellent photos...well you gotta miss NYC and Brooklyn...I only lived in Jersey for a few months but even I miss the excitement of NYC all these years later. now I miss Arizona too and I always miss Virginia but I've learned to love Florida too :D
Colorado is certainly different that NYC! It looks so beautiful where you now live.
Let me guess...you miss the food/restaurants?
Yeah ... Thumper will eat your flowers. So what? Plant tall ones. Love the wildlife - two turkeys graced our yard yesterday and the ducks have settled in the back (quacking about the snow). These are the sweetnesses. I hope CO finally settles down - because we're getting your weather - but colder!
Beautiful country living Pat! When we moved from the L.A. area to the Seattle area I really missed a good Jewish or Italian deli!!
New York offers so much of the big city life and the water and the bridges. After all the years you lived there you must have left some good friends behind...
Have a great week!
Horses are such beautiful animals. Wow, those rabbits are so darn cute!!! I wouldn't worry about even planting veggies. And the deer. As long as they don't run across the road when you're driving (which happened twice to friends in NJ and caused $$ damage!) I love how all this is part of your 'community'. No bocci court needed. lol xo
Hi Pat, I can't wait to hear more about your NYC tours.. I always loved that. BUT--I love Colorado also.
Love seeing the wildlife especially the Mule Deer. I saw my first Mule Deer ever when we went to Yellowstone last Sept.
Love it!!!!
xo Kris
The rabbits are always so cute...except when they are eating veggies in my garden! Ha!
Looking forward to hearing more about New York.
Have a lovely day!
Beautiful wildlife in your backyard - literally! I love the bunnies and hope they won't become pests in your garden.
Is there a particular food or restaurant that you miss from NYC? Besides family and friends, I missed certain food items when we lived overseas.
Alligators? Now I never think of them in conjunction with NY City.
A great post filled with amazing outdoor sights. Love seeing all the animals.
How great to feel like one is always on vacation! Hope that feeling lasts a very long time. We are enjoying your 'on location' blog posts!
Wow! Love all your fantastic wildlife photos ~ You must love it there ~ Favorite is the rabbit ~ So cute ! ^_^
It's fun reading about you having so much fun! Thanks for joining in to Blue Monday.
Happy Blue Monday, Pat.
Ohhh...look at your precious little Thumper! We have rabbits in our yard but not as many this Spring. Love seeing your wildlife photos! Enjoy your week my friend! Keep that camera handy!
How amazing to encounter all these animals. Love seeing your pretty images.
I do love all of your critters!! Delightful captures and post for the day! Thanks for sharing!!
What lovely shots of these adorable creatures.
Wild bunnies are so sweet looking. The three in your yard look exceptionally healthy and chubby.
Beautiful shots. The rabbits are so cute. I played too. Mine are here and here.
I love these posts on your new home, Pat. Your enthusiasm is catching. :)
Oh who could not love such a cute bunny face. He does look like Thumper. Maybe if you garden in raised beds?
You'll have a duel of wits on your hands this summer. Can't wait to see who wins.
Always lovely to visit you here! Your photos are so striking! Glad you are enjoying your new home.
Aww the bunnies are adorable!
When I think of how you've changed your life it makes me smile! What a difference from NYC!
You've got a lot of wonderful photos.
Hi Pat, Your new neighborhood is a gem. Amazing nature and wildlife. Wonderful animal photos, the last wild bunny is so cute. What future fun you are going to have taking your grandaughter to visit all the animals. :)Pat, I can't wait for your NYC posts,( ahh alligators! ) and more of your beautiful Colorado! Margaret from B.C.
No matter the havoc they cause I cannot help but love seeing bunnies and deer. What a beautiful place you live in now Pat!
Can't wait to find out what alligators have to do with NYC!
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