Spring storms bring very dramatic cloud formations to the area, and our open skies give us a big view of them.
All the moisture has been a Godsend to this section of Colorado, as it has reduced the fire risk from lightning strikes.
Of course, spring weather can also bring terrible tornadoes, and Colorado is not exempt from that danger. I hope to never experience a tornado, and my thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by the horrific, massive tornado that passed through Moore, Oklahoma. The devastation there is hard to fathom, and my heart breaks for those that lost loved ones.
BlogHer has a special page devoted to communications and news about the Oklahoma tornado, and different ways to donate money to help the victims on this link. One of the easiest ways to give is to donate $10.00 to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund by texting REDCROSS to 90999.
Meanwhile, spring also means the elk are beginning to wander back to our area...
...and so are the bears! I hope never to run into one of them!
Catching up........I have been fortunate to win two wonderful blog giveaways recently...
Teresa L. Perin of the blog "Edenhills," has written her first novel, "Consent," and I won an autographed copy! The blurb from the book's website says it all:
"In medieval England daughters meant dowries-land and money leaving the family. Richard is determined to have a male heir to keep the castle Havenhoerte in their family and forces his daughter, Emma, to marry at the age of consent, just twelve years old. This is the beginning of two families entanglement. Kidnappings, knights, battles, weddings, and witchcraft spanning three generations follow. Sometimes the most dangerous enemy comes from within your own family. Can love and chivalry overcome evil?"
Thank you, Teresa -- I was certainly spellbound as I read your novel, and I found the ending such a surprise! Please visit Teresa's blog where she writes about her fascinating life on a 75-acre farm in Iowa. Her animals, especially her goats, have such fun personalities!
I also won another wonderful give away by Riet of the blog Riet's Photoblog in honor of her new blog called "My Life, Quilting and Stitching Again." Riet lives in the Netherlands -- a country I've always dreamed about visiting, and she shares her beautiful photos and her very talented creations on her blogs.
Riet sent this very pretty French demitasse coffee set to me, along with two doilies, a heart ornament she made and the most remarkable handmade card!
The card design on the left is stitching, and the hand stamped windmill image is multi-layered to give it depth. Isn't it gorgeous? Thank you so much, Riet! I will think of you every time my husband and I drink our espresso from these pretty cups, and I will treasure your card!
It has been busy times here this week--my husband and I have been getting our lawn and garden in order and we celebrated the first wedding anniversary of our daughter and son-in-law! I made a chocolate heart shaped bundt cake for the two love birds, and my husband and I babysat so they could go out and celebrate.
Rocking my baby granddaughter to sleep.
I am now watching my granddaughter during the day, Monday through Friday, as my daughter returned to work two weeks ago. I am getting into tip-top shape as my granddaughter and I take a stroller walk around the neighborhood every afternoon. It's a busy time in my life again, and I'm loving every minute of it!
If I am tardy in visiting your blogs or responding to your comments, it is because my computer time is very limited right now, but as we settle into a routine I hope that improves. I hope that Spring has brought beautiful skies your way and that any dangerous weather will stay away!

Awwwww your granddaughter is totally adorable! What a little darling! Happy first anniversary to your daughter and son-in-law! What a year they've had!! And you too!!
Bears, elks, gorgeous pressies, oh my!!
But I do so hope you won't ever experience tornadoes - my goodness the news coming out of Oklahoma is just dreadful. My thoughts and prayers to all those affected. Take care
Good morning Pat. I am so glad you like what I sent you. The little doilies we do use as coasters, they are about the right size for that. Youe granddaughter is just gorgeous, what a pleasure to have her around on a daily bases. LOvely to have your family so near to you.
Have a nice week!
My Dad was in the US Forest Service while still working. He always refused to set the fire danger below "medium" just so people wouldn't think they could be careless.
Glad you enjoyed my novel. It certainly sounds like you are staying busy with the granddaughter! I'm sure your son and daughter-in-law appreciate having you around!
Sweet granddaughter, and your life has changed so much. What I love about Colorado are the huge skies and you captured a great rainbow! I too read Teresa's novel.
Oh lovely wins both. The novel sounds intriguing and Riet has sent you such lovely things...the card is gorgeous!
So, are you saying that we'll see you in about five years when the wee one goes to school? No, probably more like seven or eight when little sibling (surely there will be one) heads off to school. =D Sounds as if you are having the time of your life!
You certainly have a full life Pat, in a very different and wonderful way now that you're in Colorado. How great for everyone - from the little grandkids to the grandparents - that you made the move.
I LOVE the card that you got. What a talent that woman has!
Hi Pat. What stunning photos, as always!
Your baby girl is so pretty!! I admire you for taking care of her while your daughter works. I did it, and it was HARD!!! But so worthwhile!!
Hi Pat, Beautiful rainbow. Wow!!! This is vivid.
Glad you are finally having some spring. Elk and bears in your area???? Yipes... Be careful--especially of the bears. We have critters around here --but hopefully, no bears!
Congrats on the giveaways. And I love those photos of your kids and grandbaby..
The rainbow is splendid! I love seeing them.
Your grandbaby is so precious and pretty! I know you feel so blessed to be there to watch her growing up.
Congratulations on the wins! The gifts are so nice and that is just the most beautiful card!!
Pat: I'm so glad you "stopped by" because I lost some of the blogs that I follow. I have no idea how but I've slowly been adding them back--and just in time to see your beautiful granddaughter!!
Pat, having that special time with your granddaughter is going to be a wonderful experience. How fortunate for each of you that this is a possibility. Enjoy your spring in beautiful Colorado. ~ Sarah
Rainbows... Prizes... A regular gig with that precious granddaughter. Wow! You need to buy a lottery ticket because you are one lucky grandma!
Just liked your Facebook page — from my personal FB as well as my Grandma's Briefs FB. Wonderful to see your blog there!
Pat, You still take great photos !! I love the rainbow. Oh that sweet little baby.xoxo,Susie
Fantastic photo's Pat that rainbow is beautiful but not as beautiful as that precious baby Granddaughter. Enjoy your special time with her.
You certainly are living in the wilds Pat! It would be exciting to see elk or bear under the right (and safe) circumstances. Your granddaughter is bringing you much joy and I know you will have fun watching her grow under your care. Blessings, Pamela
Such a sweet granddaughter. You must treasure the days you spend with her. They will be busy days, too, as you find a new routine.
The skies in your photos are gorgeous, with or without the rainbow. I hope you have a wonderful summer in CO.
Wow...that rainbow was beautiful.
I'm sure you're having fun with your new granddaughter...she's a cutie!
I can relate. Real life sometimes gets in the way of blogging, but I think that's the way it's supposed to be.
I love seeing the big huge sky and the colours as well as watching the storm clouds gather and roll across the sky.
Your grandbaby is adorable and I'm so happy for you, that you can look after her while her mommy works. You are going to have an amazing connection with that little girl.
Hugs, cindy
That really is a vibrant rainbow! How wonderful that you are taking care of your granddaughter and having such an important role in her life!
Loving your Colorado images. WOWZA to the rainbow. That is crazy intense. Your granddaughter is precious. I hope you never see a bear either.
When I opened your blog I saw the little sidebar note about Time.com naming you one of the top 30 pinners. I would believe it, I have visited your pins many times, checking things out. Just learned something about our boards...did you know you can drag them on the new Pinterest and get them in alphabetical order? It was driving me crazy on my own board trying to find a specific board when I had something I was looking for. This is brilliant. Just didn't know if you knew you could do that. It makes is so pleasant to float around someones boards. I've never paid attention to how many you have, but you have collected a lot of the web together for the rest of us. THANKS
You have been busy...and lucky too! Congrats on winning the giveaways.
I'm so happy for you to be able to enjoy your granddaughter at this stage of life. You will never regret it!
Pat, I love your pretty rainbow. And what a cute shot of your daughter, hubby and your granddaughter. Happy Anniversary to them. Congrats on winning the giveaways. Have a great day!
What an adorable granddaughter and a great shot of the rainbow. We've seen a very big bear in our yard and you don't want to mess with them. Bird feeders are a big attraction to them. We have lots of wildlife in the mountains too.
The rainbows of Colorado and Utah best every other place I have ever lived and I don't know why that is.
I watch wee Luke two days a week until he was about 11 months old. Five days a week would have done me in. He was and is an "easy" baby but even so it was physically challenging as he gained weight and mobility. I salute your stamina to sign on for full time care!
Amazing rainbow! Gorgeous.
Happy anniversary wishes to your sweet daughter and her husband. Adorable photo of them. So happy to hear how much you are enjoying your days :)
Absolutely gorgeous rainbow!
Congratulations on winning those marvelous giveaways!
Happy anniversary wishes to the couple! What an amazingly beautiful little baby!
Now that's a great job to have--play all day with your grandbaby and also get in your daily exercise.
You are a busy lady now! Taking care of the little ones keeps us on our toes :)
You remind me so much of my own sister Mary. She babysits her two great grands, a sweet lil girl and boy. Oh My Goodness! They keep her youthful! My sweet great grand baby is "Going to Vegas, baby". LOL! Last weekend after graduation he entertained us at Casa Bonita and softly kissed our lips as he prepared to leave. He changes so much and had been quite a little rebel, refusing to kiss or hug for a few months! I guess he is preparing himself for those terrible twos! Hee Hee! Your little grand daughter is a delight. You are quite blessed Pat. Hugs to you!
Hi Pat, What wonderful blog giveaways you won! I right away checked if my library had the book, it didn't of course, however I made a note of the title and author! I am very happy for you! Your deserve each and every one! I always get so much from your excellent warmhearted blog, with such marvelous photos and interesting research. What a beautiful rainbow, perfect way to begin such a happy occasion. Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary to your beautiful daughter and her husband. What a lovely family photo and a touching special heart cake. How precious to be able to babysit your darling grandaughter. Such peace of mind for her parents and much joy for you and your grandaughter. Beautiful " J " looks very content and is such a sweetheart. Pat, You are a wonderful busy grandma! Those afternoon stroller walks sound delightful! Margaret from B.C.
Being there to take care of your granddaughter every day....now this is what makes moving so worthwhile!
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