I admit I overcooked for Christmas Eve dinner at my house, but after a few years of not hosting the holiday, I felt as if I wanted to cram those absences into one night. I made the traditional fish feast of linguine with calamari tomato sauce (not pictured), stuffed lobster tails, fried shrimp, lagostino scampi, salmon stuffed with crab meat, scallops wrapped in bacon. and baccala (dried salted codfish) cooked two ways-fried and in a spicy tomato and olive sauce. Plus, to please the nonfish eaters at my table, I made eggplant parmigiana, rib roast with vegetables and veal marsala. For dessert, we had an assortment of cookies that I made and decorated a few days before. It was a true Italian "abbondanza" feast with enough leftovers to last a few days.
The best part of the Christmas Eve evening was watching my granddaughter take her first steps on her first Christmas! She is close to eleven months old and I believe she will be fully walking by her first birthday. How quickly time flies!
Christmas morning we went over to my son and daughter-in-law's house for brunch and watched our grandsons open gifts. There was lots of gleeful exclamations and many smiles as they played with their new toys.
Later that Christmas afternoon we went over to my daughter and son-in-law's house where we watched our granddaughter open her gifts. She liked the wrapping paper and bows almost as much as her presents!
Children really make the holidays "merry and bright," and after spending this Christmas with our grandchildren, my husband and I know we made the right decision to move west last January to live close to them. 2013 has been a wonderful year for us, and it is with joy and anticipation that we look forward to 2014!
Thank you to all my blog readers for your friendship and comments throughout the years!
Wishing everyone good health, happiness and many blessings in 2014!

Hi Pat, I enjoyed my visit tonight. I really like the special effects with Google Picasa. Have a Happy New Year!
That is some feast you prepared, Pat! You must have been exhausted. Grands are so cute. xo
Wow Pat you cooked up a storm! Even a rib roast! What a feast. You are right where you should be, I'm so happy for you. xox
It looked like a fabulous Italian feast and Christmas Eve celebration. The Swiss also celebrate on Christmas Eve but we didn't this year as we were with a true Aussie family. You must be the best cook in blogland. How long you must be in the kitchen but it sounds like you love it. Great to see your grand daughter take her first steps. We had fresh scallops out of the sea. Bernie and his brothers went out in the boat and dived down to the bottom of the bay and collected enough for the whole 20 of us to eat on Christmas Eve.
Pat, you are the most amazing cook! What an incredible spread you put out for your loved ones. I've never had a traditional fish meal like yours but I'd sure loved it!
Your little granddaughter is darling taking her first step.
Wishing you and your family a most wonderful ending to 2013 and all the best to 2014.
Wonderful pics!
Pat, your grandchildren are so cute! I am sure they helped make your Christmas special.. Along with the food and family and friends. Lovely photos.
Wishing you all the best in 2014, a Happy New Year to you and your family
Aw, look at those adorable dresses! Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas Pat, I'm happy for you! Wishing you all the best in 2014:@)
I loved this frutti di mare menu:)
Happy New Year!
Lady, you are a cooking machine. You made the occasion special for everyone.
I never doubted you were doing the right thing moving near your babes. Only they can bring that type of joy to your heart.
Seeing your delightful photos I can see that the move across country was worth it. To have your family around you is contentment. Happy New Year. Valerie
I'm so happy for you...the smiles say it all! I'm sure you had a mile wide smile, too! Happy New year my friend!
What a lovely Christmas! My husband would be in heaven with all your seafood options on Christmas Eve. Your grand kids are so cute! Fun times!
So much fun to see the pictures and read about your celebrations. It is very cool that your granddaughter walked for the first time on Christmas Day. My goodness! You must have been a whirling dervish preparing all those amazing foods!
I am sure that you made the right choice! Think grandchildren and Colorado or the new mayor of New York. =D
Wow! That is indeed a feast and it all looks quite delicious! I can see by the smiles on the sweet faces that it was a joyous Christmas. And seeing your granddaughter taking her first steps at Christmas was very exciting, I'm sure! Beautiful post, Pat! May you and your family have a very happy New Year in Colorado!
Pat all the food looks amazing and your grandchildren are just beautiful! Especially your little granddaughter is gorgeous in her Christmas garb and what a memory that she took her first steps! Wishing you a wonderful 2014. What will it hold?
I really enjoy seeing those "first steps". So sweet and always the expressions are precious. Looks at all that food! Looks like everyone enjoyed being together...
What a feast! It all looks delicious. You are an amazing cook.
Such a sweet memory to have your granddaughter walk on Christmas Day. Her dress is darling.
I'm with you - celebrations with grandchildren make moves very worthwhile.
The children are adorable! My sister's MIL makes the Italian Fish Feast every Eve too...right down to the tomato sauce that you described :)
What a wonderful feest you had pat. I know how it is to Cook far too much LOL
Your granddaughter in her red party dress looks gorgeous and oh my She is an early Walker.
I wish you and yours a verhaal happy and healthy 2014.
Just stopping by to wish you and yours a fantastic year ahead.
What a wonderful Christmas you and your family had... Love seeing all of the beautiful photos.
Happy New Year.
You crammed a bunch of good things to eat and love into your Christmas celebration. (Gorgeous grandchildren, Pat.)
Thanks for playing today.
Happy Blue Monday!
I love spending time with grandchildren even when they are teenagers! Love the feast you prepared!
I doubt you had any leftovers, but sure would have loved having them. You did it up right. The children is what it is all about.
Your grandchildren are so precious! Thank you for sharing their pictures with us! It sounds like all of you had a wonderful Christmas! ♥ Happy New Year to you and yours!
That really was a spectacular feast you created. I am surrounded by a bunch of fish haters and I want to come to your house next year! YUM! But I have to agree the best part of all are those grandchildren! Great pictures, great smiles! May 2014 bring you all your heart desires!
What a great time you had! Hope your 2014 is equally special!
Wow.. what a beautiful Christmas you had dear Pat :) The food looks delicious and the grandchildren look so adorably cute. May this new year bring more of these joyful moments your way :) Hugs!
Pat, I think you are so lucky to be with both of your children and their children! I can't believe your granddaughter is walking already! And the boys are so cute in their Christmas pjs. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. Linda
Pat, Happy New Year and Thanks for the comment. That crazy daughter of mine (Renee) is off
at 6 AM, it is 1 degree and we are so frozen in Maine. Some still have no power. She is decorating and shopping for the New Years Party. Thank goodness she has three or four girls her age helping. I guess I will go to see some action, a band and
everything.Wishing the best life has to offer for 2014.
Happy New Year Pat!
This is an adorable post. You and your family are blessed.
Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy New Year
Blessings in 2014 ny dear blogging friend,
Wonderful post Pat.
Happiest of New Years to you all.
Overcooked? Did you feed Colorado? Your Christmas is as good as it gets. We had five little ones (grand-nieces and grand-nephews) here as part of our Christmas Eve. It's such a job to share Christmas with wee ones again. You made the right move!
PRECIOUS family!!! So glad you enjoy this wonderful blessing. =D
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