If you are a frequent reader of my blog you know that my husband and I moved from Brooklyn, New York to the greater Denver area of Colorado a little over four months ago. I was born and raised in Brooklyn and I loved the entire city of New York very much, but the pull of family, as my children and grandchildren all lived in Colorado, was the strongest pull on our hearts.
We packed up the house we lived in for 36 years out of our 38 years of marriage--a house full of happy memories--and said goodbye to many family members and close friends. Of course, of all the things we miss about New York City, we miss them most of all!
My husband has been back to New York a few times for business since we've moved, and was able to visit with some of his family and friends, but it will be a while before I will be able to do the same, as I take care of my granddaughter during the day while my daughter is at work.
But that's OK. I feel fortunate I was really able to enjoy New York City to the fullest for many years before we moved. At times I feel like I haven't even left. All I have to do is close my eyes, and I am back, taking a walk down the narrow streets of Lower Manhattan...
...or exploring the waterfront nooks and crannies of Brooklyn.
I see tall buildings...
..and the East River traffic.
The Statue of Liberty is still standing proudly in the harbor.
I hear the sounds of the summer beach crowds in Coney Island.....
...and I feel the spray and smell the briny salt water of the Atlantic Ocean...
...and feel the energy and the hustle and bustle of Times Square.
I can still take a walk along the bay, all the way to the Verrazano Bridge...
...or cheer at a New York Yankee's game.
I can still stroll through the brownstone streets of Brooklyn Heights...
...or see the magnificent view from the "Top of the Rock," at Rockefeller Center.
New York City is still part of my mind and heart, and always will be.
Of course, nothing can compare to the joy my husband and I now feel living in Colorado, as we now see our grandsons often, and our granddaughter almost daily. They are the jewels in the crown of our autumn years. We know we made the right decision to move 1,800 + miles to live closer to them. We are now on a new adventure and living a new life as interesting as our past.
But, as we settle in and enjoy our new life in the beautiful state of Colorado, we do have a few longings for something we left behind in New York, besides our dear family and friends......
Can you guess what it is?
There are lots of pizzerias located all around the world that claim to be "New York style pizza," but, honestly, their pizza never tastes the same as a good New York City pizza does. What is it about NYC pizza that makes it shine? Is it the water? The old coal ovens? The NYC atmosphere? Whatever it is, no one makes pizza that tastes as delicious as a good Brooklyn pizza--both thin crust Neapolitan style as you see on the top of this photo, or thick crust Sicilian style that is on the bottom. Will I ever find a pizza as good as what I loved in Brooklyn? I don't think so! I can't even make it as good. So, I guess you now know one of the things I'll be looking for whenever ever I do make a visit back to New York.
Yes, as these balloons under the Manhattan Bridge spell out: "Love You Forever" New York City! I am so glad I lived so many years in the best city in the world.
I also now love Colorado, but please--won't someone please send me some good Brooklyn pizza?

Pat, if it were possible you'd have a slice and square for lunch in the near future!! It is the old rusty pipes, NYC water is the best water, too. Authentic cheeses, and NY sauce, slow simmered on gas stoves. I'd miss NYC if I left, as much as I complain about it. xo
no wonder you miss NY!
Blog about life and travelling
Blog about cooking
this is a beautiful post !!!
what I miss about NY? Everything !!! damn I have never been there (yet) shame on me ..
but thank you to let me know what I absolutely need to see there !
I remember when I joined the service and moved from Philly, all I wanted was a good hoagie! Actually, just a good roll-period! So I know how you feel Pat. Have fun with the kids:@)
I read once that our taste buds trigger stronger and more memories than any other sense. Now wonder you miss the pizzas so much, they look delicious.
Awwwww Pat!! If I could I would!! One virtual authetic NYC Pizza on its way to you! With extra parmesan!! LOL!
I am loving the pic of the sailors - I just thought - oh wow how On The Town is that!?!? LOL!
Oh I do hope to one day visit your beloved city of NY!!! One of my dreams and on my bucket list!!
Your grandchildren have the bestest grandparents!! Take care
Fun post, Pat. I knew the answer would be food of some kind and I was right -- pizza!!! I remember a corn meal crust pizza I had in NY that can still make my mouth water just thinking about it!
Great post Pat....it is the water...and the ambiance... and, well, there is just nothing like NY pizza, or bagels for that matter. Your surroundings and family must be making your new home a wonderful place though.
Pat, you lived in a fantastic and amazing city and you showcased it beautifully with your photos. I enjoyed this post so much. You also live in a fantastic place now. Isn't the diversity of the places in the U.S. amazing? Such contrasts! Enjoy, and thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful, interesting city New York must be. I hope to someday get there. I know the pull of grand kids so I understand your choices. Good luck in satisfying your pizza cravings!
Not sure if it's like Brooklyn pizza, but A-Town pizza in south Aurora is absolutely wonderful!!!! They have a special wood burning oven and they make their own mozzarella. We tried lots until we happened upon them. You won't be disappointed!
If I ever went to New York for a proper visit I'd love you as a tour guide! You really are good! When we moved from Southern California to the Seattle area we really missed the Jewish delis and our favorite Mexican restaurants...
I'm glad you are enjoying this new chapter in your lives...
Your post is really lovely, Pat. If someone sends you some NYC pizza, save me a slice, too!:-)
What a fantastic post Pat! I have been pretty hit and miss lately in blogging. Both reading and posting! Going through some family stuff that has had me quite preoccupied. I have missed reading your wonderful posts. I have been catching up. I bet you do miss your NYC! And the pizza.....oh how that pizza tastes!!!!
But you are indeed in a great place for this time of your life!!
XO Kris
Pat, I gotta ask - those pizzas look very familiar, are they from the Slice of Brooklyn pizza tour??! (those were THE best!!)
Your photos are awesome, every one was a reminder of my trips to NYC. I miss the smells and sounds of NYC... and that unique kind of energy that you can't replicate anywhere else.
Glad you're enjoying Colorado -- and never say never about not living in NYC again!
We loved NY when we visited there. And yes, the pizza we had was wonderful!
I guess I don't know what I'm missing, never having visited NYC nor eaten NY Pizza. It does look and sound delicious. Food is a real memory trigger, isn't it?
Hoping you get a slice of that pizza soon.
Hi Pat, it is such a different life you live now , it is such an enormous change , of course you Miss the place where you always lived in. But how wonderful it is to have your granddaughter around you every day. Enjoy because they are grown in a jiffy. And about the NY pizza, maybe your DH can bring one when he is in NY. Or maybe there is a shop that send it all the way to Denver?
Have a nice week.
What a great post, Pat... Love it!!!!! You have so many great memories of that gorgeous area. AND--you are making new memories in Colorado.
I laughed at your pizza comment. When I moved to Tennessee from Texas, I have YET to find any really good Tex Mex food here.... ha ha
I guess I should have tried NYC pizza when there and if I ever get back I will do so! I loved the pictures and your story along with them. I hope you might get a taste of that famous pizza again soon. Hugs, Pamela
I am right there with you!
Which Brooklyn pizza was your favorite? Thanks for your blog! :)
I have never been to NYC but if I ever get there I'm gonna have some of that pizza :)
I have to agree NYC pizza is truly amazing ;) I also was born and raised in Brooklyn and love to travel into the big Apple I never ever get tired of walking around and visiting the broadway shows or many yummy restaurants ;)
I'm happy you are starting a new chapter in your life with your beautiful family ;)
Pat, I loved going on your tour of NYC. Your grandchildren are so cute! I love pizza and I am always looking for the best one. I hope you find a Colorado pizza to take the place of your NYC pizza. Have a great day and week ahead.
I guess I don't even know what I'm missing...when you speak of NYC pizza. Maybe one day I will. Like Ellen said, you would make the best tour guide if we were ever to visit New York City. Maybe we'll just have to arrange a tour one day!
And yes...grandchildren are the jewels in the crown during the autumn season of life.
I know you were especially missing your mom on mother's day. Your photo tour of NYC was delightful and I'm not surprised you miss the pizza. When we moved down south a NY Bagel company started and they brought the dough down from NY --saying it was the water that made the difference in the bagel. Who knows!
One of our constant cravings after we moved to Texas was Baja California style Mexican food which is easy to come by in San Diego. We made it perfectly clear that anyone who came out to visit us was required to bring a sack full of freshly made Alberto's Mexican food with them.
Bet you will eventually have visitors from NYC; let them know they had better be arriving with a NYC pizza box.
I had to smile. I've said it before, but when my husband was in the Navy and we lived in Sicily I longed for American pizza. It was one of the first things I had to eat when we returned. I did not like Sicilian pizza!
I've been gone from NJ for many years, but I still miss diners and Taylor Ham (aka pork roll).
Oh, it must have been so grand to live in New York and experience all the cities had to offer!
You'll have so many wonderful memories to share.
I understand your move and I'm sure you'll be blessed by it!
I admire you for leaving a town you love and moving across the country. That takes lots of courage.
I, too, think you are s very courageous and loving mother/grandmother to give up living in a city you love so much! And, it I ever get to NY, I know what I'll be looking for...pizza!
NYC really does have some WONDERFUL food. I love their pizza, too. I even love the hot dogs from the street vendors.
I think it took real courage, Pat, to move across the country, and you did it for all the right reasons. This time with your family and their young family is so important. Glad you are getting to watch the wee bitties grow up!
Hubs and I are actually traveling IN New York right now, so I really loved this post. You've got to tell me where to get that pizza. We are here for two weeks, but spending the bulk of our time in Greenport on Long Island. Heading into the city today for a couple of days and will be staying in Queens near the N/Q subway lines for easy access to the city. So where do we get that pizza??
I knew that only your family would have been able to move away from NYC! but that pizza....mmmm....
Great post Pat. There's nothing like NY pizza. They say it's the water that they use for the crust. But when you have grandchildren nearby, pizza falls a distance second :)
Your love for NY comes shining through and I have traveled those streets with you through your blog and even once in person. But I can imagine the joy of being near your children and grandchildren trumps them all - even the pizza craving.
I'm sure the stock of photos you've accumulated over the years serves as some sort of comfort when missing "home." A great loss, for sure, but an even greater gain, courtesy those precious grandkids.
That pizza, though? Mmmm... I certainly see why it tops the list of things missed — and that's without even smelling or tasting it.
Beautiful photos and I remember seeing many of them before. Hopefully, you'll find some good pizza in Colorado :)
Pat, I knew it right away...pizza!! That's because I still hear the same thing from my native New Yorker hubby--you can't beat a pie from NYC! But, lucky you, having the chance to take care of that little cutie!!! And being with your family is the best. Love all your pictures of NYC! Please keep showing some from your archives. Linda
Are you feeling a little bit homesick?It is always wonderful to walk the streets of NYC with you and see the sights that you loved.
I lived in a suburb of Vancouver, BC for 18 years, we moved to a much smaller city in the middle of Canada and I cannot ever think of one thing that I miss, we played tourist often in Vancouver, but I never did feel connected to that area in any significant way. I do love this city though, and if and when we leave here, I will miss many things about it.
Oh, I so understand why you moved - to those gorgeous smiling faces - but I so understand why you miss the beautiful city of New York. Your photos are absolutely fabulous and only serve to create the image of what you've left behind...but what's there is far beyond. Pizza...hmmm, why don't you try talking to some of the local pizzerias, perhaps they'd welcome your input.
- The Tablescaper
My sister did not enjoy living in New York as long as you did, but I'm sure that she'll miss the pizza. She just moved back to Maine after three years on Long Island. I think pizza and her coworkers will be what she misses most. Those photos of the pizza make me feel as if I'm missing it!
Oh those grands are so cute! The baby is growing so fast and looks so much like her daddy. What an adorable smile!
NYC is one of my most favorite places to visit. In fact, I was there 2 weeks ago! My son is living there, temporarily and working in Brooklyn. My nephew lives there. They tell me that Brooklyn is the new "happening" place!
Yes, you must miss it dreadfully and I do know how you feel. Sometimes I close my eyes and can a smell freshly mown British lawn... I am drooling over the pizza!
What a beautiful post Pat all those lovely memories of a place you love. I miss N.Y and I've only been there on holiday and yes the PIZZA was the best ever. Enjoy your time with your precious family those grandchildren are gorgeous.
I can appreciate the way you feel about your home but the advantages of being close to your children, their spouses and your dear grandchildren are so much more. I understand. I miss my hometown so much. I don't have grandchildren yet so would love to move home. But our grown children are closely and so a move is not an option. I hope that you will come to enjoy the quieter life of Colorado. It does seem easier to live in the country than to deal with the stresses of city life.
Pat I didn't guess pizza but I knew it was going to be food :D I'm trying to remember if I ever had pizza in NYC. Don and I always went to China Town to eat except the one time we walked from the tip of Manhattan to Times Square and had a hamburger...and the time we went up in the WTC and had lunch...don't remember what I ate, I just knew I didn't like being that high up...even though the view was magnificent!!! When Don and I moved from Arizona to Florida to be here when my son went to Iraq that was when I had the reverse of what you're having...I was leaving the beautiful Southwest and coming east...I still miss it!!!
Quite a change of environments you are experiencing, but you will have your memories of NYC and at the same time the joy of discovering what is special in your new place. What is important is that you are near your family.
Yeah ... I still miss all of it. And come June, I will have been in MN as long as I lived in NYC. And everytime I return to NYC - one of my first meals is pizza!
I have always wanted to visit NYC and believe someday I will. You have given me the best tour of the city ever!! I want to go even more now. And I love how your saying "grandchildren are the jewels in the crown of our Autumn years"! That is how I feel. We aren't totally happy with the area we live in. But we are 10 minutes from our son, dil and 2 grandchildren in one direction. And 10 minutes from our daughter, sil and 3 grandchildren in the other. They love to come to our home in the country, swing on the rope swing, play in the tree house and love on all the animals. We stay here for them. And that makes it all worth it. For now, we wouldn't change a thing!
Not only good Brooklyn pizza, but you'll never find a good salami sandwich anywhere but NY. Ha.
Even in New Jersey, you'd have a hard time finding good deli.
But it sounds like you're acclimating nicely. Maybe you could have some pizza Fedexed to your house. :)
I eat pizza more nights a week than I should admit, and many times I think it's the thing that keeps me in NY/NJ. That and my lovely family of course, lol.
Wow! I thought it would be a good Deli. Enjoy the Mountians, fresh air,
love and family, that's the life.
Hi Pat, Thank-you for the taste of marvelous New York, your special New York memories and yummy New York pizza! Your passion and love for your New York thru photos and commentary has always made New York special to me! I hope you taste New York pizza as often as you can!!! Arriving home today, our ship slowly passing under the Lions Gate bridge in Vancouver, B.C. I felt a lump in my throat, my home! A couple I met on the cruise were from Ventura, California, along the Pacific coast Hwy!!! "J" is a real sweetheart with a smile that melts hearts :) Grandpa with his grandsons so special! Thank-you for such a special post Pat :)
Margaret from B.C.
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